Inteligence Series 13 - Soekarno & The Sea Goddess
19 November 2020
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
The Financial Debunker
Strategy Series 8 - MUDA (A Parallel to FFP & Demosisto) is DAP New Hope
...To put it shortly, MUDA is highly probable to follow the political aspirations of Democratic Action Party, Demosisto (Joshua Wong) & the Future Forward Party. Demosisto was established in 2016, FFP in 2018 and MUDA (currently pending the blessing from the Registrar Of Societies) may be registered in 2020. Granting that MUDA has not been established yet, it's political trajectory can never be thoroughly examined at the moment. The similarities with FFP draw very close semblance. Enough said that FFP was designated to challenge the authoritarianism of Thai political system heavily influence by Thai King Maha Vajiralongkorn (the founder even sends a subtle political message to the Junta that "Thailand belongs to the people", an indirect jibe to question the transparency (starts to sound like DAP accountability and transparency political campaign. Right?) of the Thai King's expenditure). The youth movement by Joshua Wong's Demosisto (with Joshua first playing a pivotal role in Hong Kong's 2014 Umbrella Movement. Even DAP strongman Superman Hew attended the event.) provided the pioneer youth movement in Asia (the nemesis being the Authoritarianism of the Chinese Communist Party.). Did Demosisto inspired FFP of Thailand to spark a political awakening (whether for better or worse is highly debatable) among the youth?
The crux to this article is "Will Syed Saddiq's MUDA trigger a youth awakening inspired by these two events to the point of a wave of youth protest?" & "Will this protest create a lasting impact that will put the old political system into rest?"
Does it sound like a Foreign Concept Aspired Political Movement (with the first largest mass student protest by Wang Dan) that was witnessed by China with Deng Xiao Ping crushing the students with tanks in the Tiananmen Square incident of 1989? United States and Chinese Embassy, please take note.
Is history repeating itself? (With the Umbrella Movement from 2014 until the massive crackdown on Joshua Wong in 2020 and the Thai youth protest of 2020.)
Will Malaysia have one in 2022 or 2024?...
*Abbreviations : ROS = Registrar Of Societies, DAP = Democratic Action Party, MUDA = Malaysian United Democratic Alliance, FFP = Future Forward Party, Syed Saddiq Abdul Rahman, = SSAR, Wan Ahmad Fayhdal = WAF
Mahathir was once an ambitious Right Wing youth who wrote letters to key personnel and influential figures (akin to The Financial Debunker's modus operandi by concentrating on selected figures). The content of the letter is none other than putting the blame on Tunku Abdul Rahman for the 13th May incident. The gist of it was Tunku made many concessions (in other words, giving too much face to the Chinese.) to the point where the Chinese overstep their boundaries resulting in anger/fear and retribution by the Malay communities (mainly UMNO and their affiliated Right Wing groups).
His political career was instantaneously terminated by Tunku. He was sacked from UMNO. By the grace of Tun Abdul Razak, Mahathir received his second chance for his political resurrection. History will never know if there was a deal struck between the two gentlemen as the fall of Tunku did pave way for the rise of Razak.
Mahathir at 94 is a different man than his younger version. The Mahathir today had finally embraced DAP and Lim Kit Siang (being the political bogeyman he once created and even arrested under the Internal Security Act) which followed by his attempt to ratify ICERD. It was called off after nearly half a million Malays went down the streets in protest against this United Nation base initiative. Obviously, Mahathir will never join DAP openly even when the Chinese are in favour of him to lead. Mahathir joining DAP will send strong message to the Right Wing factions that their long time assertion such that Mahathir is indeed aligned/controlled/in allegiance with DAP is in fact an irrefutable fact.
This would be another topic to discuss, this section will make an attempt to explain the transitional political play/legacy from Mahathir to Syed Saddiq Abdul Rahman.
Mahathir current (youth base) protege SSAR seems planning to shift himself from a Right Wing inclined politician to a Centre Right politician with his currently registered party named MUDA aka Malaysian United Democratic Alliance. Those observing the Malaysian Political Landscape could never fail to analyze the friendly fire between Mahathir and SSAR recently. Mahathir accused SSAR for breaking the Malay voters bank with SSAR countering the statement by claiming that "his youth base party is made for all Malaysians".
