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Strategy Series 8.1 - Strategical Guide to "Malay Heartland"  Politics (MUDA 2.0)

*For us, politics is about subjugating others accordingly to our will. Either one should send in a compelling argument to debunk us or we will consider you as being unaligned to us. This in turn provides justification for us to ruin and topple all your goals and aspirations whether your cause is noble or mundane.

**Continuation from Strategy Series 8 MUDA. This is our strategical vision for MUDA. Obviously, we are also using MUDA to accentuate our undeniable prominence to be pivotal in Malaysian Political Landscape. MUDA-DAP non-submission at the moment will be considered thoroughly whether they should stay or go depending on the ever-changing political landscape and our interest. Obviously, the knowledge we have imparted would only scratch the surface.





During Najib's controversial speech on the World Chinese Economic Forum, we nearly had a two hours talk with a middle aged Chinese lady (with her business partner formally working under Najib during his days as Youth and Sport Minister. We assume he is telling the truth including his connections to all the MCA Ex Presidents.). Does it matter? Maybe Yes. Maybe No. Is the connection beneficial to us in the long run? That is the most important bit.

Obviously, what trigger us is her strong hopes and expectations for MUDA, her eagerness for DAP to change their philosophy to fit the current political landscape, her business partner funding MUDA and MAJU, her praises towards Lim Kit Siang who had the capability to groom young political secretaries into future Members of Parliament and DAP's Members of Parliament who work hard to get the seats and even donate part of their salaries back to the party.

...When asked what she thinks about Najib? Her answer is "He is a good leader but his time had passed"....

The conversation was once in a while joined in by her business partner who will make blatant remarks such as "He will put in money on those willing to join MUDA", "How do you cash out from such a site?", " Why never get associated to any political party?". That might not be the exact statements and questions but they sounded so. Off course, to stop the confusion, we have to clarify our position of having no interest to serve the people as our heart and soul are not there as well as the fact of not getting a formal invitation to join. Not comfortable with our ego, that is fine - the more we will attempt to destabilize the status quo.

We had very different things in mind...


...Our goal as usual is to search the future Prime Minister that will align to our aspirations. It is an open secret made public. We were also there with the hopes that the Chinese Ambassador or his representative will be at bay to discuss about "INNOVATIONS THAT WILL ASSIST CHINA KILLING THE UNITED STATES & EUROPE" option and how the spoils of war (obtained by destroying Western businesses and occupying lands) can be distributed. I know it sounds absolutely evil but to be blunt, the society today had always been built on an oppressed foundation anyway....

...No such thing as a Thucydides Trap if one side is ultimately superior in making the correct plans, predictions and calculations to justify an all out guarantee to win preemptive strike. OUR JOB IS TO PROVIDE ONE....

...For those who consider our overall readership is not significant enough and should reach a much wider audience, though we beg to differ - we seriously don't mind creating more dark characters from our writing and have this website made public than to be circulated only among the elites....


One thing interesting about this lady and her business partner is such that you will be puzzled over their political inclination (being an MCA member speaking about the Chinese shifting camps to DAP and now probably initiating to fund MUDA. Not him personally but he was emphasizing where the Chinese are exactly heading) or why they were even there in the first place. From a strategical point of view, it was laced with mysteries and unknown variables that stimulates our curiosity and intellect. So one of the blunt question we put forward is "Is your business partner having great hopes for this MUDA President as the Prime Minister?".

The question serve as guidance for us to gather a feedback what they had in mind for Syed Saddiq.

She had different things in mind. "It was more for future policy-making with regards to the Malaysian Chinese diaspora in the future time as they will be shrinking to a mere 20%.". Putting eggs in different basket from a perspective of a businessman but also a strong significance that they are willing to push for the rise of this young man. Understandable unless those businessmen were under someone such as us and China's No 1 who will cut them out completely if they don't comply to the cause. It has been a long time to find one which synchronized with our chain of thought or one who could communicate without being too sentimental as being a Chinese or pro China for a start. She even marked us as an autocratic figure and we agreed to her remarks. 

