Inteligence Series 13 - Soekarno & The Sea Goddess
19 November 2020
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
The Financial Debunker
Strategy Series 22 - Quick LIfe Saving Innovations For Great Flood of 2021 (Intentionally Withheld)
*Writing with regards to the latest Malaysian Great Flood of 2021 concentrated within the areas of Selangor and Pahang. We never regretted our decision for not helping earlier. This article is sent as a WARNING so that those who deal with us will take a note that we will not hesitate to use other lives (especially those who are not aligned to our aspirations) to make a point.
**This website is all about us. If you find the content disturbing and the theories far fetched, you are welcome to leave. No offence for being racist but if you are a Chinese with strong sense of business acumen and quite material oriented, you might want to stick till the end. Who knows some of you may want to commercialize the "Instant Kayak Kit" or hoard some of the PVC pipes and other materials. Update 30/12/2021 - the custom innovation suggested only become crucial by assuming that the government agencies aforementioned below and The National Disaster Management Agency had hoarded all the local supplies on rubber boats, other life saving equipment including rubber swimming pool to be distributed nationwide. Such initiative should have been obvious.
***Too much update and speculations on Malaysian political secrets and their possible links to the CIA and Google. Some of you should stop making us feeling paranoid. The more paranoid we are, the more worms will emerge out of the closet. Should have just stayed quiet and be a good boy. Please click for other life threatening innovations suspected in Malaysian politics.
#ATTENTION = The Prime Minister, The Prime Minister Office (PMO), Ministry of Defense Malaysia (MINDEF), The Royal Malaysian Police Force (RMPF), United States Embassy, Google and Other Tech Giant Representatives.
In 2011/2013, the sincerest Malay person we have ever encountered in our life, Tan Sri Ghauth Jasmon - worked extremely hard sending our CVs, calling up his associates/connections that a PhD in Theoretical Particle Physics is in need of a career. He even persuaded the Head of Research from the Malaysian military Professor Gofar (we might be wrong on his name but we remember that it started with a G.) to have me recruited. His connections was vast as he was the University of Malaya Ex-Vice Chancellor with deep networks to Mahathir factions themselves. (Why didn't he pushes us back to University Malaya? His career was screwed by Najib and he was requested to stop his extension, so the access to University Malaya was much harder. Ghauth was pivotal in supporting our work to launch an Artificial Intelligence for Tax Evasion but was turned down by Najib's administration. Therefore, expect no sympathy from us if this silver spoon Orang Kaya Syahbandar may end up behind bars. Especially if he is unable to get our aspirations materialized. Similarly, Mahathir's associate are not in tune with us as well. Hence, the answer would be similar except his side did hear us out much better after he took on the administration.) Yet, Ghauth's connections could not even secure a physicist for a career despite his sincerest effort. Why do you think such predicament could ever happened?
We believe that our CV is still stuck in JobStreet (So according to our perception, what sort of IT innovation is this? A total desecretion towards humanity's advancement and intellectual pursuit. A pragmatic oriented base money making innovation. What do you think we should respond to such an innovation if there is a US-China military contention? Obviously, the rightfully thing to do is to make sure such website is burned to the ground and exchanged with something else.) with not a single phone call after 8 to10 years. Now, we are not going to pass the buck to you readers or any side to argue what exactly happen to us and whether it is our fault or the public's fault in general. We will also not beg any of you. (So Ms Sharon Tan, please stop reading our mind. We believe we should be very careful with our wordings as our claim could be defamatory in nature but you are known and verified to be part of Team Najib, so our claim can be justified. Do you think a job at Carlsberg or anything of mere pittance will prevent us for giving a blind eye to stop the fall? Please read Notes Part **)
This is our universe, we will tell you what we think. The current society is just a bunch of state of the art sub-humans. They may be educated but being descendants of colonized citizens, they are short minded thinkers. Their portfolio suits them as they will never try to surpass their colonial masters in making the right future projection.
...Now, it is our turn to tell the people of the world including Malaysians that despite our great insights (by managing to select the correct innovations) to save more lives and reduce damages during this end of the year 2021 Great Flood, we are absolutely insincere and hesitant to publish them because our general feeling of disdain towards humanity. Let's just say that the realization we have brought upon you now are the very little solidarity we have towards some of you Malaysians....
