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Strategy Series 6 - Selangor Under Siege

Date of Release : 11 October 2020


Desperate DRAFT





1) Factories are given many chances to be legalized by the Selangor Chief Minister. His decision came after seeking an audience with the Sultan of Selangor. Factories producing toxic waste are being let off more leniently. Illegal factories are tolerated while 19 Malay houses on questionable land rights (not squatters according to the dwellers as they are on the verge for land acquisition and application.) are demolished by the authorities.


Antara Dua Darjat : (Illegal Factories) treated preferentially  Versus (The Citizen) sidelined 


2) Theresa Kok once rebuked Jawi on the street signboards within the vicinity of Selangor and Kuala Lumpur. Her successor Ng Sze Han played a Sino-centric role in promoting Chinese characters on street signboards when PH secure the federal level. It was only through the advice of Sultan Selangor that the Chinese characters  were taken down from the street signboards.

Antara Dua Darjat : Jawi is distasteful Versus Chinese characters being favoured

Wonder if Guan Eng wants to discuss more examples?




The current Selangor Chief Minister strongly aligns himself to DAP EXCO Ng Sze Han and (the illegal factories clan). His decision seems to pander towards a selective group of merchant class circle. The citizen's voice as well as the sensitivity of the Malay community were only putted into consideration after intervention by the Sultan.


Anwar seems to be silent in both issues and the Chief Minister (He had been seen along with Azmin sometimes. This creates rumors that he might be align to Azmin. This is another topic for another time.) is still currently under his banner. Anwar's silence on such issue while speaking up immediately when a member from PAS disputed the authenticity of the Bible will distant Anwar from selective hardcore right wing voters to secure the federal level. The journey for Anwar to close his gaps with right wing leaders as well from the federal administration will be murkier in days to come.






1) Water issue in Selangor will be drummed up. 2) Controversial sale of government land in Penang involving Guan Eng. 3) DAP as a political party inclined towards illegal Musang King settlers. 4) PH inclination siding illegal factories in Selangor. 5) PH broken manifesto. 6) Leadership struggle in PH. Is it Mahathir, Anwar or Shafie?


PH only had 1) Veveonah and probably 2) The HUD HUD Minister preferential treatment. Both are not so consequential in terms of improving better quality of life.


For Sabah voters, a vote for PH is by looking through the small window on Selangor. 





Noh Omar, Isham Jalil and UMNO division from Sungai Buloh (especially the Najib faction) had started to implement reverse voting pattern tactics.


They encourage BN voters in Selangor to stop voting in rural areas and start registering back in Selangor to vote.


DAP seems to know of this. They have started their campaign to attract youngsters to register and vote.







So what will accelerate Selangor (The last PH bastion. Johor seems to be much trickier to defend in the next GE15.) from falling or otherwise? Till then, we haven't decided to reveal them yet.

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