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Strategy Series 19 - NO ONE & The Pandora Box

*This proposal is NOT for the survival of ASEAN but specifically designed for those who are aligned with us. The survival of ASEAN stuck between two Goliaths is much complicated than this which we aren't interested and obliged to discuss the solutions to hedge in such an event.


Continue reading to comprehend. To be read together with Series 18.








In order to comprehend the depth of this article, it is advisable for readers to watch The Matrix in order to understand the relationship between Zion, the human batteries and the machines.


The Matrix portrays the "GRIM" evolution of mankind by creating machines which then evolves by separating part of itself into a complete logical entity named "The Architect". An entity devoid of any human sentiment. The job of " The Architect" other than creating an imaginary world for mankind is to systematically decides the number of humans that should live and die proportionally to the living batteries for the machines in exchange for the humans to live under an illusion aka The Matrix. Those who managed to snapped out of the illusion live in the real world aka Zion. To add more complications, the machines actually keeps tracks of Zion and it's population growth which explains the 6th reboot of Zion through a massacre that nearly happens at the end of the Trilogy until Neo managed to strike a truce with the Machines.


The 6th NEO aka The One was imminent to reset The Matrix system in order for the machines and humans to live in harmony. The whole prophecy was meant to keep humanity's hope alive.



...To sum up The Matrix is to sum up humanity's hope in the Messiah from the Judeo-Christianity point of view. The idea of The One = Messiah, Zion, Trinity, Architect and Oracle = The manifestation of the feminine and masculine side of the Creator and the 6th iteration implies imperfection (with the 4th installation speaking about the 7th iteration most probably) are all straightforward biblical references.


All these also serve as an allusion for the meaning of humanity's existence. And as "The Architect" puts it back to Neo - "the question you think that is most pertinent is actually the most irrelevant" is the very direct reference to humanity's existence which is nothing more than an illusion under a cycle imperative for the continuation of a system (The Universe)....



Back to reality, the United States China (and Russia) contention will be an inevitable showdown as both of these forces are the ones responsible to decide the future of the human race. Moral, religion and ethics may provide an illusion that humanity craves for harmony. That is not necessary the truth and perhaps far from it. 


The human race will always be dictated by the survival of the fittest. Those that successfully manipulates the system to outperform the others (corruption, kickbacks, tax evasion, discrimination, crimes, oppressions and war are just manipulation tools to churn out interest out of the system. Other form of ethical manipulation does exist such as equal and fair competition. Such attributes however hardly contribute to the manipulation significantly.). War is inevitable. It starts with trade war and the final trajectory will be the real war. It is just a matter of time before the time comes. If there is one. There is two. There will be three. Humanity World War Trilogy. 



...For those such as us (The Financial Debunker) which are consistent in our self belief for being at the highest echelon of society in terms of intellectual level finds the current humanity appalling. The existence of the ASEAN in Asia (as well as many continent) is an abomination to humanity for their sole existence is void of any grand purpose other than eat, breed and perform corrupt practices without any effort to put a milestone for humanity's achievement and advancement for both science and technology. 


Shamelessly, ASEAN always thought and had the audacity to make demands for peace and prosperity. Their statements are  nothing short of a laughing stock....



Alluding to The Matrix, the United States China contention can be viewed as the Machines Human contention which slowly evolves from living in peace together until the point of an imminent warfare. Just like Zion in  The Matrix, the existence of ASEAN is very dependent on the Joint Venture of peace between the Chinese and the United States.


The current status quo aka mutually agreed peace is pushed by a number of factors. 1) Both sides are planning to grow and surpass each other at a pace unnoticed by all sides. 2) Once an assurance  that victory will be in hand, the first preemptive strike will be initiated. At this moment, both are still in doubt that they could walk out of the war pretty much unscathed.


As a matter of fact, ASEAN is a very important asset to both Beijing and the Washington. To put it short. 


1) Beijing wouldn't want regimes spreading instability, radiation to the atmosphere and polluted sea waters at her doorstep. Beijing didn't want ASEAN (or the Indo-Pacific. They are both different but the regions they are in control of are quite overlapping to a huge extent.) to fall or be the military check points for the United States and her allies.


