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Strategy Series 7 - Shooting Two Birds With Musang King





(Please translate from Malay to English as this section is written in Malay to encourage Perikatan National to be a dominant force in Sabah. Also to put our method into test.)


...Pepatah Melayu ada mengatakan "Melentur buluh biar dari rebungnya." Pepatah Cina ada mengatakan "Mencabut rumput biar dari akarnya".


Jangan disangka air tenang tidak berbuaya. Jangan disangka para peneroka haram yang diam tidak berbahaya.


Pakar Pidato DAP Superman Hew pernah bersabda kepada para pengikutnya "Ambil nyawa UMNO ketika UMNO nazak.". Sekiranya PAS (kenapa PAS? sebab DAP sangat benci PAS saat ini. Banyak yang boleh dibuat contoh "Antara Dua Darjat" seperti apa yang ditulis dalam "Selangor Under Siege", tetapi DAP hanya nak tulis soal PAS.) dan Perikatan Nasional leka, hilanglah nyawa PAS dan Perikatan Nasional kelak. Maka bantailah DAP dengan Musang King selagi boleh....


Di saat DAP (obsessed as Kit Siang keep posting it frequently) bermodalkan Veveonah diperah sepenuhnya untuk merampas tampuk kepimpinan Sabah, DAP tidak dapat menjanjikan apa-apa perubahan "substantial" dari segi ekonomi dan kewangan kepada para anak muda Sabah kecuali manifesto omong kosong. Tapi Perikatan Nasional di bawah Dr Khairuddin Takiri (yang dilabel Menteri HUD HUD oleh para penyokong DAP. MP PAS), Dr Takiyuddin Hassan (sebagai Menteri Perundangan. MP PAS) dan Dr Roland Kiandee (sebagai Menteri Pertanian. MP BERSATU) dapat (1) menghapuskan kuasa tauke-tauke Musang King (yang kebanyakannya penyokong tegar DAP) di Semenanjung dan meraih sokongan daripada para Sabahan dengan iltizam untuk memberi sokongan penanaman Musang King di Sabah. The Financial Debunker menjamin strategi ini lebih berkesan membunuh keberkesanan DAP-PH sekaligus (2) menguatkan pertapakan politik Perikatan Nasional di Sabah terutamanya di kubu-kubu masyarakat orang asli.

Seksyen-seksyen berikut dihurai degan lebih lanjut agar pembaca dapat lebih memahami langkah-langkah bagi memastikan penguasaan Musang King secara menyeluruh. Kemudian, berjanjilah kepada rakyat Sabah bahawa hanya di bawah kerajaan Perikatan Nasional sahaja, hak dan tanah untuk penanaman MUSANG King boleh diberikan kepada rakyat Sabah. Gunakan Veveonah sebagai anak muda pertama untuk menerima tanah bagi tujuan menanam serta menggunakan label Musang King. Kalau PN dapat menang dengan cemerlang di Sabah, apalah nasib PH di Semenanjung? (3) Sekaligus juga memberikan keyakinan kepada tampuk kepimpinan Perdana Menteri bahawa sudah masanya Barisan Nasional dilupakan dan persediaan untuk Perikatan Nasional (samada UMNO mengekor atau diranapkan) menghadapi PRU 15. Maka Mahathir (The one and only Prime Minister from Pakatan Harapan) dan Najib Razak (The last Prime Minister from Barisan National) adalah "politics of the past" dan seperti apa yang diucapkan oleh Khairy Jamaludin sebelum ini "kita kena move on" menjadi kenyataan. Sekarang renungkan kembali pepatah Cina sekali lagi "Mencabut rumput biar dari akarnya".


Pepatah Inggris juga mengatakan "SHOOTING TWO BIRDS WITH MUSANG KING"








The feud between the Royal Pahang Durian Group and over thousand of farmers (mainly of Chinese ethnicity) had been making headlines since mid of July this year (some argued that our story about Carl precipitate certain factions of the Royalty to make such a move. If that is true, it would be an honour.). It was recently turned into international headlines days ago.


