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Intelligence Series 6 - A Hamas Masterpiece (aka The KL Summit Aftermath)

*This article will guide through the events that happen prior to the inception of KL Summit until the assassination of Qasem Soleimani, about 2 weeks after the events. Continuous research somehow reveal shocking events that probably began from 2018.


**Chronology of Important Events (dates in black are related to Hamas and their influence on the inception of KL Summit. Dates in red are related to KL Summit aftermath. Highlighted dates are dates in response to events involving "Game Changer" and events that is pivotal in global military outlook.)


21 April 2018 - Fadi Mohammad Al-Batsh - a Hamas rocket scientist based in Kuala Lumpur was assassinated by Israeli Mossad.

9 May 2018 - Dr Mahathir Mohammad won the 14th General Election.

22 May 2019 - 8 Hamas leaders visited Dr Mahathir. They urge him to be instrumental in ending the aggression on the Palestinians by the Israelis. 


8 Dec 2019 - Google and Facebook announced plans to set up data centers in Indonesia. The first time Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh's travel ban was lifted since 2017.

17 Dec 2019 - Gboard update clash anomaly. Please read The Power of Google in order to connect the dots.

18 Dec 2019 - start of KL Summit.

21 Dec 2019 - end of KL Summit / end of Gboard update clash anomaly.

27 Dec 2019 - killing of a US defense contractor by Iranian Kataib Hezbollah according to the US.

29 Dec 2019 - US attacks on three sites, killing 25.

31 Dec 2019 - US embassy in Baghdad was attack by protesters. US accused that the incident was instigated by Iran.

1 Jan 2020 - Assassination of Qasem Soleimani. Indonesia launched their first military drone.

1 to 7 Jan 2020 - Chinese presence in Natuna Island as a response to the launching of Indonesian military drones. Why the response? Continue reading the article. Game of Drones will elaborate the US-Chinese drones dynamics in more detail.

6 Jan 2020 - Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh attended Qasem Soleimani's funeral.

7 Jan 2020 - Indonesia sent four F16 to Natuna Island as a  counter response to Chinese presence.

12 Jan 2020 - Hamas leaders visited Oman following the monarch death.

13 Jan 2020 - Chinese military made a move to alter the dynamics of their aerial combat capabilities. Qatar pledged investment worth 22.8 billion to Indonesia.

17 Jan 2020 - Japanese Softbank to invest 40 billion in Indonesia's new capital. (Investment is different to a Samurai bond. Malaysian administration should have requested for investment not Samurai bond.)

22 Jan 2020 - Hamas leaders met Dr Mahathir Mohammad in Putra Perdana.

30 Jan 2020 - Iran failed to access 5 billion USD of it's energy money in Iraq.


1 Feb 2020 - The Financial Debunker published this article. 


***This article is a weaving mixture of mostly Malaysian political landscape (to explain the reasoning and logic behind the inception of KL Summit.), the Palestinians cause, a little bit of Indonesian politics, the Muslim world in crisis, shortfall of Chinese philosophy to Jewish philosophy in the focus of life, trade interest rivalry in the Malay archipelago, the current geopolitics and global military outlook. All this interweaving create unprecedented events pivotal in triggering important world events. The references are for readers to refer and fact check only.




King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia was displeased with Mahathir and the current Malaysian ruling coalition. The displeasure rooted from the constant implication of the oil rich Saudis to Najib Razak's 1MDB by the Malaysian ruling coalition during their days as oppositions. The propaganda implied in such a fashion that the Saudis are complicit in assisting or turning a blind eye towards the billion dollar scandal. Whether it was intentional or unintentional, that is a different topic altogether.


This contributed to huge negative sentiment not just towards Najib Razak (as the main villain) but the Saudis as well. This can be witnessed during the peak days of the ruling coalition which draw vicious negative sentiments projected by government supporters (dominated by non-Malays and non-Muslims at one period.) mocking, jeering and insulting the Islamic kingdom to it's core. Observe the social media and one will notice the Islamophobic discussions held with Sinophobic comments making rounds. The bashing towards Islam and linking it directly to the Saudis, Muslims and corruption are shown by a proportionate amount of netizens. The disgust towards the Saudis are somehow linked to rising Islamophobia and the phobia is somehow countered with rising Sinophobia (contributed by the Uyghur Factor). The Sinophobia in Malaysia can be roughly slotted to four categories 1) ill feeling towards Chinese dominant DAP, 2) ill feeling towards Malaysian Chinese, 3) ill feeling towards Mainland Chinese and 4) all 1 + 2 + 3 or a combination of more than one.


