Inteligence Series 13 - Soekarno & The Sea Goddess
19 November 2020
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
The Financial Debunker
*The four horsemen (our first set out of seven sets) refers to
3) THE CHANNELING OF SIX ? (not elaborated explicitly but was hinted to Senator W. However, base on our Intelligence gathering and analytical studies, we do not reckon Senator W and his side will be able to politicize this issue to their maximum advantage without our assistance as they would have misses many key points. Refer Image Z. Read Notes Part *.)
Readers must not worry about the 4 horsemen, rest assure that we have devised 7 sets of 4 horsemen to deal with Malaysian Politics. A total of 28. Some are much more terrifying than the four mentioned. Additional topics
**Published on the second day of Chinese New Year 2022 (2nd February at 2.22 am). May the ones who read our writing but unaligned to our will and aspirations be robbed of their fortunes and blessings. And a strong curse laid to those that take our work for granted. Is this a bad omen or divine providence which we have beseeched for ten years? (After arguing that divine intervention seldom takes place with Suzanne about half an hour before dinner? Image D gave us the inspiration for the four horsemen.)
***Attention : The Prime Minister, UMNO President & All Political Camps.
The game is not over despite it is very near. By the way Hilary Lim, Jae Senn and Eric See Toh aka Lim Sian See , please do not make any irrelevant assumptions that PAS will opt to go for more state elections as they could not afford too. (Please refer Image 0 and -1 to comprehend the reasons behind their statement )
****For Strategy Series 22, click here.
It is irrefutable that Zahid and Najib had initiated many political maneuvers (whether they are on the right side or wrong side, we would refrain from commenting this section.) to unshackle themselves from the possibility of going behind the bars (this statement could be slanderous but since Najib and Zahid kept iterating hints that the judiciary had been compromised - our statement is not completely unfounded.) or they are not particularly fond of Ismail Sabri's administration. Link 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Without commenting further, part of our focus for this particular article will be on one of Najib's loyalist and ardent supporter Mr Syed Imran (an UMNO supporter strongly inclined to Najib Razak). Among many of Najib's supporters, he has more restrain in his damage control as he prefers to use less profanities, strong languages or provocations. His actions fall within the frame of a civilized cunning politician. His effort is worth a praise although the efficacy may be overall questionable.
While Sharon Tan keeps herself as a secret agent of Team Najib then unveiled through our systematic revelation, Syed Imran however choose to become an ardent supporter of Najib openly. Two things about his Facebook account that keeps our interest on him remain strong is the two screenshots we managed to obtain
1) Image 1 portrays Syed Imran's joy when BN won the Malacca State Election which prompted him (his side or inspired by his spirit) to push for a Johor State Election immediately. This clearly shows that Syed Imran is well respected by Team Najib or his idea to continue in destabilizing the political landscape bodes well with UMNO's top leadership.
2) Image 2 hinted on Option B that was proposed to the Prime Minister in the event that the Prime Minister was blackmailed (or threatened by the Perikatan National faction).
Without dwelling into Option B, let's just say it all boils down to the bargaining chip.
...Remember our meeting with people in WCEF, one of them hinted if we were interested to apply for MUDA and spy on the organization. Obviously, we were very uncomfortable and denying it immediately as we were not interested in such endeavors. Yet, that is the attitude of most Malaysian Chinese which lacks the finesse in making the correct inquiry without making a thorough judgement on a person's character. Such gesture is not uncommon among the Chinese as it is a failing race who had lost their identity centuries ago. The newly attained wealth made them lose their sense of true value as a human being. The capitalist mentality that permeates the very layer of society with the principle that every person can be bought with money.
Our stature bar us to even think of joining such lowly maneuvers. Why would we want to wreck MUDA from inside when given the correct opportunities, timing and resources - it's existence would be at a snap of a finger?...
Getting back to Option B. Option B we reckon is an easy and uncomplicated deal initiated by those aligned to Zahid and Najib such that.
...If Perikatan National led by Muhyiddin Yassin threatens to burn the ship and pulls everybody down, Ismail will still be embraced by Team Zahid and Najib as a prominent minister in the cabinet if Ismail (knowingly that the hopes to gather support from BERSATU and PAS would be futile by correlating the results from the Malacca State Election with the performance of the 15th General Election.) initiates to dissolve Parliament in order to pave way for UMNO to win the next 15th General Election without submitting himself to the threats....
