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Part 2 - The Unintelligent "INTELLIGENCE"

(We are very frustrated over an UNSUCCESSFUL (together with their administration since 5 years back) cyber penetration (combined with their ongoing spying activities) against us by the "associates of a potential client6 weeks ago. We will demonstrate to the relevant side that their effort is a constant waste of resources as it wasn't conducted with great care. Signatures of the attempted penetration was observed - not to mention that it is just very obnoxious than impressive in nature. Their way of conduct just forcefully put our current "relaxed" cyber security defenses to an automated "heightened (when threats are detected)" state - which we at least needs two factor verification for certain activities nowadays.

Since, they are adamant in their pursuit for the extent of our capabilities, we will have no choice now but to demonstrate how little information could be slightly damaging to the relevant's side operation. All conducted without actually lifting a finger. Like it has always been our style, a retribution of any scale must be performed elegantly.






The Malay word analogue for "Intelligence" is "Perisikan". This  particular choice of word is not very synonymous to the word "Intelligence""Perisikan" would only best to sum up the word "Espionage". The Malays had a particular culture of "merisik" - more commonly known as spying or getting to know the future bride's personality, availability and family background through interview as well. "Perisikan" would be more suited with the word "spying" perhaps "ascertaining". Some may argue that spying is "pengintipan". "Pengintipan" includes peeking, peeping as well as snooping.


Cutting short, the best Malay translation for "Unintelligent Intelligence" is "Perisikan Bodoh". The reason to this pedantic argument is due to the fact that "Intelligence" is a more all rounded word and should be divided into sections of Analytics, Solutions, Espionage, Cyber Securities and Technologies which then will be required to be subdivided again. Nevertheless, let us leave this pedantic topic for theoretical linguists to debate. The Indonesian which share the same linguistic root as the Malays would translate the above title as "Intelijen Tolol" which would conform to it's exact meaning.





Like Team Najib, Team UMNO is at a mess at the moment. The current dilemma is the leadership vacuum with confuse uncertainties ahead which leads to the question of the worthiness for UMNO's next true leader. With constant politically crafted attacks, the pinnacle to this slow dwindling fall for the 60 years-old political party is near despite gaining traction on the ground. 

"...Popularity is not equivalent to political control. UMNO leaders fail to look at the holistic image. "Political paralysis" is the right word uttered by the UBS senior manager Kelvin Tay  (whom Dr Ong Kian Ming had disagreements with his definition of 1) current account deficit vs fiscal deficit, 2) shrinking and 3) political paralysis. We (as we are not hypocrites or sycophants) have to debunk Dr Ong's analysis for Kelvin is correct within his context. 1) Current account deficit's definition includes financial outflow and from the chart of KLCI, it does indicate heavy stock selling by foreign investors and can be interpreted as outflow. The sudden decision for discarding Malaysian bonds worth billion of dollars by the Norwegian Sovereign Funds suppressed the Ringgit continuously to 4.20 and ended at an alarming 4.17 with intervention by the Central Bank that saves the day - Kelvin's analysis is acceptable as the facts correlates perfectly. 2) There is growth according to Moodyz but clearly the growth are shown to be shrinking - Kelvin is right within his context again and as a senior manager, he would definitely have gauged the domino effects that will probably lead to continuous shrinking. 3) Political paralysis which was to follow with his comments on GST vs SST is actually quite a similar talk among politicians, economists and thinkers in 2016 United States Broken Taxation System. Kelvin wasn't addressing about GLC and GLIC as addressed by Dr Ong (which needs to desensitize a little bit). Refer the link below

We urge the PH government to do thorough fact checks in their manifestos, promises and the prices increment on items after SST as failure to do so will add another label on the ruling side for having "double standards". Berating Nikkei, UBS and finding faults with Goldman Sachs do not bode well for us especially with the constant extension of political prosecution and perception that "aren't these bankers are like Jho Low? (this is an obtuse analogy to equate all bankers as crooks or equating all politicians to Mahathir, Najib, Anwar or Daim)", yet hypocritically Malaysia wants to be a financial region to compete with Singapore by re-introducing Bandar Malaysia as a financial hub.
) and it is heavily infested in the Malaysian Political System both at the ruling and opposing sides...."

