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Part 1 - Future Of The "Bossku" Campaign




The unexpected rising popularity of the stunning fallen 6th Prime Minister can hardly be missed when 4 months ago UMNO (which is also tied to his legacy) still fails in their re-branding stage. He is still the main obsession in today's parliament with certain quarters demanding his popularity to be curbed by restricting his freedom in public campaign including the latest "Malu Apa Bossku" campaign. Such idea born out of fear, not to mention that Malaysia is bounded by the constitution which forbids such unlawful and unethical implementations to take place will raise public eyebrows and more questions with regards to the impeding fear the ruling side is harboring towards this smirking premier whom they once accused of larceny. Official orders had been released among government's machinery including the military to discourage staffs wearing and promoting the "Bossku" outfit. This highlight the confirmed fear. The lingering unspoken fear stemmed from the continuous economical downturn amplified by the weekly to monthly selling of national assets which should have been replaced with a much significant growing rate economy prophesied by the majority 47% against the UMNO + PAS 53% (which would be less than 53% when the votes are split in two).

"...An administration accused of thievery is performing better than one based on transparency - especially with the current HIBAH 1.25 . This is the spurning fear - infesting as time passes by. The nail in the coffin that the ruling side feared. The fear materializing with every asset sold, solidifying with every job cut, every pay cut, every renegaded manifestos that affects better living and every cuts on Islamic Affairs related issues. With UMNO and PAS conjoining - it can deliver the final blow...."


We hypothesize that the "Malu Apa Bossku" campaign is the tip of the iceberg, the campaign will transpire and transform Najib from the white-collar thief to the ultimate national hero. The campaign that runs in Malay led by Najib himself is an indirect facade to unite the "Ummah" without the campaign being portrayed as extremely "Right Wing" to the point of crossing racism in nature. It still fails to hide the kleptocracy past he was accused of committing during his time. The absence of Rosmah did make Najib receiving softer jibes and attacks from his nemesis, nonetheless. These are the predicted stages

Phase 1 - Malu Apa Bossku (this campaign is the introduction stage. Google had many articles on this. This stage includes a change in his dietary (it seems his Quinoa diet is currently left unspoken) and grocery option (his coincidental "kebetulan" shopping to TESCO seems a successful marketing gimmick to close his gaps with the  MARHAENS (the people, a word to separate oneself from aristocracy and connects with the middle classes) - a term he love to use recently. All this commotions are probably an attempt to avoid the new permanent accommodation dictated by the future verdict if found guilty.), a more people friendly Najib can be observed in mostly Malay eateries or Indians.)


Phase 2 - Daftar Undi Untuk Bossku (base on a report that Najib received in 2017 that nearly 3.67 million voters are unregistered - the report has been making comeback in Malay Groups Social Media. A materialized UMNO+PAS attack could only be solidified with a strong fresh wave of Malay voters. The key to deliver the blow from this combination is a significant increase in the numbers of New Malay Voters. The Significance of Malay Identity Realization (Kesedaran Identiti Orang Melayu) must be translated to a Malay Uprising and Malay Tsunami with the unstoppable momentum to retake the administration which they felt they were once forced to let go unwillingly. DAP and Mahathir must be portrayed in failing to safeguard the interest and betrayer of the Muslim community. Anwar must be painted as the forever "prime minister in waiting ". Estimated to start - 2021)


Phase 3 - Undilah Bossku (base on a circulating constant reminder that new registered Malay voters is only 49,000 against Chinese 119,000. Estimated to start - 2021.) 


Phase 4 - Bossku TERBAEK (a catchy phrase that relates to Malay youngsters - to boost registration as well as promoting Najib. TERBAEK is a slang word for "Terbaik" which means the BEST. A list of Najib's accomplishment and assets acquired will be making the go to create mass realization that he is the BEST leader. Mahathir's record will also be compared side by side including those acquired during Najib's era. Estimated to start - end of 2022. The "Biashe-biashe" campaign has already started and it might be the prelude to this campaign.)


Phase 5 - Bossku Bangkit Kembali (a catchy phrase that relates to Malay uprising, the peak of Malaysia's administration and the coming back that the Malay groups yearn. Estimated to start - end of 2022 to early 2023.)


Phase 6 - Rindu Zaman Bossku (a counter-campaign to emulate GE14 which Mahathir took the center stage as the better choice of a future Malaysia base on his 22 years leadership record. This propaganda is to provide a contrast side by side between Najib's 2013 to 2018 Versus Mahathir's 2018 to 2023 with the public being the ultimate judge. Estimated to start - early to March 2023.)

The conundrum is such that

"...arrangements could be made to jail a thief, history molded by globalization and 24 hours social media surveillance could hardly hide the stark contrasts between these two sets of administrations. Modern history will record all, none will escape the memory of the internet...."