Whatever it may be, Option B is not as interesting as the Pirates of The Peninsula.
So, readers including those from Team Najib will be asking if there is such thing as the Pirates of The Peninsula that will put Zahid watching Ismail as the Prime Minister winning the 15th General Election by the sideline. Obviously, we won't divulge the mechanism to achieve this elegantly but we will demonstrate what Ismail and his team could achieve to stop the Johor State Election from unfolding (even now). Sadly, they preferred to have it held. Before we move on to the Pirates of The Peninsula, we will discuss on Zahid's (maybe inspired by Syed Imran) choice of wrong date selection for the Perhimpunan Agung UMNO 2021 (PAU 2021).
...Seems Zahid's "Qasyaf" and Najib's "Laknat" lacks efficacy to counter our (I am just alone and very lonely) strong will to restrain them from rising. In order to make them feel special a bit, let's assume maybe it is just not yet....
Mark our words that Ismail will be forced to push for the 15th General Election during the UMNO General Assembly 2021 in mid March with Muhyiddin's lost (or nonparticipation) during the Johor State Election (which had to be initiated in 60 days time. Muhyidddin will pull himself out which he did eventually or UMNO Johor will go all out to crush him to a humiliating defeat. This had been shared with Senator W. Refer Image 3a & 3b) and UMNO's performance will be made as a benchmark for justification by Zahid's camp to make sure that Ismail falls in line to comply to his wishes to dissolve the Parliament.
...Date selection is important in Chinese Metaphysics. At such intricate political juncture, the correct date selection to conjure the precise political momentum is crucial to ensure the survivability of UMNO's Zahid. This one however had nothing to do with Metaphysics but the ingenuity to look beyond the surface. UMNO played the wrong move by dissolving the State Assembly on January 22nd. This gives the possibility of the Johor State Election to fall before, on or after the UMNO General Assembly. If the state election falls before or on UMNO General Assembly, Zahid will have the advantage to use the grassroots and his speeches to push Ismail Sabri. If the state election falls after the general assembly, Zahid can only use the Johor performance to push Ismail out on the next general assembly. The momentum probably had dissipated by that time.
The Malacca State Assembly was dissolved on 5th October and Election commenced on the 20th November. A 45 days gap.
By this calculation - if the Election Council decides the Johor State Election falls 45 days after the 22nd of January, this would imply the 7th to 10th of March 2021. This will be advantageous to UMNO's Zahid. By setting it on the 21st or 22nd of March 2021 however, this will be advantageous to UMNO's Ismail....
...The paragraph above will be posted to Senator W and UMNO leaders inclined to Ismail Sabri on the 24th January 2021 urgently to make sure that the election date falls after the UMNO General Assembly of 2021. Image X1 and X2)....
Are they literally the four horsemen that will spell doom towards Najib and Zahid?
*Ain't sure if Ismail will heed this advice as he may be assuming that Zahid will pass him the leadership baton and negotiate with him for the position of Prime Minister after the 15th General Election. Feel very sad for his mediocre leadership skills.
Well, prior to the Johor State Election, we kept persuading those aligned to Ismail to use a high handed tactical maneuver to disqualify Zahid from signing any endorsement letter for the candidates. Refer Image 4a & 4b.
The content of the letter is none other than telling Ismail and those aligned to him to suspend UMNO temporarily.
...From a strategical, leadership and Machiavellian point of view - this stage is necessary to keep the political landscape stable and a higher form of power play to demand respect as a leader.
It is also a statement for Ismail to tell Zahid that I am above you and I am above the MKT.
Did Mahathir show any signs of tolerance during his high handed "Operasi Lalang"?
With that said, we couldn't agree more with some analyst that Ismail is indeed a weak Prime Minister and if he continues bowing down to Zahid's political maneuver, perhaps it was the right thing for him to resign NOW (resigning during the UMNO General Assembly 2021 will be humiliating because it implies that he is spineless and bows to pressure by others.) than to be embarrassed by Zahid later on if Zahid is unwilling to sign for Ismail's letter of endorsement to contest for the 15th General Election or unwilling to endorse Ismail as UMNO's poster boy (a very unsophisticated choice of words. Poster Boy. Maybe it ryhme with DC Super Boy or Malaysia's famous Boboi.) as Prime Minister....