As much as the many judgement being passed upon us for being ill-suited to serve both the Malaysian civil and private workforce, our deepest intention and unspoken desire is to see this world plunging into chaos. Yet we are restricted by civil law to act on our intentions, only Heaven knows the deepest secrets of our heart. The current flood (which G_d sent even during biblical times) is not just a manifestation of our deepest intention, it is also a testament that we were not wrong all along for the gift was bestowed upon us which we rather have them wasted than to be provided to the likes of you. So the lots of you will remember this Great Flood. Base on our opinion, you people are unworthy to have the innovations that will lead to your salvation. It is deeply rooted in you that you are a disgrace to the Almighty's creation - for what we witness in you is your tendency to be a hypocrite who blame, marginalize and give pittance towards one another without moving an inch to innovate, observe and explore scientific endeavors. For the inferiority complexity in you - you will never want to fix the system because you prefer to keep handing out pittance to show your vanity deep inside you. So this flood suits you where all of you can pretend to be hero for one day, one week or one month and then raise your hands up being thankful that you are not one of them.
And so my journey as a human and Malaysian wanting to believe in the Malaysian Spirit was completely shattered until it reaches a breaking point of no return.
In 2015/2016, my delusional wife (constantly brainwashed through Facebook especially through writing mostly by Team Najib and all.) convinced me that the Malaysian military might give me a chance after reading several patriotic articles written by a self-proclaimed patriot and military enthusiast strongly affiliated to Barisan Nasional named Danny Liew. It is puzzling how she managed to connect Danny's article and the military giving me hope. Guess that is how a simpleton functions. While he is verse with a great amount of knowledge on military, his knowledge are mostly redundant and inconsequential. Hailed by simpletons or those strongly delusional such as the likes of my wife who marvel at his writing. The readers were mostly comprised of those having completely no idea how far the country's military is left behind. His writing which reflects the Malaysian military capabilities in general are just point blank. Point blank in such a way that if there is an imminent threat initiated by a superpower, we will be easily subdued yet overwhelmingly strong to stop a pirate invasion pointing to a serious question of the purpose to have them in written in the first place. Seriously, what is the exact point of writing to justify military purchases when those undelivered military assets totaling 6 billion plus was opted out from the archive when such huge resources of funding could significantly boost our defense. Sounds like defecating hogwash then wrapped as a glittering Christmas present.
So we challenged her to send a message to Danny. Despite knowing that we will be disappointed, it is a bet worth making. As expected she came back to us with "#$&@" concocted by Danny whom probably refer to some underlings under Hishammudin (an UMNO princeling turned silver spoon minister with 300 millions worth of military assets undelivered. By military standards, he should have been shameful enough to commit suicide but it seems Malaysian military standards is slightly different. The only two who could match his disgrace is Zahid's six billion defense deal gone wrong and Najib's 1MDB which we would not want to comment much since his camp are justifying back and forth that the money is well spent and we have no time and interest to verify thoroughly on what exactly transpire.) who definitely give him some "$&#@" concocted chain of illogical reasons such that "A Malaysian citizen with a UK PhD degree in Nuclear Physics had no place at all in the Malaysian military". By the way, if it ever come across your mind that Mat Sabu and his deputy Liew Chin Tong are a lot better, we will scoop one spoon out from our puke.
...Will a job as a civil servant (or a job in Carlsberg as advertised by Ms Sharon Tan) could quench the thirst of our madness for the world to plunge into chaos? Why don't you try to use just a little of your grey matter to think as a more profound human being?...
As the death toll from the flood is climbing to 33 and probably rising, we would like to wish The Prime Minister, The PMO, MINDEF and The RMPF with a strong highlighted CONGRATULATIONS for they could have been prevented those death but....
The innovation is not ours but it is just so sad when 10 to 20 million over Malaysian adults minus 1 (we being just 1) who looked down upon physicist like us and categorized us as those who are ill-fitted to serve the society could not spot this innovation at a glance and utilize them during the time of crisis. If there are any international embassies or dignitaries out there reading this, please spread the words and let this Malaysian episode of Great Flood be a point of guidance for future episode that may follow.
