Inteligence Series 13 - Soekarno & The Sea Goddess
19 November 2020
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
The Financial Debunker
Strategy Series 3 - The Blue Wedding
*It is more elegant to describe the whole affair as the Blue Wedding (aka the Sheraton Move which led to the implosion of the Malaysian ruling coalition Pakatan Harapan (aka PH), vehemently warned in some of our articles that a constant push and pull will lead to a fallout. Despite of numerous advisers, strategists and analysts altering the pieces across the chessboard, it is still quite bizarre that both sides could be so oblivious for not considering all the possibilities that may follow as they succumbed to their egoistical overconfident proclivity.).
**The Malaysian Political Implosion of 2020 courted the attention of The Guardian. The sensational headline "Royal Coup" was made across the UK. Though the title was absolutely preposterous, what transpired during the event can be considered as implosion that led to a "Royal Maneuver". The image of the Blue Wedding was taken from Dr Wan Azizah's Facebook posted on the Sunday 23rd of February at 1pm (Azmin's camp started gathering in Sheraton around 5pm). May her attendance at that memorable wedding remind her (and the Anwars, the Mahathirs and the rest of PH) for the rest of her life to stop repeating the same political blunder all over again.
...The Blue Wedding was none other than a coordinated camouflage to weaken Anwar's support as the Mahathir's camp was continuously taunted by Anwar's faction demanding Mahathir to fulfil his promise of a handover dateline. The luxurious wedding was graced by the King (aka the Agong, Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri'ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah ibni Almarhum Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Al-Musta'in Billah) himself. A week later, the King found out that none of the two leaders had the acknowledged support of the required 112 Statuary Declarations as some purported supports turned out to be overlapping (this will be explained thoroughly in The Convoluted Plot section.). This decision created a time frame for the third candidate to swap in and claim the desired role. It will be very hard for us to discern if this was done intentionally or otherwise but our instinct seems to prone to an orchestrated event. A very dramatic episode indeed....
What went smoothly and foolishly well were the media putting less emphasis on the wedding episode and went straight to Sheraton (the main distraction) itself, immediately putting the main mastermind and the executioner from the public sight. A journalist asked Lim Guan Eng if he was aware of the Sheraton move (aka Langkah Sheraton) and that was the first time the move was specifically mentioned.
The question surrounding this whole affair was - why didn't the King pushed for the dissolution of the Parliament, instead allowing a third candidate to claim the role? Is he trying to bid some time for a candidate of his choice to ascend? This article will provide the correct insight.
***Here is the chronology of the event.
(Events on Saturday should have been put on a Friday. The four events on Saturday are mainly repetitive headlines quoted by BERNAMA concerning the decisions made by the Pakatan Harapan Presidential Council meeting on Friday night 21 February that continue until the midnight (early morning of Saturday 22 February). Unless, an instrumental force had been present to divert the Blue Wedding from the public attention, such a goof should have been avoided by sources of reliable repute.)
More images from a Malaysian website obsessed with luxurious Malaysian weddings.
****The Financial Debunker is a very annoying force. It is our style to paint the interweaving events accordingly to our taste.

The King sits in the middle between the bride and the groom. The ones in purple are the Sultan of Kedah and his queen. The ones in pink are the Crown Prince of Kedah and his wife. Mahathir and wife on the left. Anwar and wife on the right.
Image taken hours before Azmin's event in Sheraton Hotel to set up a new government.
On another note, where is the Queen?
...Let's have a short discourse on the Game of Thrones first....
Anyway you slice it, Game of Thrones finale was an anti-climatic let down for most fans driven by their great expectation for the series. Many could not fathom the reasons behind the dragon queen's (who shared her incestuous love affair with the last male heir of the Targaryean/Stark bloodline) driven madness to burn down King's Landing and their citizens. In contrast to the Red Wedding which imparts fans a mixed sense of utter disgust from the portrayal by Walder Frey and the craving for revenge/justice towards the Freys/Boltons for leading the brutal demise of Robb Stark and his family during the wedding, the Purple Wedding was widely memorialized as a cruel retribution towards Queen Cersei Lanister and her sadistic son (prince Joffrey Baratheon, bored out of incest with her brother Jamie Lanister. Incestuous affair had been the main recurring theme in the Game of Thrones.).
Many would agree that the Red and Purple Wedding fuels the fans for expecting better episodes to come. The long awaited finale was definitely not worthwhile and many would have considered the series as terrible as crashing down. The fans were completely driven into an unappeased incomprehensible chronicles, only to gain some inspiring insight after witnessing the grin from Brandon Stark (who might have been planning things from the start.).
...In many ways, despite the lack of gore, blood and murder to the Red and Purple Wedding, the Blue Wedding do evoke some sense of political betrayal, deception and illusion to the many (on what actually come to pass during the political turmoil). One may wonder if the mastermind or masterminds ever watched Game of Thrones to draw daggers during the wedding. Up until then, the concoction seems to result in a miscarriage just like the other two fictional weddings....