Although Zahid will be making rounds of going in and out of the Court of Justice, his case will not be concluded so soon by the Federal Court. His case will only be decided after the 15th General Election if we take Najib SRC case duration as reference.
Ismail had made the wrong move by not using such maneuver to restrain UMNO's Zahid. In politics, one could never achieve greatness by initiating half-cooked fickle moves.
With that said, isn't it obvious what is Pirates of The Peninsula? And how the Pirates of Peninsula can help killing Zahid but helping Ismail? Ismail have to take control of UMNO. UMNO is a brand that resonates with the Malay people. Now if you have solve the riddle, the other questions would be on the questions of the grassroots and the people's support.
Oh, that requires the payment for a "coordinated effort to help us establish as the one who controls the World's Military Industrial Complex". Don't ever think Ismail will be safe with the Pirates of The Peninsula Option. Failure to comply to our demands, we will do a reverse maneuver that could hand the baton back to Team Zahid-Najib.
Let's just say that when we attended the event organized by Syed Imran - the presence of Indian were so noticeable during the event such that it quite strike us but the dots seems to be just not connected until...
...we managed to snap back from our forgetfulness that prior to the Malacca State Election, we were trying to persuade MIC to severe ties with BN or ban UMNO from using the BN flag so that UMNO will clearly lose the support of non-Malays effectively. Imagine using UMNO flag and MCA flags instead of BN, the voters will be confused. Though it will never be a winning factor, the point is to weaken UMNO not to score a victory.
So the messages were sent to Senator W, Dr Khairuddin Takiri of PAS, MIC strongman working under Annuar Musa himself. Image 15a, 15b and 15c....
Definitely MIC was defensive towards BN/UMNO and a number of statements were released as circumstantial evidence that the maneuver did in fact rattles the UMNO President to the core. When once aligned to Tok Guru Hadi Awang strongman Dr Khairuddin Takiri was fired from PAS Central Committee, we knew immediately that Team Zahid had countered this maneuver by getting into the heads of Dr Takiri (who is a good friend of Raja Petra Kamaruddin) and buying him out which immediately causing stronger factional split within PAS.
With all that said, "the MIC breaking away from BN maneuver" is just one of our runaway horse that may come and kick BN some day when the seats aren't being distributed fairly and wisely (Is this a hint on Tan Sri V of MIC? What is this message truly all about? Image 16. Is this an attempt to persuade Tan Sri V to....? Seriously, which Malay starts with V. V may be for Vincent but is more likely the other V.) . As Muhyiddin under PN is growing significantly weak to weaker and lacks strategical direction and coordination, we could fathom MIC's top leadership decision to stick to UMNO/BN than a shaky alliance which spurts nonsensical political statement on a continuous basis.
So enough with all the interesting bits, now comes the uninteresting bits.
There are a few key points to be taken here. It is sweet to stage a protest in PWTC with 9000 signatures collected. The thing is the signatures collected aren't having any I.C number on them. How do we verify if the 10 numbers belong to just one person with unverified names? (Image 5)
...For a start, even a nobody like us could have four numbers plus our spouse (having two) and not to mention about numbers that can be purchased from the internet, how is that a testament to show support for a start? At least, it made national headlines. Is that the point? How will the Supreme Leader Yang Dipertuan Agong responded to such a campaign with only 9000 signatures collected where their authenticity is highly in doubt....
Obviously, with online petition just managing to gather 282 signatures (Image 6), one cannot blame us if we question the authenticity of the numbers ballooning from 282 to 9000. There are also very "very" disturbing hearsays (Image 7). We questioned if he was from MCA, he said NO. We asked if he was a student, he said YES. He was hesitant to comment further.
There were a huge number of unkempt old Chinese (Image 8 is from Malaysiakini, look at those old ladies and old men, are you sure they are so enthusiastic for the event in the morning? Is this how you use the elderly and the B40s?). They don't look like those groomed by MCA but those who looked more like uncared old folks (maybe some are gathered from old folks home). Some carry more than one meal inside their bag. They went home with us using LRT. Worked hard in support of Najib Razak despite he and most of his core supporters weren't there. Obviously we were very different as we were there to make observations, report troubles and create opportunities for ourselves and the website by perturbing the political landscapes.
