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 Intelligence Series 14.1 - Anonymous Malaysia - UNMASKED

Highlight 1 : This article will attempt to unmask the identity of Anonymous Malaysia with all the leads we have collected so far. The police "Intelligence Unit" should have been able to uncover it unless they have been compromised or they are genuinely incompetent especially when one of the locations was listed at PMO = Prime Minister Office.

Highlight 2 : We must not rule it out that it may be an insider's job in the administration/deep state. Everybody/group is/are a potential suspect/suspects. Suspect ranging from 1 to 100 personnel possibly spread across Malaysia and worldwide.

Sequel to 
Intelligence Series 14.0 - Half Baked Political Measures & Anonymous Malaysia


Attention : Malaysian Police Force, Intelligence Community. All Political Camps.



Update 1 : Wow, Chief Minister (Najib's ally) of Pahang's mobile device was hacked? Seriously? Wonder if Najib's or Muhyiddin's handsets are hacked as well? Could there be any sensitive communications inside. Saying it was hacked and having the phone reboot is a good way to present a convincing defense.

Ooo, turns out more likely to be braggers. Our previous predictions turned out to be right. What a disappointment. We thought we could witness some high end attack/counter attack involved.





1) Anonymous Malaysia is a group of people (they had about 20 people in 2013 which they published their gathering to the public.) according to their Facebook. It started from a few people and manifest into a group.

2) Most are Palestine Sympathizers. A Malay Male dominant group.  Their initial establishment serve as a warning platform on internet security as well as an anti-establishment body (quite anarchy in nature) being rebellious of the current's world injustice - from their point of view.

3) They are more inclined to Pakatan Harapan fundamentals before the mid of 2016. They supported Fahmi Reza, mock on Rosmah as well as Ahmad Maslan.

4) They supported Muhyiddin Yassin by publishing one of Muhyiddin's condemnation on 1MDB in 2016.

5) However, they seem to be apolitical from the mid of 2016 - continuing their copy and paste internet security literature until they ceased operations around the end of May 2018. Few weeks after the establishment of Pakatan Harapan.

6) They are inspired by Anonymous (Hacktivist) groups worldwide. They called themselves Anons. We can theorize that QAnon could have been descended/spined off from Anonymous Worldwide. Their motto is quite similar. 

Where We Go One, We Go All = We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us

7) It is hard to discern their political inclinations. They might have none to start with.





1) Have they been spotted in 2016 by Team Najib and recruited to support Najib from mid of 2016 onwards  (pulling strings behind the scenes) and ceased operation at the end of May 2018. Laying low by following one of Najib's key people such as Eric See Toh (aka Lim Sian See) after GE14? Now re-emerging once again due to their disappointment towards the IRIS Technologies billion dollar deal. (Very likely as pro-Najib De Facto Intelligence Chief Ahmad Maslan had his WhatsApp turned off lately as well as Ex Najib Special Officer Isham Jalil. What are you guys planning? We wonder.... Perhaps they may even realized that it was better during Najib's administration despite the corruptions and all.)

2) Are they being oppressed from 2016 until 2018 under Najib's administration and finally offered permanent positions during PH administration? Now, they retaliate due to the IRIS Technologies billion dollar project?  (Quite unlikely as they never rejoiced in 2018 during the fall of Najib and their support for Fahmi Reza went into absolute silent since 2016. More likely to be pro PKR than DAP. We can rule out Amanah's camp in an instant.)

3) Are they creating a distraction for Muhyiddin? (Quite unlikely as such maneuver will prove that Muhyiddin's administration is very incompetent especially when Muhyiddin himself had served as the Home Affairs Minister before his ascension as the Prime Minister. Now, the Home Affairs Ministry is under the care of Hamzah Zainuddin. Will we be expecting a scapegoat by the end of the month?)

4) Are they helping Mahathir by causing chaos for Muhyiddin's rule? (Quite likely as they are Palestine Sympathizers. Read our article on Mahathir's role in supporting the HAMAS.)

5) Are they planning all this for the sake of the nation? (They have never defaced any websites during Najib's administration and Mahathir's short stint of 22 months. In this case, they would have continued to bash all the political groups. Perhaps there are factions inside but they could have criticized from time to time. We are more inclined to think that they have a certain political leaning.)


THEORY 1 is most likely followed by THEORY 4 or a combination of them.


Among all the screenshots, there are four screenshots which may have revealed part of their identity/identities.

1) one screenshot seven years ago had the insignia - RJ. Is he the political analyst/writer RJ? Hopefully not. Look at RJ's current insignia. Last Image. Although there is an additional word stringed to RJ, it may be added recently. What does RJ stands for? Ridzwan Jamaluddin, Rosie Jasmine? Could narrow down many potential suspects base on the two alphabets RJ. Could compare the writing style especially if one had a blog spanning over years.

2) one screenshot (the recent one) had the location PMO = Prime Minister Office. An insider job? Is it a distraction by Muhyiddin's administration or there is a mole inside the department?

Our Theory : Fake location to sow distrust. Most likely. Unless the new admin is an amateur Or one of the devices in PMO was hacked/planted and controlled remotely. All guests and cars that passed by the locations of PMO at that time frame are potential suspects. We reckon the team is underestimating Muhyiddin's rule, they must have left lots of traces.

3) There is a group photoshot few years back. It is pretty easy to discern them from their physique. Shot in Berjaya Time Square. Should have obtained more CCTV images to cross check. Find one and may lead to all like the house of cards.

4) In one screenshot few years back - the admin admitted he donated RM10 to the Palestinian Cause which he then shared the link in his Facebook. Could track the numbers that make donations to the cause. Unless, It was registered under a bogus name. Could be a real number. Anonymous may not be so anonymous of going political few years ago. We are not so anonymous.


Base on 1), 2), 3) and 4), it would be quite an easy task for the police to detect the identity of the bragging hacker or group of hackers (base on the few leads). If this is going nowhere, we may conclude this as a False Flag Operation initiated by the Muhyiddin's administration. If it is politically related, there should be an outcome in 14 to 28 days time. Let's start with "Why is Facebook condoning to such activity?" and "What is MCMC currently investigating?". Let us wait and see.

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