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Intelligence Series 7.1 - Disturbing NATURE 

*First article on COVID-19 - 1) UPDATE 6th April 2020

**2 ) UPDATE 6th April 2020   - Before the update, on the 1st of April, we specifically questioned "viruses that evolved to deadly pathogenic state through natural selection in human host and then jumped to non-humans? ". Today, we seem to have an answer from the link below. We will now need to observe if this causes pandemics in the animal kingdom. If it does, this is certainly very odd and should be classify as an "anomaly in nature" because the epidemics and pandemics up till now has not been showing the reverse of deadly pathogens evolving in the human-host affecting the animal kingdom.

***This article will serve as an edifying inquisitive exposition over the opinion published by NATURE (also published in sciencedaily) on the 17th of March 2020. The journal staunchly asserts that COVID-19 is the product of nature (aka of natural origin).


****The two journals published by NATURE in 2006 and 2015 will be referred to challenge, contradict and question the decision by the journal for their latest findings that the virus is of natural origin (without considering other possibilities)




NATURE could have been impartial in their journal selections, yet the reviewers seems inclined towards their own sets of thoughts and dispositions without considering other theories into account. This is because they have been ruling out many scientific explanations and being reluctant to review, deduce and provide constructive criticism against opposing views. Their decision in reviewing published journal is heavily inclined towards "selective scientific arguments and methodologies" while at the same time "sweeping potential theories under the rug that is opposing to their own narrative". This eventually led them to the standpoint that the Wuhan Outbreak of 2019/2020 or the COVID-19 pandemic (depending on how we perceived this event) as the product of natural origin.


The journal quoted the following... 


1) "In one scenario, the virus evolved to its current pathogenic state through natural selection in a non-human host and then jumped to humans."


Let's think about the validity of the statement (the fact that the author and most scientist never argue/thought of extensively while at the same time continuously making attempts to ignore/throw these other two important discussions out of their argument in order to fit their scientific narrative in most journals warrants "red flag" on their operation, selection and conduct.) by thoroughly discussing from a different angle. The discussion is crucial to decide whether the validity of such thought fits the natural order or show some tendency as a natural anomaly. 


a) Why aren't there any viruses that evolved to deadly pathogenic state through natural selection in human host and then jumped to non-humans


Nature had not observed viruses evolving to deadly pathogens in human host of the kind that causes viral outbreak in chickens, pigs or lambs (despite human's close affiliation to our food source). Even if it does, the severity had not warranted any attention or investigation of a nature that gives rise to cycles of epidemics and pandemics within a span time of 5 to 15 years. 


b) On a similar note - why aren't there any viruses that evolved to deadly pathogenic state through natural selection in a non-human host and then jumped to non-humans


The answer would be identical to the above, there isn't any concerns of deadly pathogens evolving in cats (as non-human host) that causes viral outbreak in dogs (non-humans target)


...The point is simple - it is very disturbing to imagine that nature had been so vengeful towards the human race by unleashing Nipah Virus, SARS, H1N1, MERS and COVID-19 within a span time of 17 years while other animals are mostly affected by global warming such as polar bears. Please read question 20 in our previous article....


Hopefully, future published journals would be more interested to discuss the reasons behind the frightening and vengeful nature towards the human species. 


2) "This evidence for natural evolution was supported by data on SARS-CoV-2's backbone -- its overall molecular structure. If someone were seeking to engineer a new coronavirus as a pathogen, they would have constructed it from the backbone of a virus known to cause illness. But the scientists found that the SARS-CoV-2 backbone differed substantially from those of already known coronaviruses and mostly resembled related viruses found in bats and pangolins."


The argument above is misleading, unreliable and selective in nature. 


a) "....mostly resembled related viruses found in bats and pangolins."


What NATURE seemingly tried to point out contextually is that because the virus resembles bats and pangolins viruses, COVID-19 is automatically ruled out as a genetically engineered candidate to target humans. However, another journal by NATURE in 2015 quoted the following. 

"Additionally, in vivo experiments demonstrate replication of the chimeric virus in mouse lung with notable pathogenesis..."


If SARS virus can be replicated on mouse, why did NATURE omit the possibility (due to insidious human activities) for the creation of a hybrid coronavirus derived from the bat viruses as a biological weapon or platform for a more advanced biological weapon to be replicated on humans? 


b) "...they would have constructed it from the backbone of a virus known to cause illness."


