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END GAME - Double Edged Swords



 END GAME - Timeline 0001  - ( Important updates 1) jailing is averted with a more friendly option of switching alliances aka "frogs" to the ruling side. There are permanent UMNO members which would be absolutely barred from jumping into BERSATU. The current list are as follows Najib Razak, Ahmad Maslan, Khairy Jamaludin, Zahid Hamidi and Nazri Aziz. 2) According to the current acting UMNO President Tok Mat, Mahathir confided with him during a meeting that he would not de-register UMNO as he still has feelings for UMNO. Lets hope it would not be the same case like the manifesto. 3) PAS is now working with UMNO. Pacification does not necessarily work as the Malay groups are vigilant of all agendas and keep stopping these changes. Pacification now seems to be "spinning" the disputable sum of either 90 million or 1.4 million with not much progress from the police and MACC. 4) PKR is heavily split into two camps, thus the Port Dickson MP's faction will be facing a tough day. )

Malaysian Political Universe - Introduction - Important updates 1) Tengku Abdullah ascended the throne from his father as Sultan of Pahang and successively ascended as the Agong to claim his throne. His significance is of great importance as he might be the reason behind the signing of Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. 2) The previous Agong - Sultan Muhammad Faris Petra abdicated his throne to pave way for Tengku Abdullah's ascension. )

Readers should familiarize themselves with international law and current Malaysian politics before proceeding further.


(Pay attention to point 2, 3 and 4 on Malaysian Political Landscape. Point 5 is the decisive factor to Malaysian prosperity.) 


We hypothesize that there will be 6 movements or initiatives that will shape/re-shape or counter the Malaysian Political Landscape at the current moment.

The title is self-explanatory, yet even countries with ICBM Nuclear Warheads capabilities still fear of a long term systematic infiltration that could lead to Self Implosion Armageddon at it's own soil - although the probability of a long term successful infiltration is very likely improbable.

The tricky bit has always been arrogance and overconfidence that makes one thinks that the solution is always definite. Every strategy (Chinese Philosopher has a saying that strategy is like water, they must keep changing at all times to fit the situation. For Christians out there impervious to Jewish roots. The Hebrew word of Moses is Moshe – משה. The book of Exodus in Hebrew is Shemot –  שמת. Mem – מ represents wisdom and water. Shin – ש represents understanding and fire. Having wisdom and understanding together leads to knowledge. Ring any bells?), tactic or instrument are not 100% hack-proof, the unprecedented can always happen. In this article, we will attempt to highlight certain initiative that had backfired miserably while some initiatives that look very promising can actually deliver disastrous outcome.

1) ICERD ( initiated by = PH, current status = badly backfired- More on why it failed due to early execution had been highlighted in this article. The initiative brought PAS-UMNO closer through "Perpaduan-Ummah" aka Muslim's Unity for Islam. So far so good nailing Cameron Highlands and overtaking Semenyih.

2) TRIBUNAL INVESTIGATION ON THE SIX ELECTION COUNCIL MEMBERS  ( initiated by = PH, current status = ongoing, probability to backfire = significantly high - When the PH government won the GE14, the spirit and momentum is high. There is a belief among most PH factions and subgroups that BN rigged the election to their advantage. PH was very sure that they could win 2/3 majority leading to their absolute right in making amendments to the constitution if another election was held again.  Therefore the Judiciary under the new Chief Judge Richard Malanjum and the newly elected Attorney General Tommy Thomas (hated by the Malay groups for his poor Malay command, a DAP inclined lawyer whose clientele includes Lim Guan Eng - with his latest dancing video with  a pro liberal lawyer) initiated or was under the instruction to launch this particular tribunal. 


The following are insider's information from one of the Tribunal Lawyers circling around 


i) The Bar Council is 70% dominated by Pro Right Wing Faction (including Pro Monarchist) after the Daulat Tuanku movement which encourages Malay lawyers inclined to the Malay cause to stop being lazy and vote. The result had been analyzed thoroughly and 70% are Pro Right Wing with Siti Kassim failing to make the cut. One of the key person imperative to this movement is a pro UMNO lawyer who successfully made through the cut named Lukman Shariff.

It was rumored that this is the first time
(after not sure within a period of time) The Malaysian Bar Council is now dominated by Pro Right Wing faction. In such event, could it be that the initiator had slipped in making the right calculation by assuming that the Malaysian Bar Council will be Left Wing dominated?


ii)  The AG was also assume of not advising the Prime Minister (or it was the Prime Minister's fault? How dare you!!!) appropriately with regards in opening a tribunal for the 6 Election Council members who had resigned which begs the appropriateness of the tribunal.


"...Have you ever guessed why it was a Tribunal and not a Royal Commission of Inquiry?..."

iii) Tommy Thomas himself admitted that "a tribunal is a master of it's own proceedings". While Tommy Thomas  after consultation with Richard Malanjum wanted the Tribunal lawyers to come out with a resolution "whether to fire or not fire the six EC members", the Tribunal lawyers insisted they are unhappy with the options and prefer to advise the current Agong  otherwise. 

"...We were being credibly informed that Tommy had a hard time defending his argument about 40 minutes and request for adjournment..."


