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Intelligence Series 0 - The Law of Attraction Among Sapiosexuals & Psychos

*This story provides a glimpse on systematic methodology to reveal the true identity of  "catfish profile" in Facebook without analysis conducted through Digital Forensics, access to Digital Signatures through Search Warrants, Reverse Email Lookup, Private Investigators, blatant access to someone's device or remote hacking. Methodology presented will just solely base on systematic deductions.


It further dwells on modern day "HUMINT" aka Human Intelligence revolving the Malaysian Intelligence Landscape. It is for this particular reason the story is slotted under the "Intelligence Series".



**Is this related to national politics? 



YES. If one exercises their due diligence on the Malaysian political landscape as well as keeping a sharp eye on Intelligence Operation, they may be able to connect the dots and deduce (mapping) the exact story that the author is trying to convey.



***Why do we decide to publish the story? 



What is life without the pursuit of love and life (depending on your definition)? The recent chain of events brings back the main character Carl (a friend of ours) down memory lane for his "sapiosexuality" and strong attraction towards "psychotic" personalities. What is more intriguing is the layers of unintended secrecy with questionable intention and the interweaving events that lead Carl to utter confusion with the hope for a justifiable conclusion, avoiding a tragedy in the process (for all the characters in this story are manipulative "psychos" ready to unleash their unprecedented moves when one of them snapped.).


This story may not be everyone's cup of tea. A story of intense mix of passion, patience, love, hatred, violence but in the end acceptance. The transformation of domestic violence/abuse, manifestation of psychological breakdowns into complete tolerance in a lopsided conventional spousal relationship. Secrets of creepy stalkers, their interactions and expectations lurking under the shadows enjoyed by the prey itself - waiting to bite back when chances arise as well as a socially engineered virtual friendship drawn by fate or merely just a Heavenly laughing stock. 



May this literally piece commemorates Carl's narrative for eternity. 



~~~A story dedicated to Suzanne, Shannon and Carl.~~~




...There was a time when Suzanne would grab a knife spontaneously from the kitchen, viciously attacked Carl with all her might to plunge the knife deep into his heart. Failed, she stopped. Finally, she wailed while cursing Carl in her gibberish voice at the same time. Soon, the knife was on her wrist. The struggle to stop her was extremely fierce for a woman of her size and build. With the knife out of reach as she fearlessly lost her momentum during the struggle, her spirit persisted nonetheless. This time she took the effort to bite her tongue.


Therefore, the struggle continue as Carl was forced to apply huge force to simultaneously restrict her jaw movements from biting her tongue while her hands trying to grab the knife to cut her wrist or harm Carl instead. Still unyielding, she threatened to bite Carl by viciously moving her neck to have a bite of him. Whenever Carl started to knock her head out to gain advantage, she will tend to play the victim and screamed "How dare you hit me? Are you a man?". "Hit me one more time and I will scream for help, let us see how you will put up your reputation in front of your colleagues, friends and members of the faculty. It will be registered under domestic violence in the United Kingdom and I don't mind if I need to fly back to my dad than living with someone as "toxic" as you." 


The violence stopped after a half an hour struggle as she calmed down. Her only logical thought was "One of us must die. Make your choice, Carl.". The argument subsided after a few hours with silent phases that normally last around three days.


Suzanne came from a happy family. She is an extremely nice and friendly person with great tolerance towards others. She had no history of quarrels or qualms with anyone. Psychological breakdown is one that you can cross out from the list. Suzanne is a perfect woman twisted by her effort to make her "toxic" husband Carl happy. Her effort in taking great strides to change a "toxic" person was completely futile. Suzanne learned the hard way that people can never change. She is what she was. Carl will be just what Carl used to be.


Carl was extremely shocked with the tremendous changes (the incremental changes got worse as time passes by) in Suzanne's behaviour and temperament. It was exceptionally hard for him to accept the fact that he had the unintended capability to choke someone mentally (Carl never relented to sexual violence or domestic abuse. However, Carl had serious issues with trust and a strong inclination towards suspicion and paranoia. This sparked the alter ego in Carl to be extremely manipulative with his persistent psychological pressure test, manipulations and challenges intentionally designed to test the love and strength of his relationship with Suzanne. Imagine if on every turning point in life is all about Suzanne proving her love and care for Carl alone. This is the "psychotic" manifestation when love turned into a sickening method to subjugate and control the one you love solely for possession sake.) to the point of them going out of control and started hurting themselves.