As a Malaysian (of Chinese ethnicity), we detest the practice of the durian planters that charge exorbitant price despite settling down on illegal lands (with complete disregard for their effort, time and work as they were illegal in the first place. Indonesians and Bangladeshis swim across channel for a spoon of life in Malaysia, are we giving them more rights too?).


DAP (as well as MCA) had been always looked up to protect and secure the livelihood/future of Malaysian Chinese descent in the name of Sino-solidarity. However, their political trajectory taken by DAP lately had been quite misguided in nature and seem to be far off from national interest and totally unaligned to our cause. DAP should have been more cautious in their political endeavours. Among them is to encourage Musang King farmers to procure their own land, focus and provide much cheaper high grade durians to the local market and request them to contribute more to narrow the income margin nationwide. Nevertheless, the fight put up by most DAP leaders (especially the SAMKA president) seem to care only for the selective clan (in this case the Musang King clan). 


...While intellectuals especially doctors and front liners are pushed for allowances cut by PH-DAP, DAP selective love and stand for their version of justice seems very unbalanced in nature. On what moral basis must DAP fight for the rights of farmers settling on illegal land? Sino-solidarity? That is not Sino-solidarity. That is equivalent of Sino-centricity misguided by hint of racism. Why did DAP never stood up for the doctors? Is the inclination to defend the Musang King illegal settlers than medical doctors prone towards anti-intellectuality in nature or perhaps a subtle form of systematic political patronage. We find the settlers (mostly millionaires) as definitely contributing relatively less than their own self serving interest (we think the taxes they paid are not well justified relatively to the wealth they own.). As a website that patronizes intellectual discourse, intellectual properties and rights, WE WILL SELECTIVELY PUNISH THIS MERCHANT CLASS CLAN AND DAP....


We encourage the current government to secure the rights for the brand of Musang King (putting legal notice to those which simply use the label Musang King on their products.) as well as putting a patent on the seed. This will turn Musang King into a national asset controlled by the Federal not by the 1000(mostly Cina Apek and Cina Bukit farmers) Musang King settlers.









Honestly, writing this chapter will take more courage than usual as  DAP leadership had been affiliated with strong legal representation. Sadly, governing a nation is not equivalent in setting up a strong legal team. The intellectual faction had been marginalised (inherited from BN but remain the same under PH.) during DAP's political peak especially DAP's decision to cut doctor's allowances while remaining silent for Mahathir's 31% salary increment (DAP and PH do not have the moral compass to question Muhyiddin's cabinet inappropriateness.). Not to mention their failure in promoting and securing other sides of Intellectual Properties (especially those with regards to Defence).


