Inteligence Series 13 - Soekarno & The Sea Goddess
19 November 2020
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
The Financial Debunker
Strategy Series 11 - Shattering Israel's Iron Dome
*This study is not intended for use by HAMAS and their associates. This article is released as a warning to the Israeli Defense Forces, Shin Bet, Mossad and Prof Einan Gardi to reconsider the role we may play in determining the future of the Middle East through Butterfly Effect. Image 4 is our vision of a schematic attack by HAMAS on Israel's Iron Dome. We advise the above forces (including Western forces) to negotiate with the Malaysian administration under a revised tone. Off course, the negotiation must involve The Financial Debunker, else it would be futile.
Disclaimer : Contains lots of irrelevant information. Jump to last section for direct relevance to the aforementioned title.
**The platform to launch this website is hosted in Tel Aviv. However, it is advisable that the relevant personnel would re-think their options thoroughly before shutting the website down prompting The Financial Debunker to align to the Chinese/Beijing cause. Not to mention that while The Financial Debunker could be shut down, our perseverance may be transformed through other names and other platforms. While, Islamic jihadist never gets better as time passes, certain forces transcend to higher state of existence/presence when they are provoked.
...Trust us when we say that if the Chinese are aligned to the Muslim forces - the existential nature of Israel, United States and the European Union will all be in question. Our pivotal role would be to push one of them into nonexistent.
Your side is welcome to assess if our above statement is true or false. However, let us demonstrate a plausible example of how the HAMAS led by the Al-Qassam brigade could shatter Israel's Iron Dome. IDF then could make a brief assessment if such strategy will work against Israel....
We are highlighting this to encourage our readers and potential clients to make the best assessment base on our stance.
***Related articles
Intelligence Series 16 - Mossad's Espionage Operation
Strategy Series 10 - Carrots, Education Camps & New Identity
Intelligence Series 6 - A HAMAS Masterpiece
Should this piece be used to advise current Muslim leadership whether the OIC bloc under King Salman of Saudi or the newly stunted KL Summit bloc under Mahathir, it would be their sole discretion. Recently, Mahathir (strongly aligned to Erdogan of Turkey and Hassan Rouhani of Iran) expressed a few methodologies for countering Israel's dominance in an interview with Dr Afifi Al-Akiti and PAS President Hadi Awang.
One of the suggestion is to pouch the current Mayor of London on grounds of Muslim solidarity. It was widely established that the Mayor of London had strong Zionist inclinations since 2016.
Although his recent rhetoric political stance remained that Israel-Palestine should resolve the conflict through de-escalation, there is nothing more viable being offered to shore more support towards the Palestinians. Mahathir then continued lamenting that rich Arab states should exercise their financial might on Israel. With the Saudi Crown Prince accused for his involvement in the murder of Jamal Kashoggi (a US citizen. This can be translated by Washington as an act of war or the least as an act of crime against it's citizen. The Biden administration had the ODNI report which it was kept away from the Congress.), there wouldn't be much constructive response or retaliations from the OIC. One of the many leverages the United States had on the Saudis.
The most saddening part is Mahathir's lack of clarity to execute his visions correctly. Sovereignty is not measured by financial might alone but military prowess and technological assets. If there are no means/intentions or a strong will to translate the financial might to military strength, it would be wiser to take the position as a historical relic or an observer at the most. History had shown nations with strong oil and financial reserve such as Lybia under Gaddafi, Iraq under Saddam, Syria, Yemen and Afghanistan had all been wiped out due to their lack of clarity in executing the correct vision and leadership.
Strong oil and financial reserve with an undeniable spirit as a threat towards Israel spurned out of Muslim solidarity, does this sound familiar? Definitely Malaysia is under Israel's surveillance in the past and present. While emotionally attached Jihadist in Malaysia could verbally scream all sorts of strong provocative lines against Israel, they will never make Israel crumbling under fear. It would be totally understandable the reasons for OIC (under Saudi) to be continuously resistant towards Mahathir's idea in the past, present and future. His (including supporters of his work such as Hadi Awang and many) methods are futile.
A clear example, while Malaysian thought they have done a great serving by downing and trolling Israel's Facebook and Webpages, one may wonder how far are Malaysians willing to go head to head with Israel. In Mahathir's state of mind, his usual response would be "Malaysia is a peaceful nation and we wouldn't want to have enemies with anyone.". Yet the crux of the matter are simply these - "Does Israel cares about what you think?" and "Will Malaysia stops assisting HAMAS?". Both answers are NO and historically "Losers must pay a price.". Let's continue observing Malaysian leadership when it comes to defense.