Malaysian politics went through a series of stresses and strains, the inevitable showdown between Mahathir-Anwar came to a boiling point, a day before Mahathir's grand daughter Allyana Mukhriz Mahathir Cheah's wedding. The ruling coalition PH Presidential Council meeting of that time was clearly the awaited moment as many from Anwar's faction had openly endorsed their support and demanded Mahathir to gave a handover dateline. To many surprises (not us), Mahathir stood still defying any strong attempts by the council for a specific date. Yet many were disappointed and despite the whole fracas of smiles and acceptance, both sides knew that they needed to make the correct strike.
...However, it seems that a quick Plan B (it doesn't matter whether it was Rafizi's Plan B, William Leong's Plan B or it was an idea intentionally brought to Anwar's attention.) was on the way with rumors that Anwar will seek an audience with the King in pledging his loyalty and asserting his claim for the Prime Minister role by presenting a list of candidates that had signed the Statutory Declarations in support of him to ascend as the Prime Minister on the following Monday....
Is the above rumors true? We have no idea. It might be a "disinformation" to justify the Blue Wedding Strategy. Another thing to put in question, who foolishly persuaded Anwar to request seeking audience with the King? Why was Anwar convinced that the King would backed him? Who purposely leaked the information out to Mahathir in order to create the correct situation for an implosion? Politics is more than a script by NetFlix, it would even take an extremely intelligent artificial intelligence to make the correct deduction base on every of the character's behavior.
Whatever the answer may be, Mahathir and Anwar were destined to be pitted strongly against one another.
...A day after the Presidential Council meeting on the Friday, Anwar and his wife Dr Wan Azizah attended Mahathir's grand daughter's wedding in Shanghai Ri La hotel on a Sunday afternoon. Her wedding dress as blue as water is a pretty decent way to exhibit the very dynamic, fluid and sometimes blurry nature of Malaysian politics that followed thereafter. As the memorable wedding bride and groom were blessed by the King, neither sides realized that the King was the victor in the Blue Wedding. Unbeknownst to Anwar, Mahathir's loyalist Syed Saddiq, Muhyiddin Yassin and Azmin Ali were starting to organize events in Sheraton (about 5pm and dinner held around 8pm) by having dinners with UMNO, MCA, MIC, PAS and Azmin's faction in PKR. Despite the silence by all sides, MIC President splurged out to the public that 1) BERSATU had left PH and 2) Azmin will leave to join BERSATU with UMNO's secretary general Annuar Musa proclaiming PH is as good as dead. The truth soon materialized on Monday with PH formally collapsed as BERSATU decided to leave PH.
Was Mahathir really unaware and impervious of the Sheraton Move by Azmin, Muhyiddin and Syed Saddiq?...
We anticipated a NO. The initial move was to unite UMNO, PAS, BERSATU and Azmin's faction of PKR, shockingly together with DAP (but they were kept in the dark or most were kept in the dark. Together with AMANAH.). Such a move is consistent with Mahathir's wish to have a united government, while strategically weakening and countering Anwar's grasp for his ascension. Note that Sabah and Sarawak parties were left out from the deal in the beginning. In the beginning, this was a peninsular affairs. Why were they initially left out? It is all about securing the dominant Malay-Muslim political bloc (more will be explained in greater length in The Convoluted Plot.). The rest will follow suit thereafter. Not to mention that their sudden participation flying all the way from Borneo to the Peninsula will trigger more questions.
After a series of self denial episodes, many including Anwar had come to the senses that the mastermind behind all this may be (directly or indirectly) his once long time nemesis. Finally Mr Que Sera Sera revealed in an interview that "He could not trust Mahathir at the moment".
THE CONVOLUTED PLOT (and the political equations)
The Blue Wedding was conceived by the grand master of politics himself (or someone initially aligned to him) to thwart Anwar. Both were naive to take into account that both had enough Statutory Declarations to be presented to the King.
Our previous article highlighted that the current political landscape is very dynamic and trust is a very valuable commodity. That is analogously what transpired during the Malaysian political turmoil, some of the SDs turned out to be overlapping with candidates signing the declaration for both Anwar and Mahathir. There might be counterfeit Statutory Declarations in circulation - gearing up the psychological game of deception to a much higher phase. Due to the flimsy supports for both sides and the sudden pull of support from the majority PAS UMNO (which may have been enticed, coerced or persuaded by Azmin and Muhyiddin's faction) bloc demanding Mahathir to severe ties with DAP in order for Mahathir to submit to PAS and UMNO after the Mahathir-Anwar rift widened, this complicated the initial support that Mahathir was perceived to have. As the mastermind of the Blue Wedding was preparing a smokescreen to befog Anwar and make the necessary alliance, the Malay-Muslim bloc dominated by Azmin, Muhyiddin, Zahid, Hamzah Zainuddin and Hadi Awang were preparing a smokescreen for Mahathir such that if Mahathir did not severe ties with DAP, the deal to support Mahathir for ascension is basically over.
