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Intelligence Series 7 - COVID-19 : A Misfire (Or A Sinister Scheme)

0) Update 16 March 2020 - Malaysian/Chinese Newspaper & Chinese Foreign Minister started asking many questions....

1) Update 6 April 2020 -(Notice a pattern of bats and pigs viral related outbreak narratives every six years to ten years from 1997, 2003, 2009 and now 2019. )

*This article will not discuss the impact of the virus on the global economy or how likely geopolitical rivalry will drive the unleashing of the virus. Attempts will be made by slowly assessing established and verified information to draw a conclusion if the virus was man made or a product of nature and whether it was accidentally or intentional leaked in this Wuhan Outbreak episode. 


...The verdict is inconclusive but heavily inclined to the fact that it was man made (intentionally leaked by foreign intelligence) or perhaps derived from nature but inappropriately handled by one of the world's prominent biological laboratories....


**The last two references by Nature (a highly acclaimed scientific journal) in 2015 provide scientific findings by world experts 


1) that a chimera (hybrid of SARS virus and mice) Coronavirus had been engineered as a weapon to deliver SARS related symptoms to mice (poor mice, imagine them choking to death. A chemical free and environmentally friendly pesticide to wipe out a certain percentage of world's mice.)


...This indicates that experimentation on SARS (and other Coronavirus) had been ongoing and there is no reason for being less suspicious that experimentation for a virus that can caused a higher number of death had never been suggested as a more effective method in the creation of a biological weapon...


number of death = F( fatality rate, incubation period, capability to spread, surviving period on non-living objects and contaminated surfaces ) (This formula will be quite accurate, F denotes a function. The 4 variables will determine the number of death.)


2) that a Coronavirus which requires no intermediate host (similar to the traits of COVID-19) had been more common than anticipated in bats.


Due to the findings, other experts project their worrisome (in the same journal)


3) on the RISK TO GLEAN INTO SUCH AN EXPERIMENT & THE UNPREDICTABLE "TRAJECTORY" OF THE VIRUS. The expert further quoted that the novel virus (novel viruses are viruses that hadn't been discovered before.) "GROWS REMARKABLY WELL IN HUMANS" in 2015.


...CONGRATULATIONS, the world can now celebrate the discovery of the "Novel Coronavirus" aka COVID-19 in 2020. Will this virus be the platform to be crossbreed into a "SUPER VIRUS" with high number of death count?...


Refer to the two screenshots from the two journals (in the event that Nature may decide to unpublished their journals soon.)






There are two sides of the coins on the discovery of the virus - 1) it was laboratory-made ( a) unleashed by Foreign Intelligence in Wuhan or b) it accidentally leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology) and 2) it was a product of nature coincidentally happen around Wuhan. Conspiracy theorist will normally go for the narratives 1a) or 1b) while mainstream media playing safe with their narratives will mostly opt for narrative 2). With the exception of Russian media which seems to put the blame on the Americans for the creation of the virus as an attempt to stop Chinese dominance on the world stage.


Let's deduce from the the list of references in this article to have a better insight behind the virus and outbreak.




Let's analyze "what the public knew" so far about the virus and perception on the virus that is heavily base on mainstream media (as well as novel that began in the 1980s).


-1)Does the Wuhan 400 virus introduced in Dean Koontz 1981 thriller novel The Eyes of Darkness possesses similar traits to COVID-19?


NO. Refer screenshot 3. Wuhan 400 does not have the ability to survive on other non-living objects and surfaces while COVID-19 which shares 80% of it's genome to SARS had high possibility of being able to survive on non-living objects.


Wuhan 400 was made of 400 viral strains. 1) will provide insight that COVID-19 share some similarities to HIV, bats and SARS viruses.


0) Does the novel implies that the Chinese had been dealing with biological weapons in Wuhan since the 1980s? 


Probably the Foreign Intelligence services suspected of such activities since the 1980s yet there is no sufficient evidence to make such a claim. 


0a) Why did the author made a claim on Wuhan in the 1980s? 


Probably leaked intelligence sources.


0b) Can this be serve as concrete evidence that the Chinese are responsible in the Wuhan Outbreak episode?


NO, since Wuhan has been linked to biological weapons since the 1980s, the Americans (who might be influenced by the novel) as well as other  Foreign Intelligence including the Chinese are all plausible suspects.


1) Is a drug being developed for the virus?


