Inteligence Series 13 - Soekarno & The Sea Goddess
19 November 2020
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
The Financial Debunker
Strategy Series 17 - The "Sailang" In Silence
*Must read to comprehend the exact political ingenuity of the Najib-Zahid camp 1, 2, 3.
**US, China, Facebook, Google and all tech giants, please take note. The World will enter a new phase in which the relevancy of the US, China and their tech giants are defined by their alignment or relationship with the other nation. This is in line with Donald Trump's anti Free Market approach which merely base on the concept of interest first. We will touch more on this in our next article after talkng into Vero. For now, it would be suffice to read Image 1.
Thank you for your attempt in gathering intelligence about us (Refer Image 1. Your intel gathering is a bit late. Other camps had been conducting this since 2 to 3 years back. Some played hide and seek.) after your failed political maneuver in rallying PAS to ditch BERSATU for Muafakat National. The Financial Debunker will not be vouching you (Mr Tok Mat) as the Prime Minister AT THE MOMENT (but our inclinations may change base on other circumstances). 1) Being acceptable by many and less devious are not the very fundamentals to be a Prime Minister especially in Malaysian cutthroat politics. While Zahid Hamidi is very annoying (especially one of his family members had directly engage us in a very antagonistic settings.) and could hardly understand our aspirations with borderline indecisiveness (Hence, the reason for UMNO Supreme Council's meeting that could run round and round for hours.) yet he is whimsically sentimental. There is a ruthlessness in him if he wants to. Thus, if he is fond of us, it would be much easier to convince him as long as we are subservient and loyal to his cause. His ethics is a bit off which is suitable for the defense proposal. The downside with regards to him is such that his overall presentation and charisma will be an obstacle and hindrance if the defense proposal is to be presented internationally. Though creating confusion is imperative in warfare, yet his side is the one more likely being confused - this is explicitly explained in The Disastrous Duo and his RCI maneuver. Najib on the other hand is a good candidate for the proposal to be presented internationally but his circle had annoyed us. TFD is very wary of the synergy in the long run and whether his circles will sabotage us for revenge. His overall political maneuvering though a failure is a demonstration of his strong resistance towards the multiple and ongoing political pressure points that many including us had intentionally asserted strongly upon him. The one thing which we seem to be very concerned of him is his fickleness and his inclinations towards economic growth and success than military might. So TFD is unsure if there is a halfway between us and Team Najib. Last but not least is his/his team capabilities in creating an illusion by seemingly to agree with our side just to confuse us and his political rivals. That is our opinion on him.
2) During the UMNO Supreme Council meeting, rumors were rife of an audio recording which you specifically mentioned "Whatever happens, happens lah". Though politics may be a long term gambit, our defense proposal is not for "Whatever happens, happens lah." Our selection process is fair, thorough and meticulous. We can't afford a leader who is overconfident and keep making mistakes (so near yet so far in kicking Mahathir twice. 20 years. A long time. Whether he is charismatic, charming and well received internationally, it is redundant if he fails to grab the top spot.). We demand a leader who will always make the correct strike. Clearly not the one which believes in fate or another one overpromoting his prayers in social media. So "Whatever happens, happenslah" will not go well with our aspirations.
The defense proposal requires a Prime Minister with strong, ruthless, calculative and manipulative iron will such as Mahathir (great eagerness to defeat Western Imperialism. His idealism can aligned towards China and the Muslim cause. Good for us if we seek Chinese support for the joint proposal. His two mistakes. Slipped against Muhyiddin and continuously denying to let Anwar be Number one and Mukhriz Number two. Too much ego in such a way that it is too difficult for us to assure his ascension base on the pattern of his conduct.) and Muhyiddin (cleverly selects Wan Fayhsal - someone passionate about geopolitics as geopolitics will be shifting by a huge margin for the next two to three decades. Made the right move in taking over from Mahathir. One mistake - played the wrong hand against Najib and the Opposition. Too late in garnering support.). The Defense proposal puts the test on ethics, morale and religion. It also requires someone with a strong paranoid inclination to the point of constantly having an invisible knife and a set of leverages against his/her frenemies all the time.
...Why are there so many missiles pointing at China? 1, 2 Why do you think China is expanding her missile silo? 3 Are you the kind of leader that puts your life in fate/G-d or you believe that your destiny and the world is in your hand by constantly being aware of your surroundings?...
How about Ismail? We will wait and see if he can adapt to changes. However, if Ismail can be the Prime Minister aligned to our cause with blessings from Muhyiddin and guided by Wan Fayhsal, we are ready to place our bet on Ismail. As far as now is concerned.