2020 (the designated year Mahathir envisioned Malaysia as  a developed country) will be the pivotal year if Malaysia will follow a trajectory envisioned by Mahathir into a developed nation or otherwise with strong signals of continuous fall into a dwindling pit. What is Malaysia's history in 2020? Can Mahathir's wisdom guide Malaysia back into the developed nation he envisioned by international standards? At the moment, Mahathir must solve the China conundrum immediately and effectively while countering the PAS+UMNO combination. 2020 is another 9 months from the date of this article and


...the destined clash between the "Bossku" campaign & Vision 2020 under Mahathir himself is inevitable. A terrible year in 2020 will provide significant foundation for UMNO+PAS to retake it's 5 years mandate in 2023....


A DAP lawmaker which publishes his articles in PATREON on a continuous basis was concerned with the significance and impact of this campaign. We find the impact is of huge significance especially among FELDA settlers and the security forces. 

...The primary concern is an estimate of 50+ police present in court smiling proudly for a groufie (group selfie) with "Bossku" which they should have shown signs of distaste towards this thief accused of World's No 1 Heist - yet they were doing the unexpected and readily to be fired by the current administration. Turning a blind eye and handled wrongly could be a catalyst for a SILENT uprising. SILENCE is the sign of a powerful predator waiting the right moment to pounce....



The "Bossku" campaign whether you hate it or you love it is a testament of Najib's ability to rise from the ashes - whether he succeeded to transform into a phoenix once again is the divine secret nobody knows. It is an indirect statement that while UMNO's 60 years fall will be tied to his legacy - he is hellbent to fix the fall and vow to let it rise again. A bird never loves to be caged and time will demonstrate if this 6th Prime Minister is a bird or a phoenix. You cannot cage a phoenix....

...In this battle of willpower. Will Pakatan's and Mahathir's willpower 
​succeed in dispersing this equivalent willpower?...

To crack "Bossku" requires us to decode "Najib Razak"

Being the eldest son of Abdul Razak, Najib immediately inherits (the title will most likely be inherited by the eldest son in the family. The tradition is being upheld even among Malay Sultanate in selecting their crown prince up until today which is in line with Confucianism that supports the selection of the first born son to take lead as the head of the family.) his father's title which was bestowed upon his family by the Pahang's Royal Family. Despite of Bugis heritage, it is rather peculiar (how this particular Bugis family could be the most influential family in Pahang - only below the Royal Family themselves) as the Pahang Sultanate is a continuation of the Malacca Sultanate lineage. Sejarah Melayu recorded that the founder of Malacca Sultanate is Parameswara - a prince from the Javanese Kingdom of Sriwijaya. Rewinding history back to Sejarah Melayu once again, this is not odd eventually as there were a huge Bugis presence (with the Daeng being the head) responsible for the restoration of the power  struggle among the Pahang Royalties for the throne in the late 1700s. We hypothesize the reasons behind the unwritten records of the four Orang Kaya families.


The paragraph above is the key to unlock Najib as it reveals his roots. 


1) Najib is extremely right wing (whether being right wing translates to racism will be debatable in nature). Being raised in a right wing environment, his destiny is fix and his circle will make him one. In other words, the heaven had determine his nature to be extremely right wing since the time of his birth. 


2) Najib has many Malay (from moderate to extremist including monarchist) warriors and their descendants (Pahlawan Melayu & Keturunan) rallying behind him in silence. The reason for this support is due to his 200 years Bugis heritage and being the most influential (only below the Royal family. For the Left Wing mindsets, this is just pure hogwash. For the aristocratic Malays, this is an extension of their ABATA - Agama, Bangsa dan Tanah Air.) family in the Kingdom of Pahang implying that he will be supported by most of the Pro-Malay groups, Pro-Bugis (extending to neighboring Indonesia), Pro-Royalty groups as well. His father legacy as an intelligence operator during Japanese occupation and subsequently taking over the Prime Minister-ship from Tunku Abdul Rahman boost his heritage at a much higher notch which helped him garnering the support from certain faction of Independence Nationalists (Pahlawan Kemerdekaan).  His record as Prime Minister do add more supporters to his fan base as well. The current government's failure to perform better than his expands the support further. This time his support comes from the "Malay Marhaen"


"...We will not comment further (Reborn of "Mendeliar")...."


The other points below are not related to the first paragraph.


3) Raised as a political scion coupled by his adolescent British education molds him into a refine gentleman. He will never swear profanities and keeping his non-racist moderate image is absolutely important. In politics, image and perception are all that matters. He has successfully master this essence from the colonial British. 


