Inteligence Series 13 - Soekarno & The Sea Goddess
19 November 2020
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
The Financial Debunker
Intelligence Series 21 - Kissinger's China Gambit & The Appropriate Litmus Test
*We respect China's decision to ignore our innovation for consideration and the request for co-operation. We consider the 14 days time frame had lapsed. The rejection provided us strong grounds and justifications to incline towards the Anglosphere until a new dynamic occurs. Our writings which may promote Sino-phobia and elements that will turn against the Chinese or China in the future must be questioned no more (initially being drilled with Sino-solidarity propaganda to the point of uncomfortable exchanges. Image X) as an "olive branch" had been offered but turned down. Therefore, Sino-solidarity is overlooked and our decision to publish writings/innovations/strategies/tactics that will be detrimental/provides no advantages/counter productive to China had been thoroughly examined and further justified.
This article is a two part follow up to the previous article The Warning !!! since a deal with the Chinese side had failed. Link to the other one.
**Attention : US Embassy KL, Pentagon, CIA, MI6, PMO Malaysia, Ministry of Defence - Malaysia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Malaysia
Northrop Grumman (since we are betting base on our analysis that your side will fail to engineer an effective "Glide Breaker" to assist the United States administration to counter Chinese Hypersonic & "Deceptive" Hypersonic Program), Raytheon Technologies, Lockheed Martin, Boeing & General Electric
Muslim Leaders around the world(for part of the documents will encourage China to have a more proactive role in the Middle East to counter the United States presence along the Straits of Taiwan by leveraging on the existence of the state Israel.)
***We constantly review and revise all of our relationships. A UK degree and a PhD doesn't make us prone of supporting the Anglosphere. Similarly our ancestral lineage will not deter us from crucifying the Sino-sphere. We are writing not to defend China but putting down additional constructive arguments from a strategical point of view as a strategist in support of our document. When the time comes to support coalitions of countries led by the United States to test China in a real battle, we are there to assist as long as the aforementioned alliance is aligned with our aspiration.
It was the Jew "Henry Kissinger" (under the United States President Richard Nixon) who encouraged Deng Xiao Ping to open up to the world. Needless to say without China opening up - there will be not much room that would enable China to maximize the potential we observe today. Opening up gave China opportunities to learn from the leading superpower, collecting resources, modifying existing technologies and finally be the top player of the World today (definitely owing to their espionage program as well). Within half a century, the country which was once considered as the "Sick Man of Asia" - it's rise and continuous rising whether it will be imminent or reached a plateau, only time will tell if other superpowers could stop and destiny permits.
...With that said, Kissinger's motive must be thoroughly examined for his geopolitical maneuver will finally bring the most disastrous Frenemy the United States will ever face. One which possesses the ability to launch a first strike hypersonic miniaturized nuclear warheads (first use - as General Hyten puts it) on the American soil. The Chinese idiom 养虎遗患 (keeping a tiger courting danger) conveys the nature of Kissinger's maneuver....
Let us jump into some interesting questions to ponder. Did Kissinger foresee this? Did he deliberately plan this all along? Was it a long-term game for the survival of the Jewish people and the state of Israel? Does he feel insecure due to the continuous prosecution of the Jewish diaspora for nearly 2000 years and the creation of China is simply a manifestation of the cumulative fear imbedded deep inside his DNA despite after centuries of assimilation? Two superpowers at odds with Israel playing a pivotal lynchpin. That sounds more like Kissinger. A little bit like us, which is why we could sense his insecurity despite we are continents apart. Let's go deeper. Did Kissinger calculated the rise of China to deter the complete monopolization of the United States on every aspects but with China always a few steps behind? Or did he see a rising dragon capable of overshadowing the United States completely? Our bet is the former rather than the later.
Perhaps in the beginning, Kissinger's ulterior motive was to decouple China from complete Communism - which he succeeded as Deng's opening up turned China into a Capitalist. As China is moving slowly from it's ideological core, this enables China as a natural competitor to it's Soviet neighbor allowing it to step into it's maximum potential that would deter and monitor the continuous rising and suppressing of the Soviet Union (until it dissolves in 1991) aka Russia. Thus the primary challenger to United States supremacy during the days of the Cold War would be bygones. The prediction slipped, Russia is still a superpower and China will soon surpass the United States in their military superiority.
Kissinger loves the Jewish people with a tremendous political drama starring Richard Nixon whom allowed Israel to acquire Nuclear technology on the grounds that Israel will never admit it publicly. Therefore, It is not far fetched to think that the creation of China is to counter Russia. With the end result of an overreaching China begin showing signs of overshadowing the United States might be Kissinger's greatest misstep in policy making.
