Inteligence Series 13 - Soekarno & The Sea Goddess
19 November 2020
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
The Financial Debunker
Intelligence Series - Game of Drones
*The article will take away 35% of your time for reading unrelated materials to intelligence and warfare but imperative for the narrative built up and to entertain the author's whimsical ego amplified by his love in mocking with the attempt to draw his philosophical thoughts and the Malaysian sociopolitical landscape into the scenario.
**Our first international article to analyze and "perturb" the United States - China landscape by introducing "Unexplored Hybrid Technology" into their military operation.
***To verify the letter - Mahathir's side and The Malaysian Intelligence could request Dr Maszlee Malik or Teo Nie Ching to ask their staff in digging the copy and identify the key people in this article that we have been discussing. For Non-US Intelligence such as the Chinese Intelligence, your due diligence will be just a little tougher.
WHEN ELEPHANT & ELEPHANT FIGHT (that is the phrase he uttered due to his lack of vocabulary.)
Malaysian Defense Minister Mat Sabu (His recent birthday was a rather unique one with his Deputy Minister feeding him yellow glutinous rice in a public which mostly constitutes of squadrons of brave military masculine personnel. Such blossoming public display of affection between these two middle aged men especially from two different races is an odd testament of Malaysian racial unity especially at such a tension juncture.) once spoke unabashedly in his United Nation speech that..
...when elephant and elephant fight, the grass will suffer in the middle....
A very poetic way in his attempt to drive a climatic speech but the audience were left startled as they could hardly fathom the transformation of cultural idioms. What transpire later on was an additional sum of taxpayer money reserved to hire an image consultant in boosting his overall image. What he tried to convey to the audience was his wisdom that if the United States and China go into war (not sure if it is trade war or military war as a military war seems to be still quite away, G-d only knows what is in his head), the people aka "the grass" will suffer.
...Laughter, a medicine for the soul....
Speaking of laughter, The Joker was right all along...
...When Joaquin Phoenix's version of The Joker was questioning in The Joker cinematic trailer "Is it just me, or is the world getting crazier out there?", he had a very valid point. Striving to be different as the world goes crazy, Malaysia wanted to go crazier too....
Let's have a look at some of Malaysia's CRAZY achievements
1) The country's top university lodged a police report against one of it's student (a Malaysian born and bred speaking broken Malay language. How did he qualify to gain entrance for the program with such terrible grasp on the national language still remains a mystery.) for protesting during the convocation. First in World's history. Worse, they held his degree and after some pressure, they conceded to the student. Student 1, University 0.
*The Vice Chancellor is not much at fault because he had been a political puppet all along. Appointed in 2017 by the indirect blessings from the sixth Prime Minister, the spirit of "Malaysia Boleh" was the essence to his appointment and a statement to the world that "If I can mess up 1MDB, I can also mess up the Malaysian Universities.". Without a doctorate, he was appointed as the Vice Chancellor with the absolute interest of the Prime Minister in mind. It does not matter if the the decision is not in accordance with international norms as the sixth Prime Minister had his daughter sent to Harvard anyway. Why would he cares if the quality of the local education system stands out or a let down since not the elites are studying there? Now, the Vice Chancellor needed to please a new boss aka the seventh Prime Minister since it has always been the unspoken tradition.
2) Every politicians (Najib stays at the top spot) have their own formal and informal supporters club. Now, the Vice Chancellor even had his own supporters club with 10 to 15 students carrying placards with "kindergarten writing standards" in support of him.
3) Some politician literally goes to the length of arm wrestling rude university students in the public. First in World's history too.
4) Every incident is qualified for a police report. The higher your ranks, the more reports you must make. In the Vice Chancellor versus student incident, many of the Vice Chancellor sympathizers lodged mass police reports against the student in the name of solidarity. Insolence and rudeness requires police investigations too.
5) A public announcement is usually made two to three days before making a police report to shore up solidarity. Recently, a top UMNO leader hilariously challenged Mahathir that he will fight and his meaning of "fight" was rallying 41 UMNO leaders to lodge mass police reports against the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission aka MACC, not against Mahathir. They wouldn't dare.
6) After launching a police report, a press conference is usually held. Most of the time, the complainants will hold the police report at chest level and reporters will take a photo shoot just like how you take a picture when you graduate with a certificate or the classic police mugshot. Malaysians love police report more than their university degrees and Malaysian politicians are the masters in this subject as they had been practicing this quite a lot. Other than the worldwide Wefie, Malaysia had something more special aka Police Reports Groupie which happens when a gang of supporters lodge multiple police report at a same time, hold the report at chest level with the police station at it's background and the classic photo shoot will take place. The message is to heighten the sense of accomplishment that many are so dissatisfied with the outcome that mass police reports must be lodged.
