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 Strategy Series 12 - PN Royal Ambassador & Threats to MA63

*The Financial Debunker are NO legal expert except one that observes the probability of rising legal and geopolitical implications due to the current Malaysian political impasse. Sabah and Sarawak lawmakers, please take note.



...The Malaysia Agreement of 1963 was signed between the Government of United Kingdom, Malaya, North Borneo (Sabah), Sarawak and Singapore. The agreement was never signed by a King (aka Agong. Refer Image 1). The questions are of the following "Suppose the King superseded the cabinet, are there any implications to MA63?", "Can MA63 be annulled as the agreement was never signed by a King?". While the exact interpretation on the Constitution can be  vague or evolving (as some have argued) with various personal/political agendas mixed into the mess, the leading point is none other than the fact when Gopal Sri Ram (the ex Federal Judge who had served an important role in deciding the fate (as someone in Team Mahathir) UMNO A and B as well as being the person responsible to oversee high profile individual cases such as Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Guan Eng and Najib Razak) made it clear in the public that the King's signature is not required by the Constitution. Definitely his credibility cannot be taken lightly for the participation he took in many of  the national related profiles. A dismiss towards his opinion is tantamount to a dismiss towards the establishment of UMNO, the significance of Najib Razak in 1MDB, Anwar's corruption case and Guan Eng's sedition case. With that being put into light, casting a doubt on his opinion is once again tantamount as questioning the integrity and independence of the Malaysian Judiciary....








In 2018 during Mahathir's second political peak, an article with regards to public display of royal factions in support of the dividing Malaysian political landscape was published. Though they show true allegiance among themselves and remain united owing to their royal lineage - one was more inclined towards Mahathir, the other more inclined towards the sixth Prime Minister. 

Branches of the many endings on the Malaysian Political Landscape Finale involving the role of the future King and their participation that would alter the outcome were discussed (obviously, all were being played out by our hand. Only Muhyiddin was the blind spot that was never quite thoroughly being anticipated except signs of his wild ambition - owing to the fact that he was constantly contained next to Mahathir. This was discussed in the Blue Wedding.). Muhyiddin was never a contender to the Prime Minister spot base on the political sentiment at that time. In 2018, Malaysia was under the reign of Sultan Muhammad V of Kelantan. 


He soon (maybe it was the article or part of his over sensationalized marriage to a Russian beauty during Malaysian political change of landscape in the most historical event of sixty years.) chose to abdicate and pave way for the current Sultan Abdullah of Pahang. Speculations had been made prior to the fall of PH (Pakatan Harapan). Despite the repetitive warnings as well as giving hints to bypass the parliament if one had good association with the Speaker (as well as those in control of the Home Ministry), The Financial Debunker was late to save PH from the inevitable fallout. All owing to the King's brilliance by playing a pivotal role in creating the transition from Mahathir to Muhyiddin with unseen forces pushing Anwar to challenge Mahathir continuously. Anwar and Mahathir both failed to make the cut. It shocked PH to the core and the 22 months administration collapsed. 


Noting the similar political pattern of interference by the palace (which is an open secret that the palace is strongly aligned to a faction in UMNO railing under the 6th Prime Minister) once more, it is our responsibility to launch a preemptive countermeasure to stop another political fallout. Definitely, the power of the King must be clearly defined. The reason for such development is to halt possible legal and geopolitical implications that possibly would unfold.




(TUAN IBRAHIM TUAN MAN - Duta Diraja Perikatan Nasional)




Malaysian politic is a hell of mess. Strong rebuke from the palace was made public accusing the law minister of mishandling the Constitution. 


What adds more to the political standoffs were oppositions and those unaligned to the Prime Minister selectively picking and interpreting part of the Constitution. To add more heat to the standoffs are the supporters in social media and the divisive academic world from half past six universities invited by the media to comment on the situation. Malay solidarity coupled by the feudal mindset of vouching royal solidarity compromised by their bias political belief amplifies the heat a few notches higher.