In fact, the current Malaysian government (led by the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission aka MACC) had even stepped out of their diplomacy norms by playing an audio recording between the Crown Prince of Qatar Sheikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Al Nahyan with Najib Razak. Questions arose, when will they release audio recordings between Najib with Xi Jin Ping or Najib with King Salman? What are the reasons for the MACC to release the recordings? One may also wonder if these recordings are in accordance with international law applied for world leaders and whether these recordings should be played to the public in such a manner especially in relation to a notorious scandal.


The four paragraphs above simply highlight not just the deteriorating race relationship in Malaysia but also the deteriorating diplomatic international relations due to lack of considerations by the current administration. The diplomatic relations with the Saudis was set to a lower nature.


1) the Hajj allocation was increased from 30,200 to 31,600 due to Malaysian population increase but the official request by the Prime Minister for an additional 10,000 allocation which was pivotal to highlight the strength of Malaysia-Saudi Arabia relationship seem to be still unresponsive at the moment. The relationship is important to Malay Muslims voters which generally had their beliefs inclined towards Sunni Islam of Saudi Arabia. The oppositions during their days as government was officially given an additional 10,000 allocation. To shore up the Muslim support, it is imperative that the ruling coalition receive such recognition in the form of allocation. This prompted Mahathir to write a letter as he could envisage that failure to get more allocation and reduction in Hajj Pilgrimage will continuously affect the ruling coalition's popularity as the Malays will be grudgingly questioning why they can't perform their hajj and why must they pay more. Therefore, this issue is being drummed up at a magnificent scale by the current opposition. Adding more substance to the allocation issue are assets sold that churn investment by the current administration which will be preposterous to subsidize future first time Hajj Pilgrims.


2) The current Malaysian ruling coalition was displeased with their military support for the Saudis. The military support was subsequently withdrawn. Whether such decision requires the consent of the cabinet and not just the MINDEF alone would be best to discuss with the deputy minister himself.


3) the closure of King Salman center with unconfirmed rumors of a re-opening.


4) it was rumored that the Saudis was influential in preventing Imran Khan (who had great respect for Mahathir) and Jokowi's No 2 Amin Maruf to attend Mahathir's KL Summit. When two prominent Islamic leaders with the largest Muslim population opting out, the sign seem to indicate that something is amiss.


5) PETRONAS turned down to be a major investor in ARAMCO despite the two companies showing signs to be working together during the previous administration. Though they still work together in Pangerang Johor, the companies seem to be distancing themselves as a reflection of both administration.


*Turning down the IPO was the best decision regardless of any lucrative deals that may ensue. This subject will be highlighted in detail in Intelligence Series 8 :  ARAMCO - A Tale Of A Two Trillion USD Smokescreen. Date of Release : Early May 2020


The only outcome that transpire was a phone call from King Salman to Mahathir (according to Nikkei, the wordings implied King Salman who initiated the call.) and a bitter relationship that follows according to Nikkei.


...One might ask, what is the indignation between the current Prime Minister with Saudi Arabia?....


TRANSCENDING OIC (way of thoughts, philosophy & the divine light)


So what transpires the inception of KL Summit?


Mahathir wasn't happy with the current Muslim world. He wanted to push back the dominant forces of the world and put the Muslim world as a dominant piece on the chess board. In his point of view, OIC failed the Muslim world. He never blatantly spoke it out but having the fact to admit that the Muslim world is in crisis is equivalent of saying that OIC hasn't been playing it's role well enough. There were many criticisms on the OIC during the KL Summit such that it is an open secret. Below are the links in response to KL Summit from a prominent Muslim leader in Malaysia and those who attended the summit.

...In many ways, Mahathir do share The Financial Debunker's aspiration to change status quo, with ours being more tuned to the global dominant forces. The main difference lies in our fundamentals for being less instrumental to redefine the Sino-superiority equation relatively to the current Western benchmark. At least The Financial Debunker is to some extent quite proud with accomplishments by the Chinese although "the Chinese way of thought" might be damaging and counter productive on the long run. Yet to fix "way of thought" is a large hurdle, Mahathir's attempt to fix the Muslim world with the KL Summit is futile in spite of his good intentions....