7) No Malay politicians (or Malaysian even Chinese politicians) from both the Malaysian Government and the opposition or even the "Maruah" (rhymes with Barua) Malays rushed to formally congratulate the "First Malay Lady" who bagged the highest reward in Cancer Research. Yet they keep their endless argument on a perfect education system to look relevant to the public. Even the very lady like Women Minister and her deputy seems to forget her job. Where is the Science and Technology Minister and Health Minister since is the matter of women, science and health?
8) What crazier is like what Anwar had delivered in his speeches, those who stole billions got Tan Sri and Tun just like a recent traitor who conducts business of selling Malaysian National Identity Card is a Datuk. The craziest part is the legal services he received from one of the Members of Parliament, are they elected by citizens or criminals? What crazy connection Anwar doesn't realize is he needed to draw support from such Members of Parliament for his Prime Minister post.
9) The Malay Dignity Congress organized by top universities is equivalent of US Ivy Leagues giving a speech on justification to "White Supremacy". Ooops, but these bunch of "Maruah" (rhymes with Barua) have forgotten to invite the Malay Sultans and The King because they knew that their real boss is the one that starts with M. M is for? Malaysians not Mahathir (as much as the movie trying to convince the audience). Rising petrol prices for Malaysians to fund more propaganda movies after the New Year?
10) While internationally Mahathir seems to notice the injustice and plights of the Rohingyas which he justifiably address the issue in his United Nation's speech, he was however impervious of the racist statement during the congress he attended with his famous catchphrase "I don't know". Unfortunately, most world's leader left during his United Nation speech but as a consolation he was glorified locally by his loyalists.
11) The Political Secretary of the Prime Minister loves drinking water from the Prime Minister's cup. It was his love for nature to conserve water scarcity. To add more surprise to that, he proudly put it on Facebook and said thank you to the Prime Minister.
...Is like those scenes when disciples of Jesus rushed to Jesus to beg from the holy grail he drank and prayed AMEN in the end....
12) As the Malaysian government kept iterating the importance of the English language, how could they allow in bastardizing the English language with the word "Winism" for the title of their unsophisticated public indoctrination on Communism in comical format? It is SUPER STUPID (a reference to the Youth and Sports Minister) as nothing is achieved. Did the Malaysian Chinese get more scholarships? More jobs? More contracts? More love from the Malays? The ULTIMATE STUPIDITY is the word they choose for the title, seriously Winism? Is the Author making a reference to Winnie The Pooh, the character that was banned in whole of China by Xi Jin Ping? Since the progenitor of "Malays screw Malays" theory had once used reference Mahathir = Ma and Najib = Ji with his video going viral about Qi Ma Sa Ji = Kit Siang rides on Mahathir to slaughter Najib (please click the link for the video), therefore the conclusion that Winism = Winnie The Pooh = Xi Jin Ping is in line with his state of mind and thoughts. Since the Author had always portrayed himself as very intelligent, the choice of his wordings is definitely a veiled light hearted jibe towards Xi Jin Ping.
...In his comic, the Author had images of cats riding on camels. Any theory on the symbolism? Cats = Mau = Mao = Communism and Camels = Arabs = Islam which translates to Communism riding with Islamic fundamentals or Communism manipulating Islam? The Home Ministry should question his interpretation....
13) To catch up with Malaysian Politics, one needs to learn new tricks and our Deputy Defense Minister never wanted to fail to impress by literally feeding his boss with his bare hands in public on his birthday where the audiences are mostly masculine military personnel. Normally, Yakuza members perform such ceremony in private to symbolize loyalty but the offering was usually "Sake" not glutinous rice (although some Sake is derived from glutinous rice) and the Malays do feed yellow glutinous rice but normally from an elderly to youngsters on special occasions, so this is something new in New Malaysia.
...Does anybody from the Republicans or Democrats wants to feed Donald Trump? There isn't much physical feeding in American Politics after the Lewd-winsky scandal involving the feeding of "oysters" to the President when Hilary is not within sight....
14) The ministers and the police in New Malaysia seems to have confusing job scope.
Finance Minister : No more DAP leaders will be held by the police.
Special Branch Police : Who said so? There is a huge financial transactions on LTTE activities. (Wonder how he knew first before the Finance Minister.)
When the police spoke of huge financial transactions, the Finance Minister remained in silence but when he spoke of terrorism, he spoke up. This is never CRAZIER than we ever anticipated.
