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Intelligence Series 19 - A Study on Chinese Ballistic 'Latitude Incline' Hypersonic Glide Vehicle

The recent Chinese Hypersonic test which made it's debut recently could not be just swept under the rug. 



The impeding question is why the announcement and the growing FEAR NOW?



The Chinese had hypersonic weapon since 2019. Here are some important quotes by those representing Washington (Very close to 'Sputnik Moment'), Beijing (which downplays the event and continuously warning Washington that the US military baton will soon be overtaken by Beijing.. Implying that the US will be under the Chinese soon. Yet also claiming it is not a Sputnik Moment. NOT YET. Perhaps that is what it meant.) and US Defense Contractor Raytheon Technologies (US is years behind China). All in their brackets. Let's deduce carefully all the dots to paint the right picture.


In order to answer the above question is basically the impeding fear that the TOTAL US military capability may be superseded by China in years to come. A materializing nightmare for the US. In simple language - China could soon conquer the United States in 5 to 10 years time. Therefore the necessity to bring the fear to the public and push for higher funding and a more thorough bureaucracy to test hypersonic technology (China had over 100 test, US had 9 in five years.).


While Raytheon admitted that the US are behind China, Raytheon also spoke of other technologies that could knock off their adversaries (this is in line with Global Times which advised the US to take a back seat and watch for China's rising.). Raytheon may be playing a safe option in which it would be better to overestimate than underestimate China's capability. His statement synchronizes well with General Miley's concern on China's advancement that may put the US-China military gap as a Sputnik Moment 2.0. A warning for American top leadership.


So it seems both sides are drawing the correct cards to manipulate public perceptions accordingly to their national identity. China is signaling to the world that her rising is imminent. The US on the other hand is continuously making rounds of their standard "We are losing out to China" rhetoric.


Yet, it still never answers the fundamental question on why now? The answer on the surface seems to be as simple as it caught the US by surprise and they hadn't have enough data to analyze what China was doing. Therefore as one of the articles puts it, Pentagon had to crack their heads (hundreds of analysts trying to put together piece by piece) on what the Chinese are really up to.


Hence, the answer NOW. 


The biggest blow to the US administration isn't about what the Chinese are capable of doing but the timing itself when the Alaskan Missile Defense System which had just been upgraded recently to intercept incoming hypersonic glide vehicle had the Chinese vehicle slipped pass through their watch.


How humiliating can it be other than to view it as a slap on American's pride, sovereignty and intellectuality? What the Western Media weren't told by the Intelligence and Military circle is that the Defense System which is suppose to counter China and other forces perceived as threat to the American soil is nothing but FAILURE to protect Americans from Foreign Nukes. The Chinese had managed to outgun them - almost immediately. (We are not supporting both sides but fact remains fact.)




What do other experts think of the latest Chinese hypersonic?



This is a good piece to read.




And so is this on Chinese Hypersonic history.



Is it an FOBS + Hypersonic Glide Vehicle as being put forward by the BBC?


Half correct. The most concerning thing is the speed at it's target as it was undetected by the Alaskan Missile Defense System (This explains the Chinese decision to send a used Spacecraft instead of a test missile because if it was caught, it could be interpreted as an ambitious attempt to dodge the American Missile Defense System which it did. Very intelligent actually and sounds exactly like the Chinese which love playing safe. Image 1 by BBC shows the radar limit in yellow which should be able to track both intercontinental ballistic missile and  incoming  hypersonic boost glide vehicle through FOBS.). Therefore we suspect (base on our intuition. Image 2) a ballistic trajectory definitely takes place to collect the momentum and speed from free fall necessary to have such a speed undetectable by the Defense System. This also limits the efforts in search of a higher engineering level and design features due to the shorter hypersonic flight that generates huge amount of heat.


It must be a Ballistic "Latitude Inclined" FOB Hypersonic Glide Vehicle. That is our analysis. Is it a significant milestone in engineering? Or a clever way to create a hybrid trajectory? Or is it a little bit of both?


*It is not a cruise missile. It was confirmed to be a gliding vehicle. China says it is a reusable spacecraft. It doesn't matter. Potato Potahto.


**It is FOBS but it does not need to take the longest route. Comparing world map and definition of longitude versus latitude (Image 3), the Chinese missile does come all the way through Alaska from the opposite direction by taking a shorter route. This can be done by orbiting inclined towards latitude than longitude. By minimizing it's distance, it could have kept up a higher momentum and speed to hit it's target with speed nearly equivalent to a Free Fall ICBM.


***There will be different engineering limitations and aerodynamics drags to the flight of the vehicle by taking such trajectories into account. Yet, we would assume that  the engineering team have significantly improved their designs to overcome such new natural obstacles that will halt such trajectory to take place.

****Is this related to the Pandora Box or David's Slingshot? The answer is a BIG NO.

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