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Part 1)  Why Najib's Interview With Al-Jazeera Backfired?

Part 2) Derailing Beijing's Ambition

( Why Xi's China Will Not Respond To The Railway Diplomacy? )

To YB Anthony Loke,


Cc Senator Liew Chin Tong,

Cc His Excellency China's Ambassador Bai Tian,




(This letter is purposely leaked online.)

( UPDATE 1: In the event that Sultan Johor is not anointed as the Agong, Tengku Abdullah's speed ascension as the Sultan of Pahang and then the Agong in couple of days is a clear indicator of a brewing political plot as stipulated in one of our article. )






The Financial Debunker rallies Sultan Ibrahim Ismail of the Johor Royal Family (for their friendly relationship with Beijing) to be anointed as the next Agong due to the political turmoil that has engulfed the nation. This is stipulated in one of our previous article regarding the importance of His Majesty to alter the political landscape of this nation with his crown prince Tunku Mahkota Johor whose fortitude matches the throne he will inherit one day. 



*We extend our gratitude for inviting one of our associates for a tour to the Forest City few years ago.






First of all, congratulations to DAP's Anthony Loke for successfully being anointed as the Transport Minister. However, The Financial Debunker is very disappointed with the way your administration tweaks (DERAILS) the diplomatic offer such that in our point of view serves as a very degrading humiliation towards China and us (being the progenitor of the idea)Definitely, since both you and Senator Liew Chin Tong are senior leaders of DAP, The Financial Debunker assumes that your side must have gotten the idea from the letter we wrote to Senator Liew Chin Tong sent through WhatsApp on the 14th December 2018. Obviously, your side has the right to deny any existing knowledge on this particular matter.

...We have tried improving the content to sound less derogatory....


Your administration's oversight to provide the right counsel regarding the railway issue (whether the Prime Minister accepts or declines, as your side are still part of the coalition cabinet) had caused significant financial damages to the nation. In the light of your administration's decision that will adversely affects Malaysians for years to come, it is imperative for us to exercise extreme caution in dealing with your side from now coupled with our bad experiences in dealing with factions impervious to the implications of DERAILMENT (by Najib's inner circle). We have less TRUST DEFICIT in your administration than the Najib's administration but we still have to exercise caution.


...This prelude serves as an advice to stop modifying COPY CAT STRATEGIES, TACTICS and INSTRUMENTS (hard to explain this rather technical concept in a short time) that might cause vicious implications to your side unknowingly....


The Financial Debunker once advised an inner circle of Najib Razak that one of the many conditions for his desired ascension... by making connections with International Media Agencies. This includes Xinhua agency. His side will have to gauge if the agencies are willing to be on his side. If they do not, fix it by all means necessary...


The advice was taken out of context and the conditions were not outlined clearly by his circles. Making matter worse, his circle made the following wrong assumptions 1) making connections does not imply being interviewed although being interviewed is one of the many ways and 2) the condition is important as the agency must be willing to co-operate in a healthy atmosphereNajib went to interview with the Financial Times, it was fine but the drafts seems to be quite unpleasant in nature. We thought it was a process that his side designed to make it sounded transparent. Due to the arrogance by some of his inner circles, we were not consulted further.


...AS PREDICTED, G-D IS FAIR, IT BECAME A CURSE AND IN THE END - A NATION'S LAUGHING STOCK, WE WERE DELIGHTED. (how can we be joyous when the sycophants and loyalists are taking the financial and reputation credits base on our work)....


Later an interview with Al-Jazeera was held and it backfired terribly. Why such unpleasant consequences? His sycophant never did his/her homework properly on Al-Jazeera and the reporter who had grudges with Najib Razak was selected for the interview. Clearly, our advice was misinterpreted and misconstrued (probably after passing multiple times - the errors accumulated) by his loyalists and also sycophants. We are unsure if some of these sycophants (with their undying unconditional love for their liege lord is very bizarre, probably due to the DEDAK fed.) are moles or agents planted with intentions to collect information from the Najib's camp and ripped it off from the inside. Their unprofessional way of handling this issue tarnishes (some other sycophants question the effectiveness of our method, labeling us) our reputation - partially due to the fault by Najib himself in selecting his inner circle and taking advice selectively. Base on the intelligence report your side gathers,  your side will notice our presence in events but hardly making any engagement in conversation. As strategist, we have to ensure the worthiness of the audience we engage with. The Art of War stipulates that a strategist has to take extreme caution when selecting his/her liege lord, that is our answer regarding our involvement in politics on the issue of loyalty.











