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Opinion 1.0 - Positron on Paper

Published 2.11.2021



Among the scientific field (especially in the UK), Theoretical Physics is the hardest to grasp and it should be the hardest among all schools to apply for admission (In Asia, those who opted to do Physics are those who fail to get an entrance into engineering courses. Very appalling to be honest.). The brutal truth to this subject is actually very simple. Either you understand it or you don't. And it boils down to your intuition most of the time than pure intelligence or IQ itself. Yet it is this profound intuition that separates a Mathematician and a Theoretical Physicist. While the job of a Mathematician is to quantify nature, he/she lacks the intuitive side to nature.



...The discovery of the Atomic Bomb (base on theory of relativity) and the discovery of the Positron were both product analyzed and discovered on a piece of paper. Later verfied in laboratories....



Coming back to our work which some had been accusing us of far-fetched. Dirac doesn't need a laboratory to find positron, Einstein doesn't need a laboratory to come up with the idea of an atomic bomb. Both solved certain equations and matrices to get the results out of it. When others accused us that it is impossible for us to know the methodology to launch the correct Domino Effect in order to initiate the collapse of a regime - we don't really have to know the amount of nuclear warheads in their arsenal because there is always an ELEGANT solution to a problem. 



...Just like Dirac who needed the Energy Matrix to discover positron, all that is required are just a couple of crucial information to form a particular system to be deduced in order to dismantle China or the United States completely....




The problem with the SCIENTIFIC WORLD at the moment is measuring a Theoretical Physicist within the boundaries and measurements of a mathematician, an engineer, a programmer, a financier, a politician or maybe even a strategist (as we are currently doing now.). Yet, what separates Theoretical Physicists from other professions is not the aspiration to change the world for better or worse (in our case) but the intuition to catch patterns undetected by all of the other fields we mention. It is just there or not there. 

The mind is the most divine gift to humanity for it's limit is incomprehensible (as it was thoroughly elaborated by the Indian sage Sadhguru. Sadly Indian sages are proficient in understanding the spiritual part of it but fail to let such wisdom manifest into the physical realm.). This is the one of the pillars of The Financial Debunker. Our belief in the work of our Theoretical Physicist predecessors and their intangible intellectual essence untouched by any other fields. But most importantly as Sadhguru puts it with regards to the power of Chitta "The Divine will be enslaved.". That is the key to unlock the Universe.






*Though China and the United States look pretty solid and doesn't prone from collapsing soon, the stronger is our will and urges to bring one of them down just for the sake of making accomplishment. Imagine our name as the one who leads to the brink of a superpower collapsing. How beautiful, isn't it?

No, we never give a thought about what people thinks. Why would we need validations from the people? The fact is that if people need to read this piece in order to find Theoretical  Physics inspiring is the very sad state of humanity and their state of mind. It also provides us strong justification for our pursuit that humanity should be partially re-programmed. We are writing this as we will not be verbally explaining towards many possible accusations. Therefore, if such an event ever arises, we would be able to look into their eyes and remain absolute silent by having our condescending aura present but the conscience justified. If one thinks that bringing down a regime is more intelligent than discovering positron, we could finally embrace the reason and truth for humanity walking into their demise.


**As much as we love the teachings by Sadhguru, we disagree with his anti-scientific endeavors questioning the need to build expensive equipment for experiments such as those particle accelerators. His disdain towards warlords and warmongers doesn't go well with our taste too. Not to mention that it is also against the law of nature and contradictory to his teachings.


In order for sages, saints and prophets to exist, the law of nature dictates that individuals of strong opposite nature to peace and harmony should also exist to keep the world in balance . The overall balance is the natural harmony. Lions are born to hunt and kill. Cows are born to be killed, hunted and eaten. Humans are designed to give life and kill depending on his/her rationale and circumstances. 



****If the United States fails to catch up to China and Russia in their pursuit for a stronger military structure and organization. there is only one reason for their demise. The Americans and The Western World generally have left the strongest suit they have which is Theoretical Physics. Most academics there have lost their souls as they are more academic oriented - publishing articles which doesn't contribute huge impact, going after citations that doesn't contain much substance and the bureaucracy which discriminates the ones with passion opting those which are more cunning. All in order to get a permanent post or teaching assistantship. Though they made contributions, they ended up getting more confused and being more computational, mathematical or prone to be more engineering inclined than having the soul of a true Theorist. Even after they spent so much on the Large Hadron Collider, their contribution is still a dwarf relatively to Einstein's. Yet, this dwarf is being judged extensively by the European and United States Scientific Community (with politicians among others) which holds a much significant chunk of money with strong penchant to dump their money on Wall Street and their sidekicks in Pharmaceutical. When the Americans started competing in engineering and programming against the Chinese, they are bound to lose. Their salvation will be back once again after they re-discover talents those akin to Maxwell, Dirac, Newton, Einstein and Hawking. Till then, it will be bygones.


China's rising for us is a particular concern not because the Chinese aren't intelligent but their shallow outlook on fields such as Theoretical Physics. Start googling on China and accelerators. The results would be a staggering 11,000,000 startups supported by a huge number of incubators. Our fear that a rising China as the top superpower would be the death of Theoretical Physics. There were plans by the Chinese to build particle accelerator - only to have it working in 2040. Will it be cancelled in the end? No one knows. Hence, the grim probability to build the Time Machine or achieve Warping Technology. Does humanity seriously wants the Chinese to take the leadership baton from the Americans? They ought to think twice.


If you take ten Mathematics prodigies from Beijing, we reckon they can beat Einstein hands down (Einstein never show any signs of being a genius in his younger days. We reckon he would even lose to most of the current prodigies out there.), but the world is in need of people like Einstein and not those home made prodigies from Beijing. Well, they probably could strike a Gold in Olympiad Physics or Olympiad Mathematics. No doubt about it and probably ending up in some Ivy League or top schools in China. However, that doesn't make them people who can change the world and come up with a divine masterpiece. Most are probably early bloomers forced by their parents to excel since young. Yet PASSION is the key to unlock the secrets of nature more than talent or hard work itself. This is the soul and the current Chinese (how about ancient Chinese? A lot were wiped out and considered insignificant to the society.) definitely lacks that particular facet of intelligence. The Americans and British used to have such intellectual brilliance but their brilliance are slowly withering. As they started to think like the Chinese, they will soon be outgun by them as their mold/soul or facets isn't actually similar in nature.

Once the Chinese started a rat race in any field, the Americans should have stopped the pursuit. In any rat race, the Chinese are the best. Period.




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