STOP THERE !!!!!! Wait a minute. Why would SSAR wanted to set up a party which is democratic under his watch? Would it not be wiser for SSAR to join DAP since DAP stands for Democratic Action Party? DAP leaders were mum when he set up this new alliance but deep underneath their skin, the smell of hope coming to life started to linger amongst their leadership if this party (that had been crafted and molded in their image) is finally approved by the ROS. MUDA is DAP New Hope. (More will be discussed in other sections.)...
SSAR (Our valuation for SSAR will be 7 out of 10 if MUDA can be made into realization.) is a well-defined and quite all rounded political candidate. His soft skill is incomparable. He was the political protege of Nancy Shukhri, Muhyiddin Yassin and finally Dr Mahathir. He has the acumen in making the right choice. So far.
A simple example is how SSAR current National University of Singapore fellowship will be perceived by the public that he is as intelligent as Tony Stark. This is termed as SELECTION BIAS and SSAR will do the perfect strike. (Speak to the public and request the public opinion. Is SSAR or WAF more intelligent and ready to lead? The outcome will be a staggering 8 out of 10 voting SSAR over WAF despite the latter had a Masters in geopolitics from King's College. Najib was guilty according to public perception and he lost the GE-14 due to the perception, so beware what the public says.)
His presence will spell doom for other politicians of his age. They will suffer a hard time challenging his political dominance and ascendency. If he is left unchecked, rest assured that his charisma (such as Anwar) would create a political youth awakening turned into a political storm. Below are the list of his potential contenders
1) WAF (Aka Mat Jargon. His once special officer turned Deputy Sport and Youth Minister. He even contested and won the post for the ARMADA youth top post after the sacking of SSAR. He is far from popular among the youth. He is destined to be the most antagonistic player to counter SSAR (This is not an incitement but SSAR's natural selection as a choice very much preferred by most Non-Malay youth will put WAF in a position strongly dependent on Malay youth voters. The "Intellectual factions" may be more receiving towards SSAR than WAF despite that WAF had better academic credentials. WAF current political inclination is solely dependent on those voting for his ascension (which may shift any time according to the current political dominance.) and his alignment to the current Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin (which most Non-Malays especially under DAP viewed him as the ultimate traitor to the Pakatan Harapan aspirations.). Should SSAR got on an equal political footings with WAF, WAF will be strongly overshadowed owing to SSAR's popularity, personality and other soft skills. (WAF hail from a family of intellectuals (at least his father had a Doctorate in Islamic Studies from a University in the United States with WAF himself graduating with a Masters in Geopolitics.). Our vote is more inclined towards WAF than SSAR owing to his more intellectual lineage. Not to mention his tendency in trying to be eloquent and sophisticated in his speeches gave us a strong justification to boost a few extra points for him.)
Politics aside, SSAR and WAF are friends. So the dynamics of their relationship may be unanticipated. However, WAF never defended SSAR to remain in BERSATU when the sacking season took place. It seems politics comes first and friendship is seconded.)
(Our valuation for WAF will be around 4 out of 10. The low score is due to his low popularity level, lack of engagement in social media and other soft skills. Although he spoke eloquently and elaborative which synchronize with our style, WAF should realize that Malaysia is still dealing with "Kampung Politics" and the propaganda of simple catch phrase such as "Abah kita" or "Abah sayang" will work much better than trying to be sophisticated and eloquent in nature.
The Financial Debunker is dedicated to writing for certain factions of the elites. Our participation had always been kept at low profile (at the moment) whereas WAF is playing at the front. Hence, it does require different set of skills.)
However, with the blessings from the Prime Minister, WAF could turn the table around to challenge SSAR's political dominance among youth. It is the political upper-hand that could turn SSAR from 7.0 to 2.0. The 2.0 attributed to the fact if MUDA under SSAR is barred from registration with his political lifeline strongly depended at the hands of DAP, PKR or UMNO. Upon realization of his true ability, the youth leadership under these three banners will probably shoved him inside a fridge.)
