Inteligence Series 13 - Soekarno & The Sea Goddess
19 November 2020
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
The Financial Debunker
Silver Bullet 1 Intelligence Series 12 - A Flawless Cyber Conspiracy Setup
WARNING 1 : The methodology for analyzing a potential victim of cyber stalking is legal.
WARNING 2 : The tracking of an individual's device through any method (including triangulation) is illegal unless there is a valid warrant.
WARNING 3 : Setting up a complicated cyber conspiracy through identity theft is illegal. It is very lethal. Hence the reason for slotting this series under the Silver Bullet category. The method demonstrated in this article is served for pre-emptive measure and educational purposes only. For those in the "Intelligentsia" or the "intelligence community" finding the methodology prescribed too complicated to be understood, perhaps you should resign from your job.
(This article will be posted to all prominent political camps to limit the damage on our side including those aligned to the current Prime Minister at our earliest convenience.)
*This episode will follow Carl's justification for being overly-suspicious with regards to a flawless methodological cyber conspiracy setup after the defamation attempt incident involving the psychotic Shannon in the previous episode...
Intelligence Series 0 - The Law of Attraction Among Sapiosexuals & Psychos
Shannon is only the tip of the iceberg. Reckless and overly-emotional is absolutely unsuitable for high end politics. The soft-spoken Alisa is the more formidable one. Her silence is usually reserved with a much dainty dagger underneath her sophisticated lady-like stature. She is the sole reason we tend to put this episode into writing to serve as a preemptive measure in the event Alisa (a lady with connections to the Queen and one of the VVIP under heavy public scrutiny.) ever tries to restrict Carl's movement by all means necessary.
Aided by the Thinkers (Pemikir) from ex-JASA personnel ( Jabatan Hal-Hal Ehwal Khas - translated into Special Affairs Department ) including Tun Fai (not his real name - currently working under The Federal Territory Minister) and Datuk Mukhtar (head of Thinkers from JASA), Carl had to increase his defense mechanisms by few notches in this intelligence warfare (against Alisa, who was chosen to play the role as the primary negotiator and to make assessment on Carl.). The 15,000 disbanded political appointments from JASA plus the remnants from the 1000 MEIO (Malaysian External Intelligence Organization - which witnessed it's head Datuk Hasanah Abdul Hamid being trialed under Mahathir after the collapse of BN.) personnel put Carl in a possible losing side if his calculations slipped. Carl will prevail and it is he who will decide the victor (May G_d be with him.) for the current Malaysian political climate despite the ratio of 16,000+ personnel (a single disgruntled camp) versus 1. Carl would never allow this small obstacle to put a dent on his reputation (whichever camp they may represent).
...How would Carl put up to his reputation if he fails to predict Alisa's (and her circle) pre-emptive measure (IF SHE EVER DOES) against Carl in front of his other potential politicians (clients)?...
Let this serves as a (kind) warning to Alisa -
"Though the "phoenix" may rise from the ashes, challenging the Sun (infinite knowledge) will never be wise. For the Sun may eclipse the "phoenix" and burns it to the ground. With the right counsel and the right rider on the "old stallion", the "old stallion" may reach the finishing line ambushing the phoenix with an unprecedented icy spear. The Sun is watching all and the deserted pile of sand (the unexpected character) may sometimes rise into an unpredictable raging "sandstorm" storming both the "old stallion" and the "phoenix" into oblivion. The scorching heat and dynamics of water may provide advantages and disadvantages to every character. Therefore, choose your foe wisely."
( Everything that kills me makes me feel alive. - One Republic, Counting Stars )
**The first section explains Carl's silent loathing on his extended family and his views on women (ignore this section if you find them offensive. The author just had a penchant in writing novel for Carl. He fears he might not have the sufficient time once the ball started rolling.). Haunted by his past molded Carl into the man he is today.
***The subsequent sections will provide detail methodology to execute cyber conspiracy setup of the highest order. Nurul Izzah was the latest victim (a low level one. The WhatsApp number is probably uploaded with her face or the number is probably registered under her Identification Card number - if the perpetrator is intelligent enough.) from such identity theft. What Carl fears most is a more sophisticated attack (Carl is contemplating if this group of 16,000+ personnel had such "powerful" cards under their deck. Could these set of conspiracies be any one of them?). Is Hannah Yeoh the latest victim in this saga?
(Skip if you must, content may be very disturbing for some readers.)
