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Poem 1.0 - Pitch Perplex

Published 23.22pm 22nd August 2022



She's running the show,

The event at Pentago,

Besides reading minds,

She hacks machine lines.


No notification from Peatix,

Three years straight in a row,

A poet event was suddenly fix,

Invitation encouraging me to go.


At the back she pulls strings,

Yet pretending of not knowing,

Most strings lead to her hiding,

Thrills of watching me seeking.


She loves me being poetic, (I think)

Fact we can never be romantic, (yet, maybe. I don't know.)

While I prefer being erotic,

Anything turning on my d*ck.


The first time we met,

She was as cold as ice,

Beating heart turned sweat,

I prefer avoiding her eyes.


Thought she never noticed,

Until she came running,

I felt like a slow tortoise,

With my head keeps turning.


Among empty treadmills,

Is she beside me running?

Perplexed by how she feels,

My mind turns literally f*cking.


Calculative, cold and cruel,

Fear she turns me into a fool,

I pretended to be very cool,

Though I gaze her and drool.


A few minutes had passed,

I left her running by herself,

Until four years had passed,

Finally initiating the talk myself.


Well, not as bad as she stalks,

As she never needs to talk,

With all my devices coaxed,

And deals that were hoax.


Neither kind, evil nor malice,

Though I doubt her intention,

She might be a wondering Alice,

A beauty in search of affection.


Or, have I been gravely misled?

For she is far more than that,

Except the secrets that I kept,

Making her keeps coming back.


Her strategical predictable courses,

They have been easily countered,

Despite all of her huge resources,

She never have me conquered.


One may try to contemplate,

What's the beef between us?

She's the caviar on my plate.

The exact lady of my taste.


Not exactly for her beauty,

Or her obsessive narcissism,

But the aura of her mystery,

Like a multifaceted prism.


Despite all of the praises,

Great danger she posseses,

Wielding invisible dagger,

As we were dancing together.


For a delusional being like me,

Cruel, unpredictable and petty,

Illusion matching my superiority,

I will be turning it into a reality.


Compliments will be over,

For I will demand a closure,

As well as a truthful answer,

For her espionage nature.


We have passed diplomacy,

Sorry for the change of tone,

All the secrets & intricacy,

That she hasn't yet shown.


Drop the mask before me,

Before I have it ripped & torned,

Witness the violence in me,

A demon the public frowned upon.


Wave that is unpredictable,

Pretty ornament that's fragile,

Once I find you not trustable,

I rather choose us in exile.


Intertwining that will kill,

Like a net that will choke,

Do you feel how I feel?

Or am I your laughing joke?


Failure to transpire what I aspire,

You and your side must expire,

Due to the destiny we never share,

So stop acting like you ever care.


For the years of being betrayed,

Dissed, despised and hated,

My dictionary has no sympathy,

My vocabulary is void of empathy.


And to you my dear,

Make sure you do win,

Cause if you never,

Jailing you is destined.(If I win too.)


(the writing reflects the author's feeling that swings by a huge margin from time to time. The poetry is rather straightforward. The author's quest is to unravel the perplexity & have the closure that fits his life narrative. So he is still perplexed of executing his next move. So perplexed that he may even have more fix for this writing.

So, just take it with a grain of salt.)

I was wondering if I should change from Pitch Perplex to B*tch Perplex, I just fear it may ruin things further.




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