It had a very strong presence of Indian Muslim and Indians (maybe mobilize through MIC and Makkal Sakti since Najib is very close to these two groups) in one of the halls. Good human mobilization demonstrating strong connections among the Indian and Indian Muslim communities in support of Najib Razak. Wonder why the Indians are slotted into one hall? And the more multi-racial ones are put as public display for photoshoot? Is this a well coordinated job?
Yet the last disturbing part (just assume it is hearsay) is when a Malay lady shouting "kita ni mangsa banjir tau" walking right out of the hall. (Seriously, did one of the organizers even mobilize those flood victims to get them on site? Why were they so angry? We didn't have the guts to ask them eventually? Were they brought there but weren't being paid or were they expected to travel home back by themselves?) Thank you to those unaligned to Najib's camp (who read our message - Image 9a) who made an effort to alert Malaysiakini to investigate the authenticity on our observations for the event.
With such strong disjointed bunch of supporters from all sorts of backgrounds spanning from Chinese students to Chinese elderly, the Muslim Indian/ Indian community in one hall not making the front picture of the newspaper - definitely one cannot rule out if we start to consider this whole event as being bogus and misleading. Sorry to say.
Why is such political maneuver (stage) being initiated in the first place to mislead the King? (Image 9b provides some of the answers on what we had in mind and the counter narrative we intend for Malaysian Politics to follow.)
Did Najib Razak unwilling to participate for this event knowingly that it was a bogus political setup to send a misleading referendum to the King?
*Since there are clearer videos and facial temperature test due to Covid-19 observation, it would be easier to show evidence that our suspicion is strongly justified. We reckon the police and the Home Ministry does have those videos.
Despite the continuous unfolding and unending political development, the game is still not over. Like we keep iterating, the future Malaysian leadership are the ones that will help us establish as the World's Military Industrial Complex. Failure to comply will not bode well towards any side. As Zahid and Najib will rise with the fall of this administration, we will put our utmost effort to hold this status quo until one had signed a thorough deal with us.
*Congratulations to the Ismail Sabri's administration for opening a lead on the 6 billion LCS scandal. This should be the prime focus of Pakatan Harapan and Perikatan Nasional. Not just playing the same drum on Azam Baki which have some scandal worth less than 5 million. Where is the big fish you promise to the Malaysian citizen?
**As a Malaysian, we are strongly against Najib Razak to employ foreign expertise aka the Queen Counsel for his appeal at the Federal Court.
1) It sets precedence. Justice delayed for Malaysian is a justice denied. What happens later if Guan Eng, Zahid, Syed Saddiq and all requires Queen Counsel as well?
2) The idea of Najib Razak looking up to the Queen Counsel bodes strong negative perception towards the Malaysian judiciary and leadership of past and present. He should be treated consistently and without any preferential favoritism relatively to the case of prosecution involving Anwar and other past leaders. Will this be fair to Anwar and all for they never had the options to hire Queen Counsel? Is Anwar's case not complicated enough to warrant the Queen Counsel's service?
3) With regards to the argument of "development with regards to the judiciary world in the UK and Commonwealth", perhaps such argument could be made redundant particularly for Najib Razak as he never manage to make changes to the judiciary during his time in politics. It is a very self-serving agenda to change the pattern and style of managing the judiciary of the country for one who was granted to our leadership access in the past.
4) It is contradictory to his philosophy of 1 Malaysia. Will Malaysians be granted with affordable 1 Malaysia "Queen Counsel" services for an appeal at the Federal Court? Therefore, the price of justice wouldn't be similar for the rich and the poor.
5) Will it come to a point for Najib to infer that the Federal Court does not qualify to provide him justice? Inferring that probably the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom will be the only one that is able to bring him justice?
The Federal Court's decision to grant Najib access to Queen Counsel is unwise. It sparks the possibility and seed of foreign intervention on Malaysian judiciary. Perhaps the nation requires a Prime Minister from the Westminster or a British Apex Court judge to deliver judgement with better clarity. Have you witness any British Prime Minister embroiled in scandals of such proportionate embarrassment? And now shamelessly shrugging off any responsibility that he is either a negligent and the stupidest Prime Minister in the history of mankind or the most conniving blue collar politician that humanity have ever encountered.