Carl had always find women to be mystifying from his childhood experience. Growing up in a traditional and unbalanced family put a minor like Carl (the incident happened when Carl was eleven. Precisely twenty five years ago.) completely detached from formal sex education. Carl visited his extended family twice (vacation that last about one month each.) every year in a neighbouring country. His uncle though not a billionaire owed his business success thanks to one of Tommy Soeharto's (Carl's grandfather serve under Soekarno but it was Soeharto's ally that appreciate his talent more than Soekarno ever did. Thus Carl's grandfather and Carl himself had strong differing views and insights on politics than the general public.) ally until their fallout a few years later after the 1998 Asean financial crisis. Being extremely rich (Tommy's ally) and Carl's grandfather reputation as a patriot gave Carl's uncle an opportunity to reap the financial reward from his father's connection. He was the main distributor for Yamaha Outboard & Marine Products (though the right for distributorship belonged to Tommy Soeharto's ally, the profit generated was enormous that it could be easily divided among the two gentlemen with Soeharto's ally completely pulling his hands out from every business deals - as long as he gets his cuts.). Owing such easy access to wealth, Carl's uncle had staffs to run the office. Chinese (Hakka to be precise) families are complicated and jobs are given to relatives.
Two young women arrived working in the office. They were Carl's auntie's cousins. Though they were about 18 to 19 and Carl about 11, they bonded as Carl's cousins (about the same age as Carl.) were quite close with the both of the sisters.
As it was a school holiday in Malaysia but not in the neighboring country, Carl usually hanged around in their office when his cousins were out to school. Now, that was when the predatory nature in men (boys actually) got awoken when they were placed in a room with young women.
Things started to happen when he sat next to them. One thing led to another. For absolute certainty, there wasn't any verbal or physical resistances. The women seem to enjoy the touches on their hips, caressing of their hair to even something more inappropriately intimate such as the insertion of the index finger in their vassal and fondling of their bosoms. Carl could get his hands into their undergarment. It was skin to skin contact with Carl taking turns between the two women. There were giggling sometimes. The three of them were in a confused state. One of them was wet as Carl could feel the secretion (Carl was confused about female organ secretion until he reached his adolescence years later.). What is more perverted is the whole spectacle thoroughly exercised in front of one of their male colleague. All Carl could vividly remember is the disbelief through the colleague's set of eyes.
It was Carl's first un-penetrative foreplay experience. (Honestly, if the male colleague wasn't there, will it ever turned into a full blown three person intercourse that led to pregnancy by a minor? Seriously nobody would ever knows.)
All Carl had in the end was "sticky pants" he could not get his mind around until few years later. The incident sparked rumors throughout the whole building. Most saw Carl and giggled, one had a full blown angry eyes set upon him. Probably he fancied one of the sisters, now to ponder over it.
The news reached Carl's mother who was the furious among all. Carl's mother demanded a thorough investigation. She was more hellbent in her failure at educating her son's mannerism and self-control. Carl's uncle hushed the whole issue away justifying it as an incident unintentional in nature. All the male relatives were giggling among one another. It seems the family had really skewed sense of right and wrong by today's standard. Even Carl's auntie was exceptionally cool of such episode. (Carl's auntie was religiously obsessed and health conscious. Carl's uncle was obsessed with keeping his image pristine. They were more annoyed if Carl dressed shabbily, walked like a hunchback, display simple mannerisms for being nice towards servants (technically, servants should not be greeted when they are attending events or entering the hall through the front gate. They should be completely ignored while the other guests being greeted.), over-consumption of meat (which followed by a silly public lecture involving twisted logic on the dangers of meat as they were derived from dead animal corpses and how these meat derived out of dead corpses could be deadly for long term consumption as they could rot in the stomach. CRAZY auntie, she wanted Carl to consume meat out of living animals?) and the unwillingness to socialize/fit in with her children (educated in international school, hardly studying at all. Basically spoiled brats busy modifying cars for racing on a daily basis and procuring examination papers.). The natural anticipated fallout between Carl and his uncle's family was manifesting like cancer as their socio-economics gap contributed to their differing lifestyles. Things got worse as Carl was entering his rebellious phase while his uncle and auntie are adjusting to newer/richer lifestyle due to the their successful business expansion. Carl's mother over focusing in education while his uncle over focusing in business contributed to an unhealthy sibling rivalry. One thing led to another amplified by broken promises and lies. Gap of economical success and lack of empathy towards Carl's mother (a widow who lost her husband and income.) exaggerated