If our Defense Minister (representing the Ministry of Defence) is impervious that the Genting Casino is in operation, one may wonder and further ponder if they are actually fit to lead the nation into battle or even keeping us out of threat.
Pondering further if Mahathir had plausible plans and if his love to defend Palestine will offset the not-so-subtle threat and warning sent by Israel to Malaysia lately. Despite Israeli's airplane flying in Malaysian air space followed the regular pattern as it was confirmed by the MOT, the plane however demonstrated irregular flying pattern in our neighboring Singaporean air space. One may question if the purpose of the flight is to collect data or an act of subtle aggression.
As leadership is strongly correlated to warfare, let's have a peek on how the Arab states will likely counter Israel. History will repeat itself that plans by the Arab forces will be foiled over and over again if they are adamant to their arrogant behavior.
Observing Israel's strategy in gaming the asymmetric 1967 Israel-Arab war against three Arab states in 7 days due to the Arab states poor preparations, there are many more than these six main points outlined below that the Arabs must overcome before going head to head with Israel and it's allies:-
1) terrible strategies (for not considering the use of airspace. All Israel had to do was to bombard many of the Arab states military assets in one go. In fact, all their jet fighters were immobile.)
2) overconfidence 1.0 (for having more military assets than Israel. In warfare, a good strategy is more vital than assets.)
3) overconfidence 2.0 & carelessness (for their intelligence division was far inferior to Mossad up to the point that they did not realized they were being fooled - one of the Syrian spies turned out to be a Jew aka Eli Cohen. Unconfirmed stories of him influencing Syrian Defense Forces to plant trees as shades but was utilized after his death 2 years later by IDF.
4) arrogance (by lining up all the military asset at Israel's border to intimidate Israel.)
5) indecisiveness (should they ambush Israel at one go, they would have won the war and Israel would be gone.)
6) huge ego. There would be conflicting decisions among these leaders on the first side to initiate the attack, making sacrifices and the one which is deem worthy of the credit. Further accelerating the pile of cards to crumble.
Similarly today, the Arab States (including South East Asian Muslim states) are in disarray once more. They release more statements than making successful strides and attempts. This is somehow also reflected in the Muslim community which speaks, gathers and made numerous volumes but fail to provide solutions in their "musyawarah". Perhaps what they truly need is a decisive strong leadership.
Dear Prof Einan Gardi (Chair of Theoretical Physics University of Edinburgh, ex IDF personnel. 3 sons and 1 wife.)
Cc Professor Nigel Glover (Fellow of The Royal Society)
Cc Professor Chris Sachrajda (Fellow of The Royal Society, most likely a Polish Jew from his facial features.)
Dear Sir. Time had passed. Ten years since you make an academic ruling that I should not be conferred a PhD but only reduced to a Master.
I had serious doubts and reservations when Dr Chris Maxwell (my PhD supervisor. Most likely a Jew from London aligned to some Zionist group such as ZF with a number of traveling to Balkan states. His odd behavior for choosing not to have any mobile devices as means to avoid tracing, tracking and hacking seems to raise eyebrows on his true character. Yet for a start, his confession to my wife that "Pascalius is enigmatic" is very true in nature. Spot on I would say. THIS IS MY TRUE NATURE.) mentioned about 18 months before the PhD viva that he was the only person to fail me while assuring me that I will not fail (as he could choose to throw your appointment as external examiner and re-hire another external examiner. He could argue on my behalf to force for a second viva.). I stared into his eyes - 99% sincerity in his conversation but there is some 1% hidden intention behind his facade. I have never offended him throughout the four years. The six months periodical assessment presented were a 4 out of 5 each time. It was always more than satisfactory. I always trusted him which I should not. The first examiner he selected was Dr Hugh Jones from Imperial. He was so kind that he even mentioned of Hugh Jones having a student and connections to Los Alamos National Laboratory. All that make sense as that connection goes as far as to one of Clinton's Jewish economic advisor.
After Hugh Jones turned down, there was a slow change in him. As if a force directing him to mislead me up to the point of him keep delaying the first viva to let me dwell on to a period of uncertainty. Obviously, the wind of change blew stronger when Prof Ghauth Jasmon - the Vice Chancellor of University Malaya instructed him to accelerate the process, making formal threats on my behalf.
