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 Strategy Series 16 - The Bitch Named Karma (Senjata Makan Tuan)

*What befalls the Disastrous Duo (Najib and Zahid) is a classical case of "Karma is a Bitch" or in quite a similar context "Senjata Makan Tuan" (when your weapon endangers you) despite the cries by the Duo of Allah, Masjid (Mosque), Quran, Sumpah Laknat (curses) or whatever attempts they try to portray themselves as pious. Published (with corrections) - 31 August 2021 at 00.00


**Abdul Latiff Bandi (an Ex-Johorean UMNO Exco) & the Duo had their reversal of luck when governments rise and fall. One was slapped with 37 AMLA (Anti Money Laundering Act) charges when Barisan National (BN) was in reign and was freed a year later when Pakatan Harapan (PH) came to rule. The Duo on the other hand was slapped with charges when PH came into power with hanging questions if they will ever see the lights to their cases. With Zahid making informal statement that he had indeed press the matter for a royal commission of inquiry on "political interference" in judiciary to the Prime Minister (with no formal statement from the current Prime Minister as of yet.), it is a matter of time before this RCI will be used as a political leverage or apparatus for the Duo's ambition and maneuver (Hopefully they change their mind.). For those who are wondering if Zahid and Najib are charged under AMLA, more links to follow (1), (2).







The reason for the publication of this not so short write up is to discuss the most probable outcome of the RCI. Bearing in mind that the one adamantly pressing hard for this RCI to be established was by Zahid (definitely with his ex-Boss Najib) himself, it seems that his intentions will be nothing but as clear as putting a fault on Pakatan Harapan (under Mahathir of 22 months) or blame the whole ongoing affairs stemming from the time of BN Mahathir himself (days before he committed into PH during his 22 years tenure in UMNO). The script is all set out with Tommy Thomas (under DAP) and Mahathir to take the fall. In an attempt to put up with Malay solidarity, perhaps all the blame will be shifted on Tommy Thomas and DAP. Yet the question to ponder is this - Is such blaming maneuver even logical?


Unless the findings by the RCI is only to serve as a formality (with blessings by the Prime Minister) with the pre-determined outcome of "none of the claims are true" or "inconclusive", it is very likely that the RCI is 1)  politically motivated to put the fault on Mahathir to save Zahid and Najib by winning the next election through public opinion or 2) as an apparatus for future political leverage to pull Ismail Sabri's from under the rug if this RCI is not inclined to the desired outcome initiated by the UMNO President himself and the predecessor before him. The burden on Ismail is tremendous as Najib had put on his Facebook a 100 days countdown to measure his performance. An RCI unchecked will be another strike by Team Najib to make another attempt to rattle this administration until it falls. What would be his propaganda this time? Failed Recycle Government? And when it falls, it all depends whether Ismail could still hang on and be the Prime Minister or in the case of losing majority - election will ensue. With potential election at bay - this opens up a range of possibilities. One of the conundrum will be the following


...Will Zahid sign for Ismail to contest under the UMNO's banner? (More discussions in the next section.)...


While it is very clever of the Duo to keep highlighting the injustices of selective prosecution and creating political instability to back their ongoing political maneuvers - perhaps they have forgotten that the political interference they are requesting the Prime Minister to investigate had been an apparatus they once enjoyed in the prosecution of Abdul Latiff Bandi who was slapped with 37 charges under AMLA in 2017.


Taking the lights of impeding future political mischiefs by the Duo, The Financial Debunker implores the new administration under Ismail Sabri to look thoroughly into the 37 AMLA charges during the peak of the administration ran by the Duo if the RCI is established in the future time.


This short write up is also meant to be a strong reminder that should the blame be directed solely towards Mahathir alone (@ 94 now) or Pakatan Harapan without a finger pointing back at Barisan National, it would be a gross miscarriage of justice as the Duo (both at their pinnacle of their careers) is undoubtedly instrumental in using the MACC in 2017 to their advantage - if one follows the logical process of their mindset for blaming the PH administration. As an UMNO man (acting as the Prime Minister) trying to unveil selectively chain of skeletons inside the closet (if one tries to follow the advice by Zahid), it would be wiser to have the this chain of skeletons just buried deep inside the ground before a chain of unprecedented events that may follow. 