the rivalry to bottle up resentment. Everything was measured accordingly to money and luxury while the lips professed on G_dliness. The only consolation for Carl (which he cursed silently in his heart for years) was the revocation of the distributorship rights from his uncle by Tommy's ally. With his luxury car business systematically swindled (probably due to the grudge held by Tommy's ally son-in-law) to the tunes of ten million USD, the signs were there that what Carl and the others insidious wish came to realization as it was quite rare to lose two business ventures in a stint of time. Their income went downhill though still exceptionally rich. Recently, even Carl's mother (his uncle's sister) would rather have herself untreated from a life threatening condition (and pass away with dignity if she must) than to seek monetary support (you feel tired receiving pittance all your life) from her extremely rich sibling. Though the business was expanded under their leadership, the simple access to wealth was due to the foundation of hereditary connections than the illusion of their good business acumen. There is no basis for monetary support given to some sides especially sycophantic friends than one that shares the same bloodline. Siblings with such tendency should have been cut off from the beginning and Carl's mother (including her spouse) was too generous and unambitious to compete in snatching the business despite Carl's mother being her father's favorite. Such lost of opportunities contributed to the straightforward sidelining by her own sibling which turned Carl into a cold, ambitious and nearly heartless man. The episode highlighted previously contributed more to his indignation towards life. It was Suzanne who revived him from his misery. A strong woman unfazed by luxury, peer pressure and other worldly pleasures. A testament of a good daughter-in-law declining to receive the jewelries inherited directly for her from Carl's mother or any of the luxury goods easily procured for FREE through Carl's auntie given to Carl's mother. Obviously those luxury goods including other business deals do not amount to the promise of a half million dollar house. Though, Carl and his mother had their own property, an access to another half a million dollar house should also be considered as pittance (which the promise shouldn't be renegade so easily). Carl's grandfather lack of wisdom and failure to set the ground rules in providing the access to his uncle easily without due consideration to other of his children puts those that lacks ambitions at the disadvantaging end. This is the core to the familial feud. Years later, this son of a bitch who would not even entertain his own mother for a better accommodation (This son of a bitch even bought his mother-in-law better accommodation) and medicine while claiming greatness through luxury funeral by having cuts from the other more unfortunate siblings do really spell Karma when Tommy's ally son-in-law gave him the middle finger in his business. The fallout with Tommy's ally son-in-law was due to his greed and unwillingness to share but to hog all by himself - as he was the one working hard without due consideration that the sole right was not his to begin with. Sibling rivalry and years of accumulated bitterness led to complete shut down from Carl's mother towards her own brother despite the numerous phone calls she received. Carl lately inquired if her brother should know if one day she would pass. Her answer is a NO. It seems Carl drew his hereditary misplaced pride directly from his mother. For Carl, there will always be a day of reckoning. It is just a matter of time.
This chapter explains Carl's detestation towards those who are unworthy of the place they inherit. There were times when Carl was just two to three metres away from the sixth Prime Minister, many would dance like lap dogs, many are willing to lick. In Carl's mind was simply - "Should this person continue to lead or should he actually be putted where he belongs?" (accordingly to the court's decision) and "Will he be another aristocratic brat who will brag of his comeback?". Carl's feeling towards the seventh is of similar composure as well though less harsher as he wasn't born an aristocrat like the sixth. However, his lack of empathy towards the unfortunate is more than loathing at most times . Obviously, this phase puzzled many even himself. In Carl's mind was simply - "I needed a politician to further the ambition but then there is a question of the leader's worthiness as well as if he can align with his interest. Sorry, not too interested to lick". Family issues interweave into this episode as Carl was not 100% sure if he could prevail in this extremely high-stake gamble if his dream to be pivotal ever materialize into a reality.)
One may even wonder "Is the whole narrative about sexual assault, violence and what is not are just exaggerated modern social construct?".
Everything was back to normal the next day. The two cousin sisters just kept working like usual though there was a little bit of icy cold gestures between them and Carl. It was probably they didn't want to be viewed as promiscuous. Years later, one of them smiled, even approached and greeted Carl. If Carl had knew she could cheerfully said "Hi" to him again, Carl wouldn't feel so guilty for his honest silly conduct years ago. They are nice girls enjoying what their bodies wanted and Carl had no regrets or whatsoever even if the incident led to a full blown penetrative intercourse (unless it leads to pregnancy which will complicate the whole situation.).
