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Strategy Series 23 - Soviet's Anti-N.A.T.O Alliance (Putin's Opening Gambit)

*This is a strategical article. Not an article paid and inclined to Western dominant philosophy or speaking on the behalf of the economical interest of Xi Jin Ping, the Chinese Communist Party or China. This writing puts long term strategical advantage as a priority above all else.


Updated on 8th of March 2022 with (page 1 of 2 & page 2 of 2) for Act 2.0.

Updated on 27th of March 2022 with (page 3e of 3 & page 3f of 3) for Russia Looks East. This mark the beginning of Russia's interference at the Sea of Japan and the Indo-Pacific region due to Japan's constant agitation by promoting and supporting Russian sanctions.

Updated on 19th of April 2022 with (Special Edition Volume 2 Page 4) for Russia's option to counter sanctions by disrupting World's OIl Major Producer.

**We are not a propaganda mouthpiece controlled by political parties such as CNN (by the Democrats) or The Global Times (by the CCP).


...The world's geopolitical landscape will be determined by us some day. Here is a direct testament of our strategical superiority 1, 2....

...We are proud of you (Syed Saddiq - very very good boy) for you have heeded our call to focus on Malay Heartland politics 21, 22. Please do take note that we will be the ones to decide the final trajectory at the end of the day....

***Attention to all the governments around the world for what may unfold in the future is due to the karmic cycle of unending injustice, intolerance, pain and despair suppressed in the form of silence.

...And in silence, the darkness grows and like a cancer it spreads.... 






...One who thinks like Biden can never comprehend the minds and thoughts of Putin....


Before one could understand and predicts the outcome of the Russia-Ukraine tension, one needs to look at the source that causes all this instability. This is none other than the man named Vladimir Putin - an ex-KGB officer working under Boris Yeltsin. A Soviet nationalist intelligence officer even turned taxi driver - haunted by the ghost from the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. Read the following links 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. This article by New York Times will highlight what drives Putin to the man he is today 6.

How many Presidents of the United States of America had career in intelligence (CIA or NSA) or defense before elected to be the President of the United States? With that said, the United States trajectory as a nation is very inclined to the business and capitalist community more than Russia itself owing to these business communities making donations during elections. We will not attempt to elaborate this but the gist and future obstacles to a bleaker American future is the discordance among those who prioritize national interest versus those who are great in getting themselves elected. Democracy may not be the best options sometimes.


...This is the sole reason Russia (and China with Xi as the current leader drawing his experiences from the Cold War era - a time when China was insignificant at World's stage) will win the long term game against the United States of America and the N.A.T.O alliances. A calculative authoritarian at the heart of the nation pulling intelligence strings and a vast amount of defense resources amplified by strong financial backing to put most countries on their knees if they wanted to....

...If one attempts to draw such parallels, one will observe the sole reason for Xi's crackdown on the rich, the celebrities, the tech giants and all that will perturb the national security of the Chinese on the long run. The United States however are run by the likes of Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Hollywood and Wall Street magnates (Will they shift their allegiance for money? Will they run if the United States is invaded?). Even defense companies in the United States are nowhere as powerful and as influential as those projecting their influences on screen....

There will be tough times ahead with Putin opening his first gambit and his next move being determined by the speeches and actions from the United States of America, N.A.T.O, China and the international community (which are mostly insignificant).





...It doesn't matter whether the Lion (Kremlin) attacks you and maims you, but it's presence have scared you (that is why you ran away. That is why you begged 7.). As you keep running and the Lion chasing, you might be stopping and gasping. The Lion might just stopped and waited you to catch your breathe and the whole game begins once again. While you play dead, the Lion goes near you, sniffs you around, bites your head painfully and make some scratches on you. 

You might not even died from the bites and scratches of a lion but you may die of exhaustion, starvation or falling down a cliff.


The Lion might ripped you apart. The Lion might let you go. Who knows? This is the exact game Putin is playing on the Ukraine.

A genius I would say....