...This is a laughing example of an incompetent nation spurned from the time of Abdul Razak, amplified by Mahathir and inherited by the other 7 Prime Ministers (5 after minus Mahathir one time and Abdul Rahman). A system marred by factionism, racism, incompetence, corruptions and mismanagements amplified by the opposition who thinks they are better in governing....
This YouTube video demonstrates how to make a kayak using just five items. There are other videos with simpler designs, you don't have to make it too sturdy.
a) PVC pipes
b) Plastic Wrapping Stretch Film
c) a small saw
d) a cutter
e) cardboard and plank of wood (for the pedal)
With these five items, any sane adult confined within a space with rising water could make a kayak to float preventing death. By making other designs than a kayak, other valuable belongings could also be salvaged. The PMO, MINDEF & The RMPF could have just drop many of such items to the people affected by the flood
a) a set of PVC pipes and plank of wood that had been fitted and cut accordingly.
b) a few meters of Plastic Wrapping Stretch Film
c) an instruction sheet on how to assemble such a kayak.
In the event if this is too tedious, "the Malaysian administration could assemble hundreds of these custom made kayaks to be distributed to the flooding area both in Selangor and Pahang". With such a sheer size of human forces comprising of police forces, armies, volunteers, NGOs and many other political parties accompanied by their unlimited financial resources together with their land, water and flying assets - a strategical setup to drop these life-saving supplies would be a piece of cake especially if drones are being initiated for deployment. What stops all? Incompetence. How about reducing damages? As we have discussed previously, one doesn't have to make a kayak - other designs would be sufficient to fit different items and belongings.
The other useful thing at hand is Quick Setting Cement which could sets in 20 to 40 minutes time. This handy item could be distributed before the condition went from bad to worst as some households could make initiatives to halt or slow the water invasion by sealing certain cavities. Though we are unsure if 2kg would get the job done, didn't the military and higher education network spanning with more than 30 over higher institutions have no significant R & D department to make the correct initiatives? Sub-humans are just sub-humans - and they will spend more time justifying that they are not sub-humans than to strive in making an effort.
...The fact is that we are a National Humiliation when such simple life saving event can never be strategically achieved. Finally, being exposed and used by a heartless manipulative megalomaniac like us who thinks that all of you deserve this. Even when the courteous lady Nurul Izzah was warning, none of you were listening. So why the need to speak out earlier?...
By the way, please don't use our article to bash the Prime Minister (or the current destabilizing Perikatan Nasional administration.) although being at the highest hierarchy - it would be basically his fault. Yet, all of you are more or less equal to the quality of the Prime Minister's leadership.
*Even if there are ways to contribute for the nation's military, we prefer to stay silent and let it burn. Firstly, it is much easier to convince a mule than such lot. Second, by the time the convincing is done, it is probably too late.
** (Publication date is different to our writing date.) How can you publish about JobStreet when we were thinking and writing about JobStreet a few hours or one day ago when we were so sure that we never Googled it? (Image 1) How did the brother of Najib's bodyguard Alias Yahaya (Mr Z Yahaya) could quote National Ass Hole on NADMA's Abdul Latiff when we were writing about National Humiliation and Ass Hole (which we later deleted it) hours before he wrote? (Image 2) How did an NGO affiliated to Najib Razak go full in explanatory mode on their funding and financial status just before we lightly mention them in our Malay poem? (Image 4) Is it just co-incident or a higher force (the CIA and Google ) is helping your side since we ran a few test on remote keyloggers and could not find one?
Ms Sharon Tan, please inform the NGO not to worry on their funding as the latest financial construct by Tengku Zafrul (Image 3) which they consider as a joke would verify their financial standing thoroughly. (Image 4) Tengku Zafrul will take our advice indirectly (purportedly the first of many steps to implement a Systematic Tax Evasion Artificial Intelligence System) which would enable the current administration to look into every bank account to check and question on every single transaction. Once the Artificial Intelligence is completed, it could cross-refer to all institution and individual. One could never lie especially for huge transactions. All those who evade taxes or involve in dubious money transactions and activities including those with verified political network could be interrogated from all facets with spanning investigations that could run from decades ago. Now, it will be done manually at the moment.