The whole incident was absolutely unintentional, honest and natural. It taught Carl a valuable lesson that he must not simply engaged physically with women. Few years later, he found out that he might have been prosecuted if he was slightly older under different circumstances.
Women can be very misleading and men could easily fall prey to their wrong signals. Beware with their comfort zone as they could make a U-turn to project themselves differently once peer-pressure or the expectations from society comes into play. Men should make clear of a woman's intention before proceeding as well as being extremely clear on their intention to the women they are trying to engage with. This is extremely messy but it would be best to have such measures for safety precaution. The best measure is to have a black and white agreement (with Sheldon from Big Bang Theory as an example.).
...Politics involving women can be misleading too, though it might not be sexually oriented in nature but a more espionage oriented one. Carl continues to be extremely confuse once again....
Shannon has the natural twisted tendency socially unacceptable by the many. She would shamelessly drag nearly half of her family members, employers and ex-lovers including associates to the police station by lodging police reports against them. The psychotic penchant she inherited for dragging her loved ones as well as those who had trespassed against her to the police station is definitely mind-boggling to the many. Her philosophical psychotic definition of love is downright twisted such that "If you love me, you are willing to be dragged down to the police station". Carl is her latest victim. Although she never succeeded as she pretended of not knowing his full identity, she was still fully capable of shaming Carl's proxy profile (a profile intentionally created to make an inquiry or investigation without displaying any real information of the real person. It was a very normal operation in politics and intelligence.). Worst, she tried to link him as the mastermind for all the tribulations she faced in her life as well as the mastermind involved in cheating money out of lovers and etc.
After a brief brake (Carl assumed after sending a couple of complaint messages.) thrown by Alisa to stop her psychotic episode from manifesting uncontrollably, she is now hiding her presence from Carl like a COWARD despite realizing she had been the one stepping out of her boundary exaggerating the tense relationship between Carl and this specific political camp. (Fortunately, she never ended up doing diplomacy services, else countries would be thrown into war all of a sudden.). She is now nowhere to be found - avoiding the place where she normally would hang around to stalk Carl. Yet, she is still basically there, sending other girls with her similar physique to perform her similar moves in solo on the Sport Club's floor mat an hour before it closes. Well, what can you expect from a very torn psycho anyway? Here, Carl is assuming she is not a False Flag Operator.
For Carl, it was absolutely fine if she insisted a date at the police station by severing his pride as long as she is willing to hand over her body and soul for the deal. A deal for a deal. Why would some clear-minded citizen like Carl care to entertain or enjoy coming down to the police station in the first place for an unconfirmed allegation just to create havoc. Carl is willing to play the devil's advocate. Carl had always enjoying himself playing the "good and hardworking" devil even during his school days. Cruel life experiences made the devil crawling out of the shadows demanding "conditions which money can never purchase". This had always been his main modus operandi when proposing deals and agreements.
The one Carl had serious reservation and concern about is Alisa. Alisa not just owned the correct connections but the cunning nature, conniving manner and etiquette of an upper class lady. Once, she even psychologically challenged Carl...
"What if I am a mole (from the other camp)? And some of the plans you spoke off are leaked? Don't you know you are doomed?"
Carl taunted back (giggling). Illegally obtained evidences are not permissible in the court of law even if there exist one.
"No. You are not. I have checked thoroughly about you. The conversations with Lady VVIP two years ago had been verified. You had direct access. It was obvious. If you turned out to be a mole, Lady VVIP is also in danger. Well, my 99% feeling tells me you are not and life is a gamble. What to do (if you are a mole)?. By the way, what did I really tell you anyway? Aren't they vague? It leads to dethroning Dr M but why do you assume that I have crossed the line? "
Her boyfriend/partner had more sense of humor. She was quite displeased with the vagueness and lack of information to digest Carl's full operation. She was silent after the psychological taunting episode. The changes in her demeanor indicated a bad omen. Her body language and vibe was all over Carl "Damn Carl, it seems if we can't align ourselves to your demands, we would have no choice but to take measures including restricting and restraining you by all means necessary. Who do you think a brat like you dare to impose conditions on us?". The parting episode despite all the civility was slightly uncomfortable to be honest. There were times when Carl really felt that Alisa is preparing to pounce at him like a vicious lioness.