The violent suicidal attempt episode was totally disturbing and new for Carl. Years later, Carl faced his worst tribulation when the University he attended was required to make their first historical assessment on their academical standard of procedures "by having Carl's first PhD viva annulled and then requested him to submit to another viva couple of months later". Carl was fortunate as a member of the Fellow of Royal Society stepped in to clear the issue. Else, Carl's 4 years of work will be reduced from a PhD to a Master. Carl was punished academically, his conferment was delayed. The stress added up with a possible lawsuit from the Malaysian administration for the delay. Suzanne's pregnancy was the new variable that added more complications as Carl find himself unfit and too arrogant to serve Malaysian employers in the private sector. His plan to settle in London went up on air especially with serious competition from more intelligent geeks in the financially quantitative side. Carl was near severe mental breakdown yet Suzanne was constantly by his side. They fought together despite Carl's temper could sometimes skyrocketed like a ballistic missile. The humiliation and pride as a man was at stake.


Though sometimes they still quarrel, Suzanne was tough for having the baby delivered while going through such a rough phase. Suzanne was eight and a half months pregnant when the worse thing happen in Carl's life. The only consolation was a business contingency plan that had always been there since two years ago and a kind Tan Sri being exceptionally sympathetic towards Carl. A few year later, Carl had a near death drowning experience followed by a car flipping accident. Though Carl was left unscathed, Carl's life had always been surrounded by daggers. Even his wife Suzanne that he pledged his wedding vows and love turned out to have such tendency. Yet, Carl would prefer her killing him than they both separated. (Even the Sport Club he frequented had a slashing murder incident about 20 meters away from the main entrance couple of months ago. The news was put to rest as the area had protections from a few politicians and a billion dollar empire who wanted the news hushed away. The public transport station near his home had similar incident about a week before. Coincidence or a prelude to a pre-emptive strike? Nobody knows.  The Royal Malaysian Police force should have detailed records of these two events. Slashing murder cases are extremely rare in Malaysia, yet for two slashing incidents in a week's time within a 7 kilometres vicinity is akin to discovering Covid-19 in the Sahara Desert.)



...So, when another psychotic rainbow haired girl tried defaming Carl, Carl was ready to have that dagger coming right at his face, though he must sometimes avoid it first and assess the situation. Obviously, Carl will always be glad for Suzanne to take his life yet this other stranger might altogether give Carl a different mixed of sensation and psychological orientation.... 



It was breathtaking for Carl at the beginning as it was too vicious for a negotiation that could turn into flying daggers by surprise. Yet, if this is what the cards they draw, Carl had to be ready to retaliate. Carl started to feel the strong circulating adrenaline along his veins for a few days yet the reminiscence of being challenged by a lady definitely diagnosed with "psychosis" by today's mental health standard is bringing back those memories of his and Suzanne's dancing around one another with a dagger possibly finding it's way towards him. An addiction to abuse and abusing others - a form of sadomasochistic relationship although being less physical in nature but inclined towards a psychological one. Honestly, it had been a very long time since Carl had one, those intense dramatic life threatening moments (Another time was when Suzanne will sit at the edge of the window for two hours from the master bedroom located on the 3rd floor of the building (during Carl's 2nd year PhD). Suzanne threatened that she will jump if Carl ever dare to move an inch or made an attempt to call the guard.).


Carl never wanted anything of the above to happen. There were times when men needed to give in. Those were the many times when Carl conceded.


Despite of all the paranoia, suspicion and Carl's philosophical definition of love due to his fragile insecurity, it was Carl who had been infidel towards Suzanne many times throughout the whole relationship. The whole poetic sickening love drama by Carl all along was downright due to his egoistical nature of being infidel towards her and the use of systematic methodological justification to divert the guilt built naturally inside him. For Carl, it was a defence mechanism unintentionally hurting the one he loves most while keeping his conscience clear. It took some time for Carl and Suzanne to unravel the key to Carl's constant insecurity and contradiction.


The above phase could repeat itself on a weekly to monthly basis with severely less violent stages. The argument ranges from all sort of ridiculous issues


"Why can't you remember the specific recipe if you care about cooking?" 


"What about you? Do you remember that I suffer emotional letdown due to your high expectations?"


To something more serious...


"I was flirting because you were not around and the flirting never actually come close to anything. We were separated for a year."


The list was endless. Carl was never an easy one to deal with since the dawn of their courtship. Suzanne's love for Carl was speechless and Carl would never be able to reply her kindness and love even if Carl was reincarnated once again. 


