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Malaysian Political Universe - Introduction

...The 10 years multi billion dollars Marvel Cinematic Universe aka MCU in 2018 came up with the introduction of Thanos and his 6 Infinity stones as the ultimate villain so powerful that randomly wipes out half the entire universe population in the name of "balancing the universe". While his true philosophy is not clearly argued by the MCU, his conviction seems to justify his actions. MCU will introduce a new character named Marvell to restore the universe to it's current state in 2019 while also wrapping up the infinity war storyline on how Thanos will lose the END GAME in one particular timeline chosen out of the 14 million plus victorious Thanos timelines. As the MCU is full of twist, it is unsure if Dr Strange's END GAME will actually pay off...

Skip the above paragraph if you are a wimp impervious to the miniscule changes in the world's industries or it's complexity of the storyline that mind boggles you. Clearly, you should reset your mindset for your shameless pursuit to be a future statesman especially when meritocracy plays a more crucial role in a globally competitive atmosphere. Politician is suffice and that underlies the problem the country is facing - selfish individuals with ego much larger than their leadership capabilities busy playing politics while taking advantages on the mindsets of the simpletons.

In Malaysia...

...we have our own version of Malaysian Political Universe which will be termed as MPU. While the storyline had less twists or climaxes and the lack of diversity in characters, the fine intricate details unnoticed by most is the reason why this Post Najib Saga will be more melodramatic than even the latest US series could deliver...

The Post Najib Saga - Genesis

The implication of the fall of Najib will follow the rise of Mahathir at 93 joined by Anwar with DAP historically being at the government benches for the first time. The political divide is such that one rejoices "Rise, Ini Kalilah" while the other resented. The resentment was somehow justified due to the view of incompetency by the current administration in

1) failing to keep the economy from shrinking due to the rebooting of bilateral ties as highlighted in our previous article.
2) failing to upkeep the preservation of racial harmony with  insensitive rushing measures in fulfilling UN's agenda when the country's racial divide had not integrated homogeneously.

The political heat wave generated by the extreme RIGHT WING Zahid led faction realized that the UMNO-PAS duality of Malay-Islamic agenda is the only spell that could put the LEFT WING faction led by PH in GE 15 to doom. Coupled by the high probability of an internal crack in PH should the oldest prime minister seen his demise and an economic meltdown as highlighted, the duality will strengthen even globalization with it's liberalism tentacles sipping through the minds of the millennial. Time frame is 5 years and 2023 (might not last that long) will be the testament whether the 53% PAS UMNO votes will remain relevant. The estimation is to put at 48% if the economy is on par during Najib's administration and the bonding between races  remain strong. At the moment, the shrinking economy will probably lead to a recession and a crisis likely in waiting. With ICERD probably straining the Malays Non-Malays tension further, a racial meltdown followed by a reboot in the cabinet might ensue.

...While it is too early which divide had more advantage as the shrinking economy could be offset with the issuing of more bonds and selling of national assets with racial bonding strengthening through the imposition of government initiatives guaranteed to pacify RIGHT WING mindsets among the young, the game seems to favor the LEFT WING significantly in the long run with continuous hell bent pressure from the RIGHT ...

The existence of influential characters hiding behind the scenes will not be made any discussions here, there are many in the front who made the front pages but play less relevant roles which will be put off from the topic. Shockingly, two characters seems to bring out their unexpected challenging potential and true intention in this Post Najib Saga. Below are the two characters while the third character had somehow been there even before GE14. The fourth character whom prefer hiding behind veils pulling strings had been briefly mentioned in our last article.


He needs no introduction but he never seems to be more pivotal than now. He took over UMNO during it's dawn riddled with bleak hope. It was a leadership in vacuum turned crisis with Khairy attacking him continuously when even Mustapha's resignation was his to be blamed unfairly. With 45 pending accusations in court exceeding his predecessor's accusation tally of 39, Mahathir seems to eye this UMNO president since May 11th.

His strong Malay characteristics and semblance marred by his inability to converse in good English deter the scraps of Non-Malay factions in BN if any - especially the Chinese to find any possible bonding with the Zahid's UMNO at the forefront. His latest Islamic preacher wannabe style and over friendly stance with PAS scares the progenitor of DAP Lim Kit Siang. With his guts, he is the leader that PH fears most owing to his capability in creating a Malay sense of awakening and probably street risings.