YES. There is a hope that the virus seems to be treatable with anti-HIV drugs.


2) Does the COVID-19 resemble other viruses?


YES. It resembles certain section of the HIV virus. It looks similar to viruses on bats. It also resembles 80% of the SARS virus genomes. 


Indian researchers argues the similarities on the four (peptides protein) inserts to a HIV virus, with some researchers noticing that only insert 1 and 2 which bear exact semblance to the HIV virus. 


However, when the researcher from the Indian Institute of Technology published their findings, the journal was withdrawn as the reviewers found unconvincing evidences and arguments to support the probability that the virus was in fact genetically engineered from a HIV virus. It was critically argued by many experts that the virus is indeed consistent with the evolution of nature.


3) Is the virus intentionally or naturally designed as an "Ethno-Bomb" to target Han Chinese hosts?


The answer is NO. Even though the latest American victim seems to be an "American Chinese" (due to his business transactions in China.) during the time of our writing.


The conspiracy theory website ran by a Canadian researcher had indicated that there were a number of Caucasians (since it involves Caucasians, the theory that the virus selectively attacks Chinese, Asians or the genetic marker Haplogroup O-M175 could be immediately ruled out.) and other Asian minorities that became victim to this virus. 


The theory that COVID-19 is designed or more inclined to affect Chinese host warrants further scientific investigation.


4) Why are most of the victims Chinese?


The outbreak started in Wuhan, China which is one of China's busiest hub. This increases the chances for viral transference to occur. The fact that many oversea Chinese become victims are due to their contacts with their Mainland Chinese business counterparts.


5) Is the virus a retribution from G-d due to the camps in Uyghur? Is the virus a retribution from G-d as discussed by religious bigots due to dietary habits?


NO. Below is the answer from the Al-Mighty.


Perhaps, the bigots should also warn the dangers on camel dietary to those who resides in the Middle East.


6) Is the theory of an "Ethno-Bomb" far fetched?


NO. In fact the idea had been developed since decades ago. It was published to the public in 1998.


While it may be easy to identify specific genetic markers (even between Jews and Arabs), yet the mechanism to design a virus that selectively infest human cells with specific genetic marker had never been achieved so far.


...Therefore, it can be concluded that the COVID-19 virus is not a Chinese Ethno-Bomb....


6a) Is there an alternative to an "Ethno-Bomb"? Refer 20b).


7) Does the COVID-19 had mechanism more advanced than SARS or MERS?


YES. In the case of SARS transmission: bats - civet cats - humans. In the case of MERS transmission : bats - camels - humans. In the case of COVID-19, no intermediate host was required. Transmission from human to human was observed.


8) Is the Wuhan Seafood Market ground zero for COVID-19?


NO. It was multi-sourced as the link below quotes


The first patient, who was admitted to Huang's hospital on Dec. 1, 2019, had no direct exposure to Wuhan's Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, which was previously considered as the source of the epidemic, and his family had no fever or respiratory symptoms, according to the paper. Among the following three patients who were admitted on Dec. 10, two had no exposure to the seafood market. In total, only 27 of the 41 cases had exposure to the marketplace, said the paper.


10) Does COVID-19 had anything (in developing biological weapons or conducting studies on the viruses) to do with the Wuhan Institute of Virology? Will there be a possibility that the virus leaked from the Institute?


Probably but the director said "NO" and she would bet her life upon it (bit too serious, don't you think?), adding it was


nature punishing the uncivilized habits and customs of humans (what she meant was the Chinese people's dietary, supposedly. Rest of the world had more restrictive dietary behaviors. Her statement is an indirect jab to the Chinese.).


The fact that the Chinese had been eating bats, snakes, frogs and all living things with four legs for over 3000 years, the odds that the first mutating virus ever to occur in Wuhan that houses China’s only P4-Level Biosafety Laboratory (the highest-level classification of labs that study the deadliest viruses on earth just 32 km away from the accused Seafood Market) puts nature as a very unpredictable force (or maybe other Foreign forces). 


10a) Does the Institute or the Wuhan Outbreak deserves an investigation by W.HO?

"NO" as the incident will reveal many secrets and it would start a precedence that would be detrimental to dominant forces.