...Karma is a bitch and TFD is adamant to see this bitch (sorry to all the women out there) runs wild in order for her dreams to comes true. By the way, what sickening cowardly G-dly (Najib asking his comrades to repent. Who are you? G-d?) moral standing does the Duo have to denounce any of the charges when a small fry like Abdul Latiff Bandi was slapped with 37 AMLA charges?...

*Since, it wouldn't be fair towards Najib and Zahid, TFD have prepared their favourite lines for them to do a cursing oath (Sumpah Laknat) inside the mosque of their choice. It should be straightforward.



"Saya Najib Razak dan Zahid Hamidi bersumpah (laknat kepada semua yang fitnah kami) bahawa kami tidak terlibat menzalimi Abdul Latiff Bandi - seorang bekas EXCO UMNO Johor dengan pendakwaaan terpilih sebanyak 37 pertuduhan AMLA oleh MACC ketika pentadbiran kami sebagai Perdana Menteri dan Timbalan pada tahun 2017. Wallahi Wabillahi Watallahi." (Swear it like a man under the name of G-d that during your time in 2017, you did not recognize such atrocity.)









Coming back to "Will Zahid gives the blessing for Ismail to contest in GE15 under UMNO's banner?", this will be a more complicated approach depending on who is more conniving with a swift lethal hatchet at hand when the time comes. Let's come back to this later.


Let's talk about the first 100 days. Najib and Zahid will not attack Ismail before 100 days. Such premature strike could be disastrous. The first 100 days will be the observational period to record failures, misconducts and mistakes by the government under Ismail. Najib will throw a kind advice once a while. Now if Ismail picks it up, Najib will be seen as the one with vision which comes back to the question "Why must Ismail continues to lead as Prime Minister?". If Ismail never picks them up like the case of Muhyiddin with conditions going from bad to worse, Najib will launch his strikes once again. And another repeat of the Muhyiddin downfall will be at bay.  The only way out for Ismail is to demonstrate that he and his team will make the right call each time before any suggestions from Najib himself.


However, will Najib lose his appeal before 100 days or will the government under Ismail first to crumble when nearing it's 100 days expiry time? If both survive, will Ismail's government survives GE 15? What comprises Ismail's government in GE 15? Is Zahid willing to sign for their candidacy (the UMNO members strongly inclined to Muhyiddin) when he had accused them of treachery? How will Bossku fits into this especially being as one of Pahang's royal subject? Or will all of them including Ismail receives candidacy under Muhyiddin and BERSATU in the end? Will the people vote for another government under Ismail once again?


What is the opposition's end game in GE 15? Why do the people need to vote the opposition if they will be conjoined with the administration any way? What is Lim Guan Eng's Big Tent approach? How is the thinkers in PKR and DAP will map out the next GE 15? What are they trying to sell? This is not adding the fact that they have bailed out on their manifestos as well as their ongoing detachment from their stance on Chauvinist Chinese politics. Will this be enough to offset the perceived failure by the current administration? Will the opposition be more pandering to Malay solidarity or will they come back to their roots? Why must vote DAP and not MCA if both parties will negotiate with the Federal by the end of the day? As PH won't be governing anyway or had very slim chances to return to power unless the power of youth swings to their side, does this implies that the country is moving towards the direction of a systematic dictatorship? (Not too sure whether is for better or worse as it can be relative and subjected to point of view.) How will the RCI rattles the opposition and public perception on the opposition? How will Ismail present the findings of the RCI if there is one? Base on the exact truth? Selective truth? Misdirection? Or a formality to be swept under the carpet? All these must be factor out.


