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Intelligence Series 2 - The Power of Google (or some "undiscovered" virus)

*The word "We" could be singular or plural. Due to years of writing journals, the word "We" sounds more inclusive.


Update 26/12/2019. Typo - cow's phallus not cow's phalanx. In a separate investigation, Sin Chew daily also acknowledges the cyber attack on the Malaysian network. We are neither able to comment whether the attack was correlated with this Gboard update clash anomaly nor we are interested in dwelling it further. Update 01/01/2020. Elaboration on last paragraph.


**The Intelligence Services (especially the United States and China) must investigate the Gboard update clash anomaly that began on 17th December 2019. Is this an anomaly or a ruse behind the veil? We postulate that an Intelligence Services might have some share in this update episode.


...Gboard update clash anomaly started from 17 December 2019 and subsided around  20th, 21st December 2019. KL Summit started from 18th till 21st December 2019. 20th December also witness the bombings of Gaza as the world focuses on KL Summit - maybe an indirect warning that the meeting is futile. Readers will decide what it means....


***We are very grateful towards a prominent political party that refer our profile to one of the world's superpower. Rest assure that your side's assistance will not be in vain. Please refer the only image attached. The basic portfolio will be sent to her side in a few days time. We are hopeful if communications with her side would be fruitful.


****Readers must also be familiar with the Malaysian Political landscape before proceeding. Readers are welcomed to dismiss this article as purely coincidental filled with inconsistent paranoia and conspiracy theories. Read till the end.




It is a Friday, we took the LRT train from the first station to ensure that not many passengers will be around and getting a seat would be easy. We headed towards Kampong Baru LRT station before deciding to use an e-hailing app to continue the rest of our journey. We were planning to seek an audience with the public announcing "curse" bearer since there were rumours of his possible sustainable long term rising to the top post if the oldest leader in modern history passed on (We apologize for the language. No meeting occurred due to the arrogant nature from all sides including us. Since the victory to any side is still very dynamic, the interlocking political system will not be solve in a short stint of time, we will not concede if our future associates do not put us on equal footing in terms of etiquette. Visiting dominant political Malay camps from both sides (including Harimau Asia or any events we come across in our list.) are important because they are the ones that will create a harmony or destructive atmosphere in Malaysia. Recently, Malaysia Today even tried to raise the Malay anger by linking Non-Malays mocking on the subject of cursing.). The timing hadn't been worse, GRAB was fully booked as it was a Muslim Friday afternoon and MyCar seemed having it's server down. Switching between WhatsApp, Telegram and other apps, the nightmare began.


...Here, we will attempt to establish a case that the Gboard update clash MIGHT not be 100% coincidental after all....


THE POWER OF GOOGLE (or some "undiscovered" virus)


We have finally booked a car but we noticed we could not type any words on the GRAB dialogue box to converse with the driver. We tried a few times but it still failed, so we logged out and reboot our phone. The screen got back on but it required password due to the resetting of the device. That is how we set the phone.


The main issue was that Gboard update clashed and we could not pull out the keyboard to type. Gboard is an app by Google PlayStore and shockingly the new update nearly affected some handsets. Just certain brand of Chinese handsets and Motorola perhaps, we are not sure. Please refer to some of the links (links found by searching in Google and recommended by Google. We are under Google's control.) below. Some of the articles are so ludicrous for requesting us to reset our phone and wipe all our phone data clean if we were logged out and the keyboard wouldn't popped out (Yes, you can always put everything in Google Cloud such that Google will know most information about you. Google is slowly transcending to be God-gle.). All one needs to do is re-download the Gboard using another device through Google PlayStore, the device despite locked could automatically detect for the app to be installed back. What is wrong with Techies nowadays? Even housewives dedicated to being women and housekeeping knew better than these 24 hours so called Techies. 


Lets go back to the investigation. Why does Gboard screwed up in the first place since December 17? As it was our typical nature to be paranoid, we started suspecting which political camps (we went as far as questionings security circle to the public announcing "curse" bearer named Zxxx if someone in his team is specialized in such field. We had our paranoia justified since one of our handset's virtual number was probably discovered through VOIP and a call as many as five times from five different numbers in a short span of 4 hours were initiated to obtain information from the handsets since we picked up some of the calls intentionally two weeks ago. We could fathom the reason why since we unveil some secrets of their own to a particular camp (an associate to Zxxx) for clarity purposes. Nothing worth stealing anyway from our handset.), factions or personnel whom initiated this particular attack including the possible mechanism that could trigger this attempt. The mechanism and timing for the update to affect which handsets and how is still puzzling according to the techies. In our case, we switched off our location and mobile data nearly 90% of the journey, the attack at such precise timing is of superb talent if they do exist. Has the phone been infected by an "invisible keylogger that could self corrupt Gboard or Gboard update" or were we just really being plainly unlucky to suffer that episode when using mobile data and changing apps in less than a span of 30 minutes? All possibilities were analyzed but they were in chaotic order in our head. Thus, we decided to relax and have a reflection on the episode.


