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 Intelligence Series 16 - Mossad's Espionage Operation

*Disclaimer : Contains many irrelevant information. One should understand the thought process of how such conclusions were taken into account.


**Related articles


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Strategy Series 10 - Carrots, Education Camps & New Identity

Intelligence Series 6 - A HAMAS Masterpiece



Cc : All intelligence agencies & Defense Department



Attention : Ministry of Home Affairs Malaysia (They could verify my story as they know the identity of my mother and should have her immigration records. Image 1 - Mother in Israel in 2015/2016.)


Mossad (Your side could verify the story with the help from one of your defence staff named Sergio.)








When I was doing my final year PhD in Durham, my next door neighbor is a Brazilian couple (Armando and his wife Josen) with slight Jewish heritage. Armando had mild distaste towards his Jewish stepmother. His stepbrothers are Jewish. He was of mixed ancestry. An eccentric medical doctor doing health science for his Masters. Due to our close relationship, he revealed many dirty secrets and practices in the medical profession. 


(Medical prescription handbook on psychological drugs ballooning from one inch thick to few inches thick in decades. Medically counterintuitive advice encouraging people not to undergo surgery to put a titanium bracket on the spine even when they reach an advance stage (S5) of Spondiloptosis. He also shares the similar belief that orthopedics is incomplete without taking chiropractic into account. He rejected the idea totally to have S1 fixed by going through heavy drilling impact when the titanium piece was locked to be part of the spine. His findings is such that the current medical sciences studies the human anatomy mechanically but failed to look beyond other than those defined by their sets of confined logic and perception. All these shocking views and statements come from a medical doctor point of view. The most eccentric part about him is his willingness to guide my wife to perform astral projection since my wife had the tendency of performing sleepwalking when she was a child with vague memories of her dreams visiting some common places. I never had such profound gift except the gift of sensing death. For some reason, my wife never took up the offer because we just didn't want to dwell into some unfamiliar plane of existence after watching the horror movie Insidious directed by James Wan.)


He never finds Israel attractive other than being fake and unnatural as it was conjured out of desert in 60 years time (though this may not be his real impression on Israel). Couple of doors away were another Jewish couple. The man of the house Sergio and his wife Andrea. A handsome Samson like blonde Brazilian hunk married to a very beautiful Brunette Jew (beautiful is different than being pretty) from another country. Sergio worked for a drone/robotic defence company base in Israel with his Masters being sponsored.


We had gatherings sometimes. I was very much closer to Armando. Just a few exchanges with Sergio. On one of the gatherings, Andrea slipped after she was being proud of having three citizenships prompting me to directly questioning her on the spot. She replied in an uncomfortable but humble tone...


"Sergio had double citizenships - Brazil and Israel. I had three citizenships - Ethiopia, (Another European Nation I could not recall) and Israel."


...So that gets me started thinking. Are you thinking what I am thinking?...


*Armando once spoke to me (regarding one of his works in Israel) that there is a department in Israel that looks into all conspiracies and beyond the imagination theories from zombies, aliens to the supernatural. I trusted Armando's words. Seriously to ponder over it now after my virtual encounter with agent Sharon Tan made us question further - how does Armando knew the existence of department dealings with such bizarre theories?. Prompting me to ponder further, is he a Mossad agent as well? Especially going as far away as France for a 2 months trip after his one year in the UK? One will never know. Yet, I never asked him. So I have not much reasons to blame him if that is part of his job or to gather information and make a report.


For a start, Israel wouldn't be the first in their quest to understand supernatural forces. Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler never discounted the existence of such possibilities despite they were encouraging science. Honestly, they were obsessed. 








In 2015 or 2016 which I vaguely remember, my mother got a phone call from her sister in law from Indonesia. The conversation spoke about gatherings, the yearning of sisterhood bonding, the search and importance to fulfill the destiny as Christians / Messianic (Skewed) Judaism or whatever the Abrahamic belief system she had in her mind at that time for a mission to fulfill a religious pilgrimage to the Holy Land aka Israel.


Mother had always dream of visiting Israel but had no financial means (especially when her dearest prideful son is being screwed by the administration and system no matter which political party or any leader is at helm. This explains his insane tendency of gleefully enjoying the scenes when "kettles" started screwing "pots".) to do so. So here comes the rich sister in law, the real figure wearing her brother's pants in the house. She is willing to foot the bill and fulfill her dreams.


Mother joined the Crazy Rich Asian Club Holy Land Grand Tour for two weeks. Well, Indonesian Chinese controlled 95% of the Indonesian economy. Hundreds of thousands of Indonesians mostly Chinese dreamed of going to Israel for pilgrimage. So what is 8000 USD for Crazy Rich Asian Club anyway? After they squandered part of their wealth in the Holy Land, they would come back and enjoy the comfort of extremely cheap labor out of the systematically oppressed native Indonesians.