"...So what is the otherwise?..."

The otherwise is as simple as if there are serious misappropriation by the Election Council, this puts another question on the legitimacy of GE-14 (since that PH sets the precedence of creating many By-Elections) and if another nationwide re-election is LEGITIMATELY IMMINENT consisting of UMNO-PAS making the first alliance in 60 years history to retake this Pakatan Harapan government.

We are unsure if it will work. If there is a backfire, can it be stopped? Lets go back to

3) ROME STATUTE ON THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT( initiated by = PH, current status = signed, probability to backfire = significantly low - The initiative was signed in "silence" when coincidentally the citizen is focusing on ICERD. It was on the pretext of "human rights" according to Mahathir. The initiative was first published to the public on November 2018 by Kulasegaran. His argument was on the case of MH17 and why it failed to be brought to the International Court of Justice. Coincidentally, the Malay groups are writing a very different narrative and it's timing with the Royalty Saga (which the previous Agong  - Sultan Mohammad Faris Petra voluntarily abdicated after taking a 2 months health related absence, only then the nation was shocked with his private wedding to a Moscow woman followed by the timing ascension of Sultan Abdullah and finally the silent climatic revocation of award to Mahathir by Sultan Muhammad Faris, weeks after his voluntarily abdication. So what is really going on?) could not have superimpose better. The narrative was simply in response to

"... Rome Statute established four core international crimes: genocidecrimes against humanitywar crimes, and the crime of aggression..."

The keyword is none other than "crime of aggression",  Article 8 defines 

"...1. For the purpose of this Statute, “crime of aggression” means the planning, preparation, initiation or execution, by a person in a position effectively to exercise control over or to direct the political or military action of a State, of an act of aggression which, by its character, gravity and scale, constitutes a manifest violation of the Charter of the United Nations..."

The statement above (according to arguments by the Malay groups which had serious doubts over Mahathir as he was the one behind the abolishing of Article 181 (2) that grants the royalty immunity to be sued in court) contradicts the rights of the Malay rulers  to co-ordinate their own military operation accordingly to some vague interpretation of the constitution with vague conditions for justified execution. Hypocritically, not many on the opposing side despite their silent anger and hatred circulating in circles decide to make a public shout out on the signing of the Rome Statute as it was for the cause of humanity.

Will it still backfire? Off course. Read article 8 closely, ponder over it and go back to

4) THE APPOINTMENT OF SPECIAL BRANCH CHIEF ABDUL HAMID BADOR AS POLICE CHIEF ( initiated by = PH, current status = was rumored, probability to backfire = very significantly low - He is rumored to be a staunch Mahathir loyalist even during the days of Mahathir as the fourth and now as the seventh PM. He was rumored to be in a hiatus status either officially or indirectly during the days of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Najib Razak.

"...We will not comment further..."

5) MAHATHIR CONTINUOUS INTERNATIONAL WARNING AGAINST CHINESE HEGEMONY PHASE 1 & PHASE 2 ( initiated by = Mahathir Mohammad, current status = ongoing, probability to backfire = phase 1 badly backfired, phase 2 - no response yet - Phase 1 witnessed the historical moment of his bravery in speaking up in Beijing using the term "New Colonialism" at the presence of Chinese Premier Li Keqiang. A few of our articles indicates that the plan to pressure China seems to  backfire adversely. Phase 2 witnessed the Prime Minister once again rolling out two statements in the Philippines on China, the first "Dr M warns Philippines against foreigner influx" and "China should define claims in South China Sea". The two statements are not just about making and painting negative sentiments on China but can be construed as instigating negative sentiments against China among the citizen of Philippines or indirectly persuading the Philippines ruling echelon to make a joint alliance with Malaysia to counter Chinese influence in South East Asia. Although, he seems to be more hostile towards the Europeans in his later interview, it seems his issues with China should have been kept private.

Let us observe the Sino-Malaysia relationship in the future.

"...Najib is served by Mahathir in most of his local speeches. Internationally, Mahathir serves China to his audiences...."

6) NAJIB FACTOR ( initiated by = Najib & Team Najib, current status = ongoing, probability to backfire = significantly low for 1) and 2), section 3) might contain spoilers - Divided into 3 sections 1) the trolling part which constantly checking PH ministers on the  inconsistencies in their statements and manifestos, the trolling seems to be working great to provide public realization - even if they don't vote BN, they will start to loathe PH, 2) the "Malu Apa Bossku" campaign seems to be successful among Malay youngsters, 3) the constant delay of his 1MDB and SRC trials will strengthen his image of innocence. Will it backfire eventually? The delay was meant to create an important political turning point. 

Let us observe how this END GAME will unfold with or without the right solutions. Significantly low implies 2% chances, 1% for the divine, the other for us.




Will the move for a strict control over the Social Media bring severe backlash to the ruling side which had been constantly promoting freedom of speech?. Even a strong alliance like "Penyatuan Ummah" is not 100% hack-proof. Can a 3 corners fight be transpired before the next nationwide election? For us, all solutions not carefully tailored and analyzed are just double edged swords and with the right application, the breaking point can be pernicious in nature.

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