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Capitalising ICERD In Malaysian Political Landscape 


ICERD which stands for International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) needed not much introduction. The content of ICERD and it's impact can be obtained directly from Google without wasting more space in this article. 


ICERD which pushes a more globalized racial homogeneity agenda by stopping the introduction of racial biased policy and the abolishment ( preferred word to abolition ) of racial discrimination institution will definitely aligned well with the political ideologies of DAP, PKR and PH as a whole. This colludes with our article written previously regarding the merging of DAP, PKR and AMANAH as a new entity which will be favored greatly by future generations exposed towards open-mindedness and racial integration. Here, an assumption was made that the current education system was set up structurally mimicking National School  that will produce a melting pot of new generation of Malaysians comprising all races and ethnicity yet merging as a single entity. The previous line is just a utopia. Reality is the number of Non-Malays choosing vernacular education while the Malays preferring a religious base Tahfiz education system have been significantly increasing over time - a racial and religion divide widening. 


While many claim to integrate, reality speaks otherwise with our new Malaysian Finance Minister still failing to grasp the Malay accent when pronouncing (more like defiling) the word "RINGIT" despite residing in Malaysia for more than half a century. Should an American born Chinese defiles the American English in such a manner, discrimination will ensue. Only British accent is more welcome in the states.


On the other side of the divide, the new UMNO leader seems to be portraying himself as a hardcore Islamic preacher wannabe. His recent doomsday statement making correlations between earthquake and LGBT in religious undertone signifies the direction Malaysia will go should the opposition win the next election through extreme senseless RIGHT WING politics. The truth is the country is badly split and not many from the racial or philosophical divide depending on your point of view crave an assimilation or even integration. The preservation of harmony seems to be made out of plastic - base on mutual interest.

Clearly introducing ICERD will also self strengthen ICERD in the future (analogous such that the introduction of non-apartheid practices globally had pushed human tolerance to a new level over time) with the first condition

1)...that the nation is molded by a unity school base on one system, one direction, one philosophy and one language ...

The aforementioned statement is crystal clear as bonding between races and ethnicity is of utmost importance if ICERD is to materialize. The other worrying thing is our flip flopping and lack of focus culture especially our Education Minister flip flopping the system all the time from the constant changing of languages and syllabus that does not match the average Malaysian children's learning capability to wrong priorities including colors on school's apparels. Thus, a new system constant in nature but similar to Commonwealth Education System is imminent while the ongoing changes to tone down or tone up the syllabus to maximize the potential  of certain ethnicity to be more competitive is just a mere illusion. ICERD will shatter the illusion.

...Malaysia adopted changes to it's education system countless of times but reality bites - University Malaya's ranking is far behind relatively to National University of Singapore and Nanyang Technology University. The answer lies in meritocracy. PERIOD. Singapore is a pragmatic nation that is willing to sideline their own citizen for promotion just to keep up with international standards...

The progress Singapore had today is the vision of Lee Kuan Yew which emphasizes "the survival of the fittest" while the rest will be swept under the rug with "social benefits" or pittance - depending on your definition. The Young Turk ( a heavy proponent to Senior Lee during his early days in the parliament before the 1965 split ) had his administration riddled with overly kind protectionism policy towards his kin until a stage which the policy backfired. Backfire in the sense that it created a faction that most will only prioritize their entitled privileges while ignoring their national duty. The culture is so prevalent among security forces including defense which recently admitting to only having four of their Russian made planes being combat ready. This is the dilemma faced by the 7th Prime Minister in undoing the damages perpetrated by the 4th Prime Minister, not to mention the kleptocratic damages done by the 6th as alleged by the 7th. However, it was the 40 years brainwashing done by the 2nd and 4th that mold nearly 95% of the Malay mindset.