Why did NATURE specifically focused on the "backbone of a virus" but never attempted to discuss other physical and mechanical similarities of the virus (aka COVID-19) with other viruses? 

( Coronavirus (including SARS) & MERS viruses had been known to be deadly whether NATURE choose to specifically focus solely on the backbone. This is counter-intuitive in such a way that if cowpox can be utilized to cure small pox, any coronavirus can be weaponized since SARS and MERS had been demonstrated to harm humans. The fact for NATURE to immediately rule out that bat coronavirus cannot be weaponised against humans sounds very disturbing. ) 


Although the research journal below was rejected, there are uncanny semblance between the HIV peptides and the COVID-19 peptide inserts. It seems that NATURE comfortably ignores this theoretical framework without providing strong grounds to reject the claims.


The above example clearly demonstrates that NATURE (and the selective peer-reviewed scientific community) is inconsistent and absurd to suggest in a way that biowepon engineers will not genetically engineer viruses with HIV virus unique insert (which are responsible for certain mechanism) but will genetically engineer viruses from the backbone of other pathogenic viruses (such as the backbone of Ebola or Smallpox. Coincidentally, the COVID-19 seems to be treatable with Ebola drugs .).


...What sort of preposterous scientific argument is this? It is equivalent of making a statement that if a murderer had an intention to murder someone, the murderer will modify his gun but will not modify his knife. (Apologise for having to make such analogies as most of our readers are not scientists.)...




...Our continuous fear stems from the un-natural nature of NATURE for accusing nature to be so disturbing.... 


Below are the following concerns. 


1) The ignorant side by NATURE for not considering the circumstantial evidence concerning the insidious coincidence between the Wuhan Outbreak of 2019/2020 (although NATURE never specifically mention Wuhan as they have been very professional. Yet, how would they argue scientifically that the virus ended up in Wuhan? Or they will just throw the Wuhan factor out of the equation and put a noticeboard "We don't know, we don't make non-biological speculations".) and the fictional Wuhan 400 Outbreak that also happens in the year 2020 from Dean Koontz thriller novel The Eyes of Darkness.


2) The opinion by NATURE on the virus' backbone such that genetically engineered viruses must be derived from backbone that caused illness. This may serve as a smokescreen for the current event and setting future narrative to accuse nature for any future biological outbreaks....


The journal by NATURE in 2006 mentioned about viral inactivation (killing viruses with the correct amount of radiation dosage) while ensuring the structure of the virus remain unchanged. 


The journal quoted


"To ensure biological safety, specimens were γ-irradiated and viral inactivation was verified. The irradiation dose used (2 Mrad) caused no obvious changes in virion structure, and we observed no radiolysis of viral proteins in SDS-PAGE results. Moreover, antigenicity to both patient sera and monoclonal antibodies was retained, as measured by ELISA and western blotting (Supplementary Fig. 1), indicating that epitopes were structurally intact. Radiation effects are random, so no structural changes were expected to appear after image averaging."


The information above also implies (in some ways) that the virion structure (and perhaps the virus' backbone as it was part of the structure) can slowly be mutated with the correct amount of radiations through laboratory selections (un-natural selections. In some cases, radiolysis, either used/induced intentionally or not may affect the virion structure. Maybe even to the extent of upgrading parts of the viral mechanism to penetrate the human cell membrane and replicate in their hosts.) while ensuring that the viruses are not inactivated (although in the journal in 2006, the amount of radiation used was to inactivate the virus.). Even if a higher radiation was used, not all of the viruses (if a huge amount of virus sample was taken into consideration and a controlled radiation was implemented.) may be inactivated during the experimentation, some may survive and suffer obvious changes in the virion structure and that would be suffice to use these surviving batches as the viral progenitors (For ordinary readers, if a high number amount of humans are exposed to high radiation, there will be lots of people from the sample that will suffer from cancer but not all will be affected by the adverse side effects, some may suffer birth deficiency, some may be just fine and developed other unexpected results. Get it!!! Now, apply this procedure to the viruses which the scientists have the resources and time to keep replicating the process until they have the results that they desire.) for other purposes. Below is another side of the argument that NATURE prefer not to disclose to the public. 