The reason is due to his 1) antagonistic nature to the current dominant forces.


The main challenge will be the existence of possible suppression before an infancy rising (Read The Power of Google for a better outlook.). It is arguable if Qasem Soleimani's assassination is part of a suppression campaign. This will be discussed further in one of the chapter. The other reason would be his 2) lack of understanding on a "holistic approach". Mahathir's ultimate intention is to spark a Muslim "intellectual" rising and challenge the superiority of the dominant forces. Mahathir should have comprehend that the Muslim world needed a Renaissance period. Since the Arab Spring failed to ignite a Renaissance period for the Muslim world despite the magnitude of destitution, it is highly doubtful that the KL Summit could ignite such a flame held in comfortable luxury settings. Finally 3) the failure to comprehend that in order to fix the Muslim world requires not just the fixing of Muslim's "way of thought" but the urgency in reinterpreting Islam and reviving them under certain "set of beliefs" to spark a "philosophical" rising. Reinterpreting Islam which is known to have complicated sets of branches and sects will be a Herculean task. "Set of beliefs" is harder to explain, in a very insulting example "Why do European politicians seems to have less corruptions, abuse of power and justice, fake degrees, conflict of interests and double standard hypocrisy to Malaysian politicians which were thought morality and religious studies since pre-school?". Perhaps it was the "set of beliefs" being taught since they were young. Philosophical rising is harder to contemplate but only through the correct "philosophy" such that an "intellectual" rising will bring forth the "Fruit of Light".


The Europeans had a Renaissance and The Age of Enlightenment period which was the pivotal moment in re-setting the Europeans "way of thought" partially influenced by the heights of Graeco-Roman philosophy. The Chinese "way of thought" was reset a few times over millennia but their "current thoughts" are dominated by Maoism cross capitalism which is distinctly an inferior nature to the "enlightened way of thought" brought fourth by the Europeans.

Enlightenment (a movement heavily influenced by Jewish philosophy especially the teachings of Kabbalah that focuses on the concept of "divine light" or "infinite light" also known as the "Ein-Sof". Though the movement never specify anything related to Kabbalah or the Jewish philosophy, yet "enlightenment" itself is simply the partial embodiment or the derivation from the "divine light".) is the component crucial for transcending above oneself. Enlightenment is the main gist of the Renaissance period. Isaac Newton was borne during this period. In spite of his English heritage, he was seeking Jewish philosophy that focuses on receiving the "divine light". Many didn't want to highlight this specific angle on Newton but latest discovery confirms this findings through his personal writings kept away for some time. The Muslim and Chinese world are lacking this main substance. The Chinese over focused on the concept of "Fu Gui" ( Fu (富) Gui (貴) which translates to Wealth and Nobility implying Power. From the order of Fu (富) Gui (貴) itself, the Chinese tend to be more focus on the accumulation of wealth than power else they would have re-ordered the sequence as Gui (貴) Fu (富) .Thus, the Chinese society today is base on the philosophy of "Fu Gui". Their embrace for technology is mainly for "Fu Gui" but wasn't a journey to search the light itself. Therefore, no matter how hard the Chinese work, they will always be one or thousand steps behind. There were a number of Chinese sages who pointed out the requirement for "light in a different form" but the majority are succumbed to the idea of "Fu Gui" with the sages merely forgotten or ignored.). It is the attainment of light that separates civilization apart.

Mahathir had great hopes that the Muslim will excel better in this world. It was the craving for a heroic legacy but his time is running out. During his days as the Prime Minister in the 1980s, he systematically draws the chess board to relocate as well as allocate many key positions in departments and businesses to the Malays (also Muslims). He wanted to push the Malays (also Muslims) equal to the civilization of the Chinese, the Jews and the Europeans. To his surprise at his 90+ years old, his "way of thought" was somehow partially backfired, there are those who took the advantage of their birthright and racial advantages over responsibilities and duties. An example, it is him who crowned Najib as the Prime Minister, it is him who labelled him as a thief, it is him who encouraged the Malays for success, it is him who labelled them lazy.