The saddest part in such a dilemma is the fear and inferiority complex amplified by PAS and UMNO to bring dissatisfaction to the streets rather than persistently finding ways to educate their kin to compete effectively both financially and intellectually. Budget 2019 and the cuts proposed on subsidies for farmers and fishermen which comprised  mostly of a single ethnicity could solidify the dual Islamic-Malay agenda further. The bottled up fear which will be heavily propagated by UMNO controlled NGOs with similar pattern of thought can turn ICERD into a UEC dilemma or even a repeat of May 13th, extending the agenda from urban to rural.


At the current moment, the stakes are extremely high and we would vote for a YES. The main political debacle to a 60 year old rule is 1MDB and this will run as the chorus for a few months to few years. The potential rising debacle however will be "THE SIDELINING OF THE MALAYS BY DAP RUNNING PH", the agenda is  propagated heavily among the Malay groups on a continuous basis . As the economy dwindles with possibility of widening income gaps among races, lingering  enmity coupled by continuous reminder of the discrimination policies sidelining the Malays will easily turn to an asymmetrical hatred towards the 2nd minority. At such juncture, it will not easily just stop the materialization of ICERD but eventually leads to melting in 3 to 5 years after even if ICERD is formed.

Without the right temperature and atmosphere, ICERD will fail to be formed just like the recognition of UEC due to the strong heat generated by the Malay groups. Mold it wrongly into the constitution, ICERD will shatter PH in GE15 and an ICERD racial meltdown of May 13th in nature may be on the way.

Many of the past divides are on the sidelines waiting to revolt, some wore masks disguised in friendly faces even among layers of government machinery. Like a DAP strategist once said, "YOU JUST DON'T KNOW WHAT THE VOTERS HAD IN THEIR MIND". Our wisdom could only help us gauge the atmosphere nonetheless, yet it can be slightly misleading.



1) The Mastermind (also acting as the de facto Home Affairs Minister). The prodigy of Malaysian Politics only matched by his unrestrained tongue. His acumen to read and act accordingly to the landscape will never be wrong. His only downfall is his unending disastrous appointment of his deputies. Hopefully, that particular doctor will be his last mistake. With his consent, the right propaganda backed by the right narrative and right machinery could alter the direction mindset of the nation - not so simple however as the 1st riddle needed to be cracked.

2) Team DAP 


I) The Finance Minister. One who controls the funds controls growth.

II) The Communication Minister. The one responsible in molding a conducive atmosphere to curb and monitor public dissent. His other job is to create propaganda materials and identify patterns including individuals promoting threat not just to the country but also to the ideology.
III) The Deputy Defense Minister. His recent decision in "abolishing unnecessary culture" in The Malaysian Armed Force can be seen as a proactive measure to ensure the restructured security forces having better focus to defend the interest of a homogeneous Malaysian Public, decrying all acts that are not aligned to the New Agenda. 

IV) The Education Minister. His decision to rewrite selective history with the correct indoctrination will be the core in molding the Malaysian mindsets in a short period of time. His co-operation with the Youth Minister will fasten the materialization of this process.

3) Team Marina. She will be the ring leader in making the right movements among the civilians to bring them out of fear and  guide them into the new light. She had been instrumental all along.


III) Lawyers aligned in defending the rights of the LGBT and the minorities
IV) The other human rights NGOs


Winners & Losers of ICERD

A glorious day for those supporting PH and the new establishment particularly humanity NGOs. Anwar who stands for justice and Marina who fights for selective justice ( LGBT and SIS  )will benefit from ICERD. As potential future leaders, it is imperative that they make a proper unequivocal stand, at the right circumstances. Failure to do so will lead to possible accusation of hypocrisy and hypocrisy has very damaging side in politics once exposed. Once the 6th Prime Minister publish a Malaysian daily breakfast aka Nasi Lemak but was met with a backlash as his Quinoa diet had been making hating headlines before this.


Politically, the embodiment of such ideology will immediately kill off extremist based ideology masking in racial or selective religious championship that has been rampaging the country and system for ages. However, ICERD takes time to materialized, absorbed and finally naturally integrated into the system.