4.1) While his mentor (a Malay of Indian Muslim descent is a hybrid who can tolerate diversity better) turned nemesis had cronies (sorry, associates) of all races, Najib had none (except Jho Low, through his step son Riza Aziz) but his Non-Malay top confidantes are converts. Najib has a penchant for Mu'allaf (Individuals who are non-Muslims or non-Muslims who have the hope of converting to Islam or Islamic legacies whose faith still needs to be supported and confirmed) as his top confidantes. This fact supports our theory that Najib is extremely right wing from point 1). The best confidantes you can trust are those that share the same faith and teachings as yours, isn't that a bit extreme? The Al-Qaeda and Talibans share this initial foundation as well. We are alluding to the recent Taliban PAS - Communist DAP tit tat in the parliament which is being famously labelled  by Malay groups as "biaDAP" (a derogatory word in Malay to challenge DAP's ill-mannerism) once intellectual recourse has been exhausted. Lets list them down some of them

a) Irwan Serigar -  Former Treasury secretary-general in The Ministry of Finance during Najib's tenure. According to him written by himself, he converted at the age of 16 to Islam from Hinduism as he received calling from G-d. He is now facing 6 Criminal Breach of Trusts charges alongside his former boss.

b) Shafee Abdullah - Special Prosecutor and the key person in nailing Anwar into jail for his second sodomy trial. Najib's top lawyer. An Indian convert. Like Irwan, he is charged with Money Laundering and Tax Evasion.

c) Arul Kanda Kandasamy - He is the CEO of 1MDB. During UMNO's general assembly prior to GE14, he was caught wearing a headgear aka Songkok. He told the public that he converted decades ago through marriage.

d) Raggie Jessy Rithaudeen - The founder of Gagasan Tiga (The NGO with intense hatred to annihilate DAP). He is rather unique as he falls into 3 categories. The first being a Mu'allaf, the second being a DAP hater and lastly "was accused of being Mahathir's Black Operator by Najib's inner circle as his prime political appearance was coincidental with the fall of BN". His exact role is for the dice to speculate.

e) - this link includes a picture with a woman next to Najib Razak. She (we have deleted the intelligence report which includes her full name both in Malay and Chinese.) is a Chinese and converted into Islam, she actively participates in defense event during the time when Hishamuddin is the Defense Minister. She is the head security to Najib Razak and a love interest of one of UMNO's key people. Interesting enough - she will be included in our The Unintelligent "Intelligence" article.

4.21) "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" - this is part of Najib's political doctrine which he believes that hatred is a powerful tool in politics. This second category comprises of "DAP haters" - which had deep animosity towards DAP. Lets list some of the prominent ones

a) Tunku Abdul Aziz - Ex Vice President of DAP and the first senator under DAP in Dewan Negara. His fallout with DAP according to him is due to his disagreement with DAP's participation in BERSIH (which Mahathir also condemns the movements before he joins PH) and DAP's stubbornness for not willing to be more attractive to the Malays. 

 Amran Ahmad Nor -  The son of Ahmad Nor and was part of DAP's propaganda team under Tony Pua. The reason to their fallout is his sudden feeling of betrayal as a Malay by DAP - not sure if it has been bottling and suppressed for years. His exit like Tunku Aziz's was dramatic and he is now part of Gagasan Tiga which is a movement to annihilate DAP.

c) Janice Lee - Though she never made it to the list. There were attempts to recruit her through an extension of Team Najib's SEDAR and Dr Loh. Definitely she will be less welcomed due to the fact she is a Chinese and not a Mu'allaf. 

4.23) The third category includes  "Mahathir haters and ISA alumni". Making the lists are Lokman Adam and a few others.


5.1) Disappointed that his leadership lacks militarist signature and being overprotective against other races, his policy making tends to show that he is dynamic, enterprising and forward looking (when it comes to his diplomatic ties with China) but cunning and conniving in nature. His leadership (We apologize to PH supporters) is much effective than his mentor turned nemesis (PH is lucky to have Mahathir and 1MDB is the silver bullet to win GE14). One of his great achievement is