...As Joaquin Phoenix The Joker wrapped up it's conclusion with a descending riot in Gotham and the murder of Thomas Wayne with Joaquin being paraded as their new hero, the timing of this long awaited origin of The Joker (a symbol of anarchy) could have never been more divinely ordained with the descent of Hong Kong into one of the most violent anarchy making the movie rather dull and plain in contrast to a harsher reality (The Joker lives in a decent accommodation by Hong Kong standards, not a dog cage.)....
The Chinese and International Media took sides in blaming one another as the Hong Kong riot took a severe cut in some of the world's sovereign wealth fund. This prompted Singapore's President to intervene with the statement '"The protesters demands are unrealistic". However, the oppressed rioters are unperturbed at all as years of being oppressed will usually turn one into an oppressor themselves, a karmic cycle in which monsters breed monsters.
Since when Hong Kong is a place of reality? It is the only place on planet earth where nouveau riche mainland Chinese unabashedly spoke of Chinese Nationalism (an incident involving a Mainlander working in JP Morgan screaming "Wo Men Se Zhong Guo Ren" in Mandarin while the rest of the Cantonese HongKonger whacked him further violently. While the violence is not justified, the Mainlander is very annoying. 1) He spoke Mandarin, yes Mandarin. Mandarin is the official transgression forced into the main Chinese language with the objective of inserting Manchurian influence. Other sub Chinese languages stays closer to the origin (which is difficult to define) of the language including Cantonese. He seems to fail to understand that hundred years ago, many Cantonese and Hakka still reject speaking Mandarin due to the hatred they project towards the Manchurian. 2) He seems impervious that he was probably part of a system of oppressors together with HongKonger elites specialized in milking the poor HongKonger into landless peasants living at the mercy of others. Off course, that is a rather extreme outlook.) while
...bragging CRAZY statements such as "In Hong Kong, there is more Louis Vuitton stores than Paris". A statement which had absolutely lack of empathy on the plights and contrast of poor HongKonger that were pushed to live in hideous unsanitary dog cage while forced to watch and please the elites bragging on their Louis Vuitton obsession. A modern class of Marie Antoinette, and many would agree that Antoinette (look at Malaysia's Antoinette for a start, now cowering from the public) deserves the guillotine....
Unrealistic atmosphere breeds unrealistic citizens. President Lee and Premier Xi (despite Mao had made him go through a period of tough life.) had never anticipated such harsh living conditions to understand that anarchy is the hope of many which is the reason why The Joker sells.
...Cao Cao (like The Joker) of Three Kingdoms was once being prophesied that he will be an above average minister in peaceful times but a great ruler during times of chaos....
One must always look back at one's origin and the Mainland Chinese must always remember that without a Chinese Civil War and a period of chaos, the Chinese Communist Party will never receive the legitimacy to rule. Without a tense Chinese Malay relationship in the midst 1960s, Tunku Abdul Rahman will not yield to Lee Kuan Yew in having Singapore. The answer is simple, if humanity had kindness, anarchy (and The Joker) will never cease to exist.
Hyper-sonic planes, rover on the other side of the moon, intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of reaching the United States with ten warheads, underwater sea drones, stealth drones, modified aircraft carriers, new generations of submarines with ballistic missiles capabilities, hacked proof quantum satellites, technology to contain nuclear fusion ten to hundred times longer than their competitors and
...what else?...
...In order to remind the HongKonger involved in the riot, Taiwan and the rest of the world of Chinese exceptional milestone in their technology, some of these weapons were paraded during the Chinese national parade....
Yet, remind them of what? A reminder that Beijing's ambition to be the world super power is inevitable and so is Beijing's practices including their ways on Hong Kong. Coupled with it's business tentacles through their Chinese owned corporations around the world and exceptional "Intelligence" services, Beijing is undeniably a threat to Washington's military supremacy but the valid question is...
...What is China and the United States End Game all about?...
It all comes down to which side could effectively kill off or inflict the highest amount of damage within the shortest period of time with the initiator taking the least damages of all. However, before we proceed on the connections between the drones warfare and the End Game, it is crucial to analyze the spy programs first in order to connect the dots to the drones warfare.
Historians, academicians and the Intelligentsia knew that espionage from the days of Zhou En Lai (who moved from one address to other every single month) had contributed much to China's success today.
Even the trade war initiated by Donald Trump was based on unsubstantiated evidences that China was gaining illegal access to many of Americans Intellectual Properties. Whether this warrants the truth would require a fair debate from both sides. Nevertheless, China's undeniable reputation as a copy cat will be the contributing factor to distrust when it comes to high end technology.