Let us remind all the political camps for not trying to blind or bind your aspirations with our aspiration or the people's aspiration. UMNO's fate is not The Financial Debunker's problem but it is your (Tok Mat) and UMNO-15 problem. Your problem is our problem if and only if there are glimpses of hope of working together. These set of rules apply to all political camps. Selection will be base on overall strength locally and globally, determination to deliver, sincerity, alignment, overall team synergy and the overall chemistry.
3) A few days before Ismail ascended, a video of you speaking to certain quarters that an attempt will be made to kill your political career was making rounds. Actually, the maneuver is far more complicated than you had anticipated. If you manage to solve the riddle, there will be some hope for you to be the next Prime Minister. The Financial Debunker is not in search for a CEO but a potential warlord that can align to a superpower. (Refer Image 2. Our extensive discussion on you.)
...Obviously, we realized of your potential and significance. Obviously, we know who can "sailang" you. Obviously, we are also aware who will condone for you to be "sailang". Though, we are not directly involved in your "sailang" as well as the M.O.U but the seeds came from us and the political scene today is nothing more than our will that manifest into reality....
4) As your words meant as a jibe towards someone who pursue a Doctorate such as the Founder himself, we implore your advice by developing more pragmatic skills to fit the current global power struggle. And making you as one of our good example. Irony, don't you think? So be careful what you wish for.
Namanya harum tapi bukan MP
Pelatnya kuat dari Negeri
Berangan-angan Perdana Menteri
Satu parti menanti-nanti
Termakan perasan keramatnya parti
Hanya bersandarkan akar umbi
Atas awan, langit dan matahari
Tanah di bawah, lalang di sisi
Tanpa restu semua ini
Cita-cita hanyalah mimpi
Kerana alam rohnya harmoni
Katak lompat sana sini
Dikejar Pak Sheikh kencing berlari
Muridnya pulak kencing berdiri
Mereka berdua enggan mengakui
Berkomplot siang malam tanpa strategi
Akhirnya komplot tidak menjadi-jadi
Balik-balik ke situ lagi
Katak-katak pun tak lompat kembali
Dongeng calon PM menanti-nanti
Percaturan masih jauh lagi
Kerajaan sekarang Pak Mail Sabri
Wujudkah selepas seratus hari?
Tikaman beracun dari sana sini
Tok Rantau menunggu lagi
Bilakah giliran akan diberi?
Belum sedar termakan ilusi
Ilustrasi politik berwarna warni
Buka langkah tak mahu BERSATU
Langkah kedua suruh PAS menjauh
Rakan kabinet tak peduli sama kamu
Mereka pergi sain M.O.U
Bossku dan geng terus membisu
Tok Rantau tersedu-sedu
Muafakat Nasional nantilah dulu
Janganlah paksa muafakat melulu
Bukan UMNO-15 penentu PRU
Apatah lagi sudah sain M.O.U
Tok Rantau berfikiran matang
Yakin waktunya pasti akan datang
Baik dengar lagu dendang sayang
Belum jadi MP, sudah kena sailang
Yang sailang bukan Tok Dalang
Hanya bagi restu Tok Rantau disailang
Tok Rantau tak payah berfikir panjang
Persoalannya - siapa berbisik pada Tok Dalang?
Tak faham tak apa
Kami tak rugi apa-apa
Dunia politik memang berbisa
Itu sudah adat dunia
Whatever happens, happens lah,
Dalam Melayu, itu ertinya "pasrah"
In English, it's called "Que Sera Sera"
*A few politicians were in the radar that we have been pushing this MOU even months before Muhyiddin collapsed. Refer Image 3. The Whatsapp to all the political camps including Tony Pua is a much later version. Since he had shared the same aspiration in the public, therefore we will publish it too. Refer Image 4.
**We never dislike you. In fact one of Bossku's circle introduced your circle to us three months after the collapse of BN. Your circle sincerely requested our side if we had any plans to ensure your top political ascension. We were speechless and slightly perplexed to convey the exact mechanism that not only you will be "sailang" in the end but it was meant for us to be marginalized as well. We will only received pittance by the end of the day. We will not reached the peak and we doubted that your side will reach there too. Why would we let (someone or factions in Team Najib whom we despise) to rise above us and dictates us (demi untung secupak, rugi segantang. Apatah lagi yang untung segantang bukan orang yang kita berkenan.)? As the legal channels and the dateline to election will slowly coming down to it's season finale around another 18 months - we are happy to play "wait and see" until those with very strong vested interest agreed to our long term 20 years jaw dropping geopolitical related defense contract to determine mainly the fate of the US-China rising military contention.