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 Intelligence Series 17 - Sino-Vexed

*We are Sino-Vexed (Vex). We are writing to undermine the significance of the Chinese Communist Party and China's contribution to the world during this Covid-19 pandemic.


**So what if it can handles the Delta virus but not on the long run?

***Read more on T-cell breeding ground. Thailand is more intelligent than us. PLEASE STOP READING PRO-PFIZER articles, be selective in your reading materials.


****NEW UPDATE = Najib and his team is so eager to demonstrate that they fit to rule the country by suggesting "circuit-breaker" in order to reduce the Covid-19 cases. However, it would be FUTILE as along as SinoVac is part of the country's immunization program.

Please note that all this new outbreak is a simple MATH game. (China vaccinated most of her citizen at once at a fast pace. The virus is contained at a short period of time. Lockdown made the virus looked dormant. But on the long term, it will be back. The Chinese government knew of this hence the reason why they produced CanSino (viral vector base like Astra Zeneca) and signed up for other vaccine technologies. Obviously, they will not propagate the fact that SinoVac is inferior but their endeavours to procure and manufacture other vaccine base on more diversified technology lately is a clear cut evident that China is still looming in fear.)


"Circuit whatever lah". Just jab yourself with two dosage of Astra Zeneca, period. 








The ongoing  mystery on Covid-19 will currently remain. 1) The origin of the Covid-19 and 2) whether it is a naturally existing virus or man-made. Although Nature had selectively published articles and thoughts supporting scientific findings that points the finger to nature, The Financial Debunker is adamant in supporting our own arguments (backed by other scientific writings by Nature) that nature is hardly 100% responsible for the trajectory of this virus. The ongoing concern is the efficacy of the Covid-19 vaccine against death rate for a long period of time.


Before dwelling on the numbers and analytics which corresponds to China's Sino-Failure Vaccine Program (SinoVac is bound to fail. The Chinese Communist Party seems to realize that SinoVac is inferior to other of her global competitors. Hence, prompting Chinese state companies to diversify their vaccines option by manufacturing vaccines through other technologies such as CanSino (base on Adenovirus vector like Astra Zeneca) and another one by Everest Medicine Limited (base on mRNA technology).

...The vacuous decision by some of these Chinese state companies which are heavily controlled by the Chinese Communist Party puts all the Chinese to shame by initiating, developing and manufacturing inferior vaccines with the term Sino attached to it. A clear example is SinoVac. Even if CanSino or other of it's vaccine managed to catch up with Pfizer, Moderna or Astra, the Chinese government endeavours seem to be a step behind the Western Hemisphere....

It is worth telling China off to stop associating intellectual studies and intellectual properties with race or religion. One doesn't have to succumb to those with inferior mindsets by coining terms such as "Islamic Finance" or "Islamic Architecture". Such pandering towards racial and religious identity is very repelling. Imagine if Astra Zeneca is renamed as Oxford Vaccine or Great Britain Vaccine. Imagine if architecture during the Renaissance period is renamed as Italian Architecture. Imagine if the Manhattan Project on Atomic bomb is renamed as Jewish bombs because most of the founders are Jewish. Please have more confidence in your endeavors by conducting strong research with the correct ethics.


...What is there to gain by attaching the word Sino on the manufactured vaccines? What is your morale basis to attach the word Sino to the vaccine? The Chinese are not the pioneers to many of the world's vaccination techniques and technologies. What gives the blind confidence level that the manufactured vaccine will be superior and more advanced than their Western competitors developed with newer techniques? Don't the Chinese government feel shameful that their vaccines turned out to be a flop in the long run? The Financial Debunker believes Confucius will be ashamed of the China today.


Is it inferiority complex, Messiah complex or both? (If there is a reason to procure SinoVac, it would be just a matter of cost and solidarity rather than efficacy.)....








When China first enter the Covid-19 vaccine market by promoting SinoVac, The Financial Debunker was skeptical. Our skepticism arises not because the vaccine was Chinese-made but the technology and technique they have opted in producing the vaccine. SinoVac was made the traditional way as the Chinese puts it. With that said, the vaccine was manufactured from dead/inactivated viruses to trigger the human immune system to respond.

We were puzzled why China (which is centralized in their decision making process) chooses the most obsolete technology in manufacturing the vaccine as there must be a strong scientific arguments/journals/studies for World's top vaccine manufacturer preferring to use mRNA technology (Pfizer and Moderna) as well as the use of Chimpanzee adenovirus viral vector (Astra Zeneca) instead of using inactivated viruses.

The benefits of doubt on China stems from the fact and confidence level we had on China (being a country with strong breakthrough this decade) that they must have studied the side effects and benefit to risk ratio on viral vectors and mRNA vaccines against the traditionally made vaccines. 