Zahid who once need to beg for his political comeback after jibing Mahathir by shouting "REFORMASI" alongside Anwar in 1998 is now back in Mahathir's Most Wanted List with the latest headline ”No trouble over ICERD unless Zahid causes it, says Dr Mahathir" dominating the national press. be in Mahathir's Most Wanted List implicates achievement and many of the best political figures ended up in this list. So Congratulations Zahid. Well, eventually their political careers ended too including his latest collection Najib Razak...

However, many surviving individuals such as Anwar Ibrahim, Mat Sabu, Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng and Khalid Samad are back fighting with Mahathir for the same creed. Psychologically, rapist and their victim eventually had emotional bonding and in seeking revenge which sometimes turn to love and approval, a different form of Stockholm Syndrome could have developed. We are humans after all and humans are complicated.

So how this pivotal Zahid subtly materializes the UMNO-PAS alliance to the maximum potential will be an interesting subject for political analyst to be looking into this few months leading to 2019 and maybe few years?

Obviously, there will be other factors to look into before a materialized relationship could bring damaging impact.

And a shattering is best applied when a solid foundation is cast. This is akin to shattering solid rock into pieces.

In a political scenario - dynamical in nature, only the dynamics of "water" and "fire" are consequential in making movement. 


So why is the deputy Agong taking helm as the Agong due to Sultan Muhammad V absence is instrumental in this particular saga?

Before attempting to answer this question, it is crucial if we try to understand Sultan Nazrin's father, the late Sultan Azlan Shah. Sultan Azlan was one of the more educated royalty among the Malay rulers at his time, he was conferred to be the Agong and his relationship with Mahathir is the exact opposition to Mahathir's antagonistic relationship with the late Sultan Johor.

During Mahathir's tenure as the 4th Prime Minister, Sultan Azlan was Mahathir's role model Sultan to remind the other royalties of their duty, behavior and temperament. The projecting image of the Perak Royalty by the previous Mahathir administration in the 1990s was a far cry to the people's view on the Johor Royalty which earn the reputation of being arrogant and unfriendly.

It is unknown and debatable whether the administration at that period was instrumental in the conferment of the Agong.

....For our political security, we would make an anecdotal argument that the current short term replacement of Sultan Muhammad V by Sultan Nazrin as Agong was merely coincidental with the government's timing in making a public introduction on their intention to ratify ICERD - subtly hinted inside their manifesto but was never explicitly discussed in ensuring their political mileage. An intention well concealed. Good Job...

Inheriting his father's prestigious reputation, Sultan Nazrin also inherits his good relationship with Mahathir. His recent statement "Instability caused by leaders who enrich themselves through 'dubious means' " can be interpreted as an indirect jibe at the Najib led Razak Clan which carry a lot of weight being the Deputy Agong acting as the current Agong. The timing could never been better as it was spoken a day after Mahathir reprimanding Zahid for his politicizing in generating the killing heat crucial to the survival of PH. is absolutely admirable for Sultan Nazrin to speak of kleptocracy as a prelude for Malaysia's instability, yet it is more admirable if incompetency could be highlighted to promote an all-rounder leadership...

A day after the punching words of Sultan Nazrin echoing the layers of the Malay community in his selective rebuking on Najib Razak, another statement was issued by Tengku Abdullah of Pahang to remind the Malays that certain Malaysian elite circle had been attempting to alter the socio-political fabric.

While most circles including the royalties had splitting factions among themselves, the affair is usually not made public. The statement by Tengku Abdullah is an indirect message to the Malay communities to reconsider the words of Sultan Nazrin but in a different light.

Najib being an extension of his father's title of Orang Kaya Syahbandar is a loyal subject to the Pahang Sultanate and the defense displayed by the Tengku Abdullah serves as a testament of his protective measures towards his subject.

Such turning point is crucial in the mathematics of the END GAME.