(Itelf would be the best choice of word for the current administration. Himself is for firm characteristics, herself is for lenient characteristics, itself is for unknown, and undetermined characteristics especially riddled with a history of performing many U turns (changes on decision due to fickleness or other factors. Hopefully PH will be firmer in the future time.).)


What is the point of such obscure diplomatic effort when it had been initiated during the Najib era? The need for the many projects to be reviewed, delayed and then revived by your side is totally unprofessional. Your administration's decision is putting Malaysia in the TRUST DEFICIT zone as Malaysia is now being viewed as too politically involved in business and trades.


Which country wants to invest in us? What happens if the next government changes policy again? What happens when Mahathir passes away or becomes senile (all of these factors will be considered by investors, is not a matter of respect)? What are his successor's policy? There is not even a successor yet - it is orally agreed that Anwar will succeed. It is not legally binding that Anwar will ascend. What happens if BN and PAS make alliances with a leader in PH to overthrow Anwar? 


Your administration not just fails to assure political stability but seems to introduces huge political risks to investors. Your side wrote MANIFESTOS which your side could not cope with financially. Your side wrote policies which your side were unsure if the people would benefit from it. Most unpopular policies ended with a U turn - with the citizens being made as test subjects. Worse, some of the policies failed to be implemented were people friendly policies in nature such as free higher education. Your side could not even understand the dynamics of Malaysian Politics on how the parties will respond to one another when the variable changes, worse is the fact that the fate of all the parties are actually in shambles. 


...THE MOST MIND-BOGGLING PART IS YOUR SIDE'S OVERSIGHT TO RECOGNIZE WHO ARE YOUR ALLIES (with references to courtesy issues with China) AND WHO ARE YOUR TRADUCERS (friendly with Europe before GE14 with the current Prime Minister and Mat Sabu gathered among the EU diplomats during an event. Now Malaysian palm oil are deem unfit by the European Union with rumors lurking even before the gathering took place.)....


Therefore, before your side proceeds with any DIPLOMACY effort with any country or organization, it is hopeful that your side does a thorough soul searching first.





The Prime Minister's 3 times visit to Japan (in a stint of 6 months) brought 1 Honorary PhD, 1 Japanese Samurai Bond (which is questionable why Malaysia needed such a bond to begin with since our national asset is quite abundant) worth 7 Billion Ringgit and 1 “Grand Cordon of the Order of the Paulownia Flowers” by Emperor Akihito of Japan. However, your side disappoints many as Malaysia received 0 investment from Japan despite the many visits by our ministers especially the Prime Minister to Japan. 


Clearly, the Prime Minister's bowing (literally - for his 3 times visit and figuratively - for his bowing at 90 degrees angle to Emperor Akihito of Japan) to Japan does show that Mahathir "没有给中国面子 aka does not give face to CHINA" simply disrespects China's stature (especially when China has graced Malaysia with trade abundances). We believe the ministers in your administration's cabinet of Chinese descent should understand the gravity of Mahathir's actions and decisions. As the Prime Minister's cabinet is filled with a handful ministers of Chinese descent (especially from DAP)...


...failing to understand such basic diplomatic etiquette demonstrates that your administration's diplomacy is a gaffe....


(At such juncture, we are wondering if DAP's role in providing the right counsel to the Prime Minister is of any significance?


Hardly believable that a kleptocratic government could amass national assets while the self professed clean government is only capable of selling national assets. It is essentially befuddling to determine whether your side (the MOT) under your purview is amateurish or being too subservient to the Prime Minister bearing semblance to the previous MCA. This goes hand in hand with (the MOF) which should have advised the Prime Minister on the implications to Malaysia's economy if the rebooting of diplomatic ties with Beijing persists.


...The BN cabinet had to bear Najib's 1MDB debacle. We urge the PH government including Anwar Ibrahim (whether inclusive or exclusive in the current government) to be responsible for the choice of Prime Minister and his actions/decisions which have been detrimental to the country....