...It does not matter whether Mahathir was tricked or Mahathir demanded for Mukhriz to be vouched as one of the top person in the alliance with his request denied. The fact is Mahathir had lost his momentum to game the system. Despite Anwar is of an inferior position to Mahathir, Anwar's bid in pushing Mahathir ultimately led to the collapse unless Mahathir had been more ruthless in his conduct, which he didn't....
Mahathir knew that even if he conceded to the Malay-Muslim bloc's demand, there is no guarantee that he will prevail till the end. Mahathir trusted DAP more than the shaky alliances that has the tendency to make and break alliances at mere convenience. Mahathir were preparing his version of smokescreen to bring DAP into the fold should the alliance with the large Malay-Muslim bloc became a success. Mahathir knew that his chances to outfox this 5 (Azmin, Muhyiddin, Zahid, Hamzah Zainuddin and Hadi Awang. Probably another faction will emerge in UMNO due to Muhyiddin's selection methodology in his current cabinet - with UMNO pro Zahid composing of UMNO top leadership without ministerial position and Hishammudin's comprising UMNO with ministerial position and those that condone to Muhyiddin's way of governance.) factions controlling the Malay-Muslim bloc will not be easy without DAP. DAP leaders who tend to look up to Mahathir would be easy to politically aligned themselves with Mahathir than the likes of Azmin, Muhyiddin, Zahid, Hamzah Zainuddin and Hadi Awang. To some extent, this is quite the case. Due to the continuous change in fragile political alliances and the country's future outlook due to the turmoil, the Agong had the constitutional support to question the legitimacy of the Prime Minister as well as the one claiming to have the support, thus the only fair solution is to hold an interview with the 222 Members of Parliament. The King went on with the interview and both turned out to have less than 112 votes. This provides the King an opportunity (perhaps some politicians could take up the opportunity.) to create a time frame, and with the right time and right push, a new candidate could emerge in order to swerve in and win the game, which is why our article previously have stated explicitly - methods that will lead to suicidal implosion.
...Anyway, what are the obscure forces that materializes the implosion....
0) The Silencer
The grand master who orchestrated or condone to the move was unaware and underestimated that a misstep may allow the silencer (Even the best snipers employ Sun Tzu's Art of War. In order to shoot a target, it is best to be conducted in silence. Hence, why the silencer was created in the first place. Didn't we keep iterating in our articles such that in order to make a successful bid, it is imperative to strike as silent as night and fall like a thunderbolt? Like the silencer, Muhyiddin waited and shot silently at the right time, precisely within the scoped as advised by Sun Tzu three thousand years ago. About a week before his ascension, he was the acting mediator between Anwar and Mahathir on the handover dateline, trying his best to put the implosion at bay. Being present at that time gave him room to grasp the situation and overturn the odds to his sides. So the Malays had a saying "Don't assume that still waters are absence of predators". Here is a clear cut example of Sima Yi planning his moves correctly.) to shoot the trophy.
To his shock (he might have anticipated it but he never thought that Muhyiddin would be brave enough to make the call.), Muhyiddin was in a better position to compromise with UMNO and PAS. Muhyiddin knew that he will not receive the amount of political support he deserves in PH owing to his image as an Ultra Malay with the constant overshadowing by Mahathir and Anwar. His Ultra Malay stance made him a docile force to PAS and UMNO but also malleable to be incorporated into the alliance. Why was Muhyiddin the king maker in the end and not Azmin? The answer is simple, UMNO and PAS realised that Azmin's faction alone is not sufficient to implode PH, Muhyiddin was required to lead the main flock in BERSATU which consists of 8 MPs under him while the rest of the flock was led by Hamzah Zainuddin who commanded 13 of UMNO's defectors from UMNO into BERSATU. Hamzah Zainnudin's presence also speaks of potential alliance and perhaps a merging with UMNO on the long run. As much as PH grassroots are still daydreaming with their half-baked unrealistic political fantasy which does not reached the general public especially the Malays in rural area, Malaysian politics is still about Malay-Muslim duality at the moment.
...Are we alluding that the Malay-Muslim bloc would be a disastrous concoction for the country or implying statements in any ways that it would be worse than the ruling side 2 years ago? Please read carefully between the lines. The answer is NO but on the question of the role of the Non-Malays in the society, they would be at their mercy. Thus begs the crucial question on multiracial trust and a long-term healthy society outlook. However, the PH administration had also failed miserably in uniting the country better during their time, it is time to give this new alliance a chance....
Let's come back to the significance of Muhyiddin Yassin. Have we heard Muhyiddin ridiculing PAS and UMNO or Najib at an obsessive timely basis like Mahathir or Lim Kit Siang? NO, in fact, alliances had been forged secretly with them or at least a sense of limited solidarity were understood.
