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Strategy Series 18 - The "AUKUS" Seed & The Slingshot Mechanism

Attention : MOD Hishammudin & Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yakob (We are glad that both of you are very focus in governing the country without getting too involved in the latest politicking between UMNO and BERSATU as we are the ones who could have the final say on the leadership baton transfer mechanism should a political impasse never ends. Rest assured that this configuration could still remain relevant after GE15 if we consented to. The labeling of UMNO or BERSATU are mere words. It is us who will give them depth and profound meaning to their existence.),Chinese and AUKUS Embassies




...We are the seed that pushes for the formation of AUKUS. We never engineer any of the operation. We were just pushing them to work together to execute our "blind spot technology". Seems it has gotten a little out of control and the inevitable arm race will soon materialize. Please read together with Series 19.


Only we can dismantle it's operation and render it down insignificant. Similarly, only we can help it grow to it's maximal capability....





The Financial Debunker's intention is no more secret. Our intention to remain significant, relevant, consequential or whatever correct vocabulary that is more appropriate to convey our true nature had been repetitively made to demonstrate our undying spirit to dictate the course of human history. 


Obviously, our die hard attempt to alter the Malaysian Political Landscape is due to our inability to reach certain international audience and elitists (presidents and their Intelligence advisors). Circles that will decide the fate of humanity.  Therefore, it is imperative to reach out and build a powerful circle locally prior to have the final deal reached out. Yet, due to the many variables involved, we might have to settle for other alternatives. (This would imply that if there aren't any political camps in Malaysia willing to align to us on the long run or require us to submit ourselves willingly without an iron clad agreement - we might have to let a noninterference fair political game to run it's course despite our inclinations towards some sides. Most probably a showdown between PH vs PN. In the event that team UMNO-15 had been showing strong signs of returning back to power, rest assured that we will act accordingly due to our mutual disdain. Therefore, it is imperative that we seek others that may accelerate our aspirations hopefully from the Indonesian side.)



...We are writing once again to Hishammudin Tun Hussein (we once wrote to his Defense Secretary also nephew Onn Hafizz Tun Hussein 4 years ago.) after his disinterest towards us during the tenure of Najib Razak. As a kind advice for his strong inclinations towards China, we wish him success in convincing the Chinese (Wang Yi and Wei Feng He. It is unfortunate if he is not looking forward to one as he had publicly made an announcement to visit China on AUKUS.) to take our technological innovation into consideration. Failure to do so is not an option. Sidestepping and turning a blind eye is also not an option. His side (along with Veronika Linardi - just as a reference and reminder which the Malaysian Proxies have failed, Veronika aided by her connections will be tasked to understand our aspirations and execute our will into realization. Failed us and we will fail you one day. A tit for tat.) should take the extreme precaution. Should there be a time that one is requested to choose side and the innovation falls at the hands of Washington, his side will be marked as Pro-Beijing. This will complicate a lot of things for his side if China is losing in her quest to contain the lost or close in the gap either in real warfare or military contention. There will be no room to argue on the grounds of abstaining from conflict. The matter of survival outweighs every decision making process. The radiation clouds choking mechanism will be impartial. 


Attempts had been made from Najib's administration to Mahathir and disappointingly (both administrations by Muhyiddin and Ismail) still remain unmoved without heeding our advice or setting up a pathway to materialize our dreams....







During the time of Najib Razak, we wrote a proposal which requires the specialties of HUMINT and SIGINT to intersect worldwide's TELCO. This brief proposal was offered to Uncle Kentang (aka Kuan Chee Heng) as he was close to the Ex Police Chief Khalid Abu Bakar, he was enthusiastic during the meeting but had no follow up later on.


With the correct methodology and setup, Gmail and WhatsApp would be hijackable. In other words, many more websites and platforms which depended on Gmail could be compromised. With a stronger coordinated attack, TELCO systems could be shut down prompting advantages to those in control of the attack. This is more devastating than data harvesting or selective targeting on key individuals.




Part 2




The human thoughts/intentions and inclinations changes over time. So is our viciousness which constantly heightened towards the point of innovating the most unimaginable disaster and beyond. All in order to ensure that the world is at our feet. (The mind is the most powerful tool - it can turn fantasy into reality if one believes on it's power and limitless potential.). During Mahathir's 2.0 (under Deputy Defense Minister Liew Chin Tong) era, we were very convinced (through revelations after revelations) that the US-China military contention can be determined of it's devastating outcome. This implies the possibility to alter the odds of the inevitable contention by focusing on "blind spot technology". Let's consider this as David's slingshot in defeating the Goliath. We named this as Project E.T.A.