KAMPONG BARU & IT'S MALAY IDENTITY (it is connected to previous dots. That's how Steve Jobs view his life even when he was playing truant and learn "caligraphy". "Caligraphy" was part of his inspiration to Apple.)


Kampong Baru lives up to it's name and after the horrific chapter, we went seeking for cow's tripe and cow's sinew cooked in rich coconut curry after the confusion resulted from the Gboard clash and the vague nature of a political camp etiquette. The eatery offer other unfamiliar delicacies as well, the only thing missed out are the cow's phallus and testicles. 


Nothing seems odd in the eatery except for the interracial couple (one Chinese man and his female Malay spouse. Unsure if she is Malaysian or Indonesian. The Chinese man seems to be Malaysian.) hovering around the shop after we went in. As it was three in the afternoon, it was our late lunch and we were baffled. The things that ran in our mind were in the following order 1) Do you guys wanted to eat? 2) Do you guys wanted to take a seat? 3) The man didn't look like a pimp 4) The woman didn't look like a prostitute 5) Kampong Baru isn't the place for brothels either 6) It isn't a romantic place for dating also 7) So, why are they around? 8)  They were not waiting for anyone 9) Us? Whatever, we don't care, we need indulgence to soothe the tremendous amount of unintentional chain of thoughts. After some time, they still didn't eat and they didn't order any takeaways. The woman was making a couple of light conversations with one of the staffs, just to get the awkwardness off. We were sitting there for 15 to 20 minutes. The man asked the woman if she wanted to have any "tapau" takeaways,  she gave the body language of turning her head left and right indicating a "NO", then left while her eyes angling at us. 


Her body language seemed to suggest "I know why you are here, make a move, you don't who we are?". Honestly "NO, since we didn't get any name cards".


If you are an operator sent by the CPC or NSA, we'll talk after an introduction. For operators involved with political camps, we assure your side that we would only engage in vague nonsensitive discussions.


Our paranoia were brought along from a previous episode when we just got out of our GRAB in a hectic Friday afternoon searching the location of the camp while occupied by the idea to fix the phone and indulge ourselves in searching for an "out of the ordinary" culinary experience in this vintage Malay city. The feelings were intense and in our quest in searching the exact location, we came across a restaurant half packed - 15 seconds walking time where our GRAB dropped us. A good place to be revisited after the meeting we thought and there was a Chinese couple as well inside. A good indicator that as Chinese, we wont be so left out. Went inside and it is the boring blue rice "Nasi Kerabu", so we went out again immediately noticing that the Chinese couple (Mainland or Taiwanese, speaking Mandarin.) were probably in the same dilemma looking interested at the food but never ordered anything. Maybe they could not fathom the idea of eating the blue rice. Weird, very fair looking Chinese couple in the heart of Kampong Baru. Maybe they are tourist and after leaving the shop, we saw a handset repair shop. "Sorry, must factory reset it." No way, we left and search our meeting destination once again. The Chinese couple were walking few meters behind us and that is when we started to question "What the hell????????????".


Maybe the first couple was there hoping that we would request from them assistance and then turn into acquaintances. Maybe we were super paranoid and too sensitive to the surroundings.  Maybe we were the weird ones from an "Intelligence" point of view as it was quite crazy and random to go for an indulgence course on cow's sinew as the handset was probably hacked and a political camp was gathering somewhere near there which we came and then left (because their etiquette fell out of favour with us). We let the readers to decide. We just have a penchant of writing novels nowadays.


In the end, we went up to Regent Hotel about 2 minutes walk away, sadly not to get laid. There we found a kind supervisor trying numerous attempts to get us a GRAB for about half an hour. Mission failed. We finally saw an Indian taxi driver and he promised to use the meter. So, we went home.