...Mahathir seems to know it will be futile but the first initiative must be made to ensure that the spirit will go on. But why is he so obsessed for the inception of the event? Why he wanted to burden himself with such a Herculean task?...




...On a simple reflection, the title of the chapter explains the indignation by the current Prime Minister towards the Saudis as the OIC not just merely failed the Palestinians but has been instrumental for the war in Yemen. In plain words, the Saudis are viewed as proxy representing the interest of the dominant forces....


The last remaining piece of the puzzle for the creation of the KL Summit is just simply a shared solidarity, pain, despair and a sense to uphold justice for the Muslims especially the state of Palestine. There were theories that his second ascension as the Prime Minister was not merely just about 1MDB but an "Ummah" issue with Najib Razak, yet there were not much substance to confirm those theories except Najib had tendency to display friendlier gesture with Israeli's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Did his friendly gesture irked Mahathir? 


However, three weeks prior to Malaysia's 14th General Election on the 21st of April 2018, Dr Fadi Mohammad Al-Batsh - a Palestinian rocket scientist based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia was assassinated by Israeli's Mossad. Why did the assassination took place three weeks before the Malaysian General Election?


...Mossad had probably anticipated Najib Razak's lost during the 14th General Election. Perhaps they fear of Mahathir's ascension that will alter the geopolitical landscape of the Muslim world as they had correctly anticipated with the inception of KL Summit. If Mahathir never won, there is a possibility that the moderate leaning UMNO will lean towards right wing (into a more extreme version, either religion base or race base.) with their desperation for political support from the Islamist PAS to remain in power. This is exactly what is happening at the moment - a conjoined UMNO and PAS ready to snatch the federal leadership anytime....

...Note that Dr Fadi would not had been instrumental in 2018 as the Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was seeking shelter in Egypt since 2017 with travel restriction. Therefore, base on the analysis presented, there is a high probability that an instrumental player or perhaps a powerful force had been playing a crucial role in assisting the Palestinians cause in Malaysia which prompted the Mossad to make their pre-emptive strike
(especially with Dr Fadi's ties to North Korea and his ambition in weaponizing Palestine with North Korean technology to counter Israel as discussed by HAARETZ, which also claimed that Malaysia had become the hub for Iranian activity a year after Malaysia was governed by the current ruling coalition.)....


...Imagine the impact by Dr Fadi Al-Batsh, Qasem Soleimani & Mahathir Mohammad utilizing each other capabilities to bring destruction upon Israel? Now, it can be perceived clearly the logic behind the two preemptive assassinations as a supression campaign.... 


Let's observe Mahathir's audiences with Hamas, about a year after the assassination.

21 April 2018 - Assassination of Dr Fadi Mohammad Al-Batsh

22 May 2019 - Hamas leaders met Mahathir since his ascension. Khaled who led the 8 people delegations expressed his hopes that Mahathir as a senior leader of the "Ummah" would be instrumental to end the aggression against the Palestinian, especially the Gaza Strip. 

8 Dec 2019 - The first time Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh's travel ban was lifted since 2017. His first destination is Turkey. Did KL Summit spark the mercy in the Egyptians heart to allow Ismail Haniyeh's first tour? Did the Muslims found a calling to assist his travel to Turkey, 10 days before KL Summit? Mahathir must have been very instrumental with two visits from Hamas leaders themselves in a span of 6 months time.

...Does this hope trigger the sympathy from the 94 year old man to make his last attempt in saving the Muslim world?...

6 Jan 2020 - Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh attended the funeral of Qasem Soleimani.

12 Jan 2020 - Hamas leaders visited Oman to pay respect following the monarch death.

22 Jan 2020 - Hamas leaders met Mahathir in Putra Perdana.


While news sources spoke of the exchange of ideas that took place during the meeting, those with a heightened sense of geopolitical acumen will definitely sense that a bigger plot is going somewhere. Let's wait what unfolds next. Undoubtedly after an exchanged of atrocities and killings, it would be a blatant lie if there were no plans for revenge at all.