Suddenly, after years it just stops. How the marriage endure so long after that was completely a mystery to both of them. Carl's "toxicity" did affect Suzanne's mental health a few years later, that was one of his deepest regrets. At times, Suzanne will still pronounce Carl's nature "You construct huge pressure towards people around you. Even when you don't speak, your aura is choking. People can feel it, I am feeling it".


Recognition and acceptance is the key to a long lasting relationship. Carl have accepted that Suzanne had strong inclinations towards strong morality and goodness. Suzanne accepted the more vindictive/manipulative/cruel/contradictory inclined nature in Carl. Gone are the psychologically and emotionally violent episodes. People who witness Carl and Suzanne today could never have imagined the physical, verbal and emotional abuse they used to hurl towards one another ages ago. There were times when spouse could turn into your worst enemy trying to outlive you by literally killing you (Once, Suzanne even told Carl "I would literally castrate you in the night if you dare to have an affair."). It seems that love does taste much better with psychotic ladies. It was probably the intensified feeling that keeps the endless climax going. At least according to Carl....






Never had Carl anticipated such a huge change in the relationship.



Vroom. A sport bike cut through the lane as Suzanne was bringing Carl along for a quick grocery spree. The COVID19 lockdown is pretty boring. Carl's weekdays routine in his Sport Club is closed. His daily spectacle to come across and observe beautiful, younger and sexier women engaging in their daily exercise routine come to a halt. This put Carl in a state to keep hovering/helicoptering around Suzanne on a 24/7 basis until she is completely annoyed at times.


The small petite rider arrived right at the moment when Suzanne's car stopped at the spot nearest to the traffic light. Immediately it was the red light thereafter. She turned around and noticed Suzanne and Carl (don't know what is her real intentions.). Took a left turn instead of going straight even when the lights are still red. That was probably the first time Shannon (maybe) had a glimpse on Suzanne.


Suzanne : Cool. If I had a daughter, I wouldn't mind having one as bad as her. 


Part 1) Carl grinned. His eyes were popping out from the socket as he gazed upon the physique of the girl on the bike. Her physique looked familiar. Her short pants which reveal her fair thighs seem intentionally presented for a warning and Carl's pleasure. 


...Her physique bear semblance to a particular girl in the Sport Club. Her presence had always been befuddling to Carl's mind. She spoke to no one. Obviously her constant refusal in engaging in a communication or conversation with anybody caught Carl's attention. The constant observation turned into an addictive obsession. As a scientist, she had turned herself into the most interesting specimen for psychological observation (though Carl had never study psychology before.). Hence, Carl always consider her as his soft spot. No, she is not dumb and deaf. She seems to be capable of speaking. It seems there is a little bit of shyness in her but mixed with a complex feeling underneath her skin. Her apparel stays fix - it was the same pink, blue or black singlets plus a little changes. Her facial expression also remain fix - never smile at all, pulling the long face all times with no lipstick on her lips (normally reserved for ladies who had undergone multiple butox. The smiling expressions with red lipsticks are reserved for her other personality.). Her hairstyle remain fix - it was ponytail. The colour of her hair normally black, sometimes had shades of bronze underneath (a good way to hide another disguise if she un-ponytail her hair to display more bronze perhaps.). Despite her attempts to disguise herself in a twenty-ish style sport apparel with girlish backpack and a hanging keychain - the complexion on her face just never matched her profile which is about the early thirties. What is more odd is her refusal to have meals in the cafeterias surrounding the area or having her food in the cafe. She is hiding something, what is she hiding? Simple, her other disguises. BORING (LAH), seriously. Do you think this is the 1900?


...Right, we are not gonna dwell deeper if she is part of the government, a deep state apparatus or an intelligence operator of another functional organization. It doesn't matter as her conduct is just "PLAINLY STUPID" unless she was there all along just to watch and babysit over Carl (Carl adores her). Playing such STUPID GAMES will get you no where. Carl is thorough and intelligent enough to spin anything out of thin air. Carl will not open up unless he trusted you. Many failed the cut. With such STUPIDITY exposed, Carl is just getting more numbed and his defense will be just keeping all doors shut. Carl is a freak, he doesn't even trust his keyboard. He only trusted Suzanne. There was once Carl tried to convey his strategies and the list of technologists that would change the course of human history. Only the best wife in the world would respond "Silent, never ever even utter it here. The electronics may have been compromised.". Carl trusted no one. Only Suzanne....