2) Nik Nazmi (Rafizi's protege except his teacher is no more there. While he had better academic credentials than SSAR and of equivalence to WAF, his popularity to court voters from the opposite sex will be more challenging than SSAR . Youth are prone to cool stylish looks in making bias selective justification in their decision making process. In terms of political upper hand and other factors, Nik will lose out in the long run. As the PH alliance is weakening and Anwar's political ascension as the Prime Minister is getting murkier, his score will be set around 2.5 at best.
This score will be quite similar to other potential PKR youth such as Fahmi Fadzil, Akmal Nasir, the politically withdrawn Nurul Izzah Anwar and probably DAPSY chief Howard Lee.
Steven Sim, who spoke fluent Malay language and politically savvy for aligning with SSAR and recently with WAF deserves an additional 0.5 higher making him the fourth best candidate behind Shahril Hamdan. He is a Chinese, so there isn't much point to discuss his political strength, not to mention that his political reliance will strongly dependent on the rise and fall of the Lim family.)
3) Shahril Hamdan (this youth had the economic acumen and prowess of Najib Razak. He is the one hauled up by Muhyiddin Yassin to derive the economical equations and policies during the COVID-19 pandemic. A very humble man towards the people below him as well as those above him. He never take the position to vilify his oppositions especially Mahathir. He is the man behind Jobs For all Malaysian at a cost of 24 billion for 1 million Malaysians.
Eventually, his helpful deeds for Muhyiddin implies that UMNO can be forsaken for the greater good of the Malay people as long as another strong Malay party such as BERSATU is in control and intelligent/well groomed Malays like himself are given a chance to lead.
More of a statesman than a politician unless there is a much deeper side hidden under him. Current score for him is 3.5. A rising UMNO will put him at a higher trajectory. The current atmosphere will render him inconsequential for his political goals are defined by UMNO's Zahid. UMNO's Zahid is currently under the leadership of BERSATU and Zahid's future will be decided by the court of justice. Therefore, his projection will be uncertain as well. Though he may be the future leader that Malaysian deserves, his political acumen seems lacking. In Malaysian cutting throat politics, his ascension will be very difficult.)
4) Dr Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki ( the current UMNO youth leader is overshadowed by his predecessor Khairy Jamaludin and the more handsome and intelligent Number Two Shahril Hamdan. His promotion and future career will be very dependent on Zahid Hamidi. Our evaluation for Dr Ashraf is a mere low 2.0. His bright political move among other is inviting SSAR to the fold. )
5) The strength of PAS youth, Amanah youth, Warisan youth, MCA youth, MIC youth, Gerakan youth leaders will assume to be inconsequential.
6) Other inconsequential competing groups such as SEDAR (honestly it is very nauseating for us to take the liberty to write up this section if not for the fact there is a high probability of acceleration and elevation to political dominance for this group if they are publicly (now privately aided by many members) aided by the Najib Razak sphere of influence. Our writing is more of a pre-emptive strike to have this group formally deregistered as the Chinese saying goes "weed out a plant from it's root". For those who wanted to read more, please read at the end of the article.) will have a very long way to go.
...Enough of the brief analysis, Anwar in his early youth was destined for greatness until it became a great mess. The journey is still far to go....
*The Current Muhyiddin-Mahathir Dynamics -Muhyiddin's politic is on shaky grounds, his hands are tied by UMNO and PAS. A new election is imminent to keep his power in check. Despite he is back to his Malay roots, what are his moves if he is discarded like what had happened in 2016? Will he embrace Mahathir and Pakatan Harapan once again or will he succumbed his position at the mercy of Malay Unity?
A few weeks before SSAR renounced himself from joining Pejuang, SSAR was having his time with his comrade from PH Yeoh Bee Yin who is the Member of Parliament for Bakri, Johor. Though the detail of the private meeting was not shared with the media, the meeting was quite odd in nature.
Firstly, the meeting was a getaway with Yeoh's young niece and nephew. Though it look like friendly happy family getaway, it is downright very weird. Why it wasn't an event with her superior in DAP aka the famous Tony Pua or her colleague responsible in strategizing on behalf of DAP aka Liew Chin Tong?