Observe the political script orchestrated by UMNO and PAS - the Inspector General Police Hamid Bador will always be constantly attacked in the cyber space with Muhyiddin left out. Why is Lim Guan Eng and DAP targeted but not Muhyiddin? Malay solidarity and it was initially scripted from the beginning in order to preserve Malay unity. What make things worse is Guan Eng's tendency in making unpopular statement and decisions that seems antagonistic to the Malay-Muslim views.
The greatest misstep however was Mahathir's Be All and End All (will be explained thoroughly in Part 3)).
1) The Financial Debunker's Political Awareness
Are we aware of it?
Off course.
Is it annoying?
Yes, as we need to look into the chessboard and make new evaluations.
Why didn't we announced this plot or possibility of the plot?
a) For a start, politicians had a propensity for chiding the media for making speculations or reports that is detrimental to their repute. There were times when Anwar and certain leaders from PH blamed the media for instigating the handover dateline. Such hypocritical demeanor doesn't really go well with our aspirations. If The Financial Debunker had revealed our analysis, there is a possibility that our site will be branded as an instigator. Therefore,it would be best to leave this chapter un-turned until the time comes.
In fact we had met Muhyiddin's No 2, who is currently the leader for BERSATU in Selangor. He is also another silencer. Not much can be gauged of him from the surface. Two lines were uttered to him and an OK was the only response. The message by his security was very clear "He is the second man to Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.". Let's just suffice to say we wouldn't dare to question even if it was in our mind at that time "Did Tan Sri had the ambition to overtake the Prime Minister position?". There were unusual signs of him and his boss in such a way that led us to absolute confusion whether some of the invitations including the rescinding of invitations were orchestrated by whom (Mahathir? Muhyiddin? Random? Mahathir and Muhyiddin?). The gestures that were oddly kind but slightly out of place put us in a more puzzling phase. As we were not bold enough to question the reasons to their decisions, we were only left with the armchair and the brain. Layers by layers somehow reveal that the character seems to be extremely careful in his maneuvers. Crossing the path of vehicles suspected to be aligned to a particular UMNO warlord after the event raised our eyebrows further. Perhaps, a secret alliance or bridging for an alliance was on the way or could be on the way base on this event. The ex first lady with heavy court cases had an aide and she is in some ways quite associated with certain programs in Selangor. This slowly draws the curtain closer to the episode. Understanding the psychological play of Malay ladies and their habits in gossiping certainly will draw you closer to the investigation that things are linked. The suspicion seems to be quite true as Bossku had been praising this new administration all along and the new administration accepting his views at an early stage.
...The main question is "Will this solidarity towards Muhyidin's government last?" and "Will there be a bartering on the question of freedom and decision in the end?". Finally "Is this just a question pertaining to the issue on decision and freedom or is it a facade to covet the top spot (or solely just as the head of PEMANDU as it was rumored.)?"...
The last two reasons for not revealing the possibility of the plot are b) Muhyiddin is closer to the grand master, so his moves will definitely be under the watches of many eyes (So what is our position to make such a conjecture and then being suspected of an inciter? Why must we risk our reputation?) and c) Muhyiddin's team is the friendliest (So why must we antagonize such that they will lose further footings in their political conquest? Most importantly, who knows his administration may align with us.) of all.
This is what can be constituted as political awareness. Without boasting further, we were the first in exposing the Azmin-Hishammuddin political plot in one of our articles way before this current government took over from the fall of PH. It is just a matter of addition and subtraction. The subtle logic is simply which candidate can be added and subtracted.
2) BOSSKU The Puppet Master
Political suicidal implosion had been outlined briefly in our articles. It was never elaborated in great length (alignment with us is crucial to ensure your political survival odds much higher.) but in the event of the dissolution of parliament, Zahid will be the ultimate victor. Mahathir and Anwar will be decimated, PH will have a meager 60 + seats if they are lucky, Muhyiddin will be gone too and Najib's fate will be hanging on the court's verdict and Zahid's mercy (the Prime Minister of Malaysia historically had a penchant to assert influence on the judiciary. Will he be merciful or otherwise?).
So if (we mention if. Read one of our olden days article to understand the royal dynamics. You have to do some mathematics on the royal dynamics as the landscape changes according to time. That article was written before the previous Agong abdicated his own throne. ) the King vouches for Najib Razak in his heart, the King will never allow the dissolution of the parliament unless Najib and Zahid had a trustworthy relationship. Since the parliament is not dissolved, with regards to their relationship and the continuous attack on Zahid by Najib's loyalist Lokman Adam (up to the point that he was thrown out of UMNO) - a clear cut answer is available despite Najib's insistence that he always wished the parliament is dissolved. This involves a more complex psychological approach. First of all, the dissolution of parliament is to put pressure on the ruling side to perform. It also serves as a way to assert influence on the ruling side. The other reason is to go with the flow despite the odds (with Zahid is in charge of the country) might be against you.
