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 Intelligence Series 14.0 - Half Baked Political Measures & Anonymous Malaysia

Highlight 1 : This article will explain why it is illogical to accuse Hishammuddin Hussein as the mastermind behind the curtains in making the calls to oust Zahid.

Highlight 2 : This article will give a list of half baked political measures in Malaysia and the reasons they failed or backfired. Finally, a half baked attempt by Right Wing Group in the UK to sue China for the COVID-19 Pandemic.


Highlight 3 : The last minute entry would be an attempt to speculate on the identity of Anonymous Malaysia (if your side is not in league with Team Najib, we apologize. If your side is in league with Team Najib, kindly be advised to avoid us unless your side is planning to turn this into something personal. Rest assured that you will never like to get personal with us.).


Attention : Malaysian Police Force, Chinese and UK Embassy. Posted to all Political Camps.


Update 1 February 2021 : The uncorrected version of the article was first published to the public on Jan 31 at 5.15 am Kuala Lumpur. UMNO Secretay General Ahmad Maslan made the announcement that the UMNO General Assembly will go virtually on the same day at 12.57 pm. His Twitter account puts it at 7.40 am. Why the rush, working on a 7.40 am Sunday? We work, Ahmad Maslan also work, what an honor. What are you planning to do? Do you think your side will be safe from further disruptions?





It was an open secret that Azmin Ali had many gatherings with Hishammudin after the defeat of BN in the last GE14.  The rumors threading around political forums runs on three main discussions surrounding Hishammudin


1) Hishammudin is arranging for some UMNO Members of Parliament to cross to Mahathir's side with Azmin as the proxy. (As it never happened, we doubt if that was Hishammudin's overall intention. Only the group under Hamzah Zainuddin made the cross. Hamzah however mentioned in a news conference that it was Mahathir who invited him to cross in order to strengthen the Mahathir's camp. Though Liew Chin Tong of DAP dismissed that Mahathir was not involved in the Sheraton Move and decided to put all the blame on Hamzah and Azmin instead (which he iterated that he prevented the move in November), the million dollar question for Liew Chin Tong is "Why didn't the powerful and intelligent Mahathir never took a single action against Azmin and Hamzah but turning a blind eye on the whole affair?". Mahathir could have orchestrated many moves to suppress Azmin's and Hamzah's movement. Are we talking the same Mahathir who fired Anwar and put "Operasi Lalang" into execution? Even Anwar made no move against Azmin. Anwar only opted in taking drastic measures of firing him after the Sheraton Move succeeded. Turning a blind eye in politics is equivalent of condoning to such maneuver. With that said, Liew's take on Mahathir being un-instrumental in the events that lead to the Sheraton Move does not hold much water. This includes Mahathir constant denial. Mahathir's denial on Azmin is more or less equivalent to Najib's ignorance on Jho Low's involvement.


*Our opinion on Hishammudin (which may be wrong) are of the followings - 1) He is gauging the political climate, 2)  He is listening from both sides and 3) He will make his decisions/political maneuvers after taken many views into consideration. 4) His moves would mostly be conservative - one that mostly involves arrangements and alignments only. It is uncharacteristic of him to play the offensive mode base on our observations. 


2) It was said that the aforementioned arrangements were made so that graft charges against him with regards to undelivered (or delayed) arm sales may be put to halt/on hold/delayed or have it shoved under the rug. We wouldn't want to determine the veracity of this issue whether the whole defense scandal/potential scandal is true or it many be an attempt of a trump up charges.


3) There were also news report that the sixth Prime Minister's mother was present during the negotiations. Why was she involved in the negotiations? We refrain to speculate as well as to confirm if this rumor is indeed true.






For most of the parts in the media and rumors circling around - it is TRUE. There are movements to put Zahid to rest with one of UMNO's oldest member and most senior minister being absolutely vocal about it. To say that he was instrumental - he absolutely is. Press conference to blame Zahid  with his aide questioning Zahid's loyalty to the party and the Malay cause.