There was once she had a hiatus of one month. One month later, Carl noticed her popping out from a juncture as Carl turned into a corner - with a guy upstairs as if giving out instructions to her (Carl was puzzled if he was in a Netflix episode or hallucinating a particular scene from a drama. Carl was pretty sure he was not on any medications.). Carl greatest regret for pretending not noticing her and snubbing her did throw Carl's mind out of the balance. Carl was just confuse how to initiate a conversation with her, so the natural ego swooped in. Obviously Carl was also confused of her true nature and intentions. Suspicions took Carl in, his strongest suit and weakest (One of the few reasons Carl unintentionally broke Suzanne to pieces multiple times.). Carl had short temper and though he find the rainbow haired girl his soft spot, he still could have snapped and question her intentions out of thin air without any diplomacy or courtesy. Carl had always tried to avoid such situation, therefore he played dumb while keeping an eye on her and she on him. 


The unspoken bond was noticeable (those from opposing camps started to notice. She too but all pretended like everything was normal.). Her beauty could have been made more refined if she would take the effort like the other ladies to bath and beautify herself at the Sport Club. Yet, she prefer to leave the scene drowned in her sweat. If her participation at the Club was for 500 days, the repetition will follow for 500 days. 500 days will be the number of days she prefer not to bath at the Club. Clearly a lady with disturbing hygienic standards unless there were significant trust issues with the Club or the fear of having her private time recorded (perhaps there is a deeper operation going on here.). If you don't trust the Club, why do you go to the Club?


Though bewildering, Carl was sympathetic of her yet she might have been someone who is just  unfit among her peers. Her presence gave a whole new meaning for Carl to be at the Sport Club than being the sole reason for a life escapade. Does this psychotic monster share Carl's similar monstrous psychological manipulative traits? Or is she altogether something else? The curiosity in Carl is eroding him. The image of her head and her oddities do bear semblance to Suzanne's virtual friend aka Lily Ann Lee (a political alter ego "catfish profile" - turned out to be Shannon (the rainbow haired girl) from Facebook time stamp analysis. 


...All started with a hunch. Lily Ann Lee was a constant name uttered by Suzanne whenever Carl doesn't want to relent to hear more explanations due to his own ego and bias towards a certain political camp. Yet, some of the analysis presented by Suzanne through Lily Ann Lee's argument took Carl by surprise. As much as Carl is bias and prejudice in his decision, his strong suit is "Numbers Cannot Lie". Constant mentioning of her since 2016 made Carl wonder who is this mysterious lady. Though, Carl had history of being followed by gangsters, old men, youngsters to pretty girls, Carl had never come across his mind that his proposals since 2016/2017 might have triggered all this (and continues until the year 2020). Carl had suspected from 2017 but prefer to remain mum as he hold no solid evidences to his suspicions....


...Private investigators in Malaysia are compromised. Though they always speak of confidentiality. The truth is you can never trust any of them. They are part of an extended political factions....)



...Portrait is always a self disguise....(continue in Part 2)



Back to the conversation.



Suzanne : I mean. She had the physique and the bike just looks right on her. 


Carl (giggled): Hahaha.


Suzanne (giggling back) : Your giggling seems to indicate there is something deeper underneath.


Carl : Nah, nothing. Talking about physique, you would look great too. The problem is you are just too self conscious of your rack and your more than average rump. I love your curvy physique.


Suzanne : You make me sound like a cow with your definition of rack and rump. Getting more love handles too over the years.


Carl (smiled while pinching her love handle) : I was just saying you are still sexy. Had nothing to do with cow. The rider. Her hair seems dyed. Do you notice anything more about her as she was turning her head around. Not too clear from my side.


Suzanne : Rainbow colour. She had ring on her nose (disguise again, or someone else?). With a tattoo also I think (disguise again? Washable tattoo?). Not too sure on the tattoo.


Part 2) In Carl's mind were line of codes running simultaneously how all these set of interesting women were involved or they were just mere coincidences. A few days ago, Carl just ended up quarreling with a rainbow haired girl named Shahnon after a series of heated message exchanges. The argument led to a strong standoff.