Evidently, it seems that the KL Summit under Mahathir was intended to restructure the Muslim world. He believed that he can restructure them with the hope in assisting the journey of his Muslim's brethren for better days. He successfully draw some big figures to the fold who share his aspirations from the likes of Imran Khan, Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Hassan Rouhani. Jokowi was a brilliant man who managed to read Mahathir's intention, so he never followed. Even Amin Maruf pulled out to join at the last minute. The Hamas leaders except Ismail Haniyeh (who had been released from his travel ban ten days ago but never attended to avoid coverage) were present during the KL Summit as they were the instrumentalist behind the inception, yet they were making less headlines than the other leaders to distract coverage (Malaysian local news network avoided relating the KL Summit to Hamas).


While the summit did raise red flags among the intelligence agencies that a plan to unite countries including rogue nations and groups (such as Iran and Hamas by the United States definition. United States term Iran and Hamas as rogue, not us. Just being clear.) to work for a plan together in countering Israel's dominance in the Middle East, the agencies realized that they were still far from a success.


...Yet it was a necessity to break their spirit and soul if they cross the line. KL Summit ended on 21 December. A week later, a US contractor was killed during a strike. 5 days later, Qasem Soleimani was struck to death with a drone. Probably coincidental. The readers will decide though our best bet indicate it isn't....




The relationship between Iran and the United States had been complex since the fall of Shah Iran in 1979. However, there was never a direct form of confrontation from any of the sides since the 1980s, both knew that a direct confrontation will lead to massive conflict. The tit for tat nuclear disarmament agreement with trade sanction had always been the dominant headlines for years. Sometimes is Iran, sometimes is North Korea. Sometimes the United States are the bad cops and sometimes Europe are the good cops. Sometimes China gets involved, sometimes Russia made a supporting statement. Needless to say that with Trump as the US President, the argument got more heated up but it never come to any direct confrontation until recently.

December 27, 2019:  An American civilian contractor is killed and several troops injured in a rocket attack in the Iraqi city of Kirkuk. Kataib Hezbollah, an Iran-backed militia group, is blamed.


Note that there wasn't any incident from July 22 until December 27, that is exactly 6 days to a week time after the KL summit depending on the time zone that ended on December 21st. Let's have a look what follows after December 27th.


December 29, 2019: The US bombs three sites in Iraq and two in Syria which are linked to Kataib Hezbollah, killing 25 people.

December 31, 2019: Protesters attack the US embassy in Baghdad .

January 2, 2020: Iranian military leader Qasem Soleimani and five others are killed in a US drone strike at Baghdad airport .


Trump took the death of an American contractor and the attack on the US embassy as transgressions perpetrated by the Iranians. Whether those reasons would be sufficient enough to justify the assassination of Qasem Soleimani would be rather subjective but the United States-Iran relationship did deteriorate to the point of a probable warfare. In our most humble opinion, a US-Iran war is equivalent to the destruction of Iran.


...In conclusion, an American contractor was killed a week after the KL Summit. Did the event prompted the Iranians for being bolder in expanding their ambition to seize over Baghdad? Is there a thorough check if the death of an American contractor was in fact genuine? It doesn't matter whether it is the Iranian that got bolder or the American got capitulated in expanding their interest, the first killing happened a week after the KL Summit and Qasem Soleimani was assassinated 5 days later. The game is far from over as Washington is being pivotal once again by stopping Iran's access to their 5 billion USD energy money in Baghdad. This will pressure the Iranian economy at a higher notch with the possibility of delaying their military ambition they planned to challenge Israel's supremacy in the Middle East....




Despite the fact that Malaysian defence minister displayed mediocre culinary skills, his ascension to the position as many would observed is merely due to the consideration by the Prime Minister who initiated the KL Summit. One may ask to comprehend if the one responsible in making such incomprehensible terrible judgement in the selection process would actually qualify in the task to revive the Muslim world regardless of his intentions. In order to fathom the correlation between culinary and defense will take an unimaginable amount of age old wisdom, supposedly.