...Perhaps Zahid and many in UMNO were misled that the King would dissolve the parliament, but Bossku is the real Kingmaker (also Puppet Master) to many extent and that is what Mahathir is alluding in one of his speech that the plot (the Blue Wedding) was shot down by the conspirator Najib. Najib knew that the silencer will shoot. Najib could encourage the silencer to shoot. In fact, Najib knew that Anwar and Mahathir would implode PH. He didn't have to attend any of the meetings as the ball was in his court to decide. He just needs to ensures that the alliance implodes and everything will fall to bits eventually....
The King at first denied an audience with the silencer. Then the King released an edict granting the Prime Minister position to Muhyiddin Yassin.
Have you ever wonder and ponder why? (Refer The Power of The King)
3) The Silencer Shot During The Implosion
In politics, betrayals and deceptions are very intertwined. There was a time that Mahathir was more fond of Najib than Muhyiddin even going as far as suppressing Muhyiddin to pave Najib's ascendancy. Why did Mahathir do that? Muhyiddin always had the penchant to strike when unexpected. He was the one suggesting Abdullah to pave way for the future ascendancy of other leaders. In the case of Najib Razak, he was accused as one of the associates during the initial days of the 1MDB campaign to bring down Najib Razak, only then he was fired in the end. Why didn't he waited for Najib to pass the leadership baton to him just like how Zahid panders to Najib when he was made to replace Muhyiddin? Muhyiddin and Zahid knew Najib would pass the baton to Hishammudin, Zahid took a safe route like he always does. Muhyiddin did his calculations too and the mood in 2018 was quite right for him to leave Najib's cabinet or keep making moves to push Najib out for his own ascension. By the time that PH is crumbling due to their strong anti-Malay stance and perception in the eyes of the Malays, Muhyiddin knew he could ascend if his stars are aligned perfectly. Again and again, we wish to iterate that he was quite friendly in his speeches towards UMNO and PAS. In other words, he is not as naive as many thinks.
...Even one of our articles in 2018 also predicted that his rise in PH would be quite impossible. Thus if someone had read our articles and digest the gist of it, it would be easy for the reader to discern that he needed to get away from it (aka PH). For those who read and fail to digest, well, why not let us make an accurate assessment for your side?...
So his move against Mahathir was pre-mediated from the beginning. He is a patron of Three Kingdoms. He might have overplayed his sickness like Sima Yi. He even allowed Mahathir to helm the role as Minister of Home Affairs. There was once that Mahathir signed papers indicating that he was acting as one. He allowed Mahathir to run the course while setting up strong alliances with the Malay bloc in pretense or intentions in making alliances for Mahathir as Mahathir had been slightly arrogant to concede to his Malay bloc roots. Who does he sounded like? Exactly like Sima Yi. Did Muhyiddin played the right cards? Yes, he did and he must, considering Mahathir's habit in sacking many top political candidates. In many ways, his conduct is quite politically ethical.
All he needed to do is to make the right shot in silence during the implosion.
4) Mahathir's Be All & End All (An Allusion to Hadi Awang's Atap)
Mahathir's Be All and End All is the biggest missteps of all. This is also alluding to his ambition for a unity government. During the Razak administration, this political concoction worked because it was about a Nationalistic Malay agenda to put pride and order for the Malay people to take over the country as the undeniable majority ruler of this country. At that juncture, only DAP under Lim Kit Siang did not concede to the idea. We had no idea why and that would be his issue to sort out with Abdul Razak one day when the time comes. Razak's unity government was condoned by the royalty owing to the connections he had and his nationalistic stance. This is because the Abdul Razak at that time could weaken the royalty to the point of no return by altering the content in the constitution, even going as far as setting up a Republic ruled by a single party if he willed upon it too.
Mahathir should have realized that his way of thought is extremely dangerous. What is his real motive for the unity government? Though he kept mentioning of a merit base selection for ministerial position, yet his past administration did not seem to follow such concoction. Owing to his extremely rich associates getting only richer with the recent Toyata HELLFIRE (we wonder if this new administration will sacrifice the HELLFIRE deal or still being tycoon friendly as such deals usually had huge proportion of the profit passing through only a small selection of people.) deal, many doubted that his intention and decision was for the best of the country.
Therefore, swirls of rumors (first created by a single source) were passing around that Mahathir's version of Be All and End All was for the setting up of a political dynasty to benefit his associates - creating huge risk that may jeopardize the current system and constitution including gaming the royalties. Unbeknownst to many including Mahathir himself, this is Mahathir's ultimate pitfall as many started to question Mahathir's true motive. The idea seems to be unpopular among PH leaders themselves and the Malay-Muslim bloc who both had doubts in his intention. It is for this reason that an attempt to submit his name for the prime minister candidacy turned out to be futile as the Malay-Muslim bloc started to distance themselves from him. This creates a strong vacuum that a senior Malay leader was needed to helm the Malay-Muslim political bloc, alienating him once and for all, solidifying Muhyiddin's bid for the position.