She was puzzled if Carl did really have the "Ace" card under his deck. Carl never mentioned his sets of conditions until days later (which includes secrets she thought Carl was completely unaware of.). At that period, Shannon (Now, shying away from Carl as if Carl possesses some superpower. If you have strong evidences against Carl, bring them to the police. If you fear of Carl, bring a partner like Alisa. Even ten will leave Carl unfazed. The Sport Club had always been infiltrated by police for two years and Carl never remember he ever flinched.) was still going through her usual routine in the Sport Club. Though Carl had always suspected of her but the degree of her relationship with Alisa was vague until lately and Carl will unlikely to initiate a move unless he is absolutely certain.
The psychotic episode (read Intelligence Series 0) with Shannon involves Alisa. It was Alisa who made the mysterious phone call. How did Carl ever found out it was Alisa? Carl told Alisa days before he contacted Shannon. Alisa remained mum. Days after the first standoff with Shannon, the relationship soured due to a phone call. Maybe it was Carl's ultimatum. The ultimatum was never a threat but a warning questioning Shannon's intentions and probably a slightly harsh request in demanding an answer. The English language
"...I am not a nice guy. I am an evil person. My moves are unprecedented...."
can be misconstrued as threatening to Chinese educated personnel. Psychotic tendency and distrust towards men led to the one who received the message in rationalizing that all men are trying to sexually assault her. Alisa is the one who made the phone call (as we cross check the identity in Whastapp, it has the image of a Malay man. Well, you can even have an image of a chimpanzee for a start. Alisa's (unsure if Ms Psycho is involved.) confusing game. She prefers to be silent and it is extremely difficult for Carl to comprehend. As it has been discussed previously, women are just exceptionally great in misleading men.), but what are her real intentions? Is it one of the following
1) being kind in initiating a speechless communication. (speechless as Carl hasn't chosen any side yet in this current political standoff.)
2) assisting in stalking on the behalf of someone.
3) psychological taunting on Carl.
4) providing a new number for Carl to contact which is not registered under her name. (In the event that things turned south, she could just rub off any responsibilities. She learned from Carl by engagging in communication through proxy profile.)
5) establishing the first network initiation for cyber penetration purposes.
6) maybe all of the above.
So how did Carl found out that the mystery guy (proxy profile) was indeed Alisa?
It was established that Alisa had two numbers (she probably had lots of other numbers, Carl knew four of them yet only two remain active.). We will not discuss the methodology in determining the set of numbers within a vicinity through making data comparisons by checking Telco records and their respective GPS locations.
Carl only have the most basic app in hand. An app monitor known as WhatsDoc (there are many generic apps in circulation). WhatsDoc will keep a note of the WhatsApp numbers that went online and offline. The final conclusion was...
Alisa is the mysterious man that miscalled Carl (Refer image 1 to understand the basics). Imagine such pattern occuring repetitively for ten days. It demonstrates that both the WhatsApp accounts are handled by the same person (although the number may be used by someone else) or the fact that he/she might be in Alisa's circle who goes online if Alisa goes offline and vice versa.
Yet what is more horrifying are Alisa's other knowledge about Carl
1) Carl going online and offline on WhatsApp (this is still fine.)
2) Carl switching on and off his handset (getting creepier, Alisa had this knowledge probably through contacts in the cell tower).
3) Carl's location as well through cell tower and triangulation.
How did Carl knew that Alisa was cyber stalking and tracking him heavily? How did Carl knew that it was Alisa? Not the Special Branch or the other Intelligence agencies? First of all, a powerful hunch (in Islam, this is called "firasat"). Secondly, other agencies might be compromised as Alisa's superior might not align to the current prime minister or the head of the ruling coalition.
...On a political note, why do you think that Mr Bossku, Ismail Sabri Yakoob, Tok Mat, Khairi Jamaluddin, Tajuddin Abdul Rahman, Ahmad Maslan and Nazri Aziz are hellbent or at least strongly in favor for a snap election? Let's get back to the discussions on intelligence....
Alisa is probably a little bit mental. She purposely provided the clue in our humble opinion. Alisa wanted people to think that she is very clever and she was clearly hoping that Carl would slipped. Carl had a feeling she purposely reveal it to Carl to test him if he deserves his repute.
...Yet, what is downright miscalculated by Alisa was the final piece about Carl. Even if Carl was gamed (either through trumped up charges or simply by death), Carl had prepared a perfect counter mechanism to game Alisa (and her circle or boss) as long as Carl received the bid that he desired. Therefore the whole cyber conspiracy setup even if it does successfully nail Carl would be a zero summation game. Carl is preparing to put his life on the line to be the next "unevitable". Purpose in life is what matters more than life itself....