She had a few opposing view to ours. Mostly with regards for our support towards warfare. (This shouldn't be part of the section but it is imperative to point out the denial, uneasiness and un-readiness among Malaysians especially the Chinese diaspora with the idea of a World War three scale of warfare.)

1) There wouldn't be any war between China and the United States because both countries have people on both sides (including spying one another.) with Xi's family member being in the United States as well. We however then established the fact that none of his direct descendants are there which prompted her to reply us asking "How about the family members of the other CCP members?". We replied back in cold " Well, sometimes they are just collateral damage relatively to the greater good. Even I do not mind if my flesh and blood uncle is gone.". 

Families can be complicated.

2) Her belief that the CCP's main goal is to contain inner conflict due to the fact that most of the poor and uneducated ones will turn against the system preferring a democratic administration in the future.

We however do not find China to be in disadvantage because they have an autocratic system at the moment as Xi was very focus to consolidate China all the time especially the military section. The problem is the person who will be appointed after Xi. For someone who is paranoid - Xi had shown to be a tremendous leader which is the sole reason for the Western World boycott against China. An autocratic leader will boost the military at greater height because it can bypass the bureaucracy and red tapes. Democracy such as the United States is killing the United States slowly. That is why China had 100 Hypersonic test vs United States at 9 for the past five years. From a military and sovereignty point of view, China is winning the game. One of the ways to stop the people from turning against the administration is to find a common enemy and unite the people. United States is the best target and they are pushing the Mainland Chinese to unite. The Mainland Chinese realize and view the United States as the enemy of the Chinese. Their patriotism is at all time high. A moment when they can hold their heads high and being proud as a Chinese. We understand such feeling too but we don't dwell on it.

Obviously, she finds some of ours answers very disturbing. Alright, we will stop short of speaking contents from the horror genre.

The general wishes of the Malaysian Chinese Business Community can be summarized as the following

1) they want a time of economical peak with flourishing businesses such as the time under Barisan Nasional under Najib Razak but without Najib Razak. They are still uncomfortable with Najib Razak taking the helm of the nation. Though it doesn't make any sense, that is the overall feeling we gauge. 

2) they are still strongly attach to DAP more than MCA but wishing other parties such as MUDA or MAJU may take the leadership baton some day.

3) their approval rating on Ismail Sabri is very low and they are willing to bet on young faces such as Syed Saddiq due to the fact they believe he can be aligned to their interest.

4) they vouch for stability among all by putting a huge emphasis for good relationship with the Malay people and the Malay politicians but lack in understanding the heart and soul of the Malays in general.

5) they are supportive of a rising China with continuous support of Western products, philosophy, language and many others. The Western world will still serve for them as a safe haven for tertiary education, business, career opportunities and wealth management. China is mainly for huge business opportunities and a symbolism of a rising racial identity.

6) despite their strong Sino-solidarity, most are in denial, uneasy and unprepared if a US-China war or a Chinese invasion on Taiwan may take place out of the blue. 


Point 1) With that said, most are passive backers playing safe with all sides unlike us who are willing to make extreme backbreaking high risk deals by turning an unlikely and unwinnable candidate for the sake of an extremely high reward.

Our Military Industrial Complex ideology may not bode well with most. We are not enthusiastic with regards to their overall endeavor.







After receiving the general view of the Malaysian Chinese Business Community (just from that one middle aged lady), we prompted to observe if there is a strong future to mold MUDA although we have calculated at the back of our head (through our conversation with the lady) on the lack of synergy among PH leaders, the string of network behind Syed Saddiq and other obstacles that we are not squarely fond of. (We have explained through our WhatsApp to Liew Chin Tong on PH weaknesses and why it is a hectic to fix.)

...The payback running at the back of our head however was "Could there be a rising chance for our Military Industrial Complex to take foot if we try this endeavor and look it from a different facet? Is this a long term game by people with ties to the United States or Chinese Business Communities directly related to the Mainland?...

...Without hardly any effort, a few days later - the opportunity for a DAP Lim Kit Siang book signing session with special appearance by MUDA President was making the rounds on social media. Must be the Gods that make such arrangements. And like the Chinese say "Money is God"....