2) Washington would prefer the otherwise. A war farther away from it's soil to contain China would be the best option. AUKUS gives Washington a better leverage against the Chinese. With the Phiilipines speaking up in support of AUKUS, the odds tilting Washington would significantly grows larger due to the Philippines proximity to China.



...Just like Zion, the fate of ASEAN will be quite similar except there is no NEO to save from SYSTEM "GRIM". SYSTEM "GRIM" had always been there and clearly being present for individuals such as NO ONE....








Dear Veronika Linardi (Or should I address you as Mrs Togelang since your wedding to Sebastian a few years back. Definitely this is not a love letter. I don't even recall having such feeling anymore of late towards anyone. My source of inspiration comes from embracing the true dark nature of men and myself. Ignoring advice that is prone destructible to sync with my true personality. Please do share with your husband and your associates especially those with ties to Softbank.)


Cc Ci Ci X X (of Mulia group. You should read as the Mulia group had strong ties to the Chinese. There will be a time when living itself requires special privileges. Owing your relationship to Veronika and the elitists among the Indonesian Chinese and Thai Chinese circle, it is imperative for your side to take note that only those who backed our rising will have the privileges to make demands. Division is imminent for the Chinese have to choose to side among other Superpowers. There isn't compromise for abstinence base on any grounds.)


Cc Ci Ci F F ("Orang Cina dari dulu bangganya sama yang pintar dagang. Main dagang jangan setengah-tengah, udah aja satu negara China dijual-beli kalau bisa. Perusahaan kami adil, kalau China mahu beli Eropah juga, kami layanin. Yang penting untung.")





It has been years since The Interview. We reckoned you will never imagine how things will unravel. The dots connecting the past to the future. The uncertainties that may loom ahead of you. The feelings/hunches or perceptions it may be that you harbor on that particular person and the chances that such path may cross. And the greatest insult of all between you and I would be the pertinent question in your mind of "Who exactly are you again?" or "I don't even recall if such an interview ever exist"?


Such responses portrays the hierarchical societal gap between an elitist spawn like you and a NO ONE like me.


You see, Veronika - I am not a Noble by birth. Neither am I an elitist spawn. I don't even have a circle, I was an outcast in the academic world. An UNFIT you may say. The black sheep of the family. A second class citizen too intelligent to be a civil servant. Too arrogant to bow and beg to those unworthy in the corporate sectors. Too calculative and not Malay-centric enough to fit into the Malay Supremacy playbook and neither am I a hypocrite who would play along with members from the Chinese Chauvinist clique. I don't believe in unprincipled selective reformist agenda as well.


The arrogance and intelligence manifested into a curse that nearly doomed me. Yet the thing that never kills you will makes you stronger. It gives you a purpose for your existence. An iron will to bend the world to your desire. SPARE YOUR SYMPATHY AND EMPATHY. For I needed none. It is suffice to take note that I am cursed (verified by the daughter of the Malaysian Ex Deputy Prime Minister waiting for trials after trials) as... 








...NO ONE is an anomaly created by SYSTEM "GRIM". The difference between Neo in The Matrix and NO ONE is this. NEO had a noble cause. NO ONE on the other hand is the antithesis of NEO like Agent Smith except he is not influencing others with his intentions yet. While NEO is a harmonically nature anomaly. NO ONE is an anti-harmonical nature anomaly. In other words, it will manifest in such a way that chaos must be an ongoing process until his desire is fulfilled.  The embodiment of it's sole existence is to consistently disrupt/alter his status quo by manipulating the SYSTEM as long as it's maximum disruption is achieved in order to put him at the highest echelon of the society. The process will keep being repeated until the whole stability is not sustainable anymore.


It is not humanity he is fighting for humanity had failed him.


Therefore if the requirement by the SYSTEM to solely benefit him to rise at the top echelon is by choosing very radical line of actions, NO ONE is ready to compromise with the SYSTEM to enable humanity to exist just within the grasp of near extinction....


The direct humiliations for I (NO ONE) to endure is the bitterness that fills my cup of tea. Your exact lines eight years back (though not as crude as others less educated as they may sound.) still resonates in our mind. It somehow repeats itself like an undying melody chained by other humiliating melodies churned by those imbeciles. Sharp, painful, and penetrative. As a recruiter (one who tries to fit talent) into the corporate world), this is your line resonating in our mind.