The quarrel got heat up as Carl was demanding an explanation regarding her "timely" participation in the Sport Club for nearly two and a half years and if her participation was intentionally coordinated. Movement Control Order & Boredom contributed to a lost space inside Carl's mind. The additional time that normally occupies Carl to engage himself in his life escapade is now finding ways into his mind. The elephant in his mind (not in the room) was "the rainbow haired girl". "Where is she, actually? Wonder what she is doing?... Camon, who is she? THINK, DAMIT, THINK.". Though it is a long shot, Carl followed his hunch and construct a series of conjectures at the back of his head.


...0) What if his long shot assumption that Facebook Lily Ann Lee is the psychotic girl in the Sport Club proves to be true?...


In order to prove the theory above, Carl had to make two additional (silly because the test may not work.) conjectures.


...1) The first conjecture is base on an assumption that Facebook algorithm will somehow link Lily Ann Lee to the "real profile" by keeping an eye on the "People You May Know".


...2) In order to activate 1) ,the second conjecture is imperative that "clicking enough times" will lead Facebook or the one behind the "real profile" to accidentally or intentionally reveal herself/himself.


In order to reveal the true face of Lily Ann Lee, all Carl had to do was continuously clicking the Facebook profile of Lily Ann Lee on an hourly basis until the person behind the "catfish profile" would reveal herself (either intentionally or by accident). Be "Syiok Sendiri" (overconfident) of yourself. Carl was hoping that the girl liked him and got emotionally entangled with him.


Carl put his silly theory to test. He kept an eye on the list of "People You May Know" in his Facebook. The testing took two to three days for a possible favourable outcome.






Most of the profiles could be immediately cross out. Some may be her other unimportant "catfish profiles" to spy on others.


On the second day, Carl discovered one profile. It bears semblance to the rainbow haired girl in the Sport Club from a particular angle but this one had her hair un-ponytail, smiling with extremely red lipstick (though in some images, they looked too odd. Also, it is just so unnatural to have most of the images in red lipstick unless you are diagnosed to be slightly "psycho" which quite fit her personality, nonetheless.). Her Facebook profile Shahnon Chan.


Sometimes she had her hair dyed in rainbow colour. Not a strong indicator (though there was once she slipped up and Carl noticed that before she went into the Sport Club - only then she would ponytail her hair. It seems that she never constantly ponytail her hair like Suzanne. There was once she had it in rainbow.). As Carl kept researching, he found three strong indicators that she is confirmed to be Lily Ann Lee


a) Shannon had one subtle image of her with a political camp emblem at the background. A shot during an important political event.


b) The comparisons on the Facebook time stamps posting between Lily Ann Lee and Shannon Chan was blatantly obvious. Carl took two months data but on a particular single day, the time stamps seems to indicate that when Shannon Chan went online in Facebook, Lily Ann Lee will leave Facebook. The timing for their appearance going online and offline went on about six times. The numbers added up that the two accounts matched. Carl had always wished that he had an Artificial Intelligence Software to run this job but was too lazy to write one just for a particular candidate.


c) the postings by Shannon is more psychotic than her "catfish profile". Another strong indicator which explains her lack of clarity in effective communication - probably due to the life tribulations and traumatic experience she had gone through. (This may be a False Flag Operation, will be discussed in other sections.)


d) unbeknownst to Shannon, Carl knew that Shannon had been actively searching for programmers in a forum to create a program. Probably a Bot to write and create multiples of "catfish profile". 


...Who cares even if she knows hacking and dares to even think that she will ever outsmart Carl....

...Unbeknownst to her and her circle. When she made her daring half-baked reckless "defamation" strike against Carl, she accidentally reveal more members from the can of "deep state" worms involved (including those in the police force). Her foolish knee jerk reaction is putting her team in a very compromising position. Shannon should have listen more to George Michael's "Careless Whisper"....






Did Shahnon noticed that Carl had been clicking her profile, so she intentionally reveal herself? Carl had no idea. Does Facebook algorithm just fits Carl's theory and prediction? Carl had no idea too. (Only Facebook and Shannon knew the exact answer).


Part 3 - In the end, Carl knew the things he would rather not know due to his "psychotic" solidarity with Shannon. Carl felt depressed for half a day. Shannon's sob stories are not just disturbing but coupled with facts that may lead to many speculations and rumors (that could be weaponized on her and her associates.). This includes her true intentions and motives in her actions and speeches (Carl's justified paranoia is playing the dominant part once again. This is the exact unintentionally release of mind games over Suzanne 10 years ago. Shannon is a much trickier girl to handle than Suzanne. She is a lady with thousand of masks underneath (though deep inside her, she may be as simple as Suzanne after all). Carl's greatest err was to entertain such curious endeavour and relent to his abominable sinful inclinations that was downright wrong during the lockdown. The evil inclination playing the role in desiring other woman.).