So we signed up for the registration. We came to assert our demands without wasting any time on formality. Liew Chin Tong is expected to have completed his homework on us. The intention was made clear on our WhatsApp messages to DAP Primary Strategist Liew Chin Tong a week before the event - persuading him to launch attack over their once political ally turned nemesis aka PAS in order to conquer the Malay Heartland. The reason to initiate such a motion will be reveal in small dosage in the WhatsApp we publish. (Refer Image 1 to 8. Image 9 & 10 are directly for Senator W advising his side to halt any political maneuvers detrimental to DAP for the time being due to the fragile political landscape in which General Election may ensue anytime with a single wrong move.)

The reason to weaken PAS is nothing personal but for pragmatic reasons

1) PAS had failed miserably in governing Kelantan and Terengganu relatively to other states in the Peninsula.

2) They spurn headlines that is repetitive and nonsensical relatively to Kit Siang and Mahathir.

Kit Siang's Motto : Najib * 1MDB
Mahathir's Motto : Najib * 1MDB

PAS Motto : "UMNO kena cuba terima BERSATU" (it sounds nothing short of a desperate old man hoping to get laid with a rich lady while keeping the younger mistress in another house.)

*Our Motto : Submit to our demands or we will attack.

3) PAS had the mentality (made through their speeches) which lack substance to the current world's standard. They are neither pro United States nor pro China. Their over inclination on religion (not G_d) is very appalling. 

4) They are a liability for Malaysian to move forward and it is evident that the Saudi Arabian prince did not have any respect for Hadi Awang. PAS is a drag for the country's image, sovereignty and national security. This needs to be reboot.

5) It would be extremely entertaining to watch DAP and MUDA trashing PAS at their core voters state aka Kedah, Kelantan & Terengganu. Even if they fail to trash, they have launch the first salvo. This is not about propagandizing at GE15 but a motion that should have started from now.

6) In order to put our strategical supremacy to test as a strategist, it is important for us to challenge ourselves if those sets of conditions can be turned around. It is nice to put this into test. Unfortunately, we don't see any signs of DAP & MUDA dare crossing this twilight zone. No signs so far of going directly into the Malay Heartland and launch a surprise political attack.

...To our disappointment, it seems that DAP does share some resemblance to Anwar who complains getting F seats. PH had completely lost their synergy when Mahathir & Muhyiddin dump the PH alliance. What a sad thing. Sad due to the fact that we have not much chances to use it against BN with just a flick of finger but one that requires a huge amount of work....

7) They don't look as potential candidate to support our Military Industrial Complex ideology. Therefore, this attack is imperative to make them succumb to our will.

8) They are adamant in their ways of politicking which we find it inferior and undeserving.

The atmosphere of the book signing event was purely a bubble among DAP political circles. Then it was the procession of political sanctimony, rhetoric and cliche. From an observer point of view, it was purely a Chinese oriented event with no key Malay representatives from PKR and AMANAH being present for the sake of PH solidarity. Those aligned to Mahathir and Shapie Apdal  were also missing. The underlying theme was multi-racialism and nation building with none other than Lim Kit Siang as the main character that will unify the country but lacking the soul to connect to the Malay people. Yes, with Syed Saddiq being present as the hope and expectations for what may come in the future.

There are four key points to take from this book-signing event

1) Najib and 1MDB weren't being mentioned at all. Finally Najib can have a rest.

2) The author who wrote the book on Kit Siang mentioned Mahathir as "You know who" who caused the rot in the Malaysian political system but opted mentioning the part that Syed Saddiq and Kit Siang were once allied to him.

3) Kit Siang in his final concluding remark didn't buy the argument that the old ones are useless and had to retire. (We would never agree to useless but retire???? Probably the reason for their support towards a 94 years old as Prime Minister.)

4) Members of the public especially youngsters from MUDA and DAP applauded thunderously when Kit Siang made the final remark. It seems they have been hypnotized. (So all this Huhuhaha of young political generation is to support a Prime Minister of what age precisely, Mr Syed Saddiq?)