...Why did NATURE omit the possibility that radiation (as well as optical tweezers) might have been used to alter the bat coronavirus virion structure (including the virus' backbone) so that the COVID-19 virus will look quite similar in it's molecular structure to the bat coronavirus, then applied the viruses on certain bat's population, observed the pathogenic evolution within a short period of time (maybe 10 to 15 years from the time point of SARS), applied some viral hybrid engineering work (including antigenic shifts) with other human viruses (COVID-19 had similarities to HIV peptides, which had been discussed and questioned on NATURE's reluctance to accept the peptides argument while keep insisting on the virus' backbone argument.) and intentional released to the human population as a trial (aka the COVID-19) to observe the viral trajectory?...


...Will the virus' backbone argument be the future backbone justifications for NATURE and other scientific journals inclined in accusing nature of future viral outbreaks?...




Any biological scientist are welcome to challenge the ideas being put forward as unsound. 


...To put it in a hilarious unprofessional tone, NATURE's blame on the virus for being natural in origin seems to further suggest not only that the virus was evolving in non-human host, turned into a hostile pathogens (without providing a sound scientific explanation on the pathogens' tendency to evolve into hostile agents towards humans.), developed some intellectual capability in reading Koontz Novel and execute the master plan in Wuhan (we never ruled out the Chinese or other forces, which is why we termed as Misfire or a Sinister Scheme in one of our articles.) in the year 2020. Therefore, fulfilling the prophecy in the novel. Verdict : A very disturbing virus indeed....


Blaming nature (we do study Medieval Black Death. Yet even historians could not rule out the possibility that the witches at that time were experimenting with deadly creatures to create deadly diseases by accident. This is similar to the theory that blankets  laced with smallpox was used to reduce a significant amount of the indigenous race in North America during the 17th century. The Indian Cholera Outbreak coincidentally happened during the British Occupation of India. Are the British perpetrators of the outbreak? No matter if it is a Yes or No, it is still inconclusive to point out that all these three events had natural origin without any human interference.) seems not to be our cup of tea.  



...The only thing to be agreed upon is only the fact that base on unverified historical accounts, biological weapons might had been employed suspiciously countless of times. It would be unwise to rule them out completely. Perhaps nature might have played a role in some of them throughout mankind's history, yet the idea to scapegoat nature for mankind insatiable greed, ambition and desire seems to be unjust.... 


We sincerely hope that NATURE will be more open minded in considering other facets of an event before selecting their reviewed journals.


*Notes on virion structure


**Notes on radiolysis


***Writings linking Black Death and witchcraft (the witches are probably intelligent female scientist of the period and an outcast/misfit of a society plotting revenge through a mixture of psedu-science and unreliable pagan rituals which they termed as magic.), theories linking the colonists to smallpox and facts on the Indian Cholera Outbreak.


****Future writings

Intelligence Series 10 - PROJECT _ _ _ _OS. Date of Release : Early August 2020 (this will be of huge interest to the Intelligence community)

Intelligence Series 8 - ARAMCO : A Tale Of A Two Trillion USD Smokescreen. Date of Release : Early May 2020

Intelligence Series 3 - The Telco Telegram Affair. Date of release : Undecided


Intelligence Series 4 - Honeypot Intelligentsia. Date of release : Undecided. 

Intelligence Series 5 - Bypassing WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal & Decryption Specialist. Date of release : Undecided

0) UPDATE 5th April 2020 - How about Mad Cow Disease,  Japanese Encephalitis and Zika? (pathogens that evolved in non-human host that affects human target.)

1) Mad Cow Disease is not 100% natural. The leading theory is that the cows are introduced to some form of cannibalism - suggesting human interference and the disturbing greed of the human nature. The link below quoted

"When a cow is slaughtered, parts of it are used for human food and other parts are used in animal feed. If an infected cow is slaughtered and its nerve tissue is used in cattle feed, other cows can become infected."

2) Japanese Encephalitis existed around the 1500, it has always been there but there is no new strains found like the COVID-19 which causes a pandemic.

3) Zika is related to the dengueyellow feverJapanese encephalitis, and West Nile viruses. Mosquitoes had always known to play a part in viral epidemics and pandemics.

All of the three diseases are of less serious concerns because they are not contagious -  spreading from human to human.

1) UPDATE 5th April 2020 -  The higher connections involving a network of organizations interested in pandemic research on the same day a war game event was conducted in Wuhan.

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