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Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case

*Possible Scenario 3aii employs two drones - one to get the attention of the victim. The other one to drag or push the victim from the balcony. Yes, no signs of foul play. It is not even murder. It is a case of drones luring a human and pushing him down from a balcony. With reference to the high profile case.


Attention :  Ministry of Home Affairs 

As a Detective Conan Fan 20 years ago (until one could stand no more that the small boy Conan never aged up till now and the Black Boss Organization is still lurking in the dark. More than 20 years and no conclusions as of yet.), the catchy headline of someone just fall out of the condominium will just hit your head
immediately. Some relevant inspired TV murder cases and murder cases by drones

0) Assassination of Qassem Soleimani. (Obviously if one uses a drone that starts shooting missiles around, it will be classified as criminal case. So the perpetrator will not be so unintelligent.)

I) Detective Conan Episode 232 (The Falling From The Condo Case - involving deceiving the victim into entering the wrong apartment.).

2) Sherlock Season 3 Episode 1 (The Empty Heearse - The death of Sherlock Holmes turned out to be a fake from a fall.). This is MI6 level job - so we could rule this one out UNLESS there is a partial cover up or slippage during the investigation process. 1) Those that writes up the autopsy report and do the post mortem. 2) Digital Forensics who never double checked the CCTV footages and verified it's authenticity. 3) The Primary Investigator who takes easy on all the tenants (including Security Guards as well as possible imposters) and never consider them suspects. Perhaps they were there since 2018 and 2019. 4) The Primary Investigator who takes easy on the the family members who are easily satisfied (maybe blackmailed, shocked or coerced). 5) The Primary Investigator who never looked into probable mechanisms from other balconies in executing a well concealed plan. 6) The Primary Investigator ignores to look beyond "Multiple Injuries" and take them as a straight fall. (This would be picked up by the autopsy but are the injuries exactly consistent.)

...This is a Win-Win Solution. One on trial not having a key prosecution witness. The other one not exactly dead since being a Property developer gives you lots of places to hide. Family members easily satisfied. (No one exactly dies. Case close. Very neat. Don't you think?)....<---------- Let's call this Possible Scenario No 1.

So what actually happened according to the police? Out of the blue under no influence of drugs or alcohol, the deceased walked towards the balcony and just falls to his death in the middle of the night. No history of Sleepwalking also we presume. (That is quite the exact preliminary investigation by the police if one takes into
account of their statement.) <---------- Let's call this Possible Scenario No 2.


What other possibilities could have happened? What makes him visit the balcony? Guilt? A phone call? A WhatsApp Call? A Telegram message? A light from a far by one of the tenants that caught his attention? A drone came to his attention and spray something (a substance that blinds him or render him unconscious and evaporates into thin air basically undetected after hours both in his system and the crime scene.) unto his face after constantly observing him if he is awake at night (due to insomnia and stress)? (But then the autopsy report will have all this, so we can rule this out. Right? There were no drugs and alcohol. How about other substances?) <---------- This drone part is solely our imagination unrelated to Detective Conan or Sherlock. Let's call this Possible Scenario No 3a i.


Probably not by substance. Maybe there are two drones. One to catch his attention from distance. The other drone from the top descending to his position and drop him from the balcony. <---------- Let's call this Possible Scenario No 3a ii. MOST PROBABLE SOLUTION. THIS IS CLEAN CUT.

Does he has a smoking habit on the balcony? Similar attack by drones base on habit. <---------- Let's call this Possible Scenario No 3b.

Are all the tenants trusted and had no secret agendas? No planted agents to watch his movements and make a strike on him? No outsiders successfully trained as imposters manage in infiltrating any parts of the apartment? No empty apartment balconies to be used (from all 8 sides) to shoot a substance at him from a distance? <----------Let's call this Possible Scenario No 3c.

Entry from balcony to balcony. Hence there will be no proof of entry and recordings through CCTV. Proficient in cleaning up the mess after the push. At ground floor, an accomplice was there to ensure that he is dead. <---------- Let's call this Possible Scenario No 4.

How about other Possibilities? Let the Police do their job but we were doubtful that they have looked into all angles for this case. Since The Malaysian Police Force are well known to have a high level of integrity and competency, we definitely could trust their report. However, sorry to say we doubt Possible Scenario No 2 and  seriously thinks that the Police Force should draw up other possibilities and look for other evidence.

*Why is the police so defensive of the public speculating? Isn't he an important witness with regards to a public case involving national interest?

**How will we meet our demise since we have offended so many big sharks out there?

***We understand our inclination in showing off. If you don't want us to talk about it, you should share all of your plans with us.

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