Therefore, it is our self-serving duty to mince our words wisely yet to chasten DAP at the same time. Nothing personal, DAP must pay the price and we will ensure that the hefty payment is made through "Musang King". The reason for our decision is purely political as DAP (Many key DAP leaders  had been unable to make our dream realized base on Intellectual-solidarity or Sino-solidarity. From the likes of Liew Chin Tong despite his position as Deputy Minister of Defence to Yeoh Bee Yin who claimed to be have a Chemistry Master degree from Cambridge (or even status as the Minister of Science And Technology) seem to be futile in making contacts with scientist like us. Those of higher ranks such as Theresa Kok and Anthony Loke whom had profound connections to the Chinese ambassador fail to play an important role in making effort to comprehend our Tax Evasion Artificial Intelligence Program, Defence Proposal or Defence Intellectual Properties. Even the Deputy Minister Steven Sim (who follows the footstep of Syed Saddiq with a tendency to con youth with a cloud 9 Manifesto 2.0 after their Manifesto 1.0 turned into blatant unfulfilled fantasy. What sort of plans do you have for youth? Whoring for Kit Siang and Mahathir? What sort of attraction are you providing the youth? Foodpanda jobs? Now Veveonah?) prefer not to deal with broke entrepreneurs like us but pass our portfolio straight to some middle ranking officer working under Darell Leiking - whom will not get things done. If DAP is not sharpening up, DAP should realize that they are a failed political product as not only their manifesto is a flop but the constant deal making which is purely nonsensical. Firstly is when Liew Chin Tong knew his 2017 "A better deal for all" version has flopped and replacing it with "A new deal". While hardcore DAP supporters could blatantly accept the broken deal with a replacement deal, Malaysians especially the Malays seem to have much reservation in this sort of political Mumbo Jumbo. The bottom line is DAP is slowly turning inconsequential and it doesn't make any differences in terms of financial opportunities or a better future for Malaysian or Malaysian Chinese if DAP is possibly disbanded after their top leader may be politically or legally vindicated (depending on the interpretations.).) fail to take huge effort in understanding our aspirations. We are very cash strapped but we give our assurances that the rise and fall of DAP (such as the case of Najib Razak) can be systematically determined. Therefore the only way to make DAP remember is to take away something from them.



It will be a small price - breaking the source of income of the Musang King planters which mostly aligned themselves well with DAP. Why does DAP thinks highly of Mahathir? Mahathir had rebuked DAP severely countless of times in the past. We learn our lesson from Mahathir in dealing with DAP. Bring despair to the Musang King settlers to make them atone for their wrong political alignment and unwillingness to work closely with the current Malay authority. Bring despair (if they have any conscience in them.) to key leadership in DAP such that they fail to protect their supporters and funders - just like they have always been - we are just accelerating their rate. Chaos will ensue and the true color will prevail.



It is absolutely unfortunate for us as we have to plan two lessons for DAP. The first being a catalyst to push for the merger of PAS and UMNO (Obviously, Superman Hew thought there is no guarantee methodology to shatter the alliance in his speech. We obviously think otherwise and the impact may be more horrific than anticipated as it solely depends on the ingenuity and cunningness of the wielder.). With the first lesson, the Strategy team from DAP especially Liew Chin Tong should have realized that things can go south for failure to comply with reality that politics can be very dynamic in nature. He should have been more instrumental and making huge effort to have our Defence Intellectual Properties patented than irking us in every way by remaining silent. Rest assure that we are very fair and we are keeping a close eye on the Perikatan National administration (the Prime Minister, Defence Minister and the newly elected BERSATU youth leader Wan Ahmad Fayhsal. Failure to comply to our demands on a timely basis, rest assure that we will ensure the house of cards crumble once again until one that aligns to our cause and interest emerges.).



Securing the right for the brand of Musang King (assuming like Nike - in a much better way to explain ourselves.) as well as putting a patent on the seed and fruit will render the current farmers powerless (as they have to apply the rights to grow and cultivate the fruit. They are not allowed to use the word Musang King for promoting their durians even if they have cultivars similar to Musang King (depending on the definition set by the Ministry of Agriculture). Their export license as well as the rights to promote locally.) and toothless. This could easily be materialized with the cooperation from Dr Khairuddin Takiri (Minister of Trade & Industry. Instrumental in driving the sales and pricing of Musang King locally and internationally. Will be elaborated in other section.), Dr Takiyuddin Hassan (Current Law Minister. He will be instrumental in drafting the policies and the correct laws for the patent, rights and license of Musang King. Lauding PAS as a hero.) & Dr Roland Kiandee (Minister of Agriculture and Food Industries. Instrumental in classifying which cultivars and variants could be defined as Malaysian Musang King and the prohibition of the "defined" or "gold standard" Musang King to be used in selective breeding without consent.). Two from PAS and another from BERSATU. Their cooperation could re-route the future of the Musang King industries as well as the Malaysian political landscape with the 1000 farmers being the collateral damage. And out of the damages, new farmers may emerge. 