11) So what fuels the theory that Foreign (especially the United States) Intelligence were behind this viral episode?


i) geopolitical rivalry with the Chinese.

ii) the misconception that the whole episode started on Chinese Lunar New Year. The first confirmed case aka "patient zero" happened on the 31st December 2019. As the incubation period is between 3 to 14 days, it is very likely that the symptom-less outbreak actually happened around mid to late October taking into the account of unreported cases. The peak and highlight of the virus took turn near Chinese Lunar New Year.


12) Is the Case Fatality Rate (CFR) as low as 2% (quoted by SCMP)? Or even as high as 20% (decreasing by time, 13% was on the 18th February 2020. The death keeps coming but is slowing down.) in Mainland China? 


The CFR is not exactly 2% (SCMP should stop being selective in their ways of reporting)The calculation implemented was misleading by considering the infected (which still could suffer a grave fate without recovering.) into the equation


Deaths / (Deaths + Recovered + Infected)


However if a different calculation was implemented according to the source that monitors the numbers daily.


Deaths / (Deaths + Recovered)


The CFR is around 1874 / (1874 +12876) or 13% of the infected patients with symptom resulted in death. That is the exact CFR for China while worldwide stands around 3.3% on 18th February 2020.


12a) Will the CFR remain constant? A conjoined answer will be provided in 17a)


13) So what are the additional bases to the conspiracy theory surrounding the Wuhan Institute of Virology?


The article below provided insight on espionage related materials with regards to the Wuhan Institute of Virology being at the centre of discussion. Coincidentally, the Canadian institute which the espionage occurred involves reputable researches on the Coronavirus.


14) Is it bias to keep linking the Chinese to intellectual espionage?


Eventually NO (despite being of Chinese descent. We hold no prejudice at all.). Recently, the Chinese are linked once again to biological agent espionage in Harvard.


It is worth to note that the United States took a serious measures in the espionage episode while Canada still needed more time to conclude the result of their "intelligence based" investigation.


15) Who started the theory (or conspiracy theory, whichever version you want to believe) linking the Coronavirus to the Canadian Espionage Episode and the Wuhan Institute of Virology? 


Dany Shoham, an Israeli defence expert in Biological and Chemical Warfares. Here are his credentials


16) Which other expert (not a biological expert) shared the same views as Dany Shoham?


Francis Boyle. He authored a book entitled "Biowarfare and Terrorism".


16a) Francis Boyle is not a biological expert but an expert who is responsible in drafting the policies on biological warfare, is his opinion valid? It seems he challenges the views on expert that qualifies on biological engineering both in China and the United States.


Francis Boyle (who believed that Zionist will even go to the extreme length of ensuring qualified candidates non-aligned to their interest are marginalized from being hired as a lecturer.) unlike Dany Shoham, is a strong critic on Zionist and Zionism. To some extent, both experts do not hold any aligned interest at all.  


Dany had a PhD in Medical Microbiology. He is qualified to give his view. 


The experts that most of the mainstream media interviewed are academic experts residing in top universities unrelated to military research centers that normally had their operations CLASSIFIED.


16b) Can we trust the credibility and integrity of the academic experts?


Let's put this straight. Did the academic experts provide concrete evidences/algorithms or methodologies to distinguish between a naturally evolved virus versus an engineered virus?


The answer is NO


Can they prove that the DNA sequencing implemented to determine the origin of the virus cannot be lab replicated in an "artificially made" natural environment?


The answer is NO.


The other skepticism which introduces bias to their opinion will mainly be their scientific interest. In 2014, a moratorium was published by the United States on such researches. As United States academics would need data collected by other world's scientist due to the moratorium, the Wuhan Outbreak may lead to the introduction of policies detrimental to their research. In other words, they would be more inclined to consider defending the Wuhan Outbreak as an act of nature in order to defend their research interest (and in some cases research funding).


The answer is NO with regards to their credibility and integrity. In fact no scientist or experts ever tried to point out the impeding worries highlighted by the Parisian scientist in 2015. More will be discussed in 21) and 22).


17) When will the virus season peaked? Will Zhong Nan Shan's mathematical model predict correctly for the exact peak, plateau and decline this time?


According to Chinese top epidemiologist Zhong Nan Shan, the virus season will peak around mid February (after making the first wrong peak) and things will be over by April. Let's wait if his observation will be spot on this time.


17a) Will his predictions spot on this time?


Hard to say as it depends on global prospect and global leaders' determination to halt the contagions from spreading.