My concern of failing was raised after the first meeting with Prof Jasmon (seeking his blessings to permit for working as a research fellow in Los Alamos National Laboratory if the application went through.) and his team in Malaysian Hall London a year and a half before the incident. There was a warning sent by the administration towards all the students that there were possibilities of being failed in the third year citing claims that they never took examinations in the first year. Such odd predicaments happened towards two students from Imperial College. About 20% Malaysian PhD students suffer from such predicament.
( The Disgusting Nature of Men
Despite I was putting a mask for listening to the course of trashing towards those unfortunate students, deep down I had strong sense of disgust towards the Malaysian Higher Education System and The British Universities.
Firstly, if there is a huge probability of failing the students, the British Universities should have failed them in the first year. That saves the Malaysian tax payers money. Not the third year.
Secondly, the Malaysian Higher Education Department should be more pro-active in seeking resolution from the British Higher Education side. I don't see a strong effort from their side.
This is due to the natural reverence by the Malays/Malaysians towards the British. The atmosphere was more likely to blame everything on the victim. It is hard to observe empathy from their side. Failure was recorded as a permanent stain on your record and this will be utilized by factions as additional point to be used against you.
This is similar to a particular Royal Family which considers themselves to be the most royal among the Royalties because they are being conferred some award by the British Royal Family. This is the same sort of nobility applied in the academic world. )
Technically, I could not have been faulted due to University of Durham's regulation. Rather than putting all the blame on me, I could have putted all the blame on you. Why didn't you read the regulations properly?
Technically failing a PhD student is a clear sign towards the supervisor that his research is a piece of "shit". In Maxwell's case whom he never checked my programming codes, the only plausible explanation is that "a piece of shit supervisor" advising "another piece of shit foreign PhD student" to boost University of Durham's financial standing and the higher intake of foreign student in order to qualify for a higher University Ranking.
I should immediately be given a chance to do a second viva without question but your side managed to convince the internal examiner (Prof Richardson) that I am unworthy of the degree. Richardson accused me of "doing things mechanically". Maxwell was running around playing a panic chicken with iteration that he will be faulted for his crime in failing me. Despite his play of innocence, he slipped and admitted that his ex-PhD student from Iran - Albofazl Mirjalili (who was doing just fine as a lecturer in Iran and now granted a Professorship. Is just Iran God damit. What prestige can one compare to a country that produces the likes of Isaac Newton ruled currently under a never dying White Queen?) was nearly failed in his viva as well until he needed to stick his neck out. On one hand, I was questioning his real intention for telling me about his student Mirjalili. What is he implying? Iranians are stupid? He wouldn't want to stick the neck out for me? Or is that his subconscious admission that "He sucks as a supervisor but there is no way he would be able to admit it?".
Obviously I could not put down all these derogatory claims in my appeal ten years ago which eventually I won but it took a severe price to pay. Remember the word - PRICE. The crux of the real question is - "Do international students from rogue states or perceived to have connections to rogue states are sent to Dr Maxwell for further evaluation on their nature as well as ambition?"
Or "Perhaps the whole conspiracy is only a fabric of my imagination spurned out of the large weight of self importance as a way for me to point the finger back at you or with whomever or whatever your side is aligned with?"
Or "I am simply collateral damage of the system?". Let say the Butterfly Effect of Prof Einan Gardi's decision.
For a start, an attempt to fail me isn't really a hard job at all. Despite Durham's and Southampton's bad blood for contending to be awarded the IPPP (Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology), rumors from University of Southampton that I am bad in reconnecting to knowledge taught in the past could have resurfaced. The viva focused not on the research but instead on the basics. Basics that was taught few years ago. Basics that was taken for granted. So, I do admit to Prof Richardson was making the correct accusation. Yet failing me base on knowledge also implies of poor Higher Education System. Why? Because I passed my first degree especially with nearly a first (69.8. They wouldn't want to give me a 70 as I did poorly in reviving all the things that had been taught for the first three years in the 1 hour viva.) in Southampton. So to say I failed the basics implies illogical consequences and ruling. So how is that even possible? What is the worthiness of a British degree and their first year PhD examination?
Perhaps all is just in my head just like how the British Royal Family shrugged off all the claims and the accusations by Meghan Markle that "recollections may vary". The IPPP despite being Europe's pinnacle of particle physics could never hide it's other side of blatant racism. Is it not? There has been no candidate of Asian descent being able to get a permanent academic position in IPPP. Let me be kind and give some benefit of the doubt. As we are theoretical physicists specialized in playing probabilities, just for the sake of fun - why isn't one candidate of Asian descent receiving a permanent position in the IPPP? Which of the following is true?