When Carl is online, she is online. When Carl turned on his phone, she is online. When Carl is out, she is online. When Carl is asleep, Shannon (and her alter ego catfish profile will start posting things online. Recently Ms Psycho thought that by reciting Buddhist Sutra, she would reduce the sin from slander because she was once a victim of slander or perhaps having the line of work that slander must be used to counter slander. Eventually, such sects which pronounced peace hadn't shown to be capable in improving the fate of the human race, a philosophical futile pursuit of illusion. A twisted unnatural peaceful facade to run away from life than to embrace it's existence. By the way, the miserable life at present is probably due to the karmic cycle brought from the previous life especially when one does have the tendency to curse his/her own parents in this current life. Never was any Buddha being born from such a dark soul, even the most evil who seek redemption would remember the kindness from the one who gave birth to him or her. No sutra could forgive such abominable sin even one that is written by Buddha himself.) Though they try to randomize the pattern, they still make a pattern. Carl kept a personal log file for all his primary device activities. Theoretically log files must be obtained through rooting. After subsequent analysis, Carl will then be able to obtain the whole activities of his device. Thanks to an app called App Usage - all the basic information including the time for going online and offline of the device are recorded (Refer Image 1a). With this data at hand together with the data from WhatsDoc or WhatsApp (on Alisa's real number and Alisa's proxy profile number.), a conclusion can be reached that Alisa (and her circle) knew all of Carl's whereabouts and the time he was surfing the internet. Imagine the scenario from Image 1a happened on a regular basis, this is a clear cut signal that the device is being heavily tracked and followed. Million dollar question - What makes you think that Carl will not change his device, upgrade to a super encrypted form of communication once he is on the field? Carl will make sure that all of Alisa's espionage effort will be futile.
...While some of the pattern is designed to confuse the other political camps (if they are intelligent enough to interpret) - conjuring data that might demonstrate Carl as a foreign agent, black operator or even a double agent in Alisa's pocket, the truth is Carl is slightly annoyed with Alisa's modus operandi. Despite the irk, Carl will give the due credit that Alisa (and her circle) is getting more intelligent. However, Carl is wary if Alisa had other insidious plans awaiting him....
...What if Alisa is trying to cyber defame/conspire against Carl? What if Alisa's ultimate goal is not to counter Carl through hacking but one that involves a cyber defamation/conspiracy narrative?...
Now the paranoia nature in Carl is taking control of him once again (In the concept of Islam, Carl is receiving his "Qasyaf". Hasn't Carl keep alluding that his mission is granted by a divine will? When a man isolates himself from other men, he reduces his state to the most primordial state in Genesis aka Adam & G_d. JUST KIDDING).
...What if Shannon (who hated DAP with all her heart) is in fact not stalking Carl but carrying a device and number registered under Carl's name to defame Carl in the future? (Read the next section in order to understand in more detail.)...
Thank You to Alisa and Shannon !!!!! You gave Carl the clues he needed to upgrade his defense mechanism a few notches higher. Being overly suspicious is better than being sorry. (Maybe one of you girls subconsciously fancies Carl, so your womanly instinct left some clues for him to sniff. OMG, Perasan, Syok Sendiri & Gatal.)
(This is analogous to the planting of a murderer's knife in someone's garden to frame the owner - in a less technically savvy language.)
First of all, Malaysia had poor policies and executions when it comes to data protection (nobody is telling you the secrets but the system had always been compromised. In Malaysia, money will get you nearly anything. This is not necessarily bad as this will provide ways for investors to contact the right personnel to forge relationship in the dark.). However, with the right concoction, a conspiracy of the highest order can also be set up.
1) Malaysian Identification Card number of an individual can be legally obtained through SKMM (a body which regulates company's data and ownership). This implies that those who owns companies will have their Identification Card Number being easily assessed by the public.
2) Failure to gain access through 1), the service of a private investigator would be sufficient to obtain most personal data of an individual. For specifically a name such as Carl, it would be impossible to track down all the individuals with the name Carl.
a) In order to acquire more information about someone, one could easily gain access on the plate number of his/her car through general observation. From this point onward, one could obtain full access to most of the records from his mobile number, Identification Card number, police cases, court cases and banking records too.
b) All that is required to procure all the information of a person is just one particular data. This will lead from one data to another. For example, having the knowledge as discussed in a) or even the person's spouse Identification Card number could lead to all the personal data as discussed in a).