"I have discussed with my friends (even expats), they have no idea how to fit someone (with a PhD in theoretical physics) like you to have a career in the corporate world."



Now you see the exact gap. A NO ONE and an elitist spawn like you. A well groomed educated top of the art career woman with oversea educations since young. Then married to a tech entrepreneur blessed both with beauty and quite a high level of wits to fit your husband and family's socioeconomic status. The envy of all women especially when you are a Tech entrepreneur yourself undergoing metamorphosis of careers and passing each time with flying colors.


Can I categorize you as Indonesia's Top 1, Top 0.1 to Top 0.01 ? (when one starts dividing the society into socioecomical classes.)


While you are enjoying life as it's finesse and fullest, the "GRIM" side of the natural order of men or humanity is generally most of the time overlooked. This isn't about us and you or our self-pitying way to pass a crucial message. This is a prelude for you to grasp the gravity of the situation which could be hardly conveyed through normal spectacle.


To cut it short, you are part of the SYSTEM that profited out of unintentional oppression (This is not a statement outlining your true nature of good or evil. You simply inherit some of the features and advantages for being part of it.) and suffering of others. Everybody is part of the SYSTEM for humans have to organized themselves to live and co-exist naturally. Some profited from it, some made a lost of it. The universe is fair and calculative. The demise of others is a blessing for the others (a few simple examples. Lack of education for Indonesian natives give rise for more human exploitations. Other words - Cheaper labor. A rising China is killing parts of American Manufacturing. The humiliating resignation of Najib Razak - Malaysian Sixth Prime Minister gave opportunities such as NO ONE like me to shake hands with him.).



Now, we are getting there. Imagine if China is in chaos. There is a whole big piece of land to divide and exploit. Debts to be forfeited. New Market for competitors. Imagine if Europe and United States fall. The Chinese language and Sino-superiority culture will overtake the world by storm. Unless you are stuck in between? (CEO of PWC Malaysia seems to be extremely uneasy if a war breaks out. Owing to networks of hundreds of billion dollars portfolio worldwide. A UK-China war will be devastating for all sides. From the point of view of simpletons. YES. Excerpts between CEO of PWC Malaysia, President of American Field Strategy and NO ONE. Refer Image 2, 3 and 4)



The beauty of chaos. It provides opportunities especially for NO ONE. Obviously for T0.1 such as you, you would prefer a status quo unless you and your spouse are planning for other greater endeavors. That is where (The Financial Debunker) comes in. Our goal is to decide the next victor of the China and the United States military contention or warfare. Assuming warfare never takes place, we will decide the gap that should exist between both sides.










Is this writing a challenge to your side and your circle? As well as the other elitists reading under the shroud of shadows and silence?


YES. NO. The answer depends on your open-mindedness and the willingness to look beyond the current society's structure and it's failure in making inclusiveness a reality. Hence, you will notice the Malaysian Government starts talking about a Unity government and a Malaysian Family concept.



...It is all political. A facade. The attempts were mostly to prevent the administration from falling. A temporary alliance so to speak. We had no idea how they will reconcile during election. I will not succumb to believe any of their campaigns. Many do not believe too except those sitting on top who benefited from it.


Saving me is too late as the structure had failed me....



Your answer will only be satisfactory if you have shown tremendous effort in materializing our goals into reality as NO ONE (provided the correct opportunity) will be the last one who decides the dynamics of SYSTEM "GRIM" as well as the other variables namely the Chinese or those opposing her. Obviously, in the case of Zahid's daughter who had shown strong disdain towards our side (Refer Image 1) with utter disrespect towards our aspirations, it would be impossible to reconcile. The Financial Debunker had ensure a few check points to halt her father's political ascension until her father comes bowing down or crashing down. 



*On another note, the Najib-Zahid return to power will be an absolute hard job to concur even if we never plan to halt their moves completely. One must observe and be politically sensitive enough to note that the soft spoken descendant of the long hailed Malaccan Prince with the correct aura and aristocracy will never permit the duo from rising without any obstacles. If one pays attention carefully enough, one will take note behind Wan Fayhsal's and Anwar Ibrahim's (all of a sudden) choice to contest. Anwar Ibrahim following the choice of Wan Fayhsal.