...This is what Hadi Awang of PAS is alluding when he said an attempt was made to dismantle the government from the top ("dari atap" in Malay.)....
PH imploded but the King could have stopped it. How? The King could have exercised his discretion to decline an audience with Anwar. Similarly, the King could have declined an audience with Mahathir. The tip to understand the pinnacle of politics is this - "given an audience does not guarantee support" and that is exactly what is happening. What actually happened, for every audience that was granted, political speculations was getting more rift - heightening the sense of distrust, deception, suspicion, betrayal and in the end implosion.
Eventually, it was the King himself who declined to see Mahathir after Mahathir claimed that he had the support of 114 Statutory Declarations in order to challenge the King's decision for the appointment of Muhyiddin Yassin as the Prime Minister.
Constitutionally, ethically and morally, the King is not at fault as the competing leaders were succumbed to their ambition, aspirations, greed and maybe ego. It is politics after all and exercising caution had always been the rule of thumb. In this chapter, both competing leaders knew that they were being pitted but their ego got in the way and it would just take one side to make the stupid move in order for the house of cards to crumble from top to bottom.
...The last pertaining question, did the King request Mahathir to resign (mentioned in Chedet.com. Refer to his writings below. Or it was in fact Mahathir himself who tend his own resignation due to a risky gamble he is willing to undertake in order to rally PH leaders behind him. Perhaps, it was a combination of both. We will never know until the King starts making statement.) ? And what caused Mahathir to submit to the King's request if it was true? Has the ultimate fear of the dissolution of parliament been evoked in order for Mahathir to submit to the request since constitutionally Mahathir is not supported by the 112 MPs anymore?...
...So what actually happened after the interference by the King was a convoluted plot discussed previously, until the King made the final decision on the Prime Minister appointment....
And the more confusing political nonsense that follow thereafter (PH vouched Anwar because Mahathir never arrived for the meeting. Mahathir had 114 SDs to challenge Muhyiddin and many more...) aren't important anymore as the King had already made the decision base on the constitution.
*In fact, our article in 2018, specifically quote
"Najib being an extension of his father's title of Orang Kaya Syahbandar is a loyal subject to the Pahang Sultanate and the defense displayed by the Tengku Abdullah serves as a testament of his protective measures towards his subject.
Such turning point is crucial in the mathematics of the END GAME."
For politicians unaware of the mathematics of END GAME, may our writings be your daily scripture.
...Najib again, Najib again. Najib will announce to the world "I am not even the Prime Minister anymore. I am just playing Facebook everyday.". Mocking and belittling PH will be his trademark and as long as PH wants to make a comeback, the mocking king will be the main stumbling block. One thing for sure, despite all the differences, he does share certain narcissistic traits with Mahathir. His ultimate revenge is to create an illusion that materializes into reality for the people to beg his coming back as the Prime Minister. For other politicians, this implies one thing, the game is far from over....
Is Najib (Najib again) happy with such arrangements?
Yes. The Blue Wedding strategy despite it's lack of gore and level of madness like the other weddings had a few desirable consequences to the victors and undesirable consequences to the others.
...For the victors, they could end up in bromance or they can choose for a political all out war. From a pragmatic perspective, it is all about gaining the position from the situation that is important....
1) Muhyiddin Yassin (score +1.5. Many will remember him as the first Malaysian Prime Minister elected through unprecedented circumstances (his two favorite words during the COVID-19 pandemic.). Despite he is the Prime Minister, he is slightly being eclipsed in such a way that...
...it was Najib who provides the advice on economy and taken in by the administration. He even elect himself as the government's spokesperson to the extent of clarifying the attacks by Anwars's faction on the 250 billions allocation issue with the statement "Let all the Ministers do the work, I will handle the argument on the allocations". Though to some extent it is hilarious, it raises the question on the worthiness of the person elected to the top post....
Though the Moon sometimes eclipsed the Sun, there will always be room for both. However, the crucial points for the new administration are the following questions
Will Muhyiddin's popularity outranked Najib's popularity in the next three years? Doubt it but Muhyiddin may be able to close the gap. Najib in 2009 during his ascension is not as popular as Anwar to win the election.
Will Muhyiddin be able to strengthen his position in BERSATU? YES. So far with 21 of 26 MPs on his sides, there will be a huge doubt if Mukhriz will win the Presidential seat base on how the support pattern goes in BERSATU.
Will he be a fierce contender to Mahathir? The answer to this question is pretty uncertain as Mahathir's reputation had been severely in decline this past two years.
Will Muhyiddin be able to lure PAS and Azmin's faction to his side? YES. This implies that the Malaysian political landscape may be looking forward to Perikatan National than Muafakat National.