The deal offered to the Malaysian administration before the fall of Pakatan Harapan. (Image 1 to 7)


...We aren't asking for a Manhattan Project, it may be a much simpler executable slingshot but with the correct configuration - a Goliath may collapse. As an example, a more advanced Covid-19 cross Ebola hybrid that may devour half of the human population. So size had nothing to do with the most effective method to inflict damages....


*Malaysia had summoned Beijing's ambassador after the latest sea incursion (Not that we are supporting Beijing as our goal is far from supporting any side), yet, what is Malaysia planning to do if the incursions keep stepping up in months or years to come? Side Western powers? If they lose? Who will foot the bill?








Thanks to Mahathir 2.0 (Readers will understand the reason for our more forgiving tone towards Mahathir and his factions despite all of his shortfalls.) of that period (especially Wan Fayhsal) had arranged some ambitious events for Harimau Asia. A drone demonstration was provided by a UK Defense Contractor (Dr Pippa Malmgren - daughter of Harlad Malmgren. An adviser to four consecutive US presidents.). We got her number and a little more on the proposal was revealed to her side (Image 8 & 9). We were adamant in pushing the technology only to the United States through British MI6. Basically saying, the British will only act as an agent to persuade the US military. Constant WhatsApp to Australian representative in Malaysia (Image 10) and their circle had constantly been made. In order to encourage a rising Anglo Solidarity Alliance, we wrote to Henry Jackson Society too (Image 11 a,b). The American Embassy in Malaysia had been constantly contacted (Image 12. We will contact the Physicist from University Malaya (Image 13) too as a mediator with the US Embassy. Please take note that the discussions will not involved him and the US to gauge what we had in mind. It will be a discussion on executing the iron clad agreement. This includes retaliating AUKUS in the event our deal aren't fulfilled.).



...Since a couple of our personal circle keeps persuading us to align to China base on Sino-solidarity (Image 14 to 16 - Read at own's discretion. The writing is very disturbing but it is nothing other than our true feeling.), we will contact Prof Danny Wong Tze Ken of UM to liaise with the Chinese Embassy. (Image 17, let's see how the Mainland Chinese will respond to a Banana Chinese.)....



One of Mahathir's advisor's son who also happened to be a very close associate to Sultan Nazrin was initially tasked by us to plead on our behalf to Chinese top leadership including Xi Jin Ping or top personnel of the Chinese military (prior to the Covid-19 breakout. He even enquire us about virus.). To no avail, there isn't any responses. We even invited him to do our bidding in meeting up with Miri Eisin of IDF (Image 18) which he was uncomfortable due to his strong affiliations with the Chinese Leadership cliques. Well, who knows if he had made a choice like us. The event was cancelled due to COVID-19.


Just like planting seed in Malaysian Political Landscape, we have been planting seeds to alter the World's Geopolitical Landscape as well. Who are we (being NO ONE) other than just going around planting seeds?...










The AUKUS alliance is necessary considering China's naval fleet expansion emphasizing on SSBN and their latest milestone technological improvement supported by their geopolitical dominance through the artificial islands.


1) It is suffice to conclude that this particular alignment will probably (as the article puts it on the feasibility for Australia to convert the "nuclear fueled submarines" into SSBN) puts more SSBN in the Indo-Pacific region. This is what China fears most. An armed conflict near it's shore.


2) With Australia coming near to achieve their SSBN, this arm race had spawned new ambitions for South Korea partially owing to North Korea's rising capability in developing their own SSBN


Owing to millennial of geographical and geopolitical heritage between China and the Korean Peninsula - the dynamics of the Korean Peninsula going offensive against China is probably off the records at the moment.



...However, let us provide some kind warning to China (including US and their allies) that your side have no idea how the tide can turn against you....








Talking to people hadn't been more annoying as they lack imagination in grasping the situation and the endless possibilities of an event. Maybe we have been watching too much of The Matrix and Marvel Cinematic Universe. Let's list some of the slingshots that could possibly bring US or China down in one go (All fictional. Maybe some had potentials to be realized one day. Or have been realized without making them a public knowledge.)

0) Covid-19 Delta variant x Ebola hybrid

1) Satellite that could detect submarines from any depth

2) Mind controlling mechanism applied at those with Nuclear Codes

3) A compulsive liar bluffing his way all up to the White House and Beijing

4) Miniaturized arc reactor

5) Red mercury

6) An illusionist

7) Super Soldier Serum
8) Zombie viruses
9) Shapeshifters
10) Micro drones



So what is the slingshot is our side offering? The answer is yours with the right compensation.



*Geopolitical Updates Good response to counter Xi Xi P, Kudos. have said so long time ago. 

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