He is the current Agong and would require no introduction. He is the current Sultan of Kelantan and is related to Najib through Najib's first marriage with Tengku Zainah. He was accused of delaying the succession of Mahathir, unhappy with the current government to the point of not celebrating his birthday and having no conferment of awards which is in line with DAP's philosophy. He was also rumored to pave an option for Dr Wan Azizah to be anointed as the prime minister instead of Mahathir. Smearing campaigns against him by implicating him with Peter Sondakh's harem in St Regis circulates the social media during the early days of the new government.

His absence due to health concerns was conveyed by the Prime Minister, a reminiscence of events during The Three Kingdoms...

...when Cao Cao was also assuming the role of the Emperor writing himself imperial edicts. When Cao Cao passed away, his strategist Sima Yi  forcefully request the Emperor to write sincere letter for the request of the abdication of his own thrones three times to pave for Cao Cao's eldest son Cao Pi's ascension. Cao Pi bounded by the morality as a subject to the throne and royal  protocol had to hypocritically decline the recommendations three times as a display of loyalty and only accept the fourth as a blessing. This is to qualify the legitimacy of his throne without being accused as usurper. Therefore fulfilling heavenly mandate. The extension of the analogy is very unnecessary, however...

Let us hope that his two months departure will not extend to a longer one as the current administration has an excess of more LEFT WING spirit than RIGHT WING.

*Update - A day (23rd) after the publication of this article, coincidentally, The Prime Minister Office released a statement that ICERD will not be ratified only to follow by the Prime Minister's announcement that the ratification of ICERD is postponed. In a very expected turn of event, Non-Malays flushed the social media decrying such acts while demanding the detention of extremist ring leaders and requesting tougher law enforcement (is it with more violence or just restraining?) on the demonstrators (which are 99% Malays) by law enforcers (dominated by 90% Malays). Actions by the law enforcers if not handled carefully can be assumed as a political maneuver benefiting the Chinese with the sole purpose of heightening the existing Malay Split to the point of Malay Civil War. 

**Update 2
(in response to wedding images in Moscow on the 23rd) - While the Malay Groups are preparing to launch their "Jihad" or "crusade" against ICERD, the Agong on holiday - still being the highest  protectorate of the Muslims in this country seems to be absolutely silent on ICERD. He is happily married to a Non-Malay with no issues being put forward by the fanatics RIGHTISTS as well if


1) she is a Muslim?

2) the Non-Royal wedding ceremony by their supreme leader coupled by the near absence of Malay-Muslim elements is appropriate?

3) the ratio of Muslims attending the wedding which seems to indicate only a few being present is a blow to the Malay Muslim and Malaysian community?
4) it was also appropriate to remain in absolute silence even during absence and not death as the royalties are bound by their sacred duty to defend Islam and their interest?
5) the Malay elites including royalties are tired of being RIGHT and wanted to go LEFT?


A small number of sensible LEFTISTS will definitely question his actions of celebrating a joyous moment with taxpayer's money while justifying his PAID absence under the pretext of health concern - not to mention all the above questions. The large number of LEFTISTS will have blind hatred over such feudal institution without considering their glorious heroic pasts and the above questions if were made running through their minds will just amplify the existing hatred immensely.


This is certainly a blow to the RIGHT WING which remain impervious in their self-absorbing camps hailing that the bride is indeed gorgeous (does it matter?) without discussing the political consequences to the landscape. Their puzzling blind acceptance towards such feudal practices is very outdated. It is these gaps of expectations that is ripping our nation apart. Malaysia needs both sensible, responsible and vocal of the LEFT RIGHT divide to put the country in balance.

...The bizarre spectacle is when you step foot in Kelantan (the most marginalized state in peninsula with the highest poverty rate and underdevelopment.)  to observe the stark contrast between the people  (the backwardness of the people living there - molded by strong Islamic Malay identity satisfied with a simplistic lifestyle unaware of the global changes that will affect them some day.) and their ancestral ruler that they hailed  (with lifestyle seems very detached from the modest preachers in religious Kelantanese garbs.)...

...On another note, it is worth noting that Cao Cao married his daughter off Cao Jie to Emperor Liu Xian firstly as consort, then as Empress. Thus, leaves us to ponder if any of the previous Prime Ministers took part in fixing wedlock....



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