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 Strategy Series 10 - Carrots, Education Camps & New Identity

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Israel's oppressing strategy against the HAMAS is stupid, not pragmatic, inhumane and barbaric. Atrocity against Muslims and the idea to curb Muslim dominant society isn't just an Israel's affair. It is a serious concern elsewhere. However, when lives are concerned especially with the death toll reaching a staggering 200+ human lives, what can be put into question is the effectiveness of the solution.


Rather than performing atrocities accused of inhumane ethnic cleansing - the more plausible solution is to follow China's footstep in "identity cleansing".


China had to deal with Xinjiang - a region with strong Muslim presence. China could never let Xinjiang go due to it's geopolitical significance and resources. China could have treated many of the secessionists who wanted independence and a country of their own like how Israel treated the HAMAS. However, the Chinese are more pragmatic with Han settlers encouraged to settle in Xinjiang by the Chinese Communist Party to work on the land. However, they give people jobs, assimilate by marrying them and even force them to study Chinese, sing Communist songs and finally denounce their identity. Though the Jews are infiltrating  the West Bank, it just becomes a point of contention when there are many small poxes of land here and there prompting international scrutiny on their true intention.


The Chinese Communist Party brainwashes, transforms and re-programs the Muslims into Chinese/Communists through their re-education camps. Though the Chinese are more crude in their approach, identity crisis is a serious issue everywhere even in the West. It is just more subtle. (For a start, try and socialize in the West, tell them you don't drink, watch carefully how their eyes will roll at you. Even loud gathering Mainland Chinese tourist could be the eyes of the whole room. Though humanity preaches diversity, they can never deny their true nature of having comfort in similarity.)


China's method is more humane (be like us, eat like us, think like us, defecate in the public like some of us, put China First and we promise to ensure your survival.) and it keeps the Islamic insurgency or uprising at bay. Israel's strategy is not just inhumane but it fails miserably unless their real intention is to test their advance weaponry. Islamic identity is still there. In fact what Israel is doing will be creating more HAMAS sympathizers and the possibility of Islamic uprising born out of sympathy. Strengthening the need for a stronger Islamic identity and solidarity.


Israel should tackle the Palestinians like how the Chinese tackles Xinjiang or in other words...


Carrots, Education Camps and A New Identity. (Mothers and generally women wanted carrots and education for their children. The identity doesn't matter. Once the mothers and children are happy and peaceful, what kind of fight are the HAMAS men putting up against? An identity. How long are they willing to fight for an identity? Probably another 50 years until their lifespan or spirit is depleted. Whichever comes first.)




*TFD finds the coverage by the BBC and other Western News Outlet on Xinjiang's atrocity as selective and bias. This is similar to the BBC's coverage on the Israel-Palestine conflict.


**TFD is still open to an Israel (Western allies and the United States) - Malaysia alignment although the Malaysian administration would be more inclined towards China at the moment. Though, we understand the lurking strong Muslim sentiment, yet we do not reckon they will severe ties with Western powers supportive of Israel. Hence, we are of the view that most in the administration are level headed enough to take the Palestine issue as a temporary flux.

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