The subservience atmosphere shown by your side signifies that DAP is not very Left Wing after all but seems to be  in the process of evolving into a different version of Right Wing hierarchical structure removing the old system dominated by the 60 years BN. Very disappointed.


DAP ought to be the most vigilant among the rest. While Sin Chew Jit Poh correctly faulted Mahathir's lack of sensitivity with Beijing, The Malay groups and forums are having a hostile atmosphere towards DAP. Should a political fallout happens, partial Malay solidarity (Mahathir quoted recently that DAP is the one that decides who should be Prime Minister, how does it sounds?) within certain groups could re-absorb Mahathir's camp - hushing DAP out in the cold to suffer the backlash alone even for decisions that DAP are not responsible for.

..Your side's over subservience to the Prime Minister will lead to your side's quick demise should a fallout happens with all the blame will be yours solely to bear. The Malay groups are giving this hint. Should an unfavorable policy is affecting the Malays - it is wise for your side to speak up for the Malays than to comply to Mahathir 100%.... )


Now after your administration fails to obtain additional investment due to slashing of commodity prices amplified by the cuts in exports, your administration is offering a DEGRADABLE U TURN RAILWAY (ECRL) DIPLOMACY to Beijing.


...How do you think Beijing should respond?...


Before we answer this question (with another question), it is to be reminded that your side's successful election and selection as ministers is to provide significantly much effective (especially being a Chinese in a non-Chinese environment) job performance than the previous administration. Your side should understand this equation first...


...Why is ECRL significantly more desirable than a KRAI CANAL or even a KRAI RAILWAY (is shorter than ECRL, the shallow waters at the port is not a significant problem due to technology advancement nowadays which could convert shallow waters into deep waters, we are suggesting this to Beijing)?...


Your side's oversight to understand both your own government and the Chinese (which your side wanted to conquer with additional trades) government is equivalent to what Sun Tzu wrote...


“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”


So what does that really says for your side's success rate?


ZERO but most importantly Beijing had lost trust in Kuala Lumpur.



*This is the dilemma The Financial Debunker is facing with our potential clients. TRUST. Trust needs to come from both sides, yet rather than being compliant, we prefer fixing the mindset of our clients.






Your side's proposal does not bode well for 1) us and 2) Beijing.


1) The content of our letter urge the PH government to look into high end technologies crucial for the success of this nation (obviously we are looking into developing the prototype which is financially small relatively to many high end technologies), your side's revelation on the RAILWAY DIPLOMACY (WHICH IS A MODIFIED HYBRID FROM OUR IDEA) leads us to conclude the veracity of your administration in providing an evolved platform for military innovators wannabe like us - which definitely needs governmental ultimate blessing.


Your side was elected because the people trusted that your side will significantly improve their economy with better policies and visions, raise them from a developing into a developed nation as well as raising (Sorry, Mahathir wanted a country with lower wages, hopefully DAP will try and fix his mindset) Malaysia into a high income nation. Yet your side chooses in dumping the innovation sector and gambles on high risk saturated innovation such as the automotive industry which could make an instant local (not global) boom only if your side ruins public transportation (car-fixing for taxis and other e-hailing services) and introduces anti-competition (which translate to anti-globalization and lack of initiative, can this be categorized as lazy? Protectionism policy will lead others to boycott certain sectors of our economy as well.) taxes on imported cars? How do you expect to raise Malaysia into a developed nation without technology and innovation? Miraculous discovery of new oil and gas fields? Exploit the simplicity of the Malaysian citizens with boring news headlines such as "frog jumping" and "black shoes" living in our cocoon "tempurung aka coconut shell", comforting ourselves that we are in fact a great nation (going better or worse?)?


...Your administration doesn't trust a UK PhD in Mathematical Science to test, lead and develop the idea? Yet your side promotes a middle aged SPM holder as the Prime Minister's Special Officer? What sort of nonsensical Mahathirism 2.0 is this? To get even, an Indian without SPM is slotted into the military....


...Is stupidity (lets use better wordings, uneducated but not necessarily stupid) part of Mahathirism 2.0 for PH's New Malaysia?...

...Mahathirism 2.0 should actually import Japan's 
"Harakiri' and "Seppuku" into our culture discarding the "Kurang Ajar" notion to embrace the meaning of true trustworthiness?...