**The uncanny resemblance between Zahid and his daughter is their ability to grasp and inclined to those in power. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. 


a) When Anwar was at odds with Mahathir. Zahid supported Anwar on day one and aligned to Mahathir the next day.

b) When Mahathir was at odds with Najib, he denounced Mahathir as an Indian from Kerala taking Mahathir's Identity Card during his rally. When Mahathir was back in power, his daughter wrote a love letter to Mahathir. He even threw Najib's loyalist Lokman out of UMNO after Lokman questioned him publicly of his intentions to throw Najib under the bus. When Mahathir was weak and expressed his love for UMNO (after denouncing UMNO), Zahid sneered at him back. 

c) When Anwar was in jail, he aligned to Najib. When Anwar is back. He addressed him as his teacher.

d) When he needed the Sultan, he planned with Najib to overthrow Perak under Pakatan Harapan. When he and Najib is in power, rumours from Najib strongman Lokman Adam was such that the Sultan was conned by two UMNO men. Did he take any action against the two? Or was it just a ruse?

e) When he needed the Sultan to garner support among the nine rulers, he went to seek audience with him once again. Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, shame on you.

f) His subtle following of Anwar can never escape the public eyes. Anwar wants a German doctor for his back pain. He needed one as well.


His daughter had many beautiful love stories (plural ya, not singular.) to follow. (When it comes to politics, reminds us the words of Rafizi "Yang kita lihat bukan Najib, yang kita lihat Rosmah.")




Before The Financial Debunker attempt to explain what is our true intention, it would be wiser if we attempt to explain our aspirations and what we tend to materialize for the time to come.


Have you ever wondered why Najib Razak (the Malaysian 6th Prime Minister) was using AMLA (Anti Money Laundering Act) to prosecute his political rivals in the past?

Have you ever wondered why Malaysia had 3 Prime Ministers in less than 4 years? Do you know that the current 9th Prime Minister is in a shaky position with the administration readily to fall in less than 100 days? Have you ever wondered why the Malaysian Malay Rulers are adamant in keeping this administration intact despite they know it may fall anytime?

Patient, we are coming to Indonesia now. Have you ever wondered why Mr Joko Tjandra of Mulia Group finally ended in prison since he had find the safe haven under Mahathir in Malaysia?



Pakatan Harapan collapsed when Mahathir resigned.



Have you ever wondered why Mahathir fall from his grace of 22 months? 


1) He was unwilling to take us as advisor and comply to our demands. Therefore he carelessly resigned from his job. 2) He had no clear succession plan and strategy for his descendants to rise despite his intentions are there (I remember I was seeking Marinah Mahathir personally 3 months after his ascension being able to look forward in time that he would not give his blessings to Anwar and Muhyiddin. Marinah declined politely as during TFD infancy years - we have not shown our true capability yet. As she declined, so I let the game to roll and proceed.). He 3) neither wanted Muhyiddin nor 4) Anwar. Should he just choose one of the four, he would have survived the gruel political storm. You would need to read more of our articles to comprehend.


If Mahathir never falls, I reckon Mr Joko Tjandra will still retain his freedom. (Let's just hope there will not be new charges that surfaces.)


*On another note, IF and ONLY IF 4 years ago, our request to Mulia Group (through Ci Ci X X) was granted for me to be one of the Executives in Bandar Malaysia, Joko and Mahathir could have a different fate. Though Ci Ci X X was adamant that the request was submitted to the Malaysian Side (with Najib key people being more in charge) at that time, the Mulia Group could have arranged other options. Then obviously the story of Najib or Joko trying to "sailang" one another was an open public secret with Joko putting his apples on Mahathir. With Mahathir out, he goes in. Quite hilarious, isn't it?


So as we see and speak. One is behind the bar, the other is just a year or two closer and the oldest among all had problems setting up a safety net for three of his sons. Well, there you go.



What do we think about AUKUS? 



We are very delighted. The TRINITY were our constant correspondence to deliver our thoughts to contain China and promote our innovation. Though it may be taking a different turn than we had anticipated, we laud it as a positive development towards closing the gap between the Anglo solidarity based forces to the Rising Chinese. 


We always talk about containing China. Are we Anti-China? Anti-Chinese?



Does the Mainland Chinese considering American Chinese to be too American a form of discrimination (by Selina Wang)? Will Chinese made ballistic missiles show mercy towards American Chinese if a Nuclear War breaks out? We will answer your question after you answer ours.