*On a political note, the farmers are still very rich. They are always welcome to grow some of their fruits under Kuok Plantations, IOI plantations or the Chen Man Hin plantations (one of DAP founders). Or are they unwilling to concede and share their lands? Yet the Kingdom of Pahang should make such concession? Why is it? Is it because they are Malay reserve land? Is it because they are uncultivated?






Genetically Modified Corn under Monsanto was patented. Japanese Wagyu was patented. Square Watermelon was patented. White Strawberry was patented.


Why can't Musang King be patented for the sake of all Malaysians without huge profits generated by these farmers (settled on questionable land rights - preferably exporting their produce overseas for huge profits forsaking the local's interest? The Japanese designated A5 Wagyu is reserved for Japan's consumption. Japanese escorts are not encouraged to entertain foreigners (We apologize for this sexist point of view.). What is the G-d damn problem that these farmers prefer exporting Musang King to China and Singapore aggressively? And the government keeps entertaining their whimsical selfish interest? (base on the link, it seems there is no claim, patent and registration under any companies yet for Musang King. The Ministry of Agriculture could initiate their first move to patent it first.)


As there are many cultivars that can be identified as Musang King, the Ministry of Agriculture could play a significant role in identifying and classifying the "gold standard" or "pure breed" Musang King base on it's fragrance, size, flesh to seed ratio, sweetness level and creaminess as Musang King and rule out those that fail to qualify the standard test  - barring sellers and traders that mislead consumers as Musang King. They must be extremely instrumental such that future durians cultivation by selective breeding must not use Musang King cultivars as the genetic material or other potentially high grade durians such as Udang Merah without the consent from Ministry of Agriculture's.


Their other task is to ensure that the "gold standard" is not compromised by other Thai cultivars that may be brought into the market and affect the Malaysian durian biological ecosystem (this is implemented in Australia which the immigration department and customs will confiscate foreign seeds brought into their country to preserve the genetic purity of the Australian biological ecosystem.). Their sales and distributions are marked with stickers on their fruits. The Ministry of Agriculture could take a more socialist approach to patent many good fruits rather than allowing individuals or Co-op to play a role to monopoly the fruit. 


Politically, this will also consolidate more power to the Federal in being more assertive/antagonistic towards citizens non-conforming to national interest and ensuring the best produce for the Malaysian people.


By patenting the Musang King's seed and securing the brand, the Ministry of Trade and Industries will have the right to


1) destroy and confiscate any of the Musang King fruits and seeds which are cultivated and grown without license. (As this was not implemented yet, in the current feud between the Royal Pahang Durian Group and the farmers, the farmers successfully gain access to cultivate the fruit. However, if the Musang King was patented, it will be under the Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Trade and Industry to confiscate the trees and fruits until the farmers obtained the license. Therefore it will be under the power of the federal.)


2) send legal letters and writ of summons to demand financial compensation for misleading the public by using the brand Musang King. The brand Musang King must be under the Ministry of Agriculture banner and it is only the Ministry of Agriculture which could authorize the use of the brand.


They don't own the land, they don't own the rights. Make them pay. Why must they become the victims? Collateral damage for their leadership's failure to foresee the future and making the right choice (either with us or the authority).


Why didn't DAP advise them to patent the fruit when they helm the nation? May DAP and PH leaders remember for the rest of their lives and political career the value and significance of patent, copyright, brand, label, Intellectual Properties and finally DEFENCE RELATED Intellectual Properties (the most valuable among all. The one that will decide if a nation shall rise or fall.). 




This is just Warfare & pragmatic POLITICS. Nothing personal.