Some exceptional elites such as Lady VVIP had more of her data restricted as she had been covering up her tracks diligently when she was in power. However, most VVIP's and VIP's data could be obtained easily by making a phone call to a private investigator.
3) Now, with someone's Identification Card number revealed, it would be extremely easy to create other data for that particular person. With that in mind, it means identity theft.
4) First of all, register a mobile sim card under someone's name (let's assume to be Carl). In 2016, registering a mobile number is as simple as providing someone's else Identification Card number without having to go through the verification process by checking if the card matches the facial features. In 2018, prior to the the collapse of the BN administration, the law was amended with the mobile sim card being allowed to be registered if the person's physical face matches the facial features on the Identification Card. Mobile retailers that fail to comply to the law will be fined as much as 2500 USD.
...Question for ladies and gentlemen out there. What is 2500 USD for the VIPs and VVIPs who handle millions to billions in their quest to alter the current geopolitical climate?...
What are the odds that these mobile shops are willing to register a mobile number under Carl's name with a payment as much as 20,000 USD? Our bet as high as a 99%.
5) The next in the list is to register a mobile phone (device) under Carl's name. Put another 20,000 USD upfront. Job's done.
This is exactly just two steps away from a successful setup. Since the number is registered under Carl (the IP number will automatically be recorded when it went online without WiFi) and the device also registered under Carl (IMEI number, let's assume is an iPhone), therefore the last piece of the puzzle required in order to game Carl is the continuous matching of the iPhone's GPS location with the device that Carl had been carrying around within a 5 meters vicinity (let's assume is a Samsung).
6) Obviously, for this mission to succeed is not a one man's job. In Carl's case, there will be as many as 16000+ dissatisfied personnel and a cell tower possibly assisting continuously in providing Carl's location, this will make the setup much easier. All these three sets of data must match the device that Carl (Samsung) had been carrying around all this while.
a) IP number (two for two different numbers)
b) IMEI number (one for iPhone, the other for Samsung)
c) GPS location (need to have the same data matched sometimes. This is very dependent on the scenario.)
In order to convince the forensics (Note that the iPhone and the number itself, both registered under Carl's name with Carl completely unaware of the device's existence.)...
d) the team of 16,000+ personnel must personally ensure in trailing Carl on a regular basis to have the device's GPS location to be extremely close to the device that Carl (Samsung) had with him all the time. This would convince the forensics that Carl is the main culprit having two devices (iPhone and Samsung) all the time. Although the iPhone was not with him, but the idea is to provide the impression that Carl was keeping the device in secret (to launch his other more mischievous activities). This is the best setup to game Carl.
The final piece to ensure that the plan works perfectly in order
e) is to ensure that the device is slipped into Carl's garden, bag or car without Carl's knowledge. The police obtained the warrant and conduct the search. They (then) discover the device or the device magically turned up with the support of a compromised police officer.
That will complete the cyber defamation/conspiracy against Carl.
What sort of defamation/conspiracy can the mastermind applies directly on Carl?
1) Carl is sending obscene texts and images to ladies that the mastermind had in mind. The best are those torn by men. Example : Shannon.
2) Carl is sending threatening messages to Malaysian statesmen (Dr M, LKS, DSN and etc).
3) Carl is posting in social media through Facebook inciting racial hatred and sentiments by insulting the Malays and Royalties.
4) Carl is seducing other people's wife to a hotel ( punishable by Malaysian law. Carl is discouraged to engage in physical or verbal intimacy without verifying thoroughly if the lady herself is legally attached to another man. Carl had to make sure she is unattached to proceed with the intercourse. This law may be applicable to foreigners with their husband capable of flying down all the way to press charges.)
5) Carl is running money laundering operation through Bitcoin (Carl wouldn't underestimate the mastermind's capability to bypass the banking system and register a bank account under Carl's name completely unaware to Carl's knowledge.).
6) Carl is running a sex brothel operation (the one who ran the brothel colluded to frame Carl by exchanging favor with the mastermind and it's circle in return).
7) Carl involve in terrorism by conspiring to assassinate members of the Royal Family which amounts to treason or something of a lesser degree.
8) All of the above.
Some of milder ones may include
9) Messaging ridiculous proposals to potential clients to severe Carl's reputation. This includes those that may portray Carl as a double agent or a foreign agent.
