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END GAME - Timeline 0001




The revelation of a less vocal character showing off his probable true potential and another prominent character sudden spewing of bias statement in the public puts this saga at the center of the limelight. To understand the saga requires us to rewind back key statements by the Prime Minister...

1) The Deputy Agong will resume the role of the Agong due to the current Agong having his health concerns for 2 months beginning on the 1st of November.

2) We cannot ratify ICERD since Article 153 contradicts ICERD. We require 2/3 of the parliament to amend the constitution.

3) I requested Zahid to disband UMNO because UMNO is now deem irrelevant.

While these 3 statements had not much weight by themselves, a simple analysis will suffice when they are conjoined together in providing a clearer picture. Two fruits for thoughts on the ICERD controversy...

4) if ICERD cannot be ratified, why introduce? Is it an attempt to create a distraction from the dwindling economy?

5) if PH is very sure of winning the GE 15 and the transition for Anwar's ascension is in hand, why bother with UMNO? Why the attachment with UMNO? Why rush to ratify ICERD?

Therefore, the intention has never been more perspicuous than before

6) the whole conundrum since November 1 on ICERD is a move to prepare the ascension of another candidate as highlighted in our articles dated 26th of August and 7th of November

7) this particular move also serves as the foundation to strengthen the appointment of the candidate which consistently aligned to Western ideologies and philosophy spanning from liberalism to globalization with ICERD only being one of the many by products molded from those sets of principles but more fitting in this new world. You cannot have a leader who is not in tune with the people's mindset. This step is imperative to ensure long term national peace and prosperity but dominated by LEFT WING mentalities and dogmas.

...Combining the statements 1) + 2) + 3) will provide more sense on the matter. They unveil the real intention behind the complete swallowing of UMNO (which is what PH needed to achieve the 2/3 majority - it is handled through a round table diplomacy that ended in failure that calls upon the need to implore judiciary options) + the amounts of seats in PH + an acting Agong aligned to Mahathir's cause = is equivalent to the ratification of ICERD. The ratification of ICERD which will excite the famous humanity lawyer Siti Kassim  (being instrumental in supporting the minister in the Prime  Minister Department to make the move) points to the fact that it was an attempt to push the ascension of a liberal leader that Siti Kassim had in mind but nevertheless ended as a fiasco.

An UMNO taken over is equivalent to the 100% success of PH as the Malay voters will have complete doubt to vote PAS alone. With all of UMNO leaders probably jailed before 2023 and the instant breeding of textbook proficient leaders with shabby political cause - plucked out from some UMNO's leader loyalist contact list, the survival of UMNO during such political storm will be hard. Great characters can only ascends to great leadership in a stint of time during life defining turning points scenario like a warfare or economic meltdown, otherwise, it's all comes down to connections, networks and circles. This argument is a response to our MPU article that the LEFT WING is winning the game.

...unless, the RIGHT WING took a different route...

Due to the unforeseen heat generated by the Malay groups, ratification of ICERD needs to be put on hold and more invisible pulling strings that comes in the form of subtle indoctrination will be more effective to mold a good casting for ICERD which will be shockingly and silently implemented when the right moment arrives.

END GAME Timeline 0001

By following the logical flow of our arguments above, the END GAME will probably follow this particular timeline aka 0001

1) The complete finalization of the jailing for all prominent UMNO leaders will be made 2 to 3 months before GE 15. There had been talks circulating among the  inner circles of future elections to be held every 2 to 3 months due to the continuous fresh imprisonment of UMNO MPs. Rafizi is rumored to take over Tengku Adnan's Putrajaya as his base.

2) UMNO will be de-registered in 2 to 3 months before GE 15 to hamper any chances of a successful appeal in the court of justice.

3) PAS will be pacified through the steady subtle left wing indoctrination on the millennial. PH had 5 years to maximize the result of this plan.

4) PKR under Anwar knew that Mahathir had his hands tied. DAP and AMANAH are willing to stand by Mahathir.

5) The Malay voters are completely under the spell of Mahathir with UMNO gone - as they yearn a leader. The distribution of seats will be Mahathir's to call and automatically with the swallowing of UMNO, his rights for the most seats will be entertained.

6) Sabah and Sarawak parties will bow to real power, they will ally to PH at the end of the day. BN is as gone as dead unless another Lim Kit Siang or Anwar Ibrahim Doppelganger in BN spirit appears to challenge the rising Mahathir.
Zahid's fire seems to be very limiting in nature at the moment.

7) PH will win more than 2/3 majority in GE15. This is in line with MP Nga Khor Ming's mocking on Mahathir that "this particular old man has never lost an election less than 2/3 except during the stint PKR revolution by Anwar".

8) 2/3 is all you need to amend the constitution. ICERD can be submitted to the Agong for approval. The function of Agong is more ceremonious in nature.

9) This is the most interesting part. Technically, the conferment of the Agong is not necessarily selected from the previous Deputy Agong as another election needs to proceed, however, the three previous conferment of the Agong had been appointed from their respective deputies. Thus, Sultan's Nazrin's appointment as Agong in 2021 will be anticipated unless the Conference of Rulers elects a non-friendly Agong dis-align with Mahathir's interest like the Sultan of Johor.

10 a) Depending on the current Agong at that period, a friendly Sultan Nazrin coupled by a 2/3 strong PH will help ratify ICERD and the possibility of a liberalized Malaysia materializing without any or just a prick of backlash.

b) In the event that the Sultan of Johor is elected as Agong which display antagonistic relationship with Mahathir, the odds are slightly stake against a liberalized Malaysia as the amendment on the constitution will be very unceremonious with the Agong preferably wanting to play no parts in such an affair. There is also the possibility for the propagation of looming dissents by the Agong from 2021 to 2023 crucial in creating a sense of dual Malay-Islamic awakening backlash that could be detrimental to the stability of the nation.

...In conclusion, the role played by the Conference of Rulers is imperative in deciding the direction of this particular saga...


The current saga demonstrates signs of intolerance from both sides. It can be easily summed up that the democratic system laced with corrupt systemic manipulation infested in all layers of the government machinery is failing to hold back the real nature of the resentful Malaysians from the other divide which felt deceived by a more revolutionized system based on equality but was met with a more crippling contradictory reality. The country seems to be not moving forward with political backlash stories dominating the media and social media. An authoritarian rule seems to fit the Malaysian mold better as highlighted in our last article. Observing the current nature, two rules of thumb can be easily imposed

1) whether the LEFT or RIGHT is destined to dominate the political atmosphere of this nation regardless of the path (with reference to the timelines) they choose, only one side will be dominant towards the other.

2) the takeover whether successful or otherwise by any of the two sides will be vicious and hostile in nature.

*Other timelines except 0002 will not be discussed as this seems to be most plausible one at the moment.

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