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Trinity Article Series. Part 2 - UMNO Had The Wrong Fundamental Politics

12 OCTOBER 2018

Let it be clear that it was not BN all along, it was UMNO. Therefore, when UMNO was in it's superior form, the inferior groups will conjoin and when UMNO is weak, they will leave. Worst, their disunity while searching for a political calling usually will be met with a downfall. 


UMNO despite wrecked is not dead YET. The others detached BN components while can be saved will depend on a rising UMNO. 


However, the previous UMNO General Assembly had shown all the repeating mistakes so impervious that will lead to the path of it's own destruction, below are the following analytical reasonings


1) UMNO had an outdated recycled blueprint.


The future leader Isham Jalil (anointed by the 6th Prime Minister) who will draw the political blueprint for UMNO seems to be reading politics from Western textbook while applying it incorrectly to the Malaysian Political Scenario. While I believe that his studies in John F Kennedy School of Governance never focuses on any racial based ideology, his ideals to extend his predecessors ideals by announcing UMNO will always be a Malay party spell the fact that Syed Saddiq of BERSATU even had more forward looking goals. Saddiq was planning to upgrade current Non-Malay members without voting rights to the status as members with voting rights in BERSATU.


...A clear sign while BERSATU and UMNO do quite look similar in structure, the approach by Saddiq having BERSATU to be a 100% Malay centric is only a temporary political move to challenge UMNO's hegemony with the real intention to shift into a complete RIGHT WING party in the future. Here underlines the differential wisdom between the two future leaders...


Western Politics have denounced themselves from any racial based ideology, their philosophy are translated into more sophisticated BRANDING with words such as Right Wing, Republican or Conservative.


UMNO is 100% right wing and can be Malay centric which is understandable but their propaganda managers and thinkers seems to be doing a TERRIBLE JOB in marketing UMNO.


2) UMNO had been reading DAP wrongly. 


UMNO is overusing communism to scare Malays from DAP, the narrative is however not just flaw and misleading but deemed ineffective. DAP is descended from PAP and had the political survival instincts of PAP but not a communist base party.

...Lee Kuan Yew is a pragmatic statesman who realized that his popularity was not on the peak during his early establishment and requires the support of communist base party and their popularity. Once, his Western ideals were well imbued into the hearts and minds of Singaporean together with his success in elevating Singapore into a developed nation through his economical prowess, he proved his political prowess further by swiftly castrating, denouncing and turning against his once Communist ally...


DAP had all the similar signatures of PAP, a SURVIVALIST party.


The Art of War states that to defeat your enemy, you must become your enemy. Perhaps it is time for UMNO to consider to be a survivalist party like DAP.


Mahathir understood that to defeat UMNO, he must work with UMNO's nemesis aka DAP and finally became one of DAP's most lovable character himself. 


3) UMNO is not inclusive ( a propaganda heavily promoted by Najib's team but failed miserably in making Malaysians felt ) to all Malaysian even among Malays.


"UMNO is Sunni and anti-Syiah. UMNO is anti-LGBT".  The vibe runs strong in all UMNO camps. This is bigotry and it will be unpopular among youngster. If UMNO wanted to be a bigot, UMNO leaders should have been heavily brainwashing the people during it's reign of 60 years. As an opposition, UMNO has no right to be a bigot if it wanted to become the authority once again.


A recent interview by an audience to Anwar in Corus Hotel regarding the presence of many Islamic sects in Malaysia was highlighted below...


"I have not much issues with all the sects and it is not that we are forced to accept their teachings, I am a Muslim and if we can accept Non-Muslims that serves pork on the table, I don't see why we Muslims cannot tolerate amongst ourselves"


UMNO must learn to be more tolerant with the diverse environment that globalization has introduced. The current UMNO is not favourites amongst Non-Malay and with their records of anti-LGBT and anti-other Muslim sects except Sunni, this will be a battle hard to fight for UMNO especially with PH having BERSATU to split the votes more viciously in the next GE15 prior that UMNO is not deregistered or deemed illegal.


4) To add matter worse to point 3) are the 6th PM inner circle and camps in making 


ai) shortsighted suggestions such as requesting Najib to setup another Malay-centric party and another Non-Malay based party with credulous philosophy. The new Malay party will compete with PAS, UMNO, ( BERSATU, PKR and AMANAH ) splitting from 3 to 4 while the new Non-Malay party will compete against (MCA, MIC, GERAKAN) and DAP splitting from 2 to 3.


While this long term strategy seems innocuous but their members and foundations are descended from Najib Razak and KTGNR. Mahathir with his intelligence team at bay have smelled the plan from far away. It is only a matter of time before Mahathir or Anwar mark them as "Team Najib in New Packaging with a Kleptocracy marking".


The team seems to be enjoying their Self-Absorbed aka Shiok Sendiri atmosphere especially with their Nothing To Hide Program which is not effective as the people questioned the HIDING 2.6 billion.


When such contradiction occurs, they will shut you down as hypocritical and all the things spoken will be on deaf ears.

b) rushed propaganda materials with repetitive lies leading to portrayal of UMNO and their leaders being labelled as serial liars. Unfiltered materials and failed psychological warfare turned blatant devious lies permanently damaged UMNO's reputation. Below are the lists


Post GE14


I) Anwar Sodomy 3.0 Singapore Version.

II) Nurul Izzah Sex Scandal with New Husband 3.0,

III) Langkah Putrajaya by Anwar.

IV) Mahathir does not appear on the news for two days because he has passed away.

V) Secret deals between Anwar and Zahid involving military equipment that could have Anwar and Zahid implicated.


Pre GE14


I) Rent A Camp at Opposition Rally.

II) Disappointment towards Nurul Izzah by Lembah Pantai residents. Turned out she doubled the lead.


Pre GE13


I) Najib is involved with Altantuya - which was then changed to no involvement a few years later.


And the list goes on and on.

Point 4a) and 4b) demonstrates the foreseen work not just guaranteed to be futile but will significantly hamper UMNO aka BN's campaign to reclaim it's rule.


* The strong economical foundation lay down by the previous Prime Minister is an accomplishment to be proud of yet failed to be propagated to all Malaysian but heavily tainted by 1MDB and misconstrued with the tales of 1 trillion - not to mention the need for PH to create a crisis to provide a contrast to strike a mass realization.


**The article is laid with a CURSE such that those who read and benefited but never referred will be severely punished.

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