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20a) Will there be future outbreaks? Maybe 2035 to 2040?


As China had SARS in 2003 and COVID19 in 2020, they should impose more vigilant measures to prevent another outbreak in 2035 to 2040. SARS is known to claim about 800 lives despite it's higher fatality rate. COVID19 claimed more lives at a number which stands at 1800+ and increasing due to it's longer incubation period and the capability to spread from human to human more efficiently.

A deadlier virus in 2035 to 2040 will witness longer incubation period, much higher fatality rate and an extremely better capability to spread from human to human. 


Nobody knows if a deadlier MERS hybrid is on the way in the next few years. Bats, snakes, civet cats and camels had their share of revenge against the human race. Wonder which animal is next? (As biasly claimed by the experts.)


20b) Refer to 6a). While an "Ethno-Bomb" maybe too risky and challenging for experimentation, trial and execution with the probability of huge adverse side effects, the selection of a geographically (and logistically ideal spot such as a hub with continuous human interactions like Wuhan.) ideal spot for the virus to spread while preparing the vaccine on one side is equivalent to an "Ethno-Bomb". This provides the supporting argument for 20).


20c) Is the idea of another outbreak being too far-fetched to fit as future conspiracy theory?


NO as our interactions, connections and data are constantly monitored. In order to ensure that a huge population of the world remain impervious to the master grand plan of the selected few, it is best to construct a view that every major events as conspiracy theories to halt any suspicions and the development of any inquisitive nature further.


21) Has there been any experiments that the Coronavirus (SARS) was being engineered as a biological warfare agent?


YES. A chimera (hybrid of SARS virus and mice) Coronavirus had been engineered as a weapon to deliver SARS related symptoms to mice (poor mice, imagine them choking to death. A chemical free and environmentally friendly pesticide to wipe out a certain percentage of world's mice.)


This study indicates that experimentation on SARS (and other Coronavirus) had been ongoing and there is no reason for being less suspicious that experimentation for a virus that can caused a higher number of death had never been suggested (or even thought of) as a more effective method in the creation of a biological weapon.


number of death = F( fatality rate, incubation period, capability to spread, surviving period on non-living objects and contaminated surfaces ) (This formula will be quite accurate, F denotes a function. The 4 variables will determine the number of death.)

Below are the following quotations


The hybrid virus could infect human airway cells and caused disease in mice, according to the team’s results, which were published in Nature Medicine.


Additionally, in vivo experiments demonstrate replication of the chimeric virus in mouse lung with notable pathogenesis.


These are journals published to the public. Question is what sort of military grade research are not shared to the public? Ponder over it. 


22) Has the scientific community been aware of the possibility of a Novel Coronavirus that shares the trait of COVID-19 (having the ability to infect humans without an intermediate host.)?


YES. Referring to the highly acclaimed journal in 2015, it quotes


may be capable of making the leap to people without first evolving in an intermediate host, Nature reported.


Simon Wain-Hobson, a virologist at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, points out that the researchers have CREATED (the term used was created, means engineered.) a novel virus that “grows remarkably well” in human cells. “If the virus escaped, nobody could predict the trajectory,” he says.


CONCLUSION (The Next Platform For "SUPER VIRUS"  With Extremely High Death Count)


Are the experts misleading the public that COVID-19 was in fact not a biological warfare agent? 


Perhaps we would never know as the experts could not provide concrete scientific argument to distinguish precisely between a natural occurring virus and an engineered one. The experts which claimed that COVID-19 was not engineered never actually commented if the virus was leaked. They have tried their best in sidestepping around the "elephant in the room".


What is interesting are the quotations by Nature in 2015


The findings reinforce suspicions that bat coronaviruses capable of directly infecting humans (rather than first needing to evolve in an intermediate animal host) may be more common than previously thought, the researchers say.


But other virologists question whether the information gleaned from the experiment justifies the potential risk. Simon Wain-Hobson, a virologist at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, points out that the researchers have created a novel virus that “grows remarkably well” in human cells. “If the virus escaped, nobody could predict the trajectory." he says.


So what does this conclude?


The scientific (either academia or military, either in China or the United States) community (other than the Chinese or Asian communities that had been ravaging bats as delicacy for 3000 years) had been trifling with bat viruses since 2014/2015. 


Therefore, it does not matter whether the virus is engineered or in fact it was natural, the main concern was the community was well aware of the dangers in trifling with such viruses. And why does the community interested to trifle with such devilish-like associated creatures to extract the viruses? Cause it will make a scientific breakthrough.


