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Strategy Series 20 - A Pre-Mature Anticlimatic Political Victory In Malacca




It has been months since we wrote on Malaysian Politics. Obviously it is extremely hard to admit missing an armchair political amateur with zero experience on the ground. Isn't it? Being hypocritical is part of politics as well, isn't it? No worries. Your call. Not that we are the ones with ton of skeletons in the closet anyway.


Point is "Why write on something so obvious?", "Textbook politics", "People yearning for BN in Malacca since PH and PN fail to deliver." "PH with their ideology going nowhere, PN was created after an aftermath of instability. A creation out of political necessity." "Overplaying on Najib & Rosmah all the time, it creates sympathy" and the list goes on.


...BN's win was granted because PH and PN thinks that Malaysians in general are unable to discern the truth on corruption and competence. So when the holier-than-thou card was drawn, nobody's buying. How much had been spurned for PN to remain slightly relevant during this Malacca election anyway?...


Off course we were aware that PN will be losing. We even wrote to a senator (and a key member of PN.) that PN will lose. We were not too keen for Malacca to be a testing ground for PN's capability. It spurns clear realistic hope for BN to return. Yet, the following political questions will still remain relevant.

1) Will Ismail resigns if Zahid asks him to resign? Will Ismail contest to be UMNO's President? What will the grassroots view of Ismail due to his initial strong support for UMNO to concede to PN before the election? Who instructed the political revelation on Najib's 100 million land and property application to the cabinet? Who condone to such an action?

2) How will ministers strongly align to PN in the past such as Annuar Musa, Shahidan Kassim, Hishammudin Hussein & Khairy Jamaluddin face UMNO's President Zahid?  What will Zahid negotiate with them to gain back their support? Must he gain back their support or will he tell them off to join PN and let the younger generation swaps in? Shooting two birds with one stone. How will the grassroots respond to such maneuver if there is one by Zahid?

The scenario of playing a "Bluff Game" had always been part of politics - the idea of creating facade. Anwar is the latest victim and we surely hope not many will fall into such "obvious textbook" politics once more. To those unaligned to Zahid, time will prove that they are still not on the losing side.

3) Will PAS throw BERSATU out, rejoin Muafakat National and be under UMNO's feet or stay together with BERSATU as equal partners? Live and die together, go to Putrajaya together.


It seems Hadi Awang is refusing to give in to UMNO. Good move. The two weaker ones must always join forces to allow the larger one to submit.

4) How about us? Will we back down due to Zahid-Najib UMNO rising if PN (being stubborn, craving to thrive and strive without our help. Obviously, Mr Senator can be persuaded, the others may not be in line and out of sync with our agenda.) is falling from the sky?


NO (we even wrote a love letter to some of Rosmah's aide.). There is still Pakatan Harapan (PKR = 0, Amanah = 1, DAP = 4 at the latest Malacca election.) to throw BN out if the prospect of PN making a return is ultimately slim without our help. Let's see how this coalition which survived a mere 22 months in the government (with their list of thinkers and strategist such as Liew Chin Tong, Rafizi Ramli, Dr Ong Kian Ming, Khalid Samad, Johari Abdul, Syed Saddiq and Anwar Ibrahim) will submit to our demands and aspirations. 

*(Unless Mr Lim is planning for future coalition with UMNO through Zahid, it is just exceptionally mind-boggling for Mr Lim to warn UMNO that an early election may be FATAL towards UMNO. Even young politician such as Senator Wan Ahmad Fayhsal is able to grasp this. Let me send you (which you can discuss with your best available strategist Liew Chin Tong and thinker Tony Pua) a very simple conundrum. OK? Remember when UMNO-15 led to the downfall of Muhyiddin, Najib and Zahid was betting on the PN+UMNO23 to shift allegiance to their side but it never happens. Why it fails? The Raja-raja Melayu was on PN side despite the Agong was very close to Najib. Now in GE15, the Agong at that moment will still be the current Agong.



...Therefore, as long as Zahid and Najib is still under the same team, the Agong does not have to accept a 112 majority to form a cabinet at that moment. Zahid with 32 seats is enough to form a government just like Mahathir with 13 seats could form a government after PKR, DAP and others join forces. The Agong could give additional time for Zahid and Najib to wait for those from PH and PN to swing to their side. There is no part specifically written in the Constitution limiting the Agong's time frame to accept a Prime Minister immediately....