It doesn't matter whether Russia attacks Ukraine but Putin had shown his tremendous cunningness and calculative strategical advantage that puts Biden's administration to a total joke. Never could match this joke by Boris Johnson 8


...And as the capitalists is counting how many trillion of dollars wiped out on the screen of Wall Street and the whole world, the Lion thinks that these fat pigs are wasting their life watching and controlling something so insignificant. Numbers on a screen board 9....


Biden's lack of commitment including Germany to go all out against Russia prompting Ukraine to beg will be made as reference by aligned forces to the United States in South East Asia such as Japan, South Korea and Taiwan that Biden is nothing more equivalent to it's N.A.T.O allies as NO ACTION TALK ONLYYet, if the United States goes all out in Europe against Russia without a proper deterrence against Chinese Hypersonic missile (which they ain't having one as advanced as the Chinese and Russians.) but with their other nuclear assets diverted from China but more on the Russian soil instead, will the United States be able to handle such double whammy? Answer is No.



...Triple if Kim Jong Un launches their Nuclear hypersonic warheads. The Korean War has not officially ended yet. No formal treaties had been signed to end the war. This is the sole reason for Biden's administration half-cooked response to the Ukraine crisis. Biden's administration is scared....


As we have pointed out continuously in our articles, the United States had been projecting more might on it's Hollywood movies than the reality it's currently facing. The odds of China and Russia gaming the United States and N.A.T.O is extremely high. The French President is very intelligent and instinctive 10, his call to Xi demonstrates his ability to comprehend the overall situation that the existence of the European nation bounded by the rules of the current European Union is at huge jeopardy owing to the rise of the Russians and the Chinese. 


*Xi's statement would not alter much of Putin's decision as Putin is pretty much convinced that the likelihood of Chinese forces and Russian forces going head to head will be extremely slim. Putin had the assurances from Beijing that China will not interfere directly. Xi's statement will be redundant to the whole situation with more Chinese investment coming to Europe after the call from Macron. 11

The question is if the Chinese had huge investments (and expanding interest) in Europe, will the Chinese play a more pivotal role to stop Russian invasion? This would depends if Putin would be able to strike a deal with Xi for Chinese companies to be more pivotal in Europe. 12

The subsequent section will discuss on Xi's decision to pander Europe at the eleventh hour is totally wrong. Xi should have waited one minute before the twelfth hour from a strategical point of view.





Though this may be an over-simplistic view yet Biden's blunder in his decision making process can be viewed as lacking the correct vision to keep N.A.T.O as a secure alliance. Biden should have calculated the risk of enticing Ukraine to the N.A.T.O fold. Triggering Russian military response in the process. While Ukraine had committed, Biden's security offer to Ukraine hadn't been fair. Biden is losing this round to Putin.

This will probably lead to the collapse of the United States of America and N.A.T.O if such trend keep persisting among the higher echelons of the American hierarchy with capitalism in mind more than long term national interest marred by inconsistent fickle democratic system which constantly leads to legislative paralysis 13While Washington may argue that it is within the American interest to evacuate Ukraine 14, the right thing to do is sending more troops and heavier military artillery on the Russia-Ukraine border despite putting a larger risk on the American soil. 


...Seriously, what is the significance of a USD 1 billion guarantee by Blinken in boosting Ukrainian defense against a behemoth Russian forces at it's backyard? 15...


As Biden was speaking about...


1) swift and severe action against Russia (Russia can nuke back if the United States started with Nuclear options. What is the United States long term game? All from the insight of a capitalist. Biden is thinking like a capitalist.)

2) attempts to stop Nord Stream 2 (Europe's reliance on Russian gas is extremely high. The supply can be 100% cut off if Europe insists of stopping Nord Stream 2 or impose other sanctions on Russia. Supply gas warfare may come into play. 1516

i) Japan's effort will be futile to assist Europe if Russia turns it's gun around and destroy Norway's pipeline instead of pressing on Ukraine and putting warships on Japan's water. 17, 18

ii) Russia can pouch Iran by attempting to destabilize Middle Eastern nation inclined to the United States in order to halt any dreams of gas pipelines from the Arabian peninsula to Europe. )

3) mother of all sanctions (with legislative paralysis looming - the obstacle that will put the United States interest at great peril. Though this may work on a capitalist nation, Russia's preparation for such event could counter this maneuver easily.)