The failure of the country to rise above their maximum potential is simply the inheritance of a modern version of feudal system. The system built on birthright, racial advantage and political cross familial affiliations


1) at the highest echelons are the royalties immune even from judiciary system. Their entitled birthright without any sense of responsibilities laced with undeserving privileges. The only echo are the "social contract" and "I am your landlord" repeating over and over again. The clinging to the birthright advantage breeds non-meritocratic hierarchical society with the notion of systematic justified oppression.

2) followed by those with titles connected to the royalties such as the 4 Orang Kaya Pahang.

3) generation of political scions with 2 to 3 family members controlling the parliament with the 3 big families playing significant roles at the moment. At least the people love them and they have to compete to win the seats.  They then serve the people by being ministers. The least we could say is political families loved by the public.

4) then followed by politician cronies and circles due to their affiliation or money making capabilities ( with titles probably awarded by the monarch if they decide to have one ). This is slightly understandable as the creation of circle is imperative to protect the circle's interest.


1) and 2) will be negatively affected by ICERD while 3) will be strengthen by ICERD. 4) will be naturally dependent on whether the affiliation was made with 1), 2) or 3).


PAS and UMNO including their Right Wing affiliated groups are the biggest losers of this policy as they are mostly comprising of 4) affiliated to 1) and 2) . Once the Right Wing are pacified, they will be weakened and their support towards the existence of the 1) royalties will then cease to exist until it will come a day that an MP will pledge for the abolishment of the royalties and all that is required is just a significant number of votes to exercise the abolishment into reality. It is the will of the people that decides the rise and fall of any institution.


Our introduction had specifically proposed the 1st condition for the introduction of homogeneity before ICERD with ICERD being the  natural catalyst strengthening the artificial homogeneity further once the other sets of conditions are met.

The 2nd condition is required to ensure the 1st condition is met permanently


                      2)...the wisdom of the sole leader dictating the direction of the country is of GREAT IMMINENCE under a one political party system...

At such dictatorial juncture, the 3rd condition would require to lock condition 1) and 2) 

       3)...the wisdom imparted by the sole leader in selecting a successor wiser than himself/herself in ensuring the continuous prosperity of the nation...

By WESTERN standard, this idea is absolutely abhorrent as it is absolutely contrasting to the idea of democracy ( philosophy by the ancient Greeks who are then enslaved by the Romans - not a very sustainable model in nature, yet thoroughly studied and applied during the early Renaissance Period after centuries of Dark Ages. The term Dark Ages is just probably a new constructed term during the Renaissance Period to provide a better contrast in historical textbooks to highlight the advancement of the European culture of that period. ).  However,


...condition 1), 2) and 3) had been the pillars of Chinese way of governance (even since 5000 years ago) including the current Chinese government under the Chinese Communist Party with their communism facade in the 1950s slowly transforming into capitalism - yet still communism in nature especially after the takeover by Xi as the decisions were made at the best interest of the Chinese. Democracy is not totally nullified in the Chinese Communist Party but is masked in their election process. It is actually a dual system failed to be understood by the West comprising of election and selection as a whole...

However, to perform such shifts in governance will not just require willpower as Malaysia is not at a turning point scenario but also two further conditions 


i) a stable government with non-existential opposition which translates that the number 53% (and probably increasing) conjoined PAS UMNO potential alliance is of grave threat to the idealism of a more homogeneous Malaysian identity as the probability of a confusing extremism leadership under Zahid and Hadi who will not blink an eye to oppress those who are not aligned to their cause especially those who incurred the wrath of G-d aka the LGBT. Our previous article dated on the 16th of August highlighted the possibility of BERSATU swallowing UMNO. Even if this trajectory can be achieved, it risks in creating huge dissent among the Malay voters and when they conjoined together with a disgruntled PAS and a reborn PKR should the alliance don't last, havoc will follow. The remedy to fulfill condition 1) is to