"...creating a counter-measure mechanism that the current ruling side is facing a hard time getting through - especially with the Chinese administration under Xi who will be at the helm for a very long time. The current problem is not about China's diplomacy with Malaysia, it is about Xi's silent unspoken distaste towards current
(sorry to say) Mahathir's & DAP's Putrajaya. BN under Najib had successfully turn DAP especially Lim Guan Eng and Tony Pua in China's blacklist - even before GE14 by feeding Chinese Intelligence with constant reminder of DAP's strong Western inclinations and indoctrination. Pragmatically, DAP has not much to leverage against a Leviathan (now this is the real Leviathan - an allusion to Dr Rais Hussin's unexpected supportive article on Malaysia's political sweet darling Nurul Izzah) such as one like China. This is very pragmatic - Malaysia under BN is generally China's favorite and Najib ensure a continuous rising economy (which can be observed with the constant increment in government servants salary dominated by the Malays - which would never betray BN without Mahathir taking part and the play of the 1MDB scandal ) but Malaysian Chinese (just being pragmatic, a strong Sino-Solidarity between the Malaysian and Mainland Chinese will put the majority Malays at the losing end. It is just basic politics. Consequently, we would generalize that Hong Kong, Taiwan and China don't get along well diplomatically with one another due to their competitive behavior creating indirect rivalry and overriding the existing solidarity. Historically, the Chinese had been at wars for 2000 years, thus their DNA had been naturally imbued to be more hostile and survive better in a hostile nature.) especially DAP must be kept under the radar so that they will never get along well (antagonizing preferably) with China. This gambit had successfully paid off and with the continuous economical downturn under PH, who knows what is next in 4 years? The smirking Najib once told his inner circle two months after GE14 "this PH government will not last long". How very condescending is that? One ponders on his confidence level. Why?

What happens when he is in very good terms with the Leviathan? Or he had something on the Leviathan?..."

5.2) Through his pragmatic strategy using tricky mechanism that had been structured systematically and carefully crafted, Najib ensures to put China on the pedestal while containing DAP (which currently it's fate relying heavily on the duality with the Malaysian Chinese Community of 98%) at the other end. 1 Malaysia is a facade for racial harmony with Papagomo, Jamal Yunus and Lokman Adam carefully picked and taking turns to challenge, check and correct any biaDAP atmosphere. The vilification (either both were manipulated or naturally tend to make moves that antagonize China through their political rhetoric accusations of "selling to China" to "indirect accusations that China abetted in money laundering with Najib", their stance will be construed and continuously conveyed to Chinese Intelligence as Sino-phobic and Anti-China in nature) of DAP & Mahathir had been successfully materialized in Xi's perception analogously how 1MDB has successfully vilified Najib in the citizen's perception. Locally, the vilification of DAP and their key leaders will take the limelight everyday as the enemy of the Malays, enemy of unity, enemy of Islam, enemy of Royalties, the communists but also Zionist.

"...The Anti-DAP propaganda is very successful, ponder it carefully. Xi of China does not show welcoming signs towards Lim Guan Eng (probably including Tony Pua) although they share the same Communism ideology according to BN-UMNO propagandists but reality speaks otherwise. The hatred towards DAP locally as a communist, a Zionist, an anti-Islam, an anti-Malay and many more is spreading at a continuous phase among the Malays and now successfully infiltrated and  infected PAS at every layer of their machinery. The lynch pin that keeps DAP floating is only Mahathir. Remove Mahathir from the picture, DAP needs Anwar yet the days of Anwar's Reformasi 1998 strong fire is fading away and the Malays are steadily growing to think that Anwar is a liberal Malay and not a Right Wing. The fear lies when the country is so divided that the moderate rights are pushed towards extreme right of 53% (ABATA factions) and clash with the extreme left of 47% (pro LGBT, no Royalty, international standards bla bla)...."


How we manipulate facts pay a price and the above paragraph is the consequences of BN-UMNO skewed representation of DAP this two decades. For an example, Chin Peng receives order directly from the Chinese Communist Party top leadership and it was Deng Xiao Ping himself who request Chin Peng to stop all the attacks in 1981, Najib and UMNO had been consistent in their selective unjust perception of Chin Peng while hypocritically making good public alliances with Xi Jin Ping (Xi's father is a protege of Deng)

"...As we are denouncing Malayan Communist as downright evil for their past atrocity, should we cut ties with Japan, Japanese Military, Japanese Government and The Japanese Royal Family for the war crimes committed during World War 2? Are the sins committed by the Chinese Communist Party (in Malaya and China. All communist party came from the same root, to differentiate them is pure hogwash.) annulled and justified due to to the economical might they can project?...


...Will Najib ever remind the Malay groups and BN that Xi Jin Ping is a communist like Chin Peng?"...

We leave this article with three open-end questions for the readers to ponder. Hopefully this article will share the light on "Bossku" and be an inspirational masterpiece for readers to devise a counter solution (in references to assist or annihilate).

Post 3rd April is the best time to observe how effective is the BossKu campaign in altering the political landscape as well as countering the constant reminder from the ongoing Criminal Breach of Trust, Money Laundering and Tax Evasion charges.

** We ponder if other counter campaigns such as "Solidariti Penyagak" and it's equivalence (dan sewaktu dengannya) will take place.

*** Part 2 - The Unintelligent "INTELLIGENCE" - end of April 2019
**** Part 3 - Heavenly Secrets of Malaysia's Politicians - end of May 2019

Head of Security
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