...all the above measures are inconsequential for a nation which believes that Military Supremacy is the superior key to the betterment of a nation. Biden is either lack of options or he is heavily influenced by capitalist in his decision making process. Putin can change the outcome of the game altogether. 


...In the game of chess, it is not about losing the pawn, bishop, horse, castle or queen. It is about winning the END GAME with the king checkmated. Biden's warning to Putin is equivalent of telling Putin that you will lose one of the chess pieces with Putin readily making the correct sacrifice for a better piece or a more advantageous position. 

A cornered Putin can split the European sphere into two by forcing the European bloc to choose the Russian sphere over N.A.T.O by taking down the European countries one by one, denouncing the currencies and rules set by International standards dominated by the United States. 

Others include shooting down civilian aircrafts (such as MH170) and military assets which trespasses territories not defined by international boundaries but one dictates by Kremlin itself (Just like China's nine dashed lines in South East Asia.).

Humanity's warfare can be reduced to the most primitive format with the declared victor being the one which could assert the largest damage on it's nemesis. 

The final point is Russia doesn't have to play by the rules set up by the United States of America (unlike China who prefers to pander to Macron's offer at the moment.) as long as it can keep threatening the existence and survival nature of the European nation....






Beijing's commitment to world's security at such eleventh hour is strategically wrong. Why need to bother a phone call from Macron at the eleventh hour? (Pick up the phone only after the Russian fires their missiles on the European soil. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi had misplaced diplomacy in his approach 19.)



...Firstly, the French President seeks the help of the Chinese after the President of the United States fails to provide a viable solution to the security and peace for the European continent. It shows disrespect that the Chinese is consulted after discussing with the Americans....

...Secondly, Beijing should have been consistent with their non meddling stance (by being silent) in international affairs despite Beijing's call for regional and World peace. N.A.T.O should be balanced off with an anti-N.A.T.O alliance which Putin is slowly materializing his ambition in the European continent....

...Thirdly, diplomacy is a tool to prevent military standoffs which China is not facing but overall gaining, so why the interference?...

Xi should have been putting a stronger military presence along the Straits of Taiwan. This move will put heavier pressure on the United States. The United States will be put to a test whether on which war to be prioritized if both Taiwan and Ukraine are attacked simultaneously

a) If the United States never saves both Ukraine and Taiwan, the United States will be the world's laughing stock. (Which already is. Imagine trying to be the world's police in determining and defining justice but being unable to do anything when the perpetrator is commuting a crime in front of your face.)

b) If the United States puts priority along the straits of Taiwan than Ukraine, Europe will question the United States commitment and Ukraine will more likely be pulled into Putin's sphere.

c) If the United States puts less priority along the straits of Taiwan, the Sino-sphere in South East Asia will start to pander closer to China.

This is a win-win move for China and Russia which Xi clumsily forfeited the opportunity right in front of him over a conversation with Macron by choosing to pander Europe at this moment. Xi could have chosen a much neutral stance on Europe after Russia made a chain of strong military offensive maneuvers along Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania and the rest of the former Former Eastern Soviet Bloc (Or Europe whichever Putin plans to alter his course of actions.).


...A European sphere split between N.A.T.O alliances versus Non-N.A.T.O alliances will provide a choice for the Europeans with regards to the style of leadership and governance that they yearn and prefer in the future time....

...With regards to Xi's decision, is it a reflection of his true nature of desperate yearning for peace and acceptance by the European sphere? Or an act of desperate redemption to project China as the new benevolent magnanimous Superpower (such benevolent display towards other nation had always been the main traits of powerful Han Chinese Emperors such as the Ming Emperor Yong Le.) 20? Or an act of denouncing Russian aggression in the near future?