The knowledge was used by Carl to confront Shannon. It was nothing insidious in the beginning but Shannon and Carl got suspicious of one another's intention. Carl started hurling questions and she hurling back denials after denials though all the evidences were presented directly to her face. Well, which lady in the right state of mind would admit to the fact that she had been stalking a guy anyway whether it was for a well intended or insidious purposes?


Things got worse especially with her bad grasp in understanding comprehension and her inclination to protect her funders (or she is being grateful to them). It was intense and stupid. It should not have happened. Obviously, nothing mended and Carl set up an ultimatum towards one another. One huge misunderstanding over a mysterious phone call happened, Carl snapped and she snapped further.


Carl suspected she started the psychological pressure test by asking someone linked to a web of complicated personnel to call him (a complex network of individuals involving "we rather not mention" at the moment. Carl had a feeling she was instructed to finish him off as she was insidiously linking Carl to other more complicated and complex agendas as Carl had found out of her identity. It may be her all along too to verify Carl's intention and started a whole defamation campaign. Things got too complicated to be discussed and all the cards underneath this set of poker cards were still extremely uncertain up until now.). There were two options for Carl, 1) retreat a while (plan a new strategy whether to game Shannon - ripped her reputation and unveil her or make an alliance with her (her side under conditions). More consideration should be given on her overall temperament, attitude and her very disturbing life episode. Must Carl be merciful and kind? But on what basis? Must Carl finish her off by unveiling her to her enemy's camp (the enemy's camp are just composed of factions with delusional personnel. So even if they had her files, they will be puzzled how to take advantage of it unless Carl guide them thoroughly. Hence, we are not worried to divulge some of them here.) and leveraging her for political gains? Must Carl be magnanimous to forgive her as she had slighted Carl severely? Or was it Carl himself who had been too paranoid all this while that cause this havoc or it was Carl intentionally creating this havoc (Suzanne was right all along that Carl is an extremely "toxic" person and his mind could literally shatter someone's else mind.)?


Shannon's main "catfish Facebook profile" aka Lily Ann Lee was Suzanne's friend. Though they never met, they were friends since a year ago. They share the same political inclination. She once extended a kind gesture by requesting Suzanne to monitor a political forum voluntarily about a year ago (this episode explains why Alisa - an aide to someone "we rather not mention" misspoke during her meeting with Carl on a "grand plan" of astronomical numbers and conditions - "this part is not about you, is about your wife". At that moment, Carl was perplexed but now, the only echoing line in his head is "G_d gracious, what are you council of witches planning all along? Explain thoroughly please.". It was enlightening for Carl to notice the direct link between Alisa and Shannon. Alisa is a pretty dominating lady. Very refine and elegant. Lack the "psychotic" side though one would never know her true colors. Alisa seems to have her decision dictated to some extent by Shannon. They were part of the same circle.). Carl wasn't particularly interested to trace the complicated entangled strings but the incident brought him to the point that Shannon must be investigated thoroughly. So a digital and communication investigation had to be coordinated to determine her intentions. The conversations between Shannon and Suzanne's seems to be decent and civil it seems. (It might just be part of Carl's paranoid inclination all along.). There is a probability they might be playing a similar online game too (have not verified thoroughly)


Nevertheless, who is Shannon actually? Her motives? Her inclinations? The bigger picture? (We might not discuss them anyway. Suzanne prefers not to know the dark side of reality although Carl sometimes hinted them in their daily conversation (unrelated to this episode). Her response had always been the standard "That is why I never wanted to get myself more involved". Suzanne is contented with her life despite in Carl's point of view - he had been financially depriving her for a much luxurious and comfortable life. Growing up as a child watching an abusive wife towards her husband made Carl (despite his psychological manipulative side inherited from his matriarchal genes) had always find his wife Suzanne the mirror opposite of his mother who yearns successful ambitious man but finds him short of her expectations many years later. Suzanne only wanted a sweet loving husband. She would give her all. Not calculative at all. What is her is Carl's and hers Carl's. Carl had been the only one obsessed with changing status quo to the point of trying to re-write geopolitical equations and landscape. The gap of expectations do contribute to their differences and qualms which they concede to accept the differences as they grow older together and wiser.)