Conclusion, the event in essence is a bone-marrow chilling political horror atmosphere where a convent led by an old vampire trying to groom generation of young political leaders to do their bidding. Our presence made us feel like we were vampire hunters paid with gold ingots who wanted to revolt the current status quo by an establishment of centuries old vampire. Clearly, it would be within the best of our interest to leave as soon as possible from this convent especially when his second in command and acting primary strategist wasn't showing any welcoming signs.

The End. (Perhaps it was all was part of our imagination.)


Point 2) With that said, perhaps the Chinese Business Community should consider pressing the reset button and observe DAP from different angle without any strong sense of misplaced sentiment.




We have been observing and testing politics for a while. Finding the right person that can click with you to join forces and make the conquest successful can be extremely hard especially for those that preferring to use attack mode. We, Rafizi Ramli and Lokman Adam share quite the similar aura and temperament. In Chinese metaphysics, this is define as seven killing or 7K - especially for one that loves to challenge and rattle a status quo to take over the top spot. Though the attack mode may differ and the result may be sublime between one and the other as there are hundreds of different 7K profiles.

Our opinion on MUDA is this ----> go show your true ability by conquering the Malay Heartland. However, from the book signing session which we opted for not getting it signed due to the repetitive political sanctimony, rhetoric and cliche all over again just like in GE 14, we cannot run away from the fact that we were pissed off. Hence, no signature was obtained.

If MUDA is not gaining momentum in the Malay Heartland, it will be quite a redundant party because UNDI 18 has not 100% materialized yet. PH is saturated with AMANAH and PKR at the moment for potential Malay urban candidates to contest. Adding MUDA into the equation will just make the seat distribution at the opposition camp much more competitive. The recent Malacca and Sarawak by-election had cause a huge discomfort on PH overall alliance. 


...Such competition when handle poorly like always will spark a mass exodus from PKR or AMANAH to form other coalition or they will be used as a breaking force to disrupt MUDA and DAP from making successful political maneuvers. Anwar and his team were known to make back hand deals with Zahid and it will be just an inch or two before the whole exodus may begin. When we state to revise the relationship in some of our WhatsApp messages, it is not about booting out an ally but redefining the dynamics with the ally or convince them to re-define their ambition and other more....

...What is the function of MUDA if it does not conquer the Malay Heartland? Are they going for urban areas initially contested by PKR and AMANAH? It has been established that PH is on the brink of collapse. Why is everybody in PH accelerating the process? How will the coalition be relabeled if PH is formally dissolved? Obviously, granted that MUDA is to entice young voters but it should be more about the young voters in the Malay Heartland and those in Malay Heartland that may be the source to spark a revolution in the Malay political demographics....

...What happens if MUDA is not part of PH or align to PH? Much worse. With PH, PN, BN and now MUDA, what are they aiming for actually? The Third or Fourth Force with Shafie and Mahathir? This is equivalent of PH 1.0 divided into 2. The 1 million invested on MUDA is already badly spent....

Suffice to point out the many reasons behind PH extremely hard to come back from the grave, let's analyze a small chunk of their political rhetoric and the reason it fails to deliver. Despite volumes on multi-racial agenda by Syed Saddiq plus his vouch to eradicate corruption, three simple questions will be suffice to shake DAP and MUDA to the core once again.

1) Since both sides vouched for multi-racialism, Malay fanatics will question if this is a miniscule step to eradicate Special Malay Privileges on the long run? What happens if a Food Panda (which are mostly Malays) riders come forward with this question? (in Malay)

"Bang, apa multi-racial ini semua? Ada hak istimewa orang Melayu pun, I masih duduk kerja Food Panda saja?."

"Kalau tujuan bukan nak cabut hak istimewa orang Melayu, tujuan multi-racial ini semua untuk apa? Sekolah multi-racial ada. University multi-racial ada. Islam pun multi-racial. Sekolah Cina ada, sekolah India ada. Makanan multi-racial ada."