A) IPPP is racist?
B) the British Higher Education is racist?
C) the Chinese/Asian descent are not interested in Physics?
D) the Chinese/Asian descent are not interested in Particle Physics?
E) the Chinese/Asian descent are not interested to apply to the United Kingdom?
F) the Chinese/Asian descent are not interested to apply to the IPPP?
G) the Chinese/Asian descent are not performing enough with the right number of citations and research papers to be granted an academic position?
H) there is strong prejudice which requires stricter corrections towards Chinese/Asian descent research authors in order to systematically disqualifies them? (Cmon, please don't rule out prejudices in the Particle Physics world. Satyendra Bose' idea in physics was rejected by the whole community until Einstein approved it.)
I) the Chinese/Asian descent had inferior intelligence level relatively to Caucasians? (Warfare is probably one way to make the true measurement.)
Is it one of the above or combinations of a few? Yet, after the appeal was granted, luckily all the basics could return and Prof Seymour from Manchester mentioned "Gap in knowledge" although he was still unhappy with the overall outcome. What is the importance to test and reconnect all the basics? Why is Richardson dismissing me when I said that the questions you posed could be just referred in Wikipedia?
Din't Eisntein say that "Imagination is more important than knowledge."?
Bygones are bygones. Damage is done. Time can never turned back. I was less articulative during the ambush. Whether the ploy was hatched intentionally or unintentionally to destroy my career as a physicist (though I obtained my PhD in the end through such unfair tribulation.) - it doesn't matter anymore. My focus now is to bring down anybody/anyone or anything that challenges me/my cause. I do not have solid evidence except circumstantial and anecdotal. Plus the British court will always side British Universities ten years ago. It was a game well played.
For my own self pitying predicament, I will ensure that Israel will get the little bit of price from HAMAS. So, I have prepared a simple strategy for HAMAS to shatter Israel's Iron Dome. An eye for an eye. Benjamin Netanyahu said that Israel always try to minimize the collateral damages. So do I. lsrael (IDF, Shin Bet, Mossad or Prof Einan Gardi), please understand that Nobody/No one and No organization gets to offend me, make me a collateral damage or being part of Prof Einan Gardi's Butterfly Effect without a payback either now or later. The Financial Debunker's course of action will be the Butterfly Effect that will push HAMAS to punish Israel (small one at the moment). LISTEN, whether Israel or Palestine should exist or otherwise, I would have a say. Whether Muhyiddin, Mahathir, Najib or Anwar should ascend or fail, I would have a say. That has been made clear many times. Whether the Chinese or United States should have the leadership baton or otherwise, I would have a say.
*So Mr IDF/Shin Bet/Mossad, please plan your next move wisely. Despite the Jews are the best when it comes to innovation and Nobel Prizes (though they might have systematically arrange the whole thing.), the Chinese are the best in warfare especially the Hakkas (if you think that Hollywood's suicide squad is of any significance, the Chinese had their own version of Suicide Squad in the 14th century. Read Water Margin and you would understand how bandits (a total number of 108 led by it's leader Song Jiang) were recruited as part of the military campaign to fend the Mongols. There were stories that the Hakkas living in the mountainous regions of the Chinese Southern plains with their fortified Tulou fortresses were descendants of Song dynasty loyalists seeking refuge. There were also stories of mostly bandits turned loyalists.). Specifically the Dengs. There were rumors amongst the elderly that the trip to Indonesia was based on information by Deng Xiao Ping himself who knew that Mao Ze Dong will start to purge the landlord clans. Hence, the reason for my grandfather and his brother's departure to Indonesia for avoiding the purge.
I just seriously mean if you want to consider about God's chosen people/bloodline story, I have some convincing Grandpa stories for you to digest too.
Or I am just psychologically taunting your side.
Attention : Dr Mahathir. As you are the founder of KL Summit, I challenge you to walk the talk and to be impactful by coordinating the attack successfully since the detail methodology has been presented to you now. Since you are already 95, I reckon you must have been wanting to save the Palestinians so much and I believe you would have wanted to die as an Islamic martyr, isn't it? I however had always cautioned you that you must either seek the blessings from Washington (with strong Israeli presence) or Beijing. Failure to do so will be just be half past six even if you destroy Israel's Iron Dome. More will follow.