What do we think of ASEAN stand on AUKUS? 



Is it necessary to consider a string of nations unprepared with low morale and military strength to negotiate with the two Goliaths? When two palm oil tycoons start burning down the forest to pave way for higher yield of palm oil, does the Orang Utan have any say on their lives?



Are we enjoying this? 






Why is our work of any significance?



Life is not just about Doctor who swears his oath, create medicine for cancer and charges people excessively. Sometimes, the intention that is unpredictable and counterproductive in nature might be a blessing in disguise.


Covid-19 reduces human pollution. Also human population. So the reduction of Two Superpowers to One Superpower may be a blessing in disguise. Although it may be a very expensive cost at the beginning.


We feel we have done a great Dharma. To avoid war at all cost is futile for life is a cycle. Birth is to death, peace is to war. Avoiding all of this is avoiding life. 







Let us get straight to the point. SoftBank (One of Qerja main sponsor who had quite a respect for you and your husband Mr Togelang) is changing their strategies with regards to their tech investment.


1) Tech bubble is crashing. Everything that is quite similar wouldn't be as lucrative as it is in the future.


2) Softbank had taken a new direction in their investment strategy which is in line with our chain of thought. Unintentionally, Softbank had gone geopolitical which is the sole reason for their sudden interest in hiring an Ex Mossad Chief to lead their operations in Israel. We believe they will take bolder approaches including the hiring of Intelligence related personnel as CEO if not for the fact that it would send a bad signal to the Financial Market that peace will be slowly outpaced by war.


3) JUST TO BE ABSOLUTELY CLEAR. We are not interested in your money, QERJA, your husband, Mulia Group, CP Group as well as others. 


...Though all of you and your side are related to a multi-billion dollar empire. The billion dollar would be of no significance at all if one is on the losing side. Our talk with Mahathir's advisor's son can open up lots of connections to the Royalties (Jho Low is obsessed with Royalties. We are obsessed with Warlords and Defense Companies.) but that is not what we are aiming for. Some politicians in the past had strong interest on some copycat version of GRAB - which is why you see AirAsia ride and DACSEE lately. Those are not what we after. The reason we spoke more to this rather young son of Mahathir's advisor is due to his connections to Chinese leadership. We trusted his words. (However, he is also a bit too young and we were less striking in the past.)


Just like we believe you and your husband have strong connections to Softbank. Or at least we believe - your side could help us materialize our dream if both of you wanted to....



What we want is the establishment of connections directly to CIA and the US President or The Chinese Intelligence and The CCP Head.


Why the Intelligence agencies more than Defense?


An unintelligent Defense is just basically defenseless.


If the Chinese doesn't believe in us. Why must the opposing sides believes in us?


1) The Chinese civilization had once lost to Persian Engineers under Kublai Khan. 


2) They even lost the second time to a Korean agent who groom a Manchurian warlord (the founder of Qing dynasty) in secret while teaching him the arts of war who finally taught the Ming dynasty a lesson.


3) The fact that the Chinese produced SinoVac, the most inferior vaccine in the market demonstrates their lack of understanding on vaccine. Or they were just simply too late and unintelligent enough to have a better future outlook. Maybe even cowards being simply not bold enough.


"The Chinese are everywhere" notion is not a statement to be proud of relatively. The Anglo solidarity, superiority and expansionism policy which manage to inherit USA, Canada, Australia and probably space is the more correct version of humanity's endeavor for achievement. When Malaysian Chinese are standing proud for being able to escape themselves from the shackles of indentured servitude, I was sneering at them (not at them, at their mindset). The contrast is so blatantly striking, the Malaysian Chinese fail to inherit the government up until now. Even Indonesian Chinese as well for a fact. The Whites in Australia, United States and Canada inherited the land and sovereignty.


So what makes you think China's decision to reject our innovation is correct? (For the record, we have not divulge what is our innovation.)






We implore you to read our proposal to Tun Mahathir, Dr Pippa Malmgren and The Henry Jackson SocietyWe are offering a Pandora Box (one of them inside is David's Slingshot). Now what is inside the Pandora Box will only be revealed with the correct amount of compensation and an iron clad agreement. Iron clad in such a way that in the event the buyer betrays us, the same amount of horror will be taught to their nemesis to unleash the same amount of harm upon them. Now, since the Malaysian politicians are not united and lack of will in making our dreams come true. You are allowed to impart this to the Indonesian government. Just that we need to make sure they don't sell us out for a cheap deal. 