...When SSAR unveils MUDA which stands for Malaysian United Democratic Alliance, it seems the picture is in absolute clear view. Yet, what beneath MUDA is intriguing? And why was MUDA conceived in the first?...
Democratic Action Party aka DAP realizes that PH grasp on the voters bank is dwindling and they may suffer a huge defeat in GE-15. So, they must come up with a new concoction.
1) DAP betted Anwar, it flops.
2) Mahathir was a flop after 22 months.
3) Shafie Apdal was a long shot, he only managed to obtained 2.2 percent from the total votes in GE-14. Failed to garner majority of the votes although his party did make it as the largest to win the current Sabah election.
4) Hence SSAR was required.
Recently, DAP secretary general sends a subtle ultimatum to Anwar in Sabah "If Anwar cannot rally the number of MPs to establish a new administration, they will consider to back Shafie.". Najib's predicament might be save by the King if Right Wing momentum keeps rising especially the current Queen is the sister to the future King. It is an open secret that the current Queen still remains in good contact with the previous First Lady of Malaysia on trial. The predicament for Guan Eng is solely dependent on the Court of Justice. Once the verdict by the Federal Court is upheld, it takes miracle of all miracles to break him from one. Anwar did not survived the political ordain, he was lucky as Mahathir and Najib were at odds. Currently, even his Royal Pardon was sought after by two lawyers to have the legitimacy questioned and probably overturned. For Kit Siang, he will need to ensure that his dearest son manage to survive this political ordeal. The desperation can be clearly felt from their list of political unspoken maneuvers.
SSAR is the best choice. He is appealing to the youth. He has the connection to the old politics long dominated by Mahathir in the past. He has the connection to the Right Wing sphere. He is diplomatic to many in powers except Tengku Mahkota Johor who had strong distaste of him.
...Yet, the most potent strength in SSAR to be selected for this sacred duty by DAP's leadership is his pliable political stand. First, he is from UMNO and then he graduated as a minister under BERSATU, both are Right Wing inclined political parties. But what is MUDA? MUDA is more probably be centre-right than centre-left. Centre-left will put them in a position more inclined towards LGBT, openness and liberation (this is the direction more towards Siti Kassim. This will be the ultimate time bomb that will blow up in DAP's face. Politics is about finding balance and this is the balance that is being put forward by DAP.). So centre-right is most probably what MUDA will be aiming for. What makes it centre-right and what is the connection to DAP? Subconsciously, rather than creating a party that sounds Malay centric, it took the word Democratic out of DAP's political playbook and concoct it with the word youth aka MUDA. (Not to mention the Sabah election by Pakatan Harapan was on the new narrative of "UNITY". This new narrative even caught DAP's No1 nemesis Najib Razak who questioned " Why was the need to emphasize unity in Sabah?".)...
...MUDA is very synonymous to the Malay people at heart. It has the sexual, gastronomical and political appeal that is preferred in the daily Malay language. "isteri muda", "nangka muda", "janda muda", "orang muda" to "darah muda". The word MUDA easily resonate with the Malay people and their tongue....
Drawing an analogy in South East Asia right at the same time when Pakatan Harapan won the GE-14 in 2018, a party of similar political mold was constructed. It is the Future Forward Party which vouches progressism (basically a new concocted word to boost the focus on progress for the society.) was established in 2018 while Demosisto in 2016.
The Future Forward Party was led by young Thai Billionaire (2nd generation Thai automobile spare parts manufacturer whose father was a Teochew Chinese specializes in fixing motorcycles. In a sudden turn of luck, his father was offered by Yamaha to have their motorbike seats manufactured in Thailand under his watch. It was the moment when the Thai Summit Group was established. His family enjoyed the fortune and his father business expanded until he became one of Thai's 1% (a billionaire). His uncle was made Thai Transport Minister during the times of Thaksin Shinawathra. To absolutely absolve this second generation young Thai billionaire as purely being solely ambitious is outright naive. In fact, he was labelled as " Daddy" by his supporter. Notice that Muhyiddin Yassin is also labelled as Abah (father) by his supporters. Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit is not just a savvy player in business but also an individual who had strong political acumen.). He led his party to a very strong start and resemble a significant chunk of Thailand's Parliament. Given the right chance and momentum, he created a strong fear among his political enemies up to the point which tens of charges had been brought forth against his colleagues. What went on later was the dissolution of his party by Thailand Constitutional Court despite having a Constitutional Expert by his side. The short term strategy flops, let's observe how will it unfold in the following years.