However, since Malaysian opposition are pretty much suffering from political fatigue with not much witty lines to counter Najib's dominant social media presence - it is very likely Najib's predicament will turn out to be easy. His silver-spoon upbringing is clearly irking us. Yet, it is this feeling that the Opposition is failing to capitalize, amplify and politicise it with some trying to take advantage out of it. An aristocratic silver-spoon young man turned politician due to his father's connection who had total disregard with regards to the plights and sufferings of Malaysian with the continuous unending demand for the finest, luxurious, exquisite and preferential treatment from the unabashed 100 million house to " who knows what else?". Well, off course we are well aware of the pittance he granted to the citizen more than the current administration.
A Perfectly Splendid Spendthief (typo Spendthrift).
With all this said, we are indeed hypocritical and wouldn't mind to see him and those allying to him back in power as long as a deal to establish a Military Industrial Complex goes our way. Beggars can't choose. It is either Ismail or Zahid at the moment with Anwar, Mahathir and Syed Saddiq far far away to grasp the leadership baton.
***Despite our on-off correspondence with Senator W, we are not very fond of BERSATU signing a deal with Pakatan Harapan without a black and white agreement (that is part of our long winded advice to Senator Liew Chin Tong of DAP that unless the PN chairman is willing to comply to a complicated mechanism agreement, such alliance must and never proceed. Image Y.) and other perks.
...It is just plain common sense that one must not succumb to "instant noodle" politics such as establishing PH four years ago, break up in two years and now back again out of political necessity and desperation.
With regards to AMANAH Johor's encouragement for a political alliance with PH for BERSATU out of the blue is just a sense of desperation and one that never considers making deep after thought. A very dangerous process which one could observe from the political collapse to the strong fractionalization of Pakatan Harapan to Very Very Little Harapan....
****It seems we have new stalkers now since our WhatsApp to the four horsemen. Location : IOI Mall Aeon Supermarket, Day : Thaipusam.
This set of images (Image 10a, 10b and 10c) demonstrates the reasons behind our "Intelligence setback". Intelligence made of pure idiocracy.
"Bang, IOI mall ni tempat orang Cina (middle class) jalan-jalan, sini takde kem tentera. Orang Melayu memang ada, tapi jarang. Lagipun, gantilah style rambut tu sikit, cutting macam tu, pakai otak kat lutut aku pun aku tahu Bang ni tentera. Tambah lagi seluar panjang tu seluar tentera.
Kalau nak perhatikan, boleh dari jauh tingkat dua, ada balcony. Sebelum I sampai bawah balcony, pakailah awek cantik yang hip atau makcik dan anak ikut sampai situ. Tu susah curiga kecuali yang mengintai ada perasaan teruja.
Tentera Melayu warna pun lain sebab dekat padang lama sangat - kulit lebih hitam banding Melayu lain, kalau nak intai kat Pasar Tani, OK lah. Mall, kena ganti "style" lah. Askar Melayu dan petani Melayu pun lain, kulit sama hitam tapi bentuk badan dan cara potomg rambut pun beza.
Tengok, sekarang I terus terperasan yang I diintai, you pun takut I ambil gambar, cepat cepat jalan depan. I sampai supermarket, you dah menghilang. Kan kerja bodoh tu."
*****On the day we are on the way to Syed Imran's event, we found a pro Muhyiddin camp social media manager look alike "Abdul Jalil Backer". Many imposters and look alike nowadays. Maybe need new glasses. (Image 11a and 11b)
******On the day we are heading home after Syed Imran's event (Image 12). All this male agents are quite an eyesore to be honest.
"Macha, no sunshine inside LRT that requires you to wear such huge sunglasses lah. You mau jadi Rajanikanth kah?."
*******We still prefer Agent Sharon Tan and the other beautiful agents (this one had the elegance of Fan Bing Bing. Not sure if she had many love interest like Fan Bing Bing as well. Image 13. We were wondering if she always had her cap on for surveillance purposes sometimes. Image 14.).