Inteligence Series 13 - Soekarno & The Sea Goddess
19 November 2020
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
The Financial Debunker
Strategy Series 15 - The Disastrous Duo (Not So) Farcical Gambit
*We may be wrong in our predictions. READ at your own risk. Published - 19 August 2021
**The Disastrous Duo (Zahid and Najib) have been making risky political maneuver since the day of Muhyiddin's ascension. In fact, Zahid even lied to the court to visit Muhyiddin on the first day Muhyiddin took his job as the Prime Minister. We doubt this whole political fracas is a simple case of a leader of a political party having great care for the citizen's affair. What is Zahid and Najib going after so persistently? Their maneuver however is farcical to some extent. (Another puzzling espionage maneuver involving Zahid, Najib and agent Sharon Tan (a spiteful species. Reminds us of this happy lyric "...Do you, Do you really enjoy living a life so hateful?....".) for those who are interested.)
...In the sense that they fail to get the Prime Minister of their choice. Politics is about making concessions. Hopefully, the concessions would be sufficient enough for their other endeavours....
***Since Ismail Sabri (most likely) will soon receive the blessings from the palace, it would have been less shameful if they had accepted Ismail Sabri from day one (written by a Team Najib author on Zahid snubbing Ismail Sabri). Even all the political camps aligned to Perikatan National and Barisan National had vouched for the name of Ismail Sabri (on consensus and principality) prior to Muhyiddin's resignation.
...So the whole PN administration needs to collapse and PH (with Anwar and his top leadership making rounds of political negotiations. Hopefully Anwar never gets his hope too high.) is more likely to be disappointed once again.
All this could have been avoided if the Disastrous Duo (Zahid and Najib) in Team UMNO 15 (Muhyiddin and PN turncoats) would just toe the line to the majority in PN.
What is more bizarre is Zahid and Najib seemingly backing the same PN administration that they themselves accused of FAILURE. Mind-boggling really....
****Actually, their intention was set in stones since January 11 (two hours before Emergency was announced.). Since we were not consulted directly by the Supreme Leaders of BERSATU under Muhyiddin, we just issue a statement explaining the impeding danger and what may lie ahead - it is hardly shocking if Muhyiddin only lost his Prime Ministership in August owing to the conspirators being alert to deliver and he himself incapable/hesitant in giving a swift final blow. (Refer Image X - conveyed to Ex-Minister A)
*****Read the predictions from an anonymous observer aka The ? in Facebook. Seems his/her predictions are meant to launch a pre-emptive strike on all of the duo's potential move. (Refer Image Y1, Y2 and 1 to 10. The anonymous even mentioned a caretaker government, only to follow with a caretaker Prime Minister the next day, Mahathir was an Interim Prime Minister in 2020. Coincidence? The anonymous is hell bent to make sure those align to Zahid and Najib will be weeded out.)
*****Honestly, we are very annoyed because we need to arrange our game on whose our next target - to be our eyes and ears for the Defence Proposal to be materialized. (Ex-Minister A had always been close to the 8th Prime Minister (Image Z - YES, emerge stronger.). Hopefully, this new Prime Minister will be more empathetical to our cause and aspiration. The opposition are bunch of unrefined candidates when they are exposed to higher level of politics and geopolitics except the Grandmaster Mahathir himself. Haihz.)
It is very likely that Ismail Sabri will lead the new administration (aka PN 2.0 as UMNO had unanimously gave the name of Ismail Sabri with Ahmad Maslan confirming this. Only Tengku Razaleigh was rumoured for not nominating anyone.) despite the inconsistent statement by GPS (which they agreed supporting Ismail Sabri in the beginning but then seems to be changing their stance to put a "blank cheque" of 18 for the Agong. It was rumoured that they have might sided Anwar in the end, only to be denied by Abang Johari. Their concern is more towards BERSATU and PAS for planning to expand their wings in Sarawak.).
This is quite tricky now. There will be three factors that will decide the outcome of the next Prime Minister
1) The UMNO split - will all of them really put down the name of Ismail Sabri on their nomination slip? Since UMNO is in such a disarray, it is possible that many who said YES during the meeting may put different names on the nomination slip since there had been heavy precedence for going against the Supreme Council and the President lately. So, this is an extremely wild card.
2) As GPS may be ambiguous in their numbers game, this increases the odds of the game to another new level. As the Ismail' numbers wouldn't be enough without GPS and GPS may be signing a blank cheque, this implies that the Agong (who promised that the selection process will be made in accordance to the Constitution.) had two options
a) Immediately take in Ismail Sabri as Prime Minister (by putting GPS' casts as Ismail's implying that Ismail Sabri had majority.), crowning him as the Prime Minister. (GPS move is actually a move inclined towards the Agong, Najib and Zahid - from a certain perspective.)
b) Take the GPS' cast as NULL. THIS implies that none had majority. This is most probably a unity/minority/bipartisan (or whatever it may be) government lead by Ismail Sabri with some seats filled by the opposition as a balancing force. How about other names? Unlikely too.
c) Take the GPS' casts as Anwar's (highly unlikely. Read the other images for clarity. GPS is unaligned to Anwar and DAP.)
3) The final verdict is not solely at the hands of the Agong. It is at the hands of the Conference of Malay Rulers. The problem with a) is such that it has been vilified as a Failed administration. So this will be brought forward by the Agong to the Malay rulers. Are we repeating the same administration structure once again? How is this administration justified after it went through rounds of political maneuvers only to come back square one since Muhyiddin had offered the top spot to Ismail Sabri through compromise (UMNO was far from being sidelined as Ismail Sabri will handle the Defense Contract involving Lockheed Martin jetfighters.).
Unless the Malay Rulers argued that a) is not a failed administration, b) is most likely the outcome by the Palace.
...With that said - Like Najib said that there might be a rainbow (an Indonesian children song. He might have missed this song.) after darkness, he may be right after all. With regards to the welfare of this nation. Will he (Najib, an individual with dominant plant/flowery element) witness his rainbows? (Najibverse main antagonist Guan Eng is an acquaintance of Rainbow too.). As The Financial Debunker is dominant of fire and turbulent water element, we are reluctant in making rainbows. Not at this particular juncture....
*May the Heavens lay more curses after curses to those who are insincere to ensure our proposal is materialised.
For life will be futile in avoiding death
For peace will be meaningless without war
For life is the mirror of death
And peace is the mirror of war
**A simplistic report by Fitch for considering Khairy Jamaluddin without understanding the depth of Malaysian politics.