( In their hypocritical tone "Haleluyah, Tuhan Berkati." In Malaysia, the Christians will call this "G-d bless" and the Malays "Rezeki Dari Allah". So do I. I swear to master the art in oppressing others and systematically derive interest out of corruption by calling them as blessings. I will end this line with Amen. )


Wait a minute. How is mother and her sister in law going to explain to the Malaysian government under Wisma Putra or whatever department in Indonesia about their trip to Israel? Since both of these countries are Anti-Israel in their diplomatic relationship.


With the power of money, anything can be granted. Cash is King. (Najib will understand since he came up with the term according to Mahathir. Mahathir pretends not to understand this term. Yet, Indonesian fugitive Joko Tjandra was protected under Pakatan Harapan's administration when Mahathir was in helm. So, in many ways, Malaysia could tolerate fugitives. Jho Low and Nicky Liow were missing with Joko officially  protected. Nevertheless, justice will always prevail - Najib Razak and his counterpart Zahid Hamidi will definitely suffer the selective hammer of justice and injustice.) 


Israel is a pragmatic nation and they would never want to stop rich Christians from Indonesia travelling to Israel especially when they could contribute so much to Israel's economy. 


In the middle, there comes Hong Kong. These two nations share one thing in particular - Money, Money, Money. So all the Indonesian Chinese will be given a special pass in Hong Kong to have their passport unstamped. Once they reached Israel, they will be under some tour guide and their purpose is all solely for pilgrimage. The thing is they don't mind if they are being constantly watched. Their whole trip is solely to worship Israel. They travel in group, so it is easy for the tour guide to keep an eye on these people. 99% are pilgrims in love with their version of G-d whom they believe residing in Israel. The same thing how Catholics worship Rome/Lourdes and Muslims worship Mecca. There is nothing to loath and disgusted about. The 1% is just corrections with probably some spies slipped into the trip.


...So that gets me started thinking. Are you thinking what I am thinking?....


*Obviously mother was very happy with the trip of her lifetime although it was disturbing to see strong segregation (among Jews vs Arabs. Jobs are heavily segregated with Ashkenazic Jews taking priority roles.) and the insecurity where sirens will ring once a while signaling the presence of riot/murder and unrest.








Secret (part 1)








Secret (part 2)









From A) and B), it would be extremely easy for Mossad to send an Israeli agent with some European nation passport to visit Malaysia. Recruit a liberal Malaysian Malay or Indonesian Christian Malay agents working in many levels of the Malaysian/Indonesian government agencies while reporting back to Israel once a while through Hong Kong. 


This implies that Malaysia is extremely more vulnerable from the many threats that Israel can exercised upon Malaysia. Malaysia is a piece of cake. Like the Malays always say "Sembang je lebih".


Now, we could easily conclude one of the few Mossad's modus operandi to assassinate Dr Fadi Mohammad Al-Batsch in Kuala Lumpur. 








Secret (Part 3)




*Are we Mossad's agent? We are more than thrilled if the Malaysian administration could convince the Chinese counterpart to sign a 1.5 trillion dollar technology deal with us. China will be a challenging force to Israel and their Western allies dominance.


**When mother was diagnosed with Stage 4 (as she managed to shrink her own tumor twenty years ago according to her best friend. There is a huge possibility that she prolonged herself from receiving quick medical support out of the belief that she would be granted miracle once again. One must not solely rely on divine intervention. It might be a slip of luck.), her Malay medical doctor enquired about her finances. She told her she was not a Malaysian despite she was wedded for thirty years. She worried her son would be under breaking stress to foot such a huge bill (I was left in the dark. The family is ready to give up the familial wealth for her yet mother was overly protective towards the family. That is why mothers are divine.).


The doctor further questioned her with regards to her extended Crazy Rich Asian Club family members including her in laws. She opined that they may not be understanding enough when humans suffering are concerned despite they share the same spiritual belief especially when huge sums are involved. Her other worries are the fact that suffering such ailment can be misconstrued and viewed as some kind of curse/ embarrassment/ or an indication of lack in taking care of oneself from a judgmental point. Out of sympathy and kindness, her Malay doctor used all her higher up connections to have her obtained the best medical treatment bypassing many paper works that would be detrimental on her behalf. Mother passed away anyway fighting a diagnose that is far from saving, the limitations of men. What I see is the divine imprint in a kind-hearted Malay soul and from one who did not even share the same religion. So do you seriously think that Israel or the Jewish nation's existence is any of my concern? So must the gentiles live inside the cave cowering in fear of G-d's So Chosen people?


Repeating the words of Rabbi Johnathan Sacks when he was requested to discuss the Holocaust, these are his answers


"When Cain murdered Abel, the Almighty permits it. When the Jews were slaves under the pharaohs, the Almighty permits it. So when the Jews were massacred under the Holocaust, the Almighty permits it."


Applying the same logic, if the Palestinians are massacred by the Jews, the Almighty permits it. If one day, the Jews suffered a fate much worse than any imagination, the Almighty will also permits it. 

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