"Jadi masalah multi-racial apa sebenarnya? Nak hasut atau apa?"

Please take the honor to explain the obsession with multi-racialism. If they fail to answer these questions, then what they are referring to is probably "Special Malay Privileges" and this is a sensitive topic that one shouldn't simply dwell even when they are not admitting it.

2) Since Syed Saddiq is strongly backed by the fundamentals of DAP which vouches to eradicate corruption from gambling dens to illegal activities, we are also wondering...

"If young voters (incited by UMNO youth or PKR youth) demand for an RCI and the Court of Justice to take action on " You know who" = Mahathir (as the author Kee Thuan Chay puts it as the person responsible towards Malaysian rot to the point of no return.) who is his ex-political mentor, will Syed Saddiq take him down in the name of justice?"

3) The last one will be a direct question on his political philosophy. (which we have elaborate extensively in one of our article entitled MUDA. In Malay.)

"Bang, kau ni masuk kerja gohmen pun kerana UMNO dan Melayu, jadi menteri pun waktu parti BERSATU dan Melayu angkat kau jadi menteri. Kalau kau multi-racial sangat, apasal kau tak join PKR atau DAP je dari dulu?"

"Kau cakap kau sokong BERSATU kena multi-racial. Perdana Menteri bukan orang Melayu pun OK lah tu. Patutlah orang cakap kau ni boneka DAP, Kit Siang dan Barat sebab Perlembagaan tak tulis Bukan Melayu boleh jadi Perdana Menteri. Senang je soalan ni, kau sokong tak Uncle Lim jadi Perdana Menteri? Boleh tak Uncle Lim jadi Perdana Menteri?"

All these questions are what the Malays label as "ditelan mati emak, diluah mati bapa". Let's see how DAP and MUDA will counter such a topic in the Malay Heartland. None of our Killer Moves will opt to discuss such inconsequential or back and forth stupid argument.

The reason some DAP politicians including MUDA are stuck on such a mindset is because the narrative (which had failed miserably) and the political direction had been dictated none other by the DAP Supremo Lim Kit Siang and his Number one Strategist Liew Chin Tong. Though their way of thought had been proven to be irrelevant during the Malacca and Sarawak by election which should have served them as clear cut evidence, it seems that they are still hanging on the same mindset with an innuendo of Mahathir still lurking around for their 2018 General Election victory.

Their political synergy is not in rhyme with our synergy. Therefore, we plan to drop the ball and let it go as powerful 7K like us will not lower our pride to deal with someone lacking impact worthy maneuvers. 



As we have sent the list of maneuvers to Chin Tong and he never tries to meet us directly despite we have always known that his aura had been rigid most of the time, it was a blatant insult. The WhatsApp messages are meant to serve two things. Submit and follow the flow or break and shatter. From the Chinese Astrological point of view, those with strong fire and water element could hardly get along with those of earth element. Either the earth will be soften, shattered or the water contaminated.

If it is the funding that is of serious concern on their side, this is worse because they have failed to help an aspiring wannabe Malaysian citizen defense contractor like us to achieve one baby step. If such a small maneuver even fails to meet an agreement, we doubt larger ones may even follow especially those that needs to deal with maneuvers much more complicated/complex with webs of intertwined agenda and bureaucracy spanning locally and globally amplified by the dynamics of intelligence, espionage, constant cyber surveillance, direct physical threat, new innovation and many more.








With all that said, one who can take control and win the heart, mind and soul of the Malay Heartland as well as being able to conjoin the Malays from Urban/Middle/Upper class spectrum in harmony will champion the Malaysian political landscape. 

While DAP and MUDA may forsake the list of strategical maneuvers to conquer Kelantan and Terengganu, perhaps it is time to reconnect with the Zahid camp who has been disgusted with PAS political infidelity all along. Perhaps Zahid wanted to unite PAS in Kelantan and Terengganu under the UMNO banner. It is also for the long term sake of Perpaduan Ummah.