Or a sincere deceiving facade that may strike at the back at the most unexpected time?...

*Honestly, the act of benevolence for not cornering Taiwan during such geopolitical instability is mind-boggling no matter how it was dissected from every facet except the last three.





Art of war 1.0 dictates that the best form of defense is attack. As we have putted it in writing clearly, it doesn't matter whether Russia will attack Ukraine, Russia had already put a great psychological pressure on Ukraine. The options will be as following


1) Russia attacks Ukraine immediately which is not happening.
2) Russia just exercise it's might along the borders of Ukraine. Putin will be a laughing stock if he had selected this option.

3) Russia flexes it's might along the borders of Ukraine until the Ukrainian thinks that the Russians will not attack them anymore by letting them running out of adrenalin as well as drowning them in panic and fear. This is the most likely scenario unless Ukraine chooses Russia over N.A.T.O. So the summit and talks will continue with Biden and N.A.T.O. The longer it drags, the longer it kills the unprepared capitalists and those in Wall Street. Extra few points for Putin.

4) United States will not go to war with Russia, probably just few rounds of shots. (too much to lose for the United States)

5) Russia changes it's course of action by attacking other European nation with Ukraine as a temporary distraction. This can be quite likely if unification of a Soviet identity is in mind.


Cold War 2.0 will proceed. The combination of 3) and 4) or 4) and 5) will be the most likely from the best strategical point of view. Choosing option 3) will unite Russia and the Former Soviet Bloc by force. Option 5) will unite Russia and the Former Soviet Bloc by willing submission.


...Putin hasn't made up his actual mind on his unification strategy. Should he unite the Former Soviet Bloc by force and fear or will they respect Russia like Finland and agree to be unified under the Russian sphere of influence. A clear cut evident is when all the main headlines dominated by the European side and N.A.T.O are from the United States, France, Germany and Ukraine - not from Poland, Latvia, Lithuania or those representing the Former Soviet Eastern Bloc (which they are assessing the whole situation if the lost of economical perks by distancing from N.A.T.O is worth it at all.). Thus if Putin can demonstrate that the Former Soviet Eastern bloc and the interest of Europe will suffer tremendously without the blessings of Russia, Putin could easily sway Europe to his side.

It is the most primitive nature in humanity of putting people(even women) into submission. Do you force a woman to have sex with you or court her to get laid with you?...


For us - being an OUTCAST, observer, strategist and defense contractor wannabe, the divisive sphere will be crucial to provide new outlook, endeavors and ventures to take place. We totally understand Putin's point of view as Russia was being treated as an outcast by the international community with strong tentacles wrapped around it's neck by the Americans and their allies.


If diplomacy fails, the only path is war. We believe Putin's Soviet Anti-N.A.T.O alliance will materialize and the Euroverse will be ruled by two spheres of influence challenging the long time status quo dominated by powerful Britain, France and Germany.


*Chinese, American and Malaysian readers, please take note. While you may enjoy the status quo because the system somehow favors you, an OUTCAST like us do not favor the current status quo. Here is our letter to someone who receives recognition from both the United States and China. His identity is for you to make a guess. The authenticity of the letter will be for you to judge. Image -2, -1 and 0. All of our articles project the same will 23, 24. Russia's invasion is a manifestation of our will. May the Lord bless our cursed chaotic evil intention.

**This one (Image 2 - column 2 row 2) is a brainteaser. Consider it as a homework. Definitely it is very difficult since we never give anything away more than that. Is Image 1 a genuine profile of Mr Ban Ki Moon? Or a catfish page managed by a Greek administrator? Answer is for the audience to make a guess. Our answer = Genuine profile - ran by a Malaysian Singaporean admin (previously Greek). Do we have direct evidence? No, just base on psychological analysis. With that said, it is time to help the Americans (probably have some idea what the Democrats have in mind now) since The Chinese under Xi isn't interested in our more complicated endeavors, or are they? Disguising themselves in other format.

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