On the journey home, we were thinking, did Google started all this? Did Google made a mistake? Very unlikely. Did Google calculated all this from December 17 that correlates with KL Summit on the 18th and trigger certain events that is of interest to them on December 17th to 20th and 21st? Starting from the type of handsets we use, our location, GRAB's data, Friday Muslim peak afternoon, the public announcing "curse" bearer scenario and KL Summit into account. A strategic move could be setup. Right, let say it is not about us since we were always paranoid and think of ourselves too highly, yet it is worth pondering if the Gboard update clash is a design anomaly and flaw? Or was it being designed intentionally to clash on some phones? Or was it triggered by some advanced "undiscovered virus"? Normally the specialist that design the update would be the best to create the viruses. The question remains unclear and warrants an investigation. 


Question is what if Google (or the one that creates the "undiscovered" virus. We are still betting is Google.) one day creates an update that could disrupt all the handsets in the world in a single strike at a precise time? A day when our own smart phone turned against us. That is really smart.


...Now, they might be hiding under the guise of an update anomaly to hide their true intentions and also avoiding legal law suits against them. What happens during the time of "War"? Will they still keep their ethics and morals in check? Will they be not bias and non-judgmental?...


...It has been demonstrated that our phone could be unlocked by re-downloading the app from a different device. If Google ever decides to bypass our Google PlayStore account and puts a faulty app on our keyboard - we would be automatically locked out from our handsets. Perhaps the target are Chinese designed phones at the moment but we would not know if Google possesses the knowledge to lock down an iPhone or Samsung....


A new breed of "GAMECHANGER" (Many would argue that Google's Find My Device app could automatically shut down the phone. While this is true, the true nature of Gboard app is far damaging and the reason to this should have been OBVIOUS without elaboration because Google had been investing significantly in Artificial Intelligence. What if Google enhance this Gboard to relay with an Artificial Intelligence server that could 1) detect human network connections such as the IMEI of top military personnel, 2) an inclination to disrupt non-aligned states and 3) the ability to transmute messages. Example : transmutation of the message DO NOT FIRE THE MISSILE to FIRE THE MISSILE.  Obviously, this could create a global catastrophe. We were initially slightly uncomfortable to write this idea.) - here you are, say Hello!!!!. While it is impressive, this creates a scenario which warrants an investigation without being brushed off aside. The progenitor to this idea lost his "first move advantage" in the event for the requirement in countering a deadlier strike. Perhaps, there is still more than meets the eyes. The Chinese idiom below is an indirect references to chaos theory and the dynamic nature of a very tight race. Ponder it.





*Intelligence Series 3 - The Telco Telegram Affair. Date of release : Undecided


Intelligence Series 4 - Honeypot Intelligentsia. Date of release : Undecided.


Intelligence Series 5 - Bypassing WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal & Decryption Specialist. Date of release : Undecided.


Malaysian Political Update 1 : Our worse fear is that if Dong Zhong started a demonstration on the 28th, their actions may be misconstrued legally as disrespecting the National Language and not leading to just the revocation of vernacular schools but the revocation of Non-Malays right to vote perpetrated by domino effect. The negative sentiment towards Chinese and China is strong at the moment. On the surface, there are two contributing factors.

1) Malay Muslim duality and solidarity as well as the mentality of being victimized by Chinese controlled DAP. This contributed towards the later Uyghur sympathizers which is a type of spin off from Palestinian sympathizers.


2) The sympathetic voice by the Prime Minister. On 13th September, he quoted "No countries dare to speak up about Uyghur because they fear of China's Might". This gives a notion that the government is against China's way of governance. This is somehow linked to the overall attitude of Chinese ethnicity despite you are from Malaysia or the Mainland discussed in many Malay social group. This can be a start of a perpetrated and accelerated Sino-phobic phase which will be detrimental to the Malaysian Chinese and China. This can be witnessed during the KL Summit when Malay Groups gathered and demanded the KL Summit under the Prime Minister to address the issue. Luckily, the Prime Minister decided not to pour oil into the fire.


While we admire the courage and understanding nature of Siti Kassim in trying to dissolve this issue by stating the rights for the Malaysian Chinese, we fear not many is as understanding as her. The best way forward for Dong Zhong is to initiate a dialogue with the Malay groups. 


Does the current administration seriously wants a racial meltdown at the start of New Year in 2020? Or even a trade sanction in 2020? Since the Prime Minister acknowledged that Malaysia is not guaranteed from sanctions. 2020, a tainted vision if handled wrongly.

We cautioned the Prime Minister to take a friendlier & less antagonistic stance towards the 
"destined" superpowers.

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