The insentient part of the rumor is how it starts snowballing that the movement to oust Zahid was a plan  masterminded by Hishammudin. For a start, the rumors and speculations spreading that Hishammudin is in control of 24 MPs may be quite true but to implicate him as the one to oust Zahid from previous week seems does not add up. It is no doubt that all eyes in UMNO are quite fixated on him but the accusations against him were mostly stem from jealousy or the inability to digest truth among Najib's and Zahid's circle. More psychological in nature perhaps to request submission from him to support the Najib and Zahid cause.



As we are the ones who suggested for such a move to six key people in the PN administration with Hishammudin left out, we were left scratching our head in disbelief when supporters inclined to Najib and Zahid kept chanting Hishammudin as the mastermind.





Firstly, as it has been explained/established in the two previous sections - Hishammudin is a Play Safe politician. So those billboards requesting Zahid to resign as well as booklets of "30 Reasons Why Zahid Must Resign?" are just copycat gutter political products on loan from the days of Mahathir era. An era that witnesses the booklet "100 Reasons Why Anwar Must Never Be The Prime Minister" being circulated after Anwar was fired by Mahathir. All these never sounded like HIshammudin.


*Are we saying this is a maneuver orchestrated by Mahathir himself?


Off course not. Mahathir is busy looking for a political party at the moment. Obviously a party which would provide him a seat as a Chairman or Emeritus Advisor. Mahathir is in a limbo and Mahathir knows that the fall of Zahid will benefit Muhyiddin more. The current status quo may be his best bet until he has found the right platform to grow his momentum. We are skeptical that Mahathir may rally enough MPs from the current administration to topple Muhyiddin. Why must they sacrifice their political advantage for Mahathir?


**It was rumored that DAP's leadership is in disarray whether to stick with Anwar or Mahathir. At the current juncture, the answer is as easy as Anwar. Those who once upon a time overly aligned themselves with Mahathir will definitely prefer a rising Mahathir than a rising Anwar. It is politics after all regardless how much one speaks of changes and reforms. For DAP, they must set questions towards Mahathir "Does his team have the ultimate weapon or other cards under his sleeve?". If the answer is YES. Betting on Mahathir maybe quite a safe bet. Our observation on Mahathir seems to suggest that he has used up all his cards. Maybe we are wrong. If the answer is a NO, Anwar would be a better choice. Why is that?


Uncle Sam loves Anwar.



Lets get back to Zahid. Obviously, the mechanism to oust Zahid will fall on a stumbling block. Why? Because they are half baked maneuvers. Let's list them one by one.






1) "...As a jab towards the PN administration (more likely towards Muhyiddin, the defense minister and the health director general), Najib mentioned that the MCO fails because it was executed half baked...."


2) "...Eventually Najib (during his leadership) also had his half baked plan of putting Mahathir's camp under the detail scrutinizing eyes of the Inland Tax Revenue (under Irwan Serigar.). It was most probably inspired by our taxation Artificial Intelligence proposal in the past. However, Najib and family got backfired in the end by the IRB...."(The lively charitable Uncle Kentang aka Kuan Chee Heng could bear witness for the existence of the proposal.)


3) "...Another half baked measure by Team Najib was when he accepted/initiated an interview by Al-Jazeera. Only to witness himself throwing fits over the unfairness of the questions. Well, if his media team in the past including RPK and RJ were expected to be compensated in some form - it is pure ignorance to expect the interviewer whom he had humiliated in the past (having her deported out of Malaysia) would be glad to show the kind side of him without a good compensation. Well, that was months after we told his circle (a descendant of Yeop Mahidin) that Najib needed International coverage to pull through. Bingo. Backfired again when you take half baked advices...."