Whereas Jokowi and Probowo are political rivals, Jokowi was undeterred by Prabowo's disturbing past to the 1999 Indonesian Riot. In fact, Jokowi was magnanimous and strategical enough to handover the military baton to his political rival. Such display of leadership wisdom is exceptionally rare. Character like Prabowo which fits certain qualities for his fearless thug like approach fits the defence play book well. Though he might be anti-Chinese during his youth but Mahathir was once being frowned upon as an ultra-Malay in the past until his recent political endeavour with DAP. As Mahathir have changed, without doubt Prabowo could have changed too. Jokowi puts Prabowo in a position that could bring disaster upon him, yet he is prepared to make that gambit. First of all, he had no choice, Prabowo was loved by the security forces and a political scion from the era of Soeharto which translates to strong right wing support. Secondly, Jokowi's appointment of Prabowo could be regarded as a sincere attempt to bridge relationship between the two sides for the greater good of the nation. Prabowo now bounded by national duty had no other choice but to swear loyalty to his political rival who is now President. In a way if he launched a move to betray the President, he had much of his reputation at stake for being ungrateful and traitorous which will be detrimental to his popularity.


Without being affected by lack of resources, the Indonesian military made a strive in their Unmanned Aerial Vehicle - military drone research. With a combination of a rogue defense minister, Indonesia's military drones (probably with assistance from the United States.) and the support of the United States in aerial combat (with their purchases of F-16.), China is taunted. The reasons behind the Chinese geopolitical uneasiness with UAVs had been explicitly elaborated in the Game of Drones, thus Indonesia's decision to develop UAVs is a grave concern for China. The response by the Chinese in Indonesian waters was counter responded with their F16. 



...Why are the Chinese within the vicinity of Natuna Island days after the launching of Indonesian military drones? They had no ill intentions other than being curious. They wanted to encounter the drones, analyze the drones and make a conclusion on their specifications. The Indonesians responded correctly by sending F16 which the Chinese had multiple records and details of the jet fighters. As the Chinese weren't interested on the F16, they left. The specifications of the drones are essential to the Chinese as they could determine if they match certain specifications of drones from different origins. This will enable the Chinese to determine if exist any technology transfer or unrecognized patent that had been instrumental in the engineering of the drones or their components. The trade war imposed by the United States, the weakening of Chinese presence in the Middle East through their ally Iran, Indonesia's leaning to the United States in their military outlook and their own setbacks in their latest military aerial vehicle put the Chinese in a far more disadvantageous state than they had anticipated. The attempt in spying the military drones is an unconcealed act of desperation to procure more information...​.

Besides UAVs, the Chinese are slightly paranoid after their setbacks in their Chengdu J 20, this setback requires them to re-route their military aerial ambitions and goals by equipping themselves with an alternate version of a "game changing" aerial combat capability by ensuring their grasp in South East Asia remain strong. This was recently announced by the Chinese Military in their interest for airborne laser technology to be equipped to their jet fighters in order to have an upper hand in an aerial dogfight.


Indonesia's current leaning to the United States posed a challenge to the Chinese dominance in South China Sea. What does this further translates? Facebook and Google planned to set up data centers in Indonesia. Why did they just plan but haven't actually agreed in moving to the next phase? According to the Minister, this is due to data privacy and protection reasons. Indonesia seems to demand tighter agreement on the data flow.


The simplistic version of the intellectual, economical and geopolitical side is - Facebook and Google would prefer to have their data centers to be located in Indonesia as they had pool of talents, cheaper labor and the access to 200 million users. Malaysia would be a good choice too, nevertheless with regards for exceptional talents, Indonesia seems to have abundant. Malaysia's advantage is our grasp in the English language, moderate Islamic leanings and a nonvolatile environment relatively to Indonesia. However, Malaysia had lost that particular spot to Singapore which prone to show strong Western leanings. However, these two tech giants seems to be expanding and had plans to diversify their data centers outside Singapore as Singapore might be too saturated and Hong Kong being too volatile at the moment. They love Jokowi as he had the leadership quality and diplomacy in him with moderate Islamic value at it's core, though lack in sophistication and finesse. Mahathir had been leaning moderate yet his strong antagonistic views towards dominant forces - especially his KL Summit which is an attempt to challenge the current world order with his welcoming open arms to Iran and Hamas (hopefully, Malaysia doesn't get sanctioned, else most of the Non-Malays will start cannibalizing DAP and the MOF.) is an indicator that things will go awry if the data centers are set up in Malaysia. The reason Facebook and Google are skeptical for a long term investment in Indonesia is due to the strong presence of radical Muslims that might control the political landscape one day. However, there is another side to this coin which will not be revealed until a suitable time. While Western political leaders had great respect for both Anwar and Najib, Najib had been more pro-China with his forward looking deals with Ali Baba. Now, there isn't much noises on Ali Baba under Mahathir. This could not discount the fact that Najib might had his days numbered to remain under public view while Anwar probably had a tougher job in his political endeavor to ascend as the Prime Minister. Due to the political uncertainties in both Malaysia and Indonesia in the long run, Facebook and Google hadn't announced their plan but only in early discussion phase with the Indonesian Minister (announced by the Minister himself). This is because they were unsure if their plans will materialize until they were fully convinced of a more stable political landscape that are less hostile to dominant forces such as Singapore. Needless to say, there are other considerations as well needed to be taken into account especially the Indonesian Communication Minister (whom also seem to be unsure in making the decision until full details had been presented to his side.) who seem protective over Indonesia's interest. The most important question is "Why they started talking now?".