...Refer 19a). While Nipah Virus, SARS, MERS, H1N1 and COVID19 are not biological warfare agent materials, yet indicators from COVID19 discussed in 19) shows a prominent candidate to be crossbred with other deadlier viruses as a chimera (hybrid with Ebola, Small Pox or Anthrax) virus to be the next potential biological weapon.


With the fact that the research on this virus had been heavily conducted and worries had been clearly highlighted of it's trajectory since 2015, this Wuhan Outbreak will provide biological scientist, data scientist and artificial intelligence scientist to envision the trajectory of their newly designated SUPER VIRUS (if they ever attempting to engineer one with the "antigenic shift" they desired.) on the computer without releasing it to the natural world....


...Refer 17a). The paragraphs above provide strong arguments behind Indonesia's decision to mislead the world on their COVID-19 data (Indonesia had been extremely cautious with their data handling operations, Intelligence Series 6 will provide a glimpse on the issue.)....

The novel virus predicted by Simon Wain-Hobson, virologist at the Pasteur Institute in Paris has now become a realization and the Wuhan Outbreak will provide Professor Simon the trajectory of the virus.




...Taking all the systematic analytical reviews into account, The Financial Debunker had strong belief that COVID-19 is the platform (either a misfire or a sinister scheme) for the development of the SUPER VIRUS. In the name of Science (not G-d anymore, we afraid), sacrifices (humans) have to be made ....


*Still in relations to virus (can be regarded as hearsay). It happened two to three months prior to the Wuhan Outbreak.


We were having a thorough discussion with the son of an adviser (a lecturer from one of the world's top universities) to a VVIP. We had significantly high hopes in offering our "Game-Changing" hybrid technology to one of the world's top intelligence agencies (since he probably had the connections and accesses to the world's top two leaders. We trusted his list of contacts and his personality. No doubt about it.), the discussion went three hours long with short conversations in between. This is part of the discussion


Us : You alright? Seems silent on your side.


XYZ : Yeah. No worries. I was just thinking if the technology you mentioned are those that could actually wipe out 90% of......


We grinned with our postures tilting backwards and our eyes nearly popped out. It wasn't disrespectfully hilarious, but where did he get these ideas from? We gazed at him but our mind was occupied trying to assemble pieces of the puzzles in our head. Well, as doctorates in theoretical particle physics (we do have history for being the top student in biology during our days in high school but those were probably off records. As these information were never mentioned to his side, this could only happen if he did an extremely thorough background check on us, which we doubted he ever did), we had not much idea on studies conducted by biologist in universities.


The peculiar section was the fact that he never mentioned anything with regards to a thermonuclear warfare but a biologically related one. Our thoughts were led to investigate if he had a penchant for video games or trilogies such as the Biohazard franchise which turn humans into zombies during the biological apocalypse or Resident Evil franchise which had quite the similar story line as Biohazard. Both franchises revolved around cleansing earth inhumanely by conserving nature for the selected few. The conversation moved towards to movies and video games for a brief period which he seemed to be absolutely unfamiliar with. As the nature of his job is financially related, we stopped our minor interrogation further. 


As the the Wuhan Outbreak took it's toll, we started to develop some ideas on the unspoken reasons he linked our hybrid technology to "biological warfare agent"


1) It seems many countries are spending huge sums on dangerous biological researches. There are some researches that they have thought off but they wouldn't dare to cross the line.


2) In many ways, viral engineering is a "hybrid technology" owing a huge section of it's success not just in the imaging process that supports such micro visualization but also the engineering section through the application of "optical tweezers" (an application to isolate atoms and easily applied in isolating virus, cutting and amputating segments of it.).


So, Mr XYZ, our "Game-Changing" hybrid technology is not a "biological warfare agent", is lower in cost (except our EXPONENTIALLY EXPENSIVE consultation fees), less risky to the scientists (and initiator), less adverse when things went out of control, higher return and higher impact but finally something alien to all of the Intelligence and Military agencies around the world. 


Well done, keep trying (Ours are designed to open all the pandora boxes and the human mind.).


**Voilla, Chinese tech companies are now containing "The Power of Google"

***Malaysian political Update - Alright, another 10 months for the anticipated Plan B (we mentioned it too)

****Intelligence Series 8 - ARAMCO : A Tale Of A Two Trillion USD Smokescreen .Date of Release : Early May 2020

Intelligence Series 3 - The Telco Telegram Affair. Date of release : Undecided


Intelligence Series 4 - Honeypot Intelligentsia. Date of release : Undecided

Intelligence Series 5 - Bypassing WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal & Decryption Specialist. Date of release : Undecided

To those who steal (from million dollars worth of ideas to interceptions(since we haven't activate our safe mode option) ) from us - מַּח שְׁמוֹ וְזִכְרוֹ

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