4) "...The whole Anwar-Najib alliance architecture and it's (non-existent) working mechanism was first conceptualized by Rosmah (seriously how she planned to conjoin PKR and UMNO during GE14 is very mind boggling for us). However, Izzah and Rafizi snubbed the invitation. It was then further documented that Najib called Anwar the day he lost the election. The full mechanism (for them to work together) was finally drawn out by us (The Financial Debunker) in 2018. Obviously, the method for the executions were told in bits and pieces. First to Mr Mahidin  and then to one of the former first lady private secretary in end of 2019. All out of the reach of their expertise unless we stepped in. Else, we would be happy to throw all under the bus. No hacker and we can avoid hacker. It is just not the time yet to be extremely meticulous.


Voilla, at the sudden turn of the page. It shock us to our core. The letter to the King supported by Najib for Anwar's bid to be the Prime Minister came true with the silliest mechanism involved. The secret ingredient - Behind closed doors working mechanism with DAP. Else how the hell it would ever work out?. Now, Anwar is going down the same charade by willingly cooperating with UMNO openly after the revelation. It seems bygones are bygones for Anwar now.


History is repeating itself. Again and again, half baked political measures had been part of the political narrative. The billion dollar question is "Didn't we suggest in 2018 that the cooperation is actually doable or could be conceived?..."




5)"...Enough with half baked Najib. Poor him. Let's move on. This time it seems the one that should take the "extremely priced advice" from us to suppress Zahid and Najib influence (Sorry, comes back to Najib again) is performing another half baked political movement. OMG, the movement to oust Zahid can't be more classical than the 1998 Anwar dismissal from his office by Mahathir.


What's next? Zahid loves boys?..."








Below (Screenshots 1,2 and 3) are excerpts of a message from a strategist to a Minister (A) and what was shared to other Ministers (B,C,D,E,F) weeks later. The attack on Zahid came days after we share the message to the 5 other Ministers and associates close to the Prime Minister. The message had no mention of Hishammudin. We believe that Hishammudin was completely in the dark. We had serious reservations on Hishammudin and his overall inclinations and allegiance (in other words, we are unsure of his true nature including if any of his moves are just false flag operation with splitting agendas.).



*The desirability of a strategist/consultant lies proportionally upon the ingenuity/aspiration/outlook/compatibility/open to new ideas/ready to be influenced and strength of the leader. The stronger and smarter will cast the strategist aside. Hishammudin's style and temperament  did not match quite of us. His rising will not be too desirable for us - in our humble opinion. Perhaps we are wrong. Perhaps he needs more moulding.



The content of our informal directives are vague but the expected result to supress Zahid is just overwhelmingly in huge contrast despite of similar intentions. The results were far from realization. Below are the list of our informal directives - (all within legal framework. Wink! Wink!)


Wrecking Ball 1 - powerful working campaign to suppress the influence of Najib and Zahid.


Wrecking Ball 2 - the elegant mechanism to replace UMNO without angering the Malays with Muhyiddin at helm in total control of all the majority Peninsular Malay seats. (Together with PAS)


Wrecking Ball 3 - as UMNO and those aligned to Najib and Zahid would be finding new alliances, this cautionary move is imperative to ensure that this option would remain close forever.


Wrecking Ball 4 - a grander design to ensure the designated target (and all his associates) from absolutely no return to politics.


The only explanation why UMNO, Zahid and Najib are still surviving today owe much to half baked political measures that they encounter. Let's see how will the future political events unfold if both sides keep exercising half baked political measures continuously. Two final lines -


One...The deal is still open.


Two...Your side will thrive if your side receive our blessings.



HALF BAKED HACKING (Is Anonymous Malaysia part of the team?)