Observe the similarities
1) Syed Saddiq = Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit. Both are young aspiring leaders.
2) Syed is affiliated to few billionaires and their circles (Yeoh Bee Yin's husband. Son of Mahathir Mohammad aka Mokhzani Mahathir. Mahathir Mohammad's close ally Vincent Tan.) = Thanathorn is backed by a billionaire family (probably also a close associate to Thaksin Shinawathra.)
3) Mahathir is obsessed with the automobile industry. He once requested a sum of money from Najib Razak for a research facility for Proton. He was turned down. (Did Mahathir plan to rival Thai Summit Group led by Thanathorn's family in the past? Why did Najib Razak rejected Mahathir's request.)
= Thanathorn is the President of Thai Summit Group (a billion dollar automobile spare parts manufacturer.).
4) Syed vouches for technocrats (in his friendly fire with Mahathir recently.). It would be part of MUDA as well to create generations of technocrat. = Thanathorn is not too supportive of such move. Syed is probably unaware/naive that technocrats could create larger income gaps between the ruling class and the normal citizen. Perhaps what Syed really meant was pushing the country forward through a new generation of technocrats. Thanathorn was more careful in his wordings.
5) Thanathorn was backed by his deputy Piyabutr Saengkankkul who is a constitutional law associate professor from the Faculty of Law, Thammasat University. = Syed can be partnered by Dr Maszlee Malik ( currently in Pejuang ).
Syed will make effort to court the intellectual factions by our calculation. The political climate in Malaysia is slightly different as the Malays are more defensive than the Thais. (In Thailand, even Ah Wong could be the Prime Minister as long as he keeps a Thai culture, a mixed Thai heritage as his wife and start naming himself Wongsrinat.).
If the political climate is more acceptance, there is a strong possibility that Syed would invite other top academics (such as Wong Chin Huat (from Penang Institute, strongly aligned to DAP. So he will be put aside in the meantime), Professor Radzi Tajuddin (he is overly inclined towards DAP. So, he will be marginalized at the moment.) and finally Professor James Chin (align to Pakatan Harapan and Mahathir, a staunch supporter of democracy. He is base in the University of Tasmania. He will be the most likely to get the key appointment. If he isn't, it would probably be another Malay academic lecturing in public universities.) to join his side.
There are a few constitutional law academics such as Rahayu but they are inclined Right Wing with loyalty towards the Royalty. So definitely they won't be suited for any appointment.
6) Why do you think Thanathorn had a constitutional associate professor selected as his deputy? Piyabutr is the right individual to challenge the legitimacy, prerogative and the purview of the Thai Monarchy. = Syed a DAP friendly politician strongly align to Mahathir was initially under the Pakatan Harapan banner. He condoned, turned a blind eye or the least remain in silent with regards towards ICERD and Rome Statute (which nearly sparked the anger among the royalties especially the Kingdom of Johor.).
7) Currently after Thanathorn political party was dissolved, it created a political hole among the youth which gather among themselves to rally for a protest. = This can be equivalent or vaguely interpreted as Syed Saddiq's YouthPowerClub (which was granted 5 million ringgit by Mahathir when he was in power.). The momentum had already started even though the party is still just in it's early registration stage. Can you imagine after Syed started rallying in the public?
Youth Power can be dangerous when wrongly wield. Who knows the future youth in Malaysia will go down the streets not by 18,000 such as the one recently in Bangkok but by 180,000 (Kit Siang is very obsessed with youth. He will be smiling in his grave if he could ever materialized his dream into realization. Off course, it would be his vision of youth not those run by Jamal Yunos or Lokman Adam. In fact, the obsession with youth even began before GE-14 with Kit Siang mentioning the statistics on how youth will be the major player for the future elections during his first speech with Mahathir which was held in Petaling Jaya Town Hall. Hence, the brand of Syed Saddiq was accelerated to fame and DAP young ones such as Michelle Ng was being popped out of the blue to contest.)....