...Will there be a three cornered fight as predicted by Liew Chin Tong or it would be a one to one straight fight? (Ismail, Muhyiddin and Hamzah would have a plan in this.) If it is a straight fight, will UMNO camps aligned to Bossku and Zahid back PKR and DAP, abstain or stay on course with Ismail on the grounds of Malay solidarity? This will be interesting when the time comes....


On the other hand, how will the UMNO election unfolds? Will Ismail contests against Zahid for Presidency? If Zahid loses, it would be a simple case. If Zahid wins, where would Ismail puts his political honor? Will Zahid retires and paves way for Ismail?

Will Zahid announces Tok Mat as UMNO's choice as Prime Minister to counter Ismail and boost his own's odd to retain his Presidency? (Especially when Ismail's administration with blessings from Muhyiddin performs badly according to the Bossku. UMNO President backs Tok Mat and BERSATU President backs Ismail - will this turn into reality?)


How will the RCI fits into all this? How will the decision by the RCI affects the political dynamics in UMNO? Will Zahid launch stronger salvo against Ismail if the RCI or it's outcome is not in favor of his political dominance? Will there be a swift counterstrike to kill off the political careers of the "Court Clusters" forever? Or will there be concessions granted to them in exchange for other political support? Nevertheless, in the event of a concession, how will this fit into Mahathir's and Muhyiddin's agenda? Will we witness more interesting political intrigues in the future? Can the RCI be shockingly not in favor to Najib's and Zahid's popularity and political dominance?


All these questions will be an extremely lengthy discussion which obviously could be easily mapped out assuming there is enough time. Finally, how will we (The Financial Debunker) fit into all of this? Like always, only those who seek our blessings will be the next administration (if we plan to interfere). For us, those who possesses Wrecking Ball 2,3,4,5 & 6 are the ones that will receive the leadership baton.



...Our final words, as AMLA had been demonstrated as "senjata makan tuan" in the case of Najib and Zahid, so can the RCI if the findings were found that the Duo had been manipulating MACC in 2017 with no reports to follow in 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021. All in the hands of the Prime Minister (since he will be the one who appoints the members for the commission. Refer to the RCI involving VK Lingam for case study.) to set up an RCI not in favor of Najib and Zahid by using Abdul Latiff Bandi as an example. That is why it is imperative to seek the blessings from TFD before making any decisions....


*Classified Articles (Global)


CA 1) List of CIA operators Worldwide 


CA 2) List of Chinese Spies Worldwide


CA 3) China's Secret Bases Worldwide


CA 4) The "TRUE" origin of COVID-19


CA 5) Pulsa De Nura Ultimate Version. The more advanced version that will ensure the target (and circles) to cross the earthly realm within a 14 days period without any physical contact made (despite all the Secret Services, Intelligence Services, Surveillance Unit and military forces are deployed to constantly monitor and assess the individual for risk.). Reserve specifically for the first and second most influential person (and maybe some extremely high net worth individuals) in the world. Ranging from A,00,000,000 to AB,000,000,000 USD.


...While most Pulsa De Nura are myth and hardly exist, The Financial Debunker guarantees the efficacy of our version. Initial deposit required. Full payment to be made after the operation is successful....

CA 1) 2) 3) and 4) requires the purchaser to sign a 15 years confidential technological contract with our side.


**Classified Articles (Malaysia) 


CAM 1) Strategy to win Northern Peninsula (Kedah, Kelantan & Terengganu.) in GE 15


CAM, 2) Strategy to win Urban States (Johor, Penang and Selangor) in GE 15


CAM 3) The Ultimate Guide to Chinese Voters in GE15


Some articles will correlate with the Wrecking Ball series. Prices of articles (plus those unlisted) subject to availability and negotiations. Full payment to be made after GE 15. Initial deposit required. Let's simplify a little bit. If PH purchases CAM 1), they had significantly much higher chances to win Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu which they would have a tough fight on most elections. If BN or PN purchases CAM 2), it would be the vice versa. CAM 3) is a strategy to do a mirror effect. Assume Gerakan or MCA taking most of DAP and PH seats with strong Chinese presence.

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