Clearly this is not the case and China seems to have an incomplete/inferior knowledge on vaccine than Canada, United States and the United Kingdom.








As the Malaysian Government (as well as other government around the world) will go round and round studying why the death rates never goes down significantly and even if it does, it could have been a temporary flux due to lockdown. We hypothesize and assert strongly that herd immunity will be hard/impossible to achieve as long as SinoVac (and probably Pfizer) is continuously part of the Malaysian Covid-19 Vaccination Program. 


...The disturbing data from the Ministry of Health shows that those injected by a double dosage of SinoVac (14 in 1000) had higher death rates than Pfizer (4 in 1000) and Astra Zeneca (1 in 1000). While trials had been shown to be effective against the virus, the studies conducted was insufficient to determine the long term effect of the vaccine against the virus. Studies had shown that the antibodies fighting the virus could reduce in numbers after a period of time for using the incorrect/inferior vaccine.


This is all due to the fact that long term immunity against the virus had something to do with the correct ground for breeding T-cell....



In order to comprehend why Astra Zeneca had a much significant lower death rate after two dosage is due to the production of T- Cell on the long run.

The first journal is the study by Oxford. The second is not from a reliable source but the third is from Reuters and the fifth is from The Independent. All four articles correlate strongly with the data provided by the MOH. Pfizer even admitted that their recipients require additional booster shot aka the third dosage. 


Therefore, providing the same treatment towards those injected with double dosage of SinoVac (and Pfizer) as equivalent to those injected with Astra Zeneca will be a wrong approach (this is due to the the studies on T-cell) as the international community had no idea how long the antibodies for those injected with double dosage of SinoVac would remain high and significant enough to prevent a low death rate.


Things may go awry in another 6 to 12 months for those injected with SinoVac.








Base on the four articles and data shown by the MOH, we urge your side to be wiser in your decision making process. Among the basic suggestions are of the following :-

1) All Sino-Vac double dosage recipients must be re-injected with Astra Zeneca (or booster, but preferably AZ) as the efficacy of SinoVac will lower or reduce by half after six months. 


2) Pfizer recipients must be constantly monitored of it's efficacy, although Pfizer is still a much better option than SinoVac. Perhaps consideration should be given if they are required to be injected with Astra Zeneca.


3) SinoVac should stop to be administered for all Malaysians unless more dosage (maybe every 3 months) are administered (continuously).

PharmaNiaga had significant information with regards to the inferiority level of SinoVac which prompted their decision to sell their SinoVac stocks to private practices. This is in line with the Malaysian administration during Muhyiddin Yassin which stops the procurement of SinoVac and push Sabah to opt for CanSino. Yet those injected with a double dosage of SinoVac will still be a threat for Malaysians. Perhaps, all the silence from the politicians are just politically motivated to minimize the public's antagonistic stance against China.

The Financial Debunker deserves to correct things in red. If the vaccinated Malaysians are injected with double dosage of Astra Zeneca instead of Pfizer and SinoVac, the death rate will be significantly reduced from (9 + 241 + 873 =1123 ) to (9 + 7421553/1319384 x 9  7734886/1319384 x 9) = (9 + 51 + 53 = 113).


1123 (corresponds to the ratio of AZ:PF:SV = 1.3:7.4:7.7) to 113 (corresponds to using AZ completely at 100% AZ:PF:SV = 1:0:0)



Why must we not bothered with death from unvaccinated and single dose recipients? Because the end-game is for all the citizens to have double dosage. So the single dosage contribution to death rate will be a temporary flux. 


What is our opinion on anti-vaxers? They should live in a separate island with all the costs to be paid by themselves.


Is CanSino a better option than Astra Zeneca? We don't know. It is not our job (those who are paid should do their jobs and perform better) to provide free analysis. We provide our analysis just to show off and to demonstrate that most in the Civil Service, the opposition and the government are bunch of incompetent but greed oriented personnel with audacity in preaching on governance without looking in the mirror. It should be the ones paid with taxpayers' money to do their homework (not us, should be lucky if we throw you some kind advice.).


Coming back to politics. If Adham Baba (and KJ - with reference to the administration before this switch) was wiser in their decision making process by procuring Astra Zeneca (only 15% relatively to 100% of the total) relatively more than other vaccines - Muhyiddin may still keep his leadership baton.





*Due to our strong distaste towards China at the moment, the title Sino-Vexed is very fitting. Off course, every inclinations could swing with the correct momentum, alignment and the contemplation to understand our aspirations. We are still adamant to punish China in the long run.


**Ismail Sabri should take note. A lower death rate will solidify his position. His strength will benefit Muhyiddin and this will weaken Zahid and Najib as Anwar had build a truce with Ismail's administration. 

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