Even an Indian professor from USM in political analytics incline to Najib Razak got the whole thing wrong about the Constitution. Even the most revered Malaysian Constitution Expert Professor Shamrahayu could not make up her mind whether the King was required for signing off the Emergency Ordinance or otherwise. She only had her opinion without pointing out any court precedence.


The Financial Debunker's stance had always been to refer Constitution Expert, the Attorney General or the Federal Court. With Gopal Sri Ram, the ex Federal Court judge speaking in defense of Muhyiddin's action and decision by making a point in relation to MA63, finally there will be a stop on this political saga (hopefully).


As it had been anticipated - the current Prime Minister aka "the Silencer" is a formidable political genius all along. Silent but deadly.  In order to stop the King's brilliant rebuke towards the administration in the future, a special royal maneuver must be crafted to contain more damages that the King could intentionally or unintentionally afflict to the current administration due to the wrong council of advisors.


One must admit that the 6th Prime Minister Social Media team (if not them, who else? PH supporters are joining the hating chorus because Muhyiddin had betrayed their aspirations.) had done a tremendous job in vilifying PAS. Despite PAS had not much corruption cases relatively to UMNO, the hatred and angst generated among the Malays and the Malaysian Community did gain traction amplified by the administration's (partly UMNO except Najib Razak who wanted to fault Muhyiddin alone.) failure in containing the COVID-19 pandemic relatively to World's standard. The vitriol against PAS are of the following - a traitor to Muafakat National, a blasphemous Islamic party that trades religious principles for power and position together with their more conservative and less sophisticated / eloquent approach in many aspects. From Hadi Awang, Kharuddin Razali and many others, they were victims of strong vitriol. 


One was lightly spared - Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man. Why was that?


He was the preacher who gave blessings to the Crown Prince of Pahang. The Financial Debunker made a suggestion to Minister A (Refer Image 2. Tuan Ibrahim used to preach the King according to unverified sources.) to promote Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man as the law minister (or Royal Ambassador for PN) to deal with the King in future time, replacing Takiyuddin. A royal maneuver to appease the King.


The King and the preacher who blessed his son. Let's observe how this will turn out as Malay Muslims are bound to strong religious teachings with great reverence towards their preacher. So we reckon that the King will trust the person he greatly respects.


...Imagine if it was Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man who misled the Parliament instead of Takiyuddin, will the King wrote in such great length to rebuke the preacher who blessed his Crown Prince? 


Adakah Agong akan murka terhadap Ustaz Tuan Ibrahim? Let's see....




*It totally (not) shocked us when Tuan Ibrahim came out the statement supporting Muhyiddin instead of Hadi Awang (Refer Image 3). His statement meant volume to appease the current King. Is his statement a consequence of what we wrote (syiok sendiri)? Let's wish for Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man to take the role as the Law Minister or being appointed as the Royal Ambassador (or at least present alongside Takiyuddin during each meeting with the King.) to appease the King.










It seems PH (with some of their leaders and supporters) are turning into "Daulat Tuanku", " Kerajaan Derhaka" and all sorts of Pro-Royalty campaigns (not) shockingly from their initial pro Rome Statute stance (with Gobind Singh's protege supporting for such initiative to be implemented together with Mr Wong Yan Ke from University Malaya.).


People change. So do politicians. Anwar is now accusing "Derhaka" at Muhyiddin together with Howard Lee from DAPSY and Steven Sim. The two youth however prefer to do the rebuking  in Facebook than publicly.

*1998 : Mahathir deployed FRU on Anwar

2021 : Muhyiddin deploys FRU on Mahathir and Anwar









Anwar and mostly aligned to him will/most/have likely plunge the Parliament and country into chaos (it happens during 1998 and that time without the royalty speaking in favor of him) by picking selectively from any parts of the Constitution to fit their political agendas, they should really reconsider their actions and opinions wisely before siding the King.