Will Muhyiddin be able to play a better role in UMNO? YES. He has managed to put many UMNO's top warlord out of the limelight except Najib. With the right play and momentum (as the silencer), there is a chance he may merge them and this would be his ultimate breaking/making point. Will the grassroots and some key ministers such as Annuar Musa (UMNO secretaty general, a minister in Muhyiddin's cabinet. He will be pivotal in deciding the direction of the internal affairs.) welcome him back as the President? Quite likely as he was not very offensive towards UMNO during his time in PH.
So Muhyiddin will have three years to merge UMNO and BERSATU, go antagonistic or ballistic in taking over UMNO by making it illegal or make a deal with UMNO on seats allocation to anoint him as the Prime Minister for the next general election.
Will Muhyiddin's cabinet survive the next election? If his cabinet performs much worse than PH, Muhyiddin will have a tough time for his next election unless he goes politically heavy handed. If his administration performs much better than PH, his seat is secure and a victory during GE 15 will be within his reach.
Will Muhyiddin be able to solidify his position well after the next election? YES, if he can win the 15th General Election. The Sultan of Johore (as the next Agong) seems to condone of his actions and way of conduct. Therefore, he will be the Prime Minister as long as the prosperity of the nation is secured under his administration and he can ally himself well with the palace. )
2) Najib Razak (score + 0.5. Despite the maneuver puts Najib Razak at an advantageous position as PH was decimated (Affirming the political conjecture that the collapse of Barisan National (aka BN) and the fall of Najib Razak does not necessarily guarantee a better nation and the stability of the country.), Najib will be having a tough time to regain his position back in UMNO despite his popularity as the ongoing court cases will put him in a very challenging position. Najib's position and strength will depend on Muhyiddin's strategy to counter Najib. So it will be quite tough for him to outfox the current top spot unless the economy under Muhyiddin dwindle much worse than under Mahathir and PH. With trials to prevail and the leadership baton to be reclaimed from Zahid in UMNO, keeping a cheerful nature despite of all the insecurities is extremely emotionally hard to handle. Despite his constant claims that he had no interest to be back in politics, yet his fans club are drawing more supports for his political ascendancy. Till then, we will wait and see.)
3) Mahathir Mohamad ( score - 0.5. He is still more popular than Anwar even after the implosion. DAP and AMANAH leaders are constantly seen hovering around him, believing in the fact that he might still have some magic wand under his sleeve. He did for sure but coupled by his age, receding brain power and the constant focus to put his son Mukhriz on board, it will be tough for this 94 to fend Najib and Muhyiddin while need to make a challenging deal with Anwar.
Is Mahathir really out? Not yet, Najib's blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin had been strongly pushing for 1) Muhyiddin to kill off Mahathir's career in PPBM - which will split PPBM further, thus benefitting UMNO and 2) contradicting his claims to create a wedge between Mahathir and DAP to severe ties between them by spinning the fact that Mahathir wanted to resign to kill off PH. )
4) Anwar Ibrahim ( score -1.0, Mr Que Sera Sera will need to secure as the opposition leader first before the Parliament convenes or accepts the fact that in every duality, one must be inferior to the other. Example is the Muhyiddin - Azmin and Mao Tse Tung - Deng Xiao Ping combination. This political conjecture also applies to the Mahathir - Anwar combination. Realizing the political grounds and equations will put him in a better position to negotiate and make demands. Only then there is slightly more hope for Mr Que Sera Sera. At the moment, he is starting to mimic Najib's style from the social media perspective by giving insights and his thoughts on the nation's development through You Tube. It is interesting to see a healthy competition coming into play. Let's observe if he has the trump card to turn things around.)
5) Zahid Hamidi ( score - 2.0, why he had such a bad score despite he claimed it was his plan to thwart Mahathir? His reputation is severely damaged by Najib's loyalist Lokman Adam. He is not famous among the Non-Malays. His popularity is overshadowed by Mahathir, Anwar and Najib. The grassroots will look up to Muhyiddin (or Bossku, in some ways) as the next UMNO leader if the current government went on to be a successful model but will put a blame on him if the deal went south. Despite Lokman Adam may have lost his position in UMNO but he will be memorialized (unless the Malays are bounded with short term memory) as a hero, Zahid may have some mediocre position later, only to be brought to mind as a selfish leader.
His attempt to lie to the court in order to seek audience with the Prime Minister, only to be turned down during his visit demonstrated how low he had brought UMNO to it's knees.
Worse, even with the new administration just started, he and many of the UMNO Supreme Council started making unreasonable demands as they were not awarded any ministerial positions. As they were waiting for the Prime Minister's cabinet announcement in front of a TV in a lounge in PWTC, it is a clear indicator that Muhyiddin never had enough respect for Zahid by sharing crucial information with him.