Obviously, annihilating DAP stronghold in Selangor had never been opted out as well.  Just like trashing PAS in Kelantan and Terengganu will be fun using DAP. Ummah (not PAS as UMNO supporters are much larger than PAS) taking over Selangor might not be a bad thing after all and we consider such endeavors to be absolutely fun.


With UMNO General Assembly 2021 coming up, it is time to gauge the atmosphere on the set of Malay leaders that may rise or fall and how our participations with a list of unprecedented strategies, tactics and innovations may save, accelerate or overturn the odds for candidates to win or lose the popularity contest. As we have pointed out, those that the Malays support will control the Federal. With that said, the current Malay's heart and mind is on Bossku & UMNO Zahid but an unpredictable 7K like us will not sit idly for them to clutch the leadership baton without our blessings.



*Let's just say that Liew will receive higher approval rating from us if there is a more constructive attack mode being deployed. Up until now there is not much movement from his side. This suits his Eating God (Earth) Strategist profile which prefers to dwell and fortify on a fixated idea (Example : A better deal for all to New deal. Manifesto to action plan.). Such profiles are reliable trustworthy government officers during the time of stability but under a dynamic settings can be hardly relevant. While the DAP bubble hail Kit Siang as their hero, we are not too fond of  his leadership style until one day he turns into his ex-boss aka Lee Kuan Yew who had been known to be more Machiavellian in his approach. With all that said, let's just hope his young ewe won't end up as a sacrifice for the third time.


**7K on astrological chart includes Nurul Izzah, Rafizi Ramli, Lokman Adam and Rosmah Mansor. Observe Anwar's political decline when his key 7K left his side from Lokman Adam, Nurul Izzah to Rafizi Ramli. Observe the undying (yet) Najib Razak as both Rosmah and Lokman are right by his side until a more powerful 7K is waiting on the line to finish him off.

Obviously, we are just providing readers with simple analysis on basic astrological reading.


***Our theory on Lim Sian See. 1st one is Hilary Lim. 2nd one is Jae Senn (his name on the IC must have a Sian. Chinese names usually does not contain any Senn on their names). 3rd one would be obvious and it would be Eric See Toh. Should have been obvious from the past. Miss the second part.


****We would also like to inform Sharon Tan and the sophisticated lady Alisa (also Rosmah's aide) that they have done a wonderful job to disguise themselves in the public. We have also commented how your side could have improve your disguise for future plain sight "in your face" surveillance. (Image 11 & 12)

Suffice to say I am also assuming (since I reckon those above you are not particularly exceptionally intelligent) that your operation is just basic intelligence "standard operating procedure" by pretending that you are dealing with us to confuse other spies or blatantly surveying us from close distant as a form of intimidation. Such disguise tactic for surveillance is outdated . Have you girls watched BBC Sherlock Season 4 Episode 2 & 3 where Sherlock's sister Euros Holmes outplay both Dr John Watson and Sherlock with her disguises? Go and have a watch.

And both of you are not in love with me, right? (However if that is the case, it is very sweet. By the way, I have caught Sharon a few times. The BotakChin maneuver, he probably learn it from her.)

*****Is she your friend, Alisa? (Image 13) Or is she from other camps? There is a couple of things that can be deducted from the image. She first gave out the clue when she was on the train being nervous. There was a feeling that she needed to take a picture of us. When we gave her a single glaze, she closed her cleavage despite we were not looking at that direction. We purposely decided not to come down despite it was our routine last destination in order to observe what other maneuvers she had on hand. Couldn't believe it as she sat down with great intensity on her facial expression as if she needed to make a report about someone. Could have just went down straight away like many. This is probably what she had typed -


"OK, he never comes down from the train, I think he is heading to the next station. RED ALERT."


When I was at the next station (2nd last), I needed to go searching for the opposing train. There, "an out of place" woman had already been in the train probably being dispatched from the last station. She is just starting her day it seems - from the smell of her and her uncluttered neat clothing. Moronically, she came following us as well despite the fact that she could have just watched it afar from the train to avoid suspicion. There is a general rule that normally passengers from last station of that particular line will not go to the third last station especially around such hour . Why is it so? Have a thought about it. Please do your homework.

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