6) At the end of 2018, we reveal an article on hacking attempts(the only mistake we made in the article is our speculation on the lawyer's son. We apologize. However, there is a darker secret to this.). The gist of the article (which Malaysian Special Branch could verify the veracity) is 


...Somewhere that time, when Malay-Muslim solidarity is at it's peak - a self proclaimed Malay nationalist nicknamed "Bantal Busuk" in Facebook is making rounds by bragging his hacking capability, his effort to recruit the best Malays to invent (?????) in order to retaliate the leadership under PH (aka the evil anti-Malay and anti-Muslim political group. The perception they conjured.). His presence was documented with a shaking hand event with Tok Mat. Reports were rife that this genius who will bring salvation to the Malay cause even met with Rosmah. "Bantal Busuk" is a Singaporean Malay accompanied by a female companion. He turned out to be not as good as they hoped. The ability that awes us for just 10 seconds is his capability to train anybody on the streets into a hacker in 3 days. What an easy job for all hackers then. (How do we know all of this? Just like weeks before Mr Saiful (who implicate Anwar in Sodomy 2.0) joined BERSATU, we knew he was going to join. Why? His wife is part of Faizal Azumu's PR team. The crucial point however - these informations are just inconsequential.)....




Is the aforementioned person still part of team UMNO (Najib cross Tok Mat)? Has he improve his hacking skills significantly? Has new geniuses or even fake geniuses been recruited? Nobody knows and seriously WE DONT GIVE A FORK.


Fast forward to 2019. 


...Najib was rebranded by his media team as Bossku. At it's peak, Najib was invited as an honorable guest for a music video.

However, the publisher of the music video (a song with intentions to invoke disgust over PH) opted to remove Najib over disagreement on the music video compensations/rights. That is what was told to the public. The music video shows a couple of men in their "Anonymous" face mask. Why the "Anonymous" face mask? A shadow objective? Did his media team finally realized that Najib should just remain behind curtains? And disassociate himself from such dark symbolism?



Fast forward to 30 January 2021 


Hours after Najib's strongman Lokman Adam (President of Najib's Cybertrooper under the official name Laskar Siber Malaysia) and the media publishes the article on Iris Technologies which linked to Muhyiddin's son in law (unverified), Anonymous Malaysia made a public statement to launch cyber attacks. At the same time when Muhyiddin's Information Chief launch a firing salvo on Najib citing "urgency for kleptocratic cases".

Are the three events coincidental? We incline to think they are linked and related. Circumstantial evidences from Rosmah's meeting, Lokman's NGO, Najib's music video as well as the timing seems to point to the fact that Anonymous Malaysia seems to be in league with Team Najib for the same cause. Najib sympathizers perhaps if they are unaffiliated. Though one may suggest that it may be orchestrated as a distraction from Iris Technologies billion dollars award, the latter seems to be more unlikely. Whatever it may be, the police should have an early and easy lead.

Let's observe if "Will this be a half baked hacking attempt?" or we are indeed dealing with a strong, formidable and convincing force.



*Stay tune for another half baked measure by a Right Wing Group in the UK which plan to sue China for the Coronavirus Pandemic but went silent cowering in the shadows later. We certainly hope our maneuver will be successfully executed. However, as long as low caliber and short sighted politicians are still lurking...



...It is impossible to witness a political breakthrough from all the three/four/five political camps in Malaysia. Globally, it will be a hell lot difficult to execute a plan for other countries to sue China to the tune of few trillion dollars due to the lack in synergy and dynamics (especially with Biden around, we are worry and wary of changes with respect to the policies affecting China. Capitalist lobbyist may put China at the forefront in order to make hundreds of billion in financial gains but losing out in the nation's overall relative dominance and competitive edge in the long run.)....


**Wrecking Ball Towards UMNO (Phase 1, 2 & 3). Release dates depending on bidders or our whimsical mood and interest. Total = 3 articles.

***Intelligence Series 15 - Downing Street is Falling Down, (Reminiscing the song London Bridge is Falling Down when we were in our Pre-school. Last two screenshots from a chat with an Alumni Representative on March 12 (there should be a more detailed email delivered to members of the FRS. Unfortunately, we accidentally deleted them.). Three weeks later, a Right Wing group from the UK planned to file an international lawsuit against China. 


So what is selling the technology have to do with suing China?  Reiterating once again. Your side will only thrive if your side receive our blessings.

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