The "silent choking aura" radiated by Shannon evokes different sets of indignation than Carl's. They were not the same "psychos". Carl was more philosophical in nature yet may inclined towards hypocrisy and fickleness once the alignment went his way. Carl condescending aura was more towards the assumptions that many are just inferior of him.


Shannon's hatred is more towards a set of people who had trespassed against her. Hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn. That is precisely her and her scorn seems to be radiating in great strength that Carl could picked up her scent since day one. Her hatred bewilders Carl. Her degree is in Mathematics - which explains her probably less communicative inclination.


What is so boring about her and her Facebook is - rather than just ranting, it is best if she could conduct more scheming by watching the series "Revenge". (Observing the wrong personnel (which she planned to defame Carl in order to serve him a warning and snatched his device lawfully or she was delusional to the point of being psychologically manipulated by a higher order is still unclear up until now.) wont get her anywhere and is honestly annoying though it may be soothing and touching at the same time if she could learn how to convey her messages better.)


If Suzanne had compared the Facebook time stamps - she would have easily deduced Lily Ann Lee's time from being present or absent. In other words, Suzanne who is intelligent (being the top student in her school and later had a dentistry degree despite dating a maniac while spending 75% of her time as a tuition teacher during her studies. Carl was extremely attracted to her in every single bit.) than many average Joe would be easy for her to make the deduction that Lily Ann Lee time stamps will be nearly absent when Carl is in the Sport Club (unless the Facebook is handled by more than one person, most probably Alisa and a couple of her comrades.). Though she normally would hold all her information back until she is pissed, Carl never underestimated Suzanne's ability when she is on her attack mode.


Suzanne prefers to pick a relaxing side towards life. She prefers not to get herself involved into complicated and complex set ups like Carl and Shannon. She prefers not knowing such intricate level of play even if she knew they existed.


Must Suzanne and Shannon's virtual friendship be the basis for Carl to be merciful? For a start, Suzanne will be more forgiving than Carl, her stand would be simply "be a gentleman, she is a lady. Why are you so vindictive?". Though she will always side Carl in the end, conscience and kindness will always be her number one priority.)  and remain low profile and 2) bulldoze Shannon head on by blowing the issue out of proportion, tagging along names to demand justice while in the process opening up a possibility of a can of "deep state" worms within the government machinery (aligned to certain faction of a political camp. That is partly our main concern and identification of intention towards Shannon.) that has the insidious intention to unveil Carl's darkest secrets (including list of "boudoir related" watching materials and private items bought from Shopee or petty embarrassing emails with sets of arguments.) which will never ever match the "deep state" version of darkest secrets. However, preparing a "defamation" strike to have Carl's device snatched lawfully is one thing, what Carl fear most is the planting of altered digital evidences collaborated by compromised forensics. Though one may wonder "Why would some idiot puts their crime-related evidences on electronic device? That is just purely dumb since there is VPN, self encryption and other digital clean slate (to rub all the sensitive informations on the device.) to discard your digital traces, what is so bizarre is the fact that...


...You will never know how the "deep state" will operate in order to procure information and execute their operation. Though it is unlikely Carl will be gamed, Carl had to dodge momentarily before planning his next strike (if he must). )



Coming back to the conversation after a ten second hiatus as Carl and Suzanne were enjoying the music and moment, Suzanne came back with her line.



Suzanne : Carl, you are a waste.


Carl : Why?


Suzanne : You should have slimmed up yourself rather than keep feeding yourself until you are choked with a noticeable belly. At least, maybe some lady would fancy you and award you a huge contract. Huh? You don't look so Chinese as you are quite tan and had quite hairy features too. The Malay girls will be more fond of you too.


*Suzanne can be more horrifying than you ever imagined. Though it may sound exciting for a man, it is just demented for a wife to suggest such sexually provocative moves to her husband although Suzanne had always knew Carl's more perverse sexual nature even before their consummation. What is more downright twisted is her capability to read Carl's mind or her instinct picking up the vibes that Carl is yearning for a more perverse sexual arrangements with selective designated individuals of his choice (which she instinctively knew that it would involve her by the end of the day.). The timing hadn't been more coincidental. Readers would now understand why Carl will always have Suzanne in his heart.


Carl (giggling) : Crazy ! What makes you think that nobody is fancying me just because I opt not to go out during MCO (Movement Control Order). (Carl doesn't know and really cares if somebody fancies him or not. Her reaction is what Carl is more interested in.) Are you hinting it is alright for me to have an affair? (with his eyes squirting back weirdly at her.)