...It was Mahathir's youth power that dethrone Abdul Rahman....
...Kit Siang's youth power that was feared during the Razak administration....
...Anwar's youth power that Mahathir feared and was put next by his side to be closely contained and monitored (as the saying goes "keep your friends close, your enemies closer.")....
...Mahathir is one of the best man who understood the potential of youth power. Lokman Adam, Tian Chua and many more were stripped off their youth power by Mahathir himself. Even the younger version of Lim Guan Eng in the past....
...Thanathorn youth power that could bring down or contain the Thai Monarchy purview....
...Joshua Wong's youth power that shake up a near repeat of the Tiananmen incident from the Umbrella Movement of 2014 up until the latest political crackdown in 2020 involving the Chinese Communist Party (with the CCP restraining themselves from overly violent.)....
...The Tianmen 1989 youth power incident led by a group of 21 Most Wanted with Wang Dan at the top of the list which sparked Deng Xiao Ping to brutally crushed them and put the whole world in trauma for decades on the incident....
...The anticipated Youth Power of Syed Saddiq....
So Nazri Aziz is wrong (and had always been when he also assumes UMNO and PAS had no future.) and naive to assume that MUDA will be a failure. He misread Mahathir's true intention. Syed Saddiq (as much as we do not want to praise him) was right to assume that there is a strong potential among the youth, he himself was probably inspired by Mahathir and Lim Kit Siang themselves.
...And finally The Financial Debunker's YOUTH POWER (middle age actually, on the bordeline) that will decide the Malaysian Political Landscape & hopefully The Global Military Power....
As Muhyiddin was part of the Pakatan Harapan coalition when he was the designated Home Minister, it strictly matters whether he (and Hamzah Zainuddin as the current Home Minister) will take the move to allow MUDA to proceed or otherwise.
Mahathir was trapped by his own game when the High Court dropped his legal suit against Muhyiddin and BERSATU for firing him and those aligned to him. Decision with regards to society is the sole prerogative of the R.O.S. Mahathir established this rule when he was countering Tengku Razaleigh.
In the event of MUDA, if MUDA was found to plagiarize their logo (with the logo creator taking the issue to the court of justice under intellectual properties.) and the R.O.S amend their laws regarding
1) integrity and 2) plagiarism,
MUDA may be disqualified to be registered as a party.
Besides this, the prerogative by R.O.S can be very damaging as they could amend their laws and policies such that
3....those who have been fired, sacked or dropped from a political party is disqualified to form a political party within 5 to 10 years time....
4....those who have been fired, sacked or dropped from a political party is disqualified from holding a high post in any political party within 5 to 10 years time....
Executing Rule 1, 2, 3, and 4 will render Mahathir and Syed Saddiq's MUDA into their political demise. Yet, recently Mahathir has announced that he won't be contesting. Therefore, the future political anticipation will completely be shed on Syed Sadidiq's MUDA to make the changes.
Let's observe the trajectory & how The Financial Debunker's Youth Power may adjust, assist or annihilate those in opposition or in line with us.
*However, R.O.S (and Zahid Hamidi) can sometimes be exceptionally kind/bias/selectively nice as well. The current incident is when both the R.O.S (and Zahid Hamidi) turned a blind eye against the immediate removal of Najib Razak's BN advisor's post after his conviction during the SRC trial.
Legally, Najib should have been immediately stripped off from the position as an advisor to BN (with a new advisor appointed) and made an appeal to the R.O.S. With the R.O.S to decide if they should grant him an "extension pending appeal base on their discretion" according to the article above. (Therefore, it is imperative for Najib's fan and loyalist to be less "Biadap" & "Kurang Ajar" towards the current Prime Minister, the UMNO President as well as others. They should spend more time understanding laws drafted by the R.O.S.)