(Mahathirism 1.0 had done significant damages to the Malays, ruining their identity, attitude and mindset with false indoctrination and pampering atmosphere. Now sickeningly labeling them as lazy (The Malays are agitated being labelled as lazy and when a backlash happens, DAP be prepared.) based on Mahathirism 2.0. There are differences between pampering and encouraging. We are hopeful that DAP will play a better advisory role in providing better wordings and raising diplomatic issue with our Prime Minister. The nation relied heavily on the current government to perform exceptionally better than the Najib administration. Yet they were unintentionally being deceived by receiving an administration with a SHRINKING economy PROBABLY GOING RECESSION with job cuts and pay cuts which is far from their desired expectation.



SO WHAT IS MAHATHIRISM 2.0.? (Sociopolitical Topics - a person's legacy)


Mahathirism 1.0 key characteristics (as addressed by many PH leaders including Lim Kit Siang)


1) nepotism

2) cronyism

3) corruption

4) excessive pampering of the Malays (lower university scoring system to boost Malays intake. Significant higher recruitment in civil services discourages Malays to compete for private sector jobs. Not merit base selection for the Malays including his current Special Officer.)

5) flat-line economy (despite the absence of China, Malaysia's growth is relatively slow compare to the five tigers.)

6) lack of diplomatic courteousness  (even with Washington DC at a particular time, the intention is diversion to rein local support.)

7) ASIAN Financial Crisis

8) vicious politicking (Anwar and all his previous deputies)

9) many more


Mahathirism 2.0 key characteristics


0) elected oldest Prime Minister in modern world's history.

1) devious manifestos (promising manifestos that the administration could not cope up with financially.)

2) self ethnic loathing (chiding his own Malay race as being lazy while providing excessive pampering with Pro Malay policies for his 22 years rule. Demanding them to be as competitive as the Chinese which may not be part of their nature in a matter of 6 months after his ascension.)

3) incompetency (despite shrinking economy, nobody in the cabinet including the Prime Minister takes the blame. Including the selection of his Special Officer.)

4) misplaced ego (the love to flattery plays a significant part which explains his belief that he is the savior to the country.)

5) U turn (many policies are waived due to unpopularity.)

6) continuous lack of diplomatic courteousness (this time with Beijing and Singapore, turning  friendly neighbors into inhospitable ones.)

7) delusional grandeur (What makes our current Prime Minister thinks that he is capable of outwitting Singapore and Beijing for a start through his leveraging styles?)

8) 7) is actually the failure to understand things holistically. Wrong perspective.

9) 7) and 8) are probably consequences of bad influences from inner circles of sycophants and loyalists giving continuous wrong counsel, busy politicking, playing on flattery and impervious to the overall agenda.

10) less vicious but Machiavellian politicking (seducing MPs from the opposition to be absorbed into the government)

11) blasphemy (putting a fault on the angels for his dereliction.)

12) shrinking economy (for rebooting economical ties with Beijing). A result that stemmed from 7), 8) and 9).

13) judiciary reform seems questionable in nature. (All opposition leaders are freshly charged while government leaders are let off from trials.)


14) unrealistic expectations  (Malaysia targeted to be a developed country but persistently pampering protectionism policies without making proper adjustments.)


15) a country with no direction for potential growth in all aspects. What are his long term goals and methods for successful implementations? (cuts in public transportation infrastructure and repetitive innovation in automotive manufacturing sector such as ProTiga which had been demonstrated historically that such industry under his guidance had requirements to receive continuous huge bail out.)



Other possible traits



16) Recession

17) Asian Financial Crisis 2.0

18) WORST Ringgit performance in history

19) The prophecy of Ustaz Fadzil Noor becomes a reality

20) many more subtle ones)


It is imperative that your side advise the Prime Minister regarding the importance for Malaysia to increase it's key assets, the value of ringgit against world's currency, higher income jobs and jobs with technology opportunities. Before labeling the Malays as lack of initiatives (definitely not lazy, probably lack of motivation and perspective), we advise the Prime Minister to stop having an effortless mindset with the continuous selling of assets. Inspire the people to innovate cutting edge solutions and he will notice how difficult it is to step forward and succeed especially when diplomatic (The Financial Debunker had quite poor communication skills and odd mannerisms too) skills are poor.