Suzanne (giggling back) : I told you to make her fancy you. Flirt with her if you must. I never requested you to get yourself into an affair or emotionally attached to her.


Carl (laughing not giggling anymore, yet wanting to challenge her further) : So Nice. What happened when the flirting stages got into something more emotionally tangled? (Just hypothetical) Or what happened if the agreement warrants a more serious relationship with "the aforementioned person"? (Challenging her further. If this question was forwarded to Carl ten years ago, Carl would have snapped and questioned "Are you pimping me?" or even went as far as suggesting "Is this one of your subtle moves to bail out from our relationship in search for a better option?". Guess people and spouse change over time.)


Suzanne (still laughing but slightly toned down) : I am still the first one.


Carl (still puzzled by her confidence) : Wow, I am amazed that you will say so. The "you" ten years ago would not have said that.


(Suzanne's marriage with Carl was crafted in the dark. There was no official wedding reception due to familial complications as Suzanne and Carl weren't career material yet. Suzanne's parent tried to break their marriage off by marrying her to a medical doctor as the parents had disturbing views of Carl. Carl's mother was slighted because Carl could have had better arrangements including a wholesale diamond merchant's only daughter as his daughter in law. The familial complication includes the possibility of Suzanne's family being viewed as laughing stock by Carl's extended family and became a point of gossip to Carl's mother humiliation. As both were "psychos" in love, both bulldozed their decision and eloped (SO STOP BLAMING YOUR PARENTS FOR YOUR RELATIONSHIP.). Eight years later, they had a baby and the relationship between Suzanne and her parents mended. Carl still never went back to his in laws despite the invitations, he still finds them too awkward to start a conversation.)


Carl (gazed at her and said) : Yup, I guess so.

Suzanne (still laughing but more serious) : Shouldn't you be saying "No, Darling. You are the only one."

Carl : Yup, whatever you say, Boss.






Suzanne was watching an episode of Sex and The City. The topic is about "confession". It was the complicated story line between Carrie and Mr Big. (No idea why she still got hooked up to the series.)


Suzanne : Mr Big is a jerk. 


Carl : Oh. Why?

Suzanne : He married another younger woman without informing Carrie.

Carl : Carrie had lots of affairs as well. So what is the fuss about it?

Suzanne : Carrie was all over him. She is like obsessed of him. I think the producers just have to make their relationship into a limbo so that they can sell more. Imagine if Mr Big and Carrie got married early. End of Sex and The City. He then had an affair with Carrie. Would you rather know or not know that your spouse is having an affair?


Carl : I don't know. I mean I don't know whether I want to or not want to know. It will be heartbreaking. Not sure if I could take that too.


Suzanne : Me too. I don't know.


Carl (shocked) : You used to be absolutely sure that you always wanted to know the truth ten years ago even if it hurts.


Suzanne : Ya. Guess people changed.


Carl : You know when you said you were always going to be the first. You weren't implying anything, do you? Do we have trust issues?


Suzanne : No. Aren't you happy that I am complimenting you? I trust you will always make the right decision.


Carl : Well. Yes. I will always make the right decision. (Honestly, for anything more than a sexcapade, the wife had always been given the honor to have the ball in her court. Traditionally, anyway.)


Suzanne : Off you go, I want to play my game.



As the Malaysian lockdown is coming to a closure with possible international (including Malaysian Politics as well) countdown and showdown between the two superpowers, Carl is waiting what will destiny unfolds for him. The dance with Shannon must continue and as much as Carl wants to be forgiving, Carl will not hesitate to strike if Shannon turns out to be carrying a False Flag Operation on her shoulder with a dagger aiming at him. It seems that the odds are extremely small that Shannon's whole masquerade is of False Flag Operation in nature. Hence, providing more justification for Carl to re-consider all his move yet he must be vigilant as the link to Shannon had the can of "deep state" worms ready to mobilize if Carl is caught off guard. Thus begs the question "Why must Carl agitate Shannon (and her side to such an extent momentarily.) to such a point at the moment?". Carl will wait and see. (SUZANNE WILL NOT READ ANYTHING THAT CARL WRITES OR CONVEYS, SHE JUST WANTS HER OPINION IN EVERYTHING.)

*Has Perdana Leadership been compromised? As we wrote to them, we were led to an email address that had been compromised since 2018. We were given a new email address after we wrote back to them but the feeling of the whole system being compromised persisted due to our strong paranoid inclinations.

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