Now begs the questions on the Chinese side. Does Kissinger's visit during the time of Mao and Deng gave China a strong justification to incline and side Israel despite Israel's special relationship with the United States? Despite it was established that the Israel China relationship is absolutely non-political but pragmatic in nature, both sides tend to be more careful of not hurting one another directly. Most probably that both sides share similar terrible human right records.
However, have we overlooked other facets of the relationship which determines not just the past geopolitical dynamics between both sides but also the current ?For us, it is as simple as this - why isn't China interested to use Israel as a bargaining chip in retaliation to United States using Taiwan's Independence to pressure China is absolutely mind-boggling.
Beijing's decision to continuously promote relationship with Israel as diplomatic pals (Xi even addressed Biden as old friend in their recent virtual face to face summit. Though, some says that it holds no significant meaning at all to turn down the geopolitical temperature.) of thirty years could well be comprehended given that the state of Israel is the first in the Middle East which recognized the Communist Regime. From a strategical point of view, maintaining such close relationship (although not political but purely for pragmatic reasons) is very honorable. Especially if the relationship had taken into account similar historical background (both states were created out of chaos.) spanning decades since their inception, their thirst for technological innovations (and progress) and every pragmatic means to ensure the relationship will sustain with both sides receiving benefits for a long period of time.
...Yet Beijing should remain cautious and stop being delusional that despite all the similarities between China and Israel, Sino-sphere can never be part of the Anglosphere (AUKUS is product of Anglosphere). Israel will always remain closer to the United States and it's allies. The foundation of Israel is base on Zionism with independence owing much to the blessings from the Anglosphere (the United States and the United Kingdom) due to the political influence by British Jewry groups which had been assimilating in England from the time of Rothschild. What are the statistics of Kaifeng Jews relatively to Sephardic and Ashkenzic Jews in Israel?...
Too much and too little sentiment can be very damaging in a relationship. Israel isn't actually neutral. The years of China-Israel friendship with high trade volumes between both sides for years is futile since UAE which was known to have close relationship with Israel and United States couldn't agree for China to set up a military base.
Failure to have Israel directly influencing the United States on Taiwan requires one to reconsider the years of friendship and relationship. Though China owes much to Kissinger for bringing the Chinese out of darkness - Kissinger's ultimate motive isn't about loving China but utilizing China's potential to create a superpower imbalance and contention with other bigger agendas in mind. Thus, the pertinent question remains valid. Should China stop being less Islamophobic (due to Xinjiang) to establish and enhance their secret alliance with HAMAS to suppress Israel's dominance in the Middle East?
...Therefore, probably paving way for the more pragmatic Islamic states such as Saudi Arabia and UAE to agree for a Chinese Military base....
A serious revision of the ongoing relationship between China and Israel should be significantly made. What are the significance of the billions of trade with Israel if a military base in Middle East can be materialized? Will Israel's innovation and technology provided to China be significant and relevant enough to be considered for the United States-China dynamics or is it necessary to be forsaken for the strategical advantage? The rule of war dictates that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Therefore,...
...The friend of my enemy is my enemy. Therefore the documentation which we present to China before touching on the innovation side is crucial to cause a significant damage to the Israel-United States psyche and dynamics....
Without further ado, please refer to the document (which was written lacking in both clarity and arguments but a more direct approach for a complete offensive mode) on the warfare and strategical point of view to rattle Israel not just for the sake of gaining geopolitical brownie points for China but the access to a much coordinated effort to rip, tear and observe the technological and innovation born out of the Israel-United States dynamics.
Whether China is considering (or waiting for the right circumstances) to use such clandestine advice crafted by us to put a halt on the United States plans to respect Taiwan (whether deciding to be independent or unite with China) by defending Taiwan in the event that China invades, the world will know when the unification process started. And whether Washington will uphold to their words in defending Taiwan for honor or they will bail out as Mao Tze Dong once used to describe them as "Paper Tiger". (And the latest Disney Marvel Cinematic Universe Shang Chi had a "Paper Dragon" scene - which could have meant as a subtle jibe towards China. Is that particular scene being banned, we wonder.)
...Since Washington had been sending leader of US Congressional delegation to Taiwan's Tsai Ing Wen, perhaps it is a good idea if Beijing (whether they love us, hate us or despise us) will consider to put a litmus test on Israel. Such that pressuring Israel to put an ultimatum on the United States or else face the fact of being China's Lab Rat....