2) The letter we sent specifically implore your side to promote our "high end intelligence base technology coupled by strategy and tactics for the long run to China", Beijing may comprehend that the initial assertive move by the Prime Minister under your side's counsel as Sino-Phobic and Anti China in nature especially when a more concentrated effort to fix the Malaysia-China relationship was made only with a U turn diplomacy which started to gain importance when the initial decision began contributing damaging side effects to your administration's political stability. The Financial Debunker worries that the actions and decisions by your administration "without the initial sincerity option as stipulated  in our letter" will result in the deliverance of a lopsided misguided agreement which is to Beijing's distaste. Such distaste will severely affect Malaysia's diplomatic relationship with Beijing in the long run if a new government (with DAP as long as DAP manages to win the significant mandate of the Malaysian Chinese) takes over.


...For a start, we are baffled by your administration's decision to alter the preposterous diplomatic offering as an insincere option that could not enhance China's military capability, whence a high end intelligence base technology coupled by strategy and tactics could be developed and deliver to China. WE HAD OUR FEAR THAT YOUR ADMINISTRATION WILL FIND IT TO THE BEST OF YOUR INTEREST IN LEVERAGING THIS PARTICULAR TECHNOLOGY AGAINST OUR (THE FINANCIAL DEBUNKER, OUR ANCESTORS AND THE INTEREST OF THE CHINESE INCLUDING MAINLAND CHINA) WILL TO NON SINO-FRIENDLY FORCES...

...Otherwise, we are still pondering why?...


Lastly, have your side scrutinize the letter we sent? Have your side tried to understand the depth of Xi Jin Ping's character? If your side could only suggest Xi's China a railway after your administration had offended his, your side had the very wrong idea on Xi's personality. Xi is not just a man of silence (his silence made his adversaries hard to discern his thoughts and intentions, coupled by his intelligence and monstrous ambition specifically, he is an individual you should not simply reckon with.) and a descendant of an intelligence operator, he is one of the two princelings (the other one is Bo Xilai)  which came from the incidental animosity affair of Mao ZeDong (Mao put Xi in camps) and Deng Xiao Ping (his father is an advocate of Deng). He is the leader that China deserves during this competitive age after Deng lead China in the opening phase.


Chinese Intelligence will definitely have records of  DAP's strong inclination to Taiwan (which DAP should distance themselves (including BERSIH) from despite DAP's similarity to their Western ideology of democracy and replace it with a more "Sino-Solidarity pragmatic result oriented - military-driven ideology") and The Umbrella Movement (with colour similar to BERSIH) of Hong Kong which supports MISGUIDED DEMOCRACY. Your administration's sudden inclination to Beijing can be misinterpreted as a desperation attempt for your side's political advantage, therefore

...The Financial Debunker beseech your administration to utilize our cutting edge solution (involving instrument) which combines "HIGH END INTELLIGENCE BASE TECHNOLOGY COUPLED BY STRATEGIES AND TACTICS THAT COULD COUNTER DONALD TRUMP'S BLACK SWAN" as a sincere option (by all means necessary - base on the Sino-Solidarity of Beijing-TFD-DAP) to Xi's Beijing....


...Simply put it. The Financial Debunker designs Black Swan to counter Black Swan....


(Do you know why Jack Ma had to resigned from ALI BABA and then re-emerged as a member of the Chinese Communist Party few months later after a series of brainwashing? He was not astute enough as he gladly initiated a Selfie and Wefie with Mahathir without understanding Mahathir's repute in the eye of Xi. In Xi's point of view, Jack Ma lacks patriotism to discern the heart and soul of Mahathir's political rhetoric.)





*The Financial Debunker finds it pointless at this 21st century to rely on 1950's espionage method. During BN's administration, we suggest a technology aka "God's Eye" which connects an integrated  system from the millions cctv networks to all governmental and private institutions (financial, medical, education and etc). Even at the basic level, "God's eye" will successfully monitor and track down every citizen's activities 24 hours a day. Beijing has started this work anyway on their MRT.

**The Financial Debunker is aware of all Beijing's incapability and weaknesses - else Beijing could have used it to hedge against Donald Trump's Black Swan with regards to the trade war.

***The Financial Debunker is aware of revealing ideas when typing, the ongoing IOT, hacking and tracking that exist. The only fear we had are those capable of "mind reading".

*Please use the zoom function to read the letters in your browser.







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