Honestly, we have no idea how strong is your Sino-solidarity, yet it is from our Intel passed by Ci Ci X X in the past that your family aka your father had networks to the Indonesian Chinese Business Group. Be a little useful base on Indonesian Chinese Solidarity won't do you any harm especially dealing with a megalomaniac who considers humanity as a system deletable  and programmable.


Choice is yours. Who you want to make a deal out of it - It is not our business. What we care is our cut. The Defense company had to be at least 75% mine. You and your side can cater the other businesses. Monopoly = YES. Divide and share the spoils = YES.


Final line is "You are not the one to decide to put the gun on our head.". It would be either Beijing or Washington (and it's allies) at the right price.





*We keep a record on all of your words, actions, responses as well as making a rough estimation on your personality if your side is an asset or liability in the long run. THIS INCLUDES THOSE WHO WAIT AT THE LAST MINUTE TO BOARD THE SHIP. (Many politicians are of this category and we are aware of that. Yet, in the event we are on the ship and they do not have the leverages we are looking for. We will push them out of the ship.). On the question of bleakest hour and the fear going through the bleakest hour is a mindset reserved for those who are weak. Germany, UK, US, Japan and China were once ravaged by war. So what? The population may decrease but the human spirit isn't. In fact, those who lead people to war are those who will inherit the earth. We have been notifying the Malaysian government of this point over and over again. Yet, these simpletons prefer to fly flags during National Day despite the fact some ballistic missiles could land on their shores. What flag at that time? Burned flag.


"You are a pragmatic and logical woman which I can see that in you. You have so much blessings and abundance that you have to protect. And to protect those, it is important for you and your side to make the constant correct leveraging. Birds of the same feather flock together. We express our sincerest hope that we are on the same page."



**If you meet someone from Mossad or IDF, I have written a tiny souvenir for them (a writing quite in detail to weaken Israel. A reckoning for one of them had acted as an external examiner of mine and nearly failed our PhD. An action made what I am today.). I remember our estranged Uncle (We estranged him. Even he and his networks of tycoon had been potential clients to the Sultan of Johore. He has the similar mindsets like most Chinese who profited in jacking up land prices. Now, our business operation is just slightly more advanced. We are trading regimes. Simple.) was slightly disturbed when one of the owners of Lion Air in Pantai Mutiara presented him a gun as a kind response to his side asking for debt repayment. We learned things pretty fast. The only way to make somebody remembers you is to give them weapon. Either as a form of threat or a tool to defend themselves.




Best regards,



Dr Pascal Lai (We apologize if we have used we and I interchangeably.)







*How is tech-venturism in Indonesia? Are they suffering huge lost like those invested by Softbank lately? Are the Indonesian government giving a good hard slap just like how the Chinese Communist Party gives Jack Ma a good hard slap lately? (Seriously, don't understand people's obsession with loving such a character like Jack Ma. With such an ogre looking facial features and overly small physique to represent the Chinese, he had the audacity to look at himself in a movie. I really think that the Chinese people are overly worshipping money. Sometimes I wonder how much his portfolio will be wiped out if China lost the game to the US.)


In some ways, we love how the Chinese Communist Party handles Jack Ma. Xi was brilliant enough to tell him to just stick his arse where it belongs. Western countries enslaved by democracy are more influenced by tech giants or are we wrong? We are very skeptical of them. Most are just sophisticated spying system harvesting datas. We believe companies like Facebook and Google sells the data to the US government.


How about Indonesia? Does the foreign sponsored tech ventures pass all the information to the Indonesian government or they pass all the information to the Softbank? Or both.


Audience. Let's discuss. 


**How about Malaysia? We would put a tight leash on them if (only if) we are in control of Malaysian Digital Landscape. What are they anyway? Just strings of numbers, words and actions laid bare to be analyzed.


***The power of NO ONE in Jewish Philosophy by Tzi Freeman. This is the divine light (and the divine darkness which we managed to harness) that  inspires The Financial Debunker today.

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