Change the name from Carl to Hannah Yeoh. Hannah Yeoh was recently called up by the police, she must pray hard that the ones defaming her (with regards to a fake post which she descriptively linked abortion to Islam) is unintelligent, else the burden of proof will fall on her side.
If Hannah Yeoh can be hauled up by the police, Carl feared his turn would be next if he ever started to decide the fate of the Malaysian political landscape.
NO WAY (Reminiscing Mat Sabu's exceptional speech and performance on the stage screaming "NO WAY" while throwing his mic to the side.), Alisa or any of you out there. Tell your bosses too. NO WAY.
( Carl will be vigilant and make all the necessary calls to all the Telcos to search for unrecognized numbers registered under his name. Carl urged all the politicians and their political camps to conduct constant check if there are unidentified mobile numbers which are registered under their names prior to their knowledge. It is best to be overly-suspicious than being trialed. )
*Alisa, please do send Carl's greeting to your boss. Please ensure that the welfare of the loyalist are well taken care off so that they will extend better hospitality with brighter faces (not feces) when they start having people as their guests. You should play a more pivotal role in supplementing hormonal pills to Shannon, her mood though getting much better is still very manic these days through her writings.
**How are you Datuk? JASA under you (Alisa must be one of your friends), we are glad to grade B+ for your team. Should the previous administration of 2018 heeded our advice, BN would have still remain standing. Should you be an honorable man to influence your boss to take up our offer - in altering the US-China military landscape through our pivotal technology, we promise to re-evaluate your performance from a B+ to an A+. The Financial Debunker is not an enemy of Malaysia, you and your team is required to fix your perception. Our philosophy is not about a specific ethnicity but the correct foundation for the country in order to preserve the prosperity for the next worthy generation.
Few years ago, your leadership had failed us. Therefore, there is no basis to support the return of BN (even though PH is much worse) as it fails to absorb our aspirations and interests. (WE ARE NOT FORGIVING. WE BELIEVE FOR EVERY WRONG, THERE MUST BE A RECKONING. BY THE WAY, PLEASE ENLIGHTEN US THAT YOU & YOUR TEAM ARE INDEED SPECIAL.) (Refer Image 2)
***Thank you Tun. During the Bersatu Blackout, your loyalists stalking our non-reactive social media account can be immediately recognized without any effort at all. Our evaluation for team PH+ is currently D-. You (and PH+ especially DAP's strategy team) should be more astute in order to improve your overall team's current score (Refer Image 3).
****A question for Alisa (& Shannon). Is the gentleman by the name of How (a homonym to oysters in Cantonese. Carl loves his oysters and his name reminds him of oysters.), one of the many Facebook administrators who manages Bossku's Facebook? He sometimes attended events by Public bank while enjoying doing part time spying as Grab driver. What is he? Some hybrid agent like Shannon? Hopefully he is not psychotic. An agent specializes in recruiting other presentable female agents? Why is he at the cafeteria right directly below the Sport Club? Why is he using the particular image in his Facebook? He wouldn't be thinking that he is so intelligent for being subtle, right?
Is this the police from Cyberjaya who will be assisting you (Alisa) in your quest to have a game with Carl? He has the charming looks of Agent Smith in The Matrix played by Hugo Weaving. Carl would stroke his hair backwards with Brylcream and putting on a dark sunglasses to play NEO (by Keanu Reeves) if he ever had a chance to say HELLO. (Refer Image 4 & 5)
*****We are grateful to some politicians out there for asserting more influence on the police in Carl's area to pay more attention to the slashing murder incidents. However, we doubt that the police could be of any assistance. Carl's house gate had been damaged and a report was made a few months ago with the face of the perpetrator identified and the identity card registered, the police still fail to demand the perpetrator to be responsible and request compensation for the gate. Seems like an NFA (No Further Action) case. (Refer Image 6)
*******Did you girls (Alisa and Shannon) took over Paul Stadlen's (Bossku's ex-propaganda manager and APCO's boss) mobile number weeks ago, registered in Telegram with a new face (using Faceapp to morph both of your faces) and dump the account days later? The image bears semblance to the morphing from the both of you. Intelligent although quite sickening in nature. Do you both ladies actually morphed physically and intimately? Cause that will be very twisted but liberating. (Refer Image 7).
******Pictorial explanation for a successful cyber defamation/conspiracy setup. (Refer Image 8 and 9)