Analyzing Israel's borders. Israel has borders to Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt. Jordanian forces are well under the supervision of the United States. So Jordan will be the hardest to convince for cooperation. Syria is in a strong disarray especially with Israeli presence at Golan Heights. Lebanon is not the most strategic spot to attack Israel's Iron Dome relatively to Egypt and the South of Jordan. The Saudis can provide a glimpse of hope. (Refer Image 1. Locations of Israel's Iron Dome as well - Image 1a.)
In order to shatter Israel's Iron Dome
1) The Arab states should remain steadfast on who should lead the attack. This follows by a strong well kept battle plan.
2) They must seek the blessings from another Superpower to avoid Israel's more devastating retaliation.
3) Prepare drones of specifications in Image 2 from a range of 3000 to 30000. (This company is from Ukraine - a state strongly aligned to the United States. The Russians and the Chinese defense companies should be able to design such drones to assist the Palestinian cause. This is Malaysian Aerodyne - Image 3. Let's see if Malaysians are just proficient in "kelentong" and "sembang kote" in their pursuit to help Palestine.).
There is no way that Israel's Iron Dome could shoot down so many drones.
4) Attack from all 6 sides preferably.
5) The job of the suicide drones are not to kill civilians but to destroy Iron Dome's infrastructure.
6) The Iron Dome would be easily destroyed with a combination of
I) strong firepower,
II) hydrofluoric acid (acid that melts metal, which they have to improve their designs with glass to withstand the damages.).
7) Once the Iron Dome (system) is dysfunctional, HAMAS could start sending their rockets without interference and claim higher casualties.
By increasing the odds to shatter Israel's Iron Dome, Israel will retaliate with heavier counter-measures. Below are the following
1) Drones to drones warfare for protecting the Iron Dome. (though Israel will more likely to lose.)
2) Improving it's Iron Dome's durability against attack such as Hydrofluoric acid. (though the durability will be put into question.)
Other heavier countermeasures include
3) sending more devastating ballistic missiles ranging from biological, chemical and nuclear to some of the densely Arabian Peninsula while preparing it's people to flee Israel at the moment to allies such as the United States and Britain.
The only hope for this Endgame to go the Arab way is for them to ally with China by utilizing our strategical expertise and finally utilizing the blind-spot ground breaking technology (which we valued at 1 to 1.5 trillion dollars at today's value.).
*The Financial Debunker has never opted out for the Malaysian administration to reach an agreement with Israel for our technology to be initiated and developed under the supervision of the United States as a deterrent against China. All options are open and this should be the pragmatic stand of the Malaysian administration (hopefully).
**We were not hired by the Malaysian administration (when the heart is as hard as stone, insincere pittance will merely be laughing stock. A strong strait among the Elites, hoping for submission by handing out pittance.), so it is absolutely pointless for us to stick out for them so much. By the way, Malaysia has 1 Agong, 9 Sultans, a few Tuns, more than 100 overs Tan Sris, Dato Sris, thousands of Professors/ lecturers/ doctorates and millions of Bangladeshis/Nepalis/Indonesians immigrants/migrants. Not to mention, Malaysia has more skyscrapers, oil reserve, luxury cars and even fast food chains such as KFC and McDonalds. To add more to the list, we have strong social support from political NGOs and the list of international fugitives from Jho Low, Nicky Liow to Joko Tjandra. All this will not turn the table around when Malaysia goes head to head with Israel. However, Malaysian cyber troopers are ready to die virtually and be wiped out in Facebook numerous times as they could create multiple accounts. Simpletons easily contented by such clumsy consolations. The idea to hold discussions with such simpletons is totally degrading and abominable to our reputation.
***We remember a particular scene from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms when Sima Yi came to assist Cao Cao after he suffered his largest defeat under Zhuge Liang in the Battle of Red Cliff. Do you understand what are we trying to imply?
This is just our theory. We do not find Sima Yi inferior to Zhuge Liang according to standard agreement and analysis by many historians. Zhuge Liang was important for Sima Yi's significance for rising. Without Cao Cao losing in the Battle of Red Cliff, Sima Yi would not be recognized. Without the strong Han-Cao state contention, Sima Yi would not be significant enough to rise. Without the existence of Zhuge Liang, he would have his head severed from his neck a long time. So why would Sima Yi wanted Zhuge Liang simply be thrown out of the equation until he had solidify his position strong enough?
Do you understand what are we trying to imply?
Similarly - Israel, HAMAS, United States, China, BERSATU, UMNO, PKR, DAP, Muhyiddin, Najib, Zahid, Anwar and Kit Siang - all of them are still important to us as their existence will be crucial for our significance until the time we have picked a side.