This project was initially offered to Najib's administration in 2016 through MAGIC's CEO Mr Ashran Ghazi in order to take control and monitor every single transaction meticulously. But Najib and his team plans to prosecute us by distrusting us than to utilize it to maximum effect.
If our bet is correct that your side aka Team Najib had successfully been granted access to a much professional hacker (super keylogger that could not be detected by our Android system) or Google and the CIA had sided factions of UMNO in secret, then your mind-reading capability is easily comprehensible. It is not far fetched to think of Google siding Najib Razak. During Mahathir's Islamic conference in 2019, Google Keyboard send bug targeting all Islamic leaders with Android phones (we were effected as a result). We even wrote about it. It was on the same day that Najib Razak was swearing his "Sumpah Laknat". Najib's MEIO chief Hasanah Abdul Hamid even sent a letter to CIA on the day when BN fell.
With that said, Ms Sharon Tan, did the CIA or Google inform your side a crucial information on "Pirates of The Peninsula"? (Our hunch tells us that your side isn't being told everything.) (Image 5 6 & 7 - Yes basically the judiciary will come to terms that Zahid will go for election in GE 15 and Ismail Sabri will be the Prime Minister after GE15. That is so far what we have planned and hoped unless we decided to change the final trajectory.)
Do pass the buck to your boss, Ms Sharon Tan - that we will not lose (To CIA and Google as well.), Your modus operandi isn't too intelligent, it's just that we need to change a new device probably the latest Iphone, purchase a new number, disengage from Google Play completely, evade WiFi and have all the messages encrypted first in a non-internet connected device before passing it of to another device. Just that the time isn't now. So we will let your side read the things we wrote since you are obsessed with us before publishing them but seriously this is getting quite annoying especially if we want to pass crucial information to alter the political landscape. So, we reckon from the links and websites we visited, your side will have some idea on what sort of arrangements and "human" pets we prefer.
...Anyway, thanks for giving us the JobStreet clue. It meant a lot for us. Else, we will just be slacking in our defense. You understand that Najib's side will never be victorious without our assistance. You know that we are quite paranoid and crucial information are kept secret and codified. You know that the information we throw around will never ever be significant enough for your side to win. Very very good girl. You are getting more intelligent. You should have ignored your stupid supervisors in the past and went straight dealing with us. The outcome may be very different.
Why don't you tell us more about Najib's deal with the CIA and Google? Does it involves selling us out at a cheaper rate if the deal went through and push us to give up the innovation for FREE when BN got their leadership baton? Did Team Najib purchase the Pegasus Software by Israel's NSO Group by brokering deals through Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates middlemen during GE14? (It is a common knowledge that Najib Razak is strongly inclined to Muslim nations friendly to Israel relatively to PAS and Mahathir.). We are fine if the CIA and Google wanted Najib to be the tenth Prime Minister, but they must seek the blessings of The Financial Debunker first before resorting to any other moves.
By the way, why don't you explain the reasons behind your obsessions towards Edward Snowden and IOI - DAP - Yeoh Bee Yin? (Image 8) Are you in communication with the CIA? Is this your connection to the CIA? Is she part of MEIO too? (Image X)
Your hatred towards Yeoh Bee Yin is absolutely mind boggling. Have you been jilted by the IOI family in the past? Oh, poor you. Seeking revenge eh.
Are you sending secret messages through your crazy gibberish on Facebook? (Image 9) Oh dearie, you never cease to amaze us. Hahahaha.
By the way, we don't know if he is your friend or from other camps but please do enlighten him to improve on his spying skills. You know he quickly caught us up from the gym, did a merry go round carrying a packet of vegetable when we were queueing at the cashier - looking so stressed out and then quickly leave by dumping the vegetable somewhere - thinking that we never noticed. We had vivid memory of this incident as Najib was declared guilty by the Appellate Court on that same day. (Image 10 and 11. Out of our respect for him, we will denote him as BotakChin.)...
***We have written a very disturbing and dark Malay poem for this Christmas and New Year.