So, your dearest son wanted to meet Ismail, are we correct? It is in the news. Suppose Ismail snubs Mr Lim Guan Eng and tells PH to go away, will PH pull Ismail from the rug, throw him under the bus so that UMNO will be in fatal position (is it not worth the gamble?) as you have said? Then PH would have won. Right? Now, why didn't you like the plan of fatally killing UMNO?


ANSWER is obvious, PH had been seriously wiped out this time. PKR scoring 0/11, Amanah 1/9. The 1000 margin on the 12 seats will be less significant according to you when GE15 arrives. 


...Do you have another 1MDB scandal at hand to make the shift? Do you have less baggage than previously in GE14? Have you forgotten all the manifestos your side have failed to fulfill? The pursue on ICERD which hurts the Malay sensitivity. The U turn on Lynas. The better economy that never happens and much more. The changing of words from Manifesto to Action Plan....


But you clearly remember one thing deep inside (unspoken) - a question that you will never address publicly but it cuts through you deeper than anything else. What will happen to Lim Guan Eng when UMNO under Zahid comes to rule? Because you love your son so much until it blinded you to think that UMNO under Zahid can work together with DAP especially after the great victory in Malacca.


UMNO is a Malay-centric party. The whisper of working with PH/ DAP is only a mere facade to demand better leverage against BERSATU. PH especially Anwar are too desperate to take up the offer. If they can break with BERSATU, it is very unlikely they will accept DAP even if Najib and Zahid said YES. The grassroots will say NO. And do you think MCA will say YES? Najib have blessed MCA during the Malacca election, there is not much room for DAP with UMNO at the moment.


You don't have to advise us about politics being dynamic. It is we who started the term on political dynamics and fluidity (first coined by us when meeting a few of Najib's Cyber Team a few weeks after his downfall in 2018. They gauge us and we gauge them. And they think they are smart enough to keep their boss out from trials after trials. So let them be. The term then remain inside Malaysian political sphere and finally do a cut on our ego when one of his minion made derogatory remarks by equating "Dinamik Politik" as "Falsampah". What has political dynamics had anything to do with bad politicking? Just because one of his side is shallow in their point of view doesn't warrant them to project such arrogance as PH was doom to fail from day one.) due to our "qi" and "aura" which are dynamic. Only we can control what is dynamic and what is not.)




Alright, have a nice day reading the love letters (Letter advising Rosmah's aide - actually is a reminder to all political camps. Letter supporting General Election to be held in 2023. Letter that we are in fact aware that PN will lose.) we sent prior to the Malacca election (and the last paragraph on our notes).






*Our conditional support are for those which are aligned to our aspirations in setting up the Next Generation Defence company that will control the fate of humanity. (They need to persuade China or US  after our side gave them a chance to develop for the first three years. Even the disappointing citizen failing AirAsia X could get a ridiculous deal. If the administration had their priorities wrong, the wrong will catch up to them too. Warning to all political camps.) Autocracy, democracy or whatever-cracy is not our exact philosophical cup of tea - we don't really mind. No more and no less. Our aspirations comes first no matter the cost. We write all of this just to show off that we are still a force to be reckoned with in GE-15. 


**For those who have no idea who is "Team Najib" Sharon Tan. Kindly refer this article


***If a lady shows interest towards you, she might be pretending just to gain something from you. If she wants to have sex with you, she might be just confused. Sometimes after sex, she might have regretted and tell others different story to cover up her sexual desires. If you are unlucky, she may press charges against you. If she is famous one day, she might tell some cock story after twenty years. That is how the MeToo campaign started. With that being said, it is not misogynist at all as woman and man operates differently. Men are just naturally more predatorial. So please be a more intelligent predator.


...So what draws the line between romantic and disgusting is as simple as this. If a man makes sexual advances at the correct time according to the women's mood and tastes, that is romantic. If a man makes sexual advances at the wrong time, wrong mood and fail to gauge the women's sexual synergy and body language, that is disgusting. So it is imperative for men to adjust and wield their sexual desires correctly and with grace because it can be very destructive when being portrayed wrongly....

...Malaysian Politics is about the same thing too....


As Ahmad Maslan and Tok Mat are talking about momentum, apologize to both of them but "Jangan ingat boleh klimaks, kita akan potong stim UMNO dulu.". GE-15 ain't so soon, mate. Please don't ejaculate yet. Others wanted to have their climax too. 

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