The Chinese rise in it's military build up and heightened intelligence services probably contributed from their past "intelligence warfare" in which a Chinese agent deliver back stolen blueprints to one of the US intelligence agencies. This started the "accidental" bombing of the Chinese Embassy by the Clinton's administration during Jiang's time. Clinton's decision was never accidental, it was a square off warning to China that the Americans are still the superior nation. Consequently, the Chinese was at their wit's end and they knew that they would never win in the retaliation. The military might they project today is an indirect response towards the humiliation they received upon a continuous period of time.
...In their endeavor to be one of the world's military giant, the administration had lost touch with the people, the Hong Kong most violent riot could be the tip of iceberg before a more unprecedented escalated dissent that will transform into the administration's worst nightmare. Every administration including the United States had their own inner and outer demons that will haunt them. A conundrum that must be analyzed carefully by all administrations these days and when taken lightly could turn it into the advantage of your nemesis....
As we have mentioned before, Chinese owned corporations are everywhere and they monitor the political, financial and geographical landscapes of every country. It is hardly anything new as the US Intelligence had the same modus operandi.
...Our recent encounter with a list of "suspected agents" came to a conclusion that the US Intelligence had issues hiring local agents than the unnamed and more subtle Chinese Intelligence Services. A key example is the fact that the US Intelligence will normally send Filipinos or Japanese to do the spying in a Chinese dominant environment. Though, they look Asian but their semblance and minor demeanor are slightly out of the norm. Worse, they sometimes send "Whites" to do the scouting in an environment where "Whites" can be hardly or seldom seen. It seems that there is an asymmetric disadvantages for the US Intelligence to be more effective in Malaysia (South East Asia) similarly to the disadvantages face by Chinese Intelligence Services for their work in Mexico (South America). Whether such asymmetric disadvantages will affect their "intelligence" quality is another topic again altogether....
Signatures of "suspected agents" comes in many form from physical trailing to digital spying (involves spying on the other side's social media and perhaps hacking). Let's suffice to argue that the conversation with the person (a suspected recruited local Chinese agent working in a Chinese owned corporation in South East Asia. Identity kept secret. Definitely, the Chinese like many other agencies have an hierarchical system and his involvement might be minor with the goals of just getting to know an individual.) is in fact worth for reference. Please refer Image 1.
What is suffice to say is that he puts his number on social media and made his digital signature obvious. He was the contact we have been awaiting for. Hardly anything worth a bombshell honestly. What transcend further is our attempt to answer him while promoting us. Please refer Image 2, 3 and 4.
Those with given password for portfolio access - please proceed.
...Like the laboratories in the United States inspired by Carl Sagan in sending signals to the outer space with the hope of extraterrestrial beings responding to them, we did send signals to US Intelligence in the hope for them in picking it up. Our quest will definitely be downright much simpler as we don't have to build laboratories to send signals to them and we certainly know they do exist comparing to the fictional aliens. In our quest, we wonder if we have received a response or it was just "coincidental" for us to accidentally stumble this document. G-d or the universe arranged us to stumble a document that contain valuable
information crucial for us to speculate "a piece of puzzle that might be part of the United States strategy in South East Asia regarding to drones". Really? Or was it an intelligent setup? We initiate a call but it got disconnected, so we are puzzled of the outcome. Maybe we are unfamiliar with "Aliens" (with references to dealing with Intelligence Services) etiquette....
Image 5 is an appointment letter by the US embassy and acknowledged by Dr Maszlee Malik (the person that courted piles of controversies since day one). The letter is absolutely nothing to be suspicious about. The most important thing in the letter is the appointment of the person/ group of persons. Dr Maszlee Malik probably knew but unaware of her/his/their exact role. The person/group of persons involved had connections to the high end US drones industry - UAV - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. How well connected is he/she/they is/are to the drones industry is pretty hard to speculate.
So what is he/she/they are doing here?
For a start, as our readers knowledge differ from one another, let us get it straight that he/she/they is/are not terrorist or related to any terrorist group. Maybe his/her/their superior even hasn't/haven't pass all the orders to them yet which could make them 100% clueless about future job description.
...He/She/They might or might not be related to the US Intelligence at all as the US (including weaponry developers) applies compartmentalization to avoid their staffs to have all the knowledge and information in managing unforeseen risk. His/Her/Their intentions in Malaysia might be any of the followings....
1) to determine specific sites crucial in countering and intercepting Chinese ICBM with their UAVs base on the specifications they received and making judgement on site. A negotiation may be made with the Malaysian (especially if Anwar's faction took over Putrajaya. Base on information gathered, there are groups in the United States government strongly supporting the rise of Anwar.) government in future time on building facilities like the case in South Korea.