Has the Standard Operating Procedure been followed? Or are we the ones unaware of the political surroundings? Or Najib is in fact has been stripped off from his advisor position and now appealing to the R.O.S? Is Zahid subconsciously bringing Najib back as the President to make a shocking announcement? (Unlikely as the R.O.S could immediately disqualify convicted members)
What is mind boggling is the relevancy level that was bestowed upon him. Shouldn't he be made politically irrelevant?
**SEDAR = A below mediocre leadership group of young idealistic misguided wannabe politicians with skewed political acumen and statesmanship intellect. Most members are sidelined members from BN strongly aligned to the convicted Najib Razak. Despite denying the relations and correlations to the connection, the special branch and even many political circle had strong evidence that this wannabe political NGO had Najib Razak written all over. A strong evident is when they launched their disinteresting campaign of Gabungan Kuasa Rakyat with other degenerate NGOs (with one ran by Najib's favorite fan having her autistic son chasing Najib around in 2016 to make headlines and the other NGO being borderline Sino-Phobic in nature - running praises for Najib on every 4 hours basis.). After such an alliance led by SEDAR's team leader, it fails/flops to garner the attention from the people and media despite Pakatan Harapan is doing a flop job at that moment. In other words, THE FLOP OF ALL FLOPS. The President (with questionable academic credentials and professional experience (with no fake degree as consolation) lacks in both physical and charismatic appeal to pull the public audience. With his unrestrained insolent tongue, joining the ranks of Papagomo and Superman Hew would be more recommendable. Future aspiring leader of the future - not his caliber.) is now working proudly as a part time cyberkeeper to his personal Facebook space and SEDAR page by shooting down those who questioned him unintellectually or even intellectually with vulgarities. Though this group of young "Syiok Sendiri" wannabe politicians thought they had it just because they have no political baggage, that is thoroughly not very accurate. The sole purpose of their establishment and existence is not to gain popularity but only to serve as a future platform for Najib Razak and those aligned to him such as the likes of Lokman Adam as an election platform if Najib and his allies are completely thwarted/sidelined under the current UMNO by Zahid Hamidi. Their latest endeavor is to have Tengku Razaleigh to lead them. Razaleigh is now hailed by these wannabes as an aspiring politician despite he was once in bed with DAP after Mahathir jilted him. Razaleigh took the chance to ascend with the falling Najib (having Najib to pay his karmic dues for Najib's U turn by siding with Mahathir in the past.). Wonder who in the right mind will want to make donations to such an NGO knowingly the fact it was only a political platform for Najib and his allies. Unless, donors are Najib's supporters or they were promised something in return. Example : The Solar Panel Project which is unrelated to SEDAR but some of their acquaintances are close associates to the public figure lady on trial. Hopefully, BN's component with the likes of MIC especially MCA will consider seriously the money they put into. To think that these bunch of youth are equivalent of Syed Saddiq (7.0), Wan Fayhsal (4.0), Shahril Hamdan (3.5) or Dr Ashraf (2.0) will be dead wrong. Our evaluation puts them at 0.5 out of 10 or at (1.0 to 1.5) if Najib Razak made it to draw and settle for a fair game.
Their political influence will only be significantly enhanced once Najib Razak jumped on board which is still a big question mark. Currently, these wannabes means nothing. As long as Najib's political relevancy level is subdued on a timely basis, rest assured that these wannabes currently relying on pittance (as they admitted they could not afford many things) on the sideline will just wither and be blown away by the next strong stormy political wind.
Why SEDAR? Looks New, deceptively young, no roots attached and malleable to incorporate a senior figure inside. Parti Cinta Malaysia by Major Huan reeks of the old Gerakan and BN. Parti Minda Malaysia by Tony Tan and Ramesh Rao (who expressed his motherly love towards the public figure lady on trial) reeks of scandals, bankruptcies and their latest involvement in the Anwar sodomy conspiracy setup.
***NO, This is not the Wrecking Ball before UMNO's General Assembly 2020 or their nominations in 2021.
****Many observe our non-communicative Facebook account, none constantly keeping a close eye on us on much as Prof James Chin (It is a great honour.). Is the Facebook algorithm going nuts as we have been observing this pattern for over 60 days? Australian Embassy, please take note.