*The Financial Debunker considers the Najib Razak's leadership quite remarkable as they admit the significance of our Tax Evasion Artificial Intelligence Program but sadly his administration is unwilling to protect and materialize our dream into reality due to the strong distrust factor (as it was first revealed by MAGIC CEO Ashran Ghazi and finally revealed once again by Rosmah's aide during a conversation years later that the decision will put a huge power shift to our side. We are vindictive, we wish Najib Razak one way or another that since he failed to align with us, it would be best to have him behind bars. At least, with our dreams unfulfilled, it would be a pragmatic move to have an obstacle absolutely removed. DAP despite it's strong Sino-centric (though verbally at the moment, it vouches to be a multi-racial party. DAP can never deny the fact that it's strength came from a shattered MCA whose roots are mainly Sino-centric in nature.) roots is actually much far worse than key people from BERSATU such as Wan Fayhsal who took the extreme liberty to arrange ways for us to implement our aspirations although they never materialize (The Defense Minister and Prime Minister during the time of PH should have taken extreme measures in altering the current law and policy to ensure our Defence Intellectual Property is patented, protected and classified. Any Prime Minister and Defence Minister who fail to materialize them are below par leadership qualities.). So, we will always wish the very best for Wan Fayhsal even when he insisted to foreclose all the vernacular schools. (Chinese must go Chinese school? Indian must go Indian school? It hinders national identity. We are supportive of Wan Fayhsal.).


**Any sides wish to bring our material to the court of law is welcome. Yet, do calculate the potential lost your side will incur in terms of popularity level. Mark our words. For PH, if your side dare, we will run a campaign to ensure a revamp in our legal system to accommodate compulsive liars. In the process, ensuring the disbandment of PH lawfully (including the coalition by ensuring them to be disqualified for the next election at least 2 to 3 terms.) for writing a Manifesto that they fail to deliver to the people. When your side won the election, your side made a contract with the people and whether the contract is valid or invalid according to Contract Law and how it will be implemented or implied is subject to interpretation. Verbal contract is still a contract unless your side is willing to go to extreme length in shooting your own foot that Manifesto is not a promise and is not equivalent to a contract. 




...Politically and legally in essence, manifesto should be taken with the highest regard as commoners will never draft a manifesto but contract. Manifesto especially politically oriented ones are theoretically NEW SOCIAL CONTRACT (as they specify their intentions for the nation if they are granted the leadership baton.). Therefore, Contract Law should apply to Pakatan Harapan and their leaders as they have made the contract verbally in speeches. Failure to adhere to the contract should make them be held accountable. So where is DAP's CAT and accountability once again?...




If Najib Razak must take the fall and probably being disqualify from being an MP for his negligence or criminal breach of trust, there is no reason to pardon politicians who are incompetent and fail to deliver to the people. Not just fail to deliver but blatantly lie. A key question to Justice Nazlan Ghazali, isn't drafting a manifesto that fails to be delivered amounts to "Betrayal of the People's Trust"?.


If Nazlan Ghazali says YES. Shouldn't they be trialed?

If the law is vague with respect to such circumstances, shouldn't there be a push to revamp the legal system in order to protect the people's interest?

Yet those who must be trialed are key people responsible in drafting policies, isn't that a naturally inherited conflict of interest which will systematically put the people's interest at jeopardy?

So how a Justice such as Nazlan himself transcend beyond the conventional taught wisdom to fix this inherited systematic political conundrum? Or even anyone at Federal Court of justice. Tengku Maimun perhaps?


Guan Eng recently came up with "Antara Dua Darjat" or "Double Standards" in English. A salesman can be brought to the court of law for misleading his buyers. Should politicians be held accountable under the court of law for misleading the people? Let's discuss "Double Standard" in greater depth.


Have you heard contract "Antara Dua Darjat"? An example would be Intellectuals forced to complete Doctorate Programs in a 3 to 4 years time span (failure to do so will incur penalties). On the other hand,  politicians are allowed to walk free spewing shameless Publicly Announced Undelivered Manifestos & Lies. 

More "Antara Dua Darjat" in
Selangor Under Siege.

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