2) to determine sites that fulfill requirement to boost signals for network of drones to work efficiently - new drones technology currently under development to be incorporated to the existing US submarines, aircraft carrier or stealth fighters. Imagine managing a network of drones which also masked (we are not highlighting about stealth technology, we are specifying about conditions and strategies that will bring forth drones from their concealment into a systematic deterrent solution that will surprise the defense of the other side.) themselves as a camouflaged ABM (Anti Ballistic Missile) system. It will require excellent communication for the drones network to track, disrupt and destroy the missiles.
Whatever are the methodologies employed, his/her/their involvement whether existential or not are serious concern that requires to be looked into by the Non-US Intelligentsia.
*Although the US consider Singapore as an ally but in recent years, Singapore had started pandering to China and it will just take one personnel with overwhelming Sino-Solidarity connection and emotions to turn sides to the Chinese. The US Intelligence definitely take that into consideration. It is not a surprise if 1) and 2) is being tested in many South East Asian countries with Singapore absolutely impervious about the operations.
The two superpowers are spending heavily on their military and technology build up but the End Game lies at the vast South China Sea which the targeting submarines will be hard to locate, detect and exterminate by the Chinese. It doesn't take a genius to read the "Signals" by both sides as their weaknesses and strengths reveal the asymmetry of focus in their military build up. 1) The Chinese are spending huge amount of resources in focusing the best strategy to take down US submarines, their SLBMs and warplanes. Therefore, the Chinese are focusing on building
a) underwater drones to maneuver successfully in every harsh conditions to counter US submarines in South China Sea.
b) new generation of submarines to counter US submarines as well as the development of increasing precision capability for delivering a successful Nuclear SLBM (Sea Launched Ballistic Missiles) directly to the US continent as a bargaining chip.
c) artificial islands along South China Sea acting as ABM and many more.
d) sites and finding sites for effective signals transitions than the United States in creating South East Asia and South China Sea as spots to act as the last phase of their Nuclear Missiles deterrent system before they hit Beijing through a network of Chinese owned corporations.
e) satellites to aid in tracking and shooting down missiles.
2) The Americans are spending huge amount of resources to take down Chinese ICBM
a) UAVs to disrupt, track and destroy them.
b) ABM on their on soil (last phase) as well as the Japanese and Korean Peninsula (2nd phase).
c) The Chinese last phase drones defense will be the US first phase. There will be a rise in drones countering drones to assist or disrupts nuclear missiles when the time comes.
The gap of technology in high end drones will tip the balance of world's military superiority significantly. The current focus for the US will be the UAV and for the Chinese will be their underwater sea drones. As time passes by, the strategy and technology will be more complex and dynamic for the design and focus of new technology.
Our "calculations & revelation" is slightly tipping Beijing to their favor and may cause a chain reaction from all sides (including Malaysia) to investigate matters as well as making adjustments that is in line with their own interests. However, we can assure the readers (potential investors and decision makers) that
...the game changer that will tip the balance of the world's military superiority to any side is still absent and it is not 100% base on the "Game of Drones". We would iterate over and over again that The Financial Debunker will be the lynchpin to tip the balance that we favored by introducing a specific "UNEXPLORED HYBRID TECHNOLOGY" as a crucial military option beyond the imagination of the best strategist and engineers (they might be better than us in many aspects but not in breaking solutions. However, we have been observing quite a while and we are 99% convinced that both sides are lacking this particular facet in their operations or thought they were in fact impossible for implementation.)....
*If there is a specific reason for sanctions,
this is because Mahathir's international policies had been overly friendly to Iran (Our defense minister even had a praying session together with the Iranian Khemenei) and Turkey but exceptionally strong with Pakistan. We stumbled many digital signatures of Pakistani Intelligence working closely with Mahathir forces, we believe that the US and Chinese Intelligence definitely knew of this more than we do. We suggest Mahathir to focus on China and the United States.
While DAP supporters think that Mahathir purposely wrecked the diplomatic relationship with India so that Teresa Kok will take a hit to boot her out, this theory is absurd. Mahathir is a sympathizer to the fate of the Rohingyas, Palestinians and Kashmiris - which is the reason why he kept Zakir Naik. He felt strong emotions when they are being harassed to such level. This explains the surge in diplomacy with Iran, Pakistan and Turkey during Mahathir's administration - a decision to support a rising intellectual Muslim community to counter Chinese and Western dominance. It is just human nature to be attached to their racial and religious identity. Mahathir is just hopeful for the Malays (also Muslims) to be more advance than the Chinese, Europeans and Jews. Well, hopefully he succeeds LAH (The Malaysians and their LAH).
...We had always wish that our Sino-Solidarity had been the dominant force than the other forces dictating our emotions and direction in writing....