Obviously, this legal opinion should be thoroughly verified by the Federal Court. (This discussion is just hypothetical. 2 years ago nobody would anticipate the PN administration to exist. 2 years ago nobody anticipated Najib could be one of the most vocal political influencer. 2 years ago nobody had anticipated Anwar will be sidelined once more and Mahathir to resign with Muhyiddin claiming the baton. So, do hold your breath when making claims of the impossible.)


However, lets assume that the King was granted a WIN in the Federal Court (due to the unnatural political interference amplified by the current political sphere with Najib, Anwar and Mahathir pushing for such landmark victory.) or was deemed to be Constitutionally right depending on which of the circumstances the administration presumes, will such landmark victory or inclinations lead Sabah (aka North Borneo) and Sarawak to take legal proceeding against the validity of MA63 (by annulling it) or worse seeking the Federal administration (aka Malaya) for trillions of financial compensation? 


How about the aspirations to the spirit of Malaysian Independence when such agreement are deemed as NULL? What are the other consequences? Will the VICTORY be politicized to create a strong political discord atmosphere in Sabah and Sarawak with heavy disdain towards the Peninsula to justify for higher governing and financial autonomy to the point of complete autonomy (aka secession)?


The most serious consequences however is if such legal matter could be brought up by Sabah and Sarawak against the Malaysian Spirit through the International Court of Justice (ICJ) or perhaps whatever legal channel made possible due to the current unstable geopolitical landscape (while such scenario is very unlikely, one ought to remember that the state of Israel was established in such a scenario owing to the unstable geopolitical landscape in the Middle East after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. Hence, the British Mandate of Palestine was established. All due to the interference of Superpower.). At times, the ICJ ruling on the South China Sea ain't stopping real superpowers (not just legal and the ones on paper) to trespass many disputed regions.


While it is honorable to be loyal to the King, one must not overplay a hand. Sabah and Sarawak serve no Kings from the time of Independence. The people may not be accepting to the concept of pandering to the royalties up to such a point. (Off course, Najib Razak loves his King very much. Right wing supporter should stop thinking all about Right Wing agendas. Anwar should consider if he is Right, Left or Centre. He was silent when PH declares to discuss Rome Statute. It is so uncharacteristic of him proclaiming others as  "Derhaka" in the Parliament to such extent. It seems that politicians out of power are more loyal to the King.)







+Classified Articles (Global)


CA 1) List of CIA operators Worldwide 


CA 2) List of Chinese Spies Worldwide


CA 3) China's Secret Bases Worldwide


CA 4) The "TRUE" origin of COVID-19


CA 5) Pulsa De Nura Ultimate Version. The more advanced version that will ensure the target (and circles) to cross the earthly realm within a 14 days period without any physical contact made (despite all the Secret Services, Intelligence Services, Surveillance Unit and military forces are deployed to constantly monitor and assess the individual for risk.). Reserve specifically for the first and second most influential person (and maybe some extremely high net worth individuals) in the world. Ranging from A,00,000,000 to AB,000,000,000 USD.


...While most Pulsa De Nura are myth and hardly exist, The Financial Debunker guarantees the efficacy of our version. Initial deposit required. Full payment to be made after the operation is successful....

CA 1) 2) 3) and 4) requires the purchaser to sign a 15 years confidential technological contract with our side.


**Classified Articles (Malaysia)


CAM 1) Strategy to win Northern Peninsula (Kedah, Kelantan & Terengganu.) in GE 15


CAM, 2) Strategy to win Urban States (Johor, Penang and Selangor) in GE 15


CAM 3) The Ultimate Guide to Chinese Voters in GE15


Prices of articles (plus those unlisted) subject to availability and negotiations. Full payment to be made after GE 15. Initial deposit required. Let's simplify a little bit. If PH purchases CAM 1), they had significantly much higher chances to win Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu which they would have a tough fight on most elections. If BN or PN purchases CAM 2), it would be the vice versa. CAM 3) is a strategy to do a mirror effect. Assume Gerakan or MCA taking most of DAP and PH seats with strong Chinese presence.

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