Example : Malaysia (pro government critics even went as far as insulting their own citizen on their worrisome attitude with the term "Coronapalatau virus" (a mockery term for citizens and netizens who speculated or overly worried on the virus base on unsubstantiated facts. It is also part of a politically motivated propaganda material aimed at discrediting oppositions and their views.). The arrests on fake news is significantly inclined to Coronavirus due to the government's fear in people's panicking and fear-mongering.) is more lenient towards the Chinese in their tourism sector during the outbreak. Singapore being neighbor to Malaysia imposes more restrictive measures towards their Chinese motherland citizens (closing borders to all Chinese travelers as well as implementing a Stay Home Notice). The differences in responses will affect the 


I) overall spread of the virus due to different handling procedures and

II) overall CFR of the virus (referring to 12a))


As the Indonesian Minister wages war of words with a Professor from Harvard for refuting to admit Indonesia's under-reporting on COVID-19, this in turn will make the exact trajectory of the virus worldwide harder to comprehend.


17b) Did Indonesia intentionally mislead their COVID19 data? Perhaps YES. Why did Indonesia intentionally mislead their data? Refer Conclusion.


18) Does the virus reveal misleading characteristics?


YES. According to the link below, Dr Schaffner quoted


About 10 percent of the patients did not initially have the usual symptoms, cough and fever, but instead had diarrhea and nausea first. Other uncommon symptoms included headache, dizziness and abdominal pain. Another cause for concern was that some patients who at first appeared mildly or moderately ill then took a turn for the worse several days or even a week into their illness.


The lungs, heart, liver, kidneys and the systems that control blood clotting are all affected, Dr. Schaffner said, though it is not clear that the virus itself infects organs other than the lungs.


19) Does the virus possesses other significant traits? 


YES. The link below quotes


Xiaowei, told reporters last month that there is evidence it's already mutated into a stronger variation that is able to spread more easily among humans.


i) Indication of a faster mutating virus into stronger version which implies a highly contagious (capability to spread) virus.


The illness is capable of spreading before symptoms show, and about 20% of patients become severely ill.


ii) indication of a longer "latent period" and "incubation period" than SARS with a median of 5.2 days.


iii) indication of revealing different symptoms and severity on different people due to it's viral mechanism that causes viral inflammatory as discussed in 18).


iv) Indication to be passed through human to human contact as discussed in 7).


v) indication of the probability that the Case Fatality Rate might be higher than 2% as discussed in 12).


vi) indication that the number of death is higher than SARS despite of a lower fatality rate. 1876 (on 18th February 2020) versus 800 and keep rising.


number of death = F( fatality rate (lower than SARS), incubation period (longer than SARS), capability to spread (much higher due to it's mutating capability and capability of human to human interaction than SARS), surviving period on non-living objects including contaminated surfaces ), F denotes a function. The 4 variables will determine the number of death.)

The last variable (virus' capability to survive on non-living objects including contaminated surfaces.) had not been thoroughly studied although many speculated that it will be quite similar to SARS.


20) What are the coincidentally geopolitical attributes on the emergence of Nipah Virus (Malysia 1998 - 1999. Originate from China around 1997. Bats to pigs transmission.), SARS (China 2003), MERS (Middle East 2012), H1N1 (aka Swine Flu. Malaysia - with the epicenter in the United States during the Obama administration in 2009. Misfire? Retaliation? ) and COVID-19 (China, 10 years after swine flu. Coincident?)? (Notice a pattern of bats and pigs viral related outbreak narratives every six years to ten years from 1997, 2003, 2009 and now 2019. )


The answer will be the readers' sole discretion.


For proponents to the power of Nature, then Nature (G-d or Universe) seems to despise the Chinese, Middle Eastern and Malaysian (with 25% to 30% Chinese diaspora) due to their relatively inferior hygiene practices, dietary and lifestyle.


For proponents to warfare and conspiracy theories, development of such viruses is a promising way of decreasing the huge population of the Chinese and an attempt in impeding the Middle Eastern (known for their high birth rate) population growth at an excellent rate. All that is required for the biological weapon to be extremely successful is to engineer a virus with an extremely high fatality rate and a relatively longer incubation period to remain undetected, since the virus had demonstrated it's highly contagious trait. Therefore the spread coverage would be excellent. Powerful biological weapons are the best alternative in rendering the earth clean from a radioactive thermonuclear warfare as well as ensuring the justification for the victor to inherit the earth. Or from the record, it might be a silent warfare.

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