...crack UMNO and PAS simultaneously, (absorbing most of their combined 4.5 million voters) permanently but without dissent. This is the riddle that had been echoing among the highest echelons of PH leaders even before GE14. The echo remains the same and constant. Obviously, when the riddle is there, the high end strategy, tactics and instruments could readily be followed...

ii) curb the overall dissent and killing the agenda of the new opposition by increasing trades ( We agree with Mathathir's notion on shared prosperity instead of looking at GDP ). However, why cant we have both? Bigger cake and not a shrinking one but shared evenly. Not evenly - humans are known to be selfish in nature. Bygones can be bygones. Trades with China can have an all time peak again higher than Najib's administration (We GRANT YOU), restraining the tongue and humility is still very important nonetheless. This is the 2nd riddle. The 2nd riddle like the 1st riddle had always been the same and constant in nature. The riddle had been passed again to BERSATU's thinkers before GE14 during our third encounter. Obviously, he is very confused and how they will correlate when different riddle transforms, however interrogating him will help you to confirm the existence of the riddle.


...The 2nd riddle is simply about China's desire. Read it, grant it and China's door will widen. A slightly more intelligent Strategist turned Deputy Defense Minister will answer South China Sea but it is clearly not South China Sea. The conundrum for us to extend more information might lead the administration to assume more non-sensible solutions leading to further turmoil due to your side's inability to grasp the depth of a simple matter turned more complicated as it reaches the depth.

A minister then talked about observing the trade war and take advantages out of it. Slightly more intelligent but the reading of the real intention seems to be very wrong. China had ways to offset the war and providing no advantages to their non-allies, another question is if it is of any significance...


The problem finally involves strategy, long term tactics but greatly enhanced by combinations of a few high end classified military technology. We assume our readers are politicians acting smart with shortsighted advisers thinking that they are of any match to stop or move the earth at their will just because they successfully win the votes of simpletons.


Traditionally, potential leaders are born from political parties with the exception of Solomon who is anointed by G-d. It is perhaps time for humans to play G-d and it is blasphemous of even labeling those who wanted to play G-d as being blasphemous as that was never highlighted in any of the religious scriptures that humans must not try to transcend near G-d. 

ICERD provides an opportunity to create a new leader and perhaps leadership freshly stemmed from existing NGOs derived out of their love for humanity. Malaysia has currently a diamond in the rough - bold in nature in wanting a change for the society - well connected politically and a bloodline of a political genius. The ambition could be felt but was sidelined nonetheless. The smell to BERSIH and other NGO reeks heavily in contrast to other players. Sidelined by culture, by gender, it is this inequality that will drive the power. The earth is spin by gravity alone, the events of the world are dictated by the gravity of our actions.

The day to the ascension of this citizen leader will be the day that he/she receives the divine revelation to convert wisdom into authority. It would be a cold day conducive for ICERD to be implemented and the rising hopefully will be prophesied.

*Disclaimer - a strategy article will make the best effort in portraying a neutral future outlook, determining the strength and frailty of a philosophy as well as the direction of a policy journeying through the socio-political landscape over time by looking into a keyhole. The bias introduced if there is any, is to align our financial interest to the landscape most of the time. We hold no responsibility if you benefited or lost for your dis-alignment with our interest or article. 

**Unnecessary remarks - clearly the Malaysian political scenario is getting boring recently as UMNO seems to be fooled by DAP into thinking that distancing Najib is equivalent of re-branding UMNO/BN. Clearly, stupidity is infesting rampantly among their propaganda  managers - an inheritance disease hard to cure, manifesting 60 years to their core as selection must also be base on some frail loyalty. Like all the politicians with their voters and party members close ranks and rally behind their leader to strongly deny their past leaders scandals whether it is sensible, similarly, this is what you should have done or just keep absolute silence. Again, stop reading my articles and take credits on re-branding, told you it will bring a
CURSE if it is not referred, didn't we? Will we consent to reference, the answer is NO.

Riddle 1
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