The news broke on the 7th of December with the KL Summit commencing on the 18th. The two tech giants had access and control not just information alone but beyond the normal grasp of society as discussed in The Power of Google. KL Summit provided the grounds and rationalization for Indonesia as a better choice despite it's radicalization than Malaysia due to Jokowi's role in playing the correct balance in countering a rising radicalization that will paralyze the nation while slowly molding the citizen to align with dominant forces. An approach different to Mahathir's way of directly challenging the current world order....


Well, with the two tech giants started looking up to Indonesia, good news normally follows. Softbank announced their 40 billion USD investment soon after the Prince of Qatar who was implicated with Najib's 1MDB pledge investment to Indonesia as much as 22.8 billion USD. While Softbank normally follows the rough trajectories of tech giants in their decision-making, however, they are more confident with their Indonesia-related decision as the Japanese decision makers do not view Muslims as a threat or hostile forces to Japan's presence.

Mahathir's quibble with India over Kahsmir (due to Muslim solidarity) subsequently led to reduced export in Malaysian palm oil while driving the Indonesian palm oil export upward which justify the other points made previously.


...In conclusion, while the KL Summit was a plan successfully crafted by Hamas (with the support from Mahathir) to spark a Muslim uprising (though not likely happening), undoubtedly the Malaysian economy will take a toll (which the Malaysian Muslims should stop grudgingly complain as the decision was made base on Muslim solidarity.). With Jokowi's administration being less antagonistic towards dominant forces, the current Malaysian administration under Mahathir and the KL Summit is a blessing in disguise for Indonesia. Now, it is easy to comprehend Jokowi's and Amin Maruf's decisions for not willing to participate at KL Summit in the first place.


Most importantly, while many find Mahathir's decision to be overwhelming at most times, fear not as he was simply diversifying the Malaysian Muslims interest to Indonesians Muslim brethren. This is the spirit behind the Malaysian government's "shared prosperity" (one of the quality of Communism is "shared prosperity" and this is the exact concept applied by Mao except he made a few alterations to the doctrines which include "killing wealthy landlords (akin to property developers these days.)" and "defying G-d".), with the exception that this particular concept is applied to other regions of the world. This is consistent with Islamic fundamentals. Opportunists and capitalists could not fathom such mindset until they had a chance to live long enough with huge baggage in the hope of doing an abundance of goodness and greatness within a short span of time for literally Heaven's (Jannah's) sake....


However, let's be optimistic that Malaysia (including us) will benefit from Mahathir's slightly reluctant inclination to China (and probably the United Kingdom at the moment.).


*After reading this article, it would be slanderous to accuse Chinese (composed mostly of Christians, Catholics and Buddhists) dominant DAP as an Anti-Islamic party, unless they are impervious of all the intrigues.

**Intelligence Series 7 - COVID-19 : A Misfire (Or A Sinister Scheme). There is a more pressing concern regarding this event. Date of Release : Early March 2020


Intelligence Series 8 - ARAMCO : A Tale Of A Two Trillion USD Smokescreen .Date of Release : Early May 2020

Intelligence Series 3 - The Telco Telegram Affair. Date of release : Undecided


Intelligence Series 4 - Honeypot Intelligentsia. Date of release : Undecided


Intelligence Series 5 - Bypassing WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal & Decryption Specialist. Date of release : Undecided

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