...Zahid's greatest hope now is for Muhyiddin to make a reckless move by engaging in an all out war by severing ties with DAP (also Mahathir and PKR.) before Muhyiddin strengthen his position from the merger of UMNO and BERSATU on the grounds of Malay-Muslim solidarity. Once Muhyiddin completely abandon his stint PH roots, Zahid will implore methods to ensure that his ascendancy is secured constitutionally as the next prime minister/cabinet minister through a parliamentary vote of no confidence. Off course, all this have to come to rest before the judge makes a verdict on the trial. Not much can be deduced of Muhyiddin's next move. Our bet is prone to the fact that DAP will prevail despite the push from some sides to have the party completely obliterated ("hancur", the Malay word echoed in the social media)....until Muhyiddin has positioned himself well from the merger of UMNO and BERSATU....
Whatever it is, Zahid's decision had destroyed the momentum for Muafakat National to win the next election if the Perikatan National administration did a great contribution for the nation. PH is continuing to find the citizen's momentum after their exit. They must pray extremely hard for this new administration to perform much worse than the administration of their time or factions within the Malay-Muslim bloc (with no ministerial positions) in starting a ruckus in the new coalition (Despite Zahid and the ex-Prime Minister are at friendly odds, yet in this particular saga, they might be in this together if Muhyiddin is unyielding to any side. There is movements to discredit Muhyiddin's administration by UMNO's top leadership, yet the mastermind was getting warier in his conduct as his discrediting words were too early in nature. In fact, his early shots led to people's questioning his real intention and whether it was due to his failure in snatching a ministerial position and met Muhyiddin in person.). Analyzing the political pattern in Malaysian politics, there might be a dangerous vicious cycle of alignment and re-alignment leading to instability if the Prime Minister cannot gets his hands all over. However, in Malaysian politics, surprises can come in surprising times with the least expected snatching the top spot.).
Mahathir, Anwar and Kit Siang (From opposition to government and back again) will be back to challenge Muhyiddin forcefully once the parliamentary session convenes.
PH will be left in limbo struggling to find a direction as Mahathir and Anwar will need to re-establish their shaky alliance once again. The spirit and momentum of Muafakat National is slowly diminishing with the Perikatan National administration being the new hope of the people. Many had lower expectations in this administration and many would tolerate (except PH supporters) this administration better if they made a few errs along the way.
For Bossku, he had anticipated this. The chances for some top leadership to create ruckus may not be successful as the variable is very dependent on the country's performance and trajectory. Mr Bossku will start to extend his influence through You Tube and hopefully by bromance or brute force, good luck may come before some of the unfavorable hammers started slamming down.
...Maybe there will even be a hand shaking session between Muhyiddin and Bossku when the parliamentary session convenes (with Mahathir watching from the side, pulling a long face and Anwar keeps staring at the Prime Minister's seat. So near yet so far.). There are images from the past which start resurfacing of Najib shaking hands with Muhyiddin or Najib and Muhyiddin's time as Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister. The latest image is by Najib himself intentionally selected to put Muhyiddin on the background (The PR could have edited the image if they wanted to.)....
...Regarding the vicious political cycle of realignment that we have discussed previously, let's be hopeful that Malay solidarity might eventually solve the whole connundrum. One of the method is to bloat the current 70 cabinet ministers further with an additional Emeritus Minister position for Mahathir, a deputy Prime Minister for Mukhriz and a Council of Elders comprising of Najib, Tok Mat, Zahid, Abdullah Badawi & Tengku Razaleigh. In order to satiate the political desires of the politicians, we are happy to recommend the steep increment from the current 222 MPs to 543 MPs to match the Indian (population 1.3 billion) Parliamentary System aka Lok Sabha....
Before this article ends, lets not forget Rafizi (is nice to give him some credit, as big names likes Mahathir, Muhyiddin, Anwar and Najib keep making their rounds in this article.), who many had hoped for his coming back with Plan C, D, E, F, G, H to work this time. Since his plan to replace Mahathir with Anwar never actually went through due to a pre-implosion on Plan B, it does not take long as a few Pro-PKR writers had been mimicking his moves by discrediting some of the numbers given by Muhyiddin's administration. Rafizi may be temporarily out of sight but his political conscience will always be there guiding those to keep questioning the numbers by the new administration. Only this time, the sophistication level gets slightly better.
**Future writings
Intelligence Series 10 - PROJECT _ _ _ _OS. Date of Release : Early August 2020 (this will be of huge interest to the Intelligence community)
Intelligence Series 8 - ARAMCO : A Tale Of A Two Trillion USD Smokescreen. Date of Release : Early May 2020
Intelligence Series 3 - The Telco Telegram Affair. Date of release : Undecided
Intelligence Series 4 - Honeypot Intelligentsia. Date of release : Undecided.
Intelligence Series 5 - Bypassing WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal & Decryption Specialist. Date of release : Undecided