The only side that remain a relevant force is the royalty. When democratically elected leaders (paid with Malaysian taxpayer money which should be above the previous administration's Key Performance Index to correlate with Senator Liew Chin Tong's campaign of "A Better Deal For All" and living up to it, hopefully) failed the Malaysians with a debt increment at a staggering rate of 90+ billion in 10 months time, this is when the word "Monarch" within the Malaysian Constitutional Monarch comes to play more weight in probably returning the country to a status quo (All cards must be open. The end justifies the means. The ruling side needs to stop fulfilling their 1 trillion debt prophecy as they are approaching that number before 2023 - additional 90 billion in 1 year will translate to an additional debt of 450 to 500 billion in 5 years plus the existing 640 billion initial debt. 1 trillion is fulfilled easily unless the ruling side keeps introducing more new politically suicide taxes.). The paragraph below is the reason why Team UMNO is a mess at the moment.

 1) Najib is facing many charges and despite relinquishing his position, it seems he campaigns more than the others. 2) Zahid as the anointed leader is facing more charges than Najib. He is playing a semi-retired role with his unending holiday while making strong ground movements among the Muslims in mosques during part time. 3) Mat Hassan (there is the possibility that he will be implicated with the transfer of 10 million ringgit to London) is not an MP, he is tested again to defend Rantau which he pass with flying colors. 4) The new opposition leader Ismail Sabri Yaakob seems like a tiger at an infancy stage. 5) Khairy has strong firepower yet he seems to have personal grudge with Najib all this while. 6) Lokman is Najib's dearest supporter turned potential leader with his devotion matching his silly public display of wrecking lawlessness temperament - causing more reputation damage with a slight attempt of igniting sparks for the prelude to a possible uprising. 7) Dr Ashraf seems doing the right thing by keeping up his theory on Mahathir doesn't want Anwar as the 8th to drive the wedge deeper in many of his interviews including with PKR members. Finally 8) Hishammudin is playing a ploy with the role of pretentiously supporting the Mahathir faction to drive the implosion in PH closer.

"...Despite of great teamwork, the leadership is void and with the right blow, all can crumble...."

The Najibs and Team Najib (we will not elaborate all, just a little will suffice) historically had a habit of making erroneous political calculations due to their misplaced arrogance. This leads them to think that they can simply afford to offend anyone during their tenure. During their administration (we sincerely hope the current PH administration will be friendlier and helpful to establishments that can put Malaysia on the pedestal in ensuring a longer political mileage.), they had offended

1) The Mahathirs (while Mahathir had continuous strain relationship with his political No 2, his relationship with his associates seems to be magnificent.)
2) The Kuoks + many other business owners
3) The Tjandras of Mulia Group
(as far as Indonesia with plans of tricking to capture Mr Joko Tjandra and surrender him to the Indonesian Authority after the Mulia Tower fallout.)
4) North Korea (Najib's administration including Najib himself thought that as Malaysia had more natural resources and better financial status, offending North Korea's Kim Jong Un is the appropriate decision. His administration wasn't satisfied with the fact that Kim Jong Nam was assassinated in KLIA under his watch. A tit tat diplomacy of holding hostages was followed with Malaysia ending up returning the Korean masterminds back home anyway. Even his key people with a degree from Oxford in Khazanah ridicule Kim as crazy. 
Despite continuously being ridiculed, Kim proved to be the eternal great adversary of the United States while Najib now stands as the accused in court with 40+ charges.)

His exclusive connection to China (to what extent, we are vague. Our observation (base on anecdotal and circumstantial evidences) leads us to believe that a very rich country had been aiding Najib's intelligence team (with their outdated style) ). We sincerely hope Najib and team Najib would exercise more constraints to manage the damage control upon themselves with the last month incident involving a bunch of them being charged for a heat up brawl in University Malaya.) deluded him to the point that makes him think that he is somehow invincible. His vainglorious demeanor is so prevalent, a symptom of hierarchical Right Wing mindset that emphasizes their belief on birthright rather than merit. 

Despite losing the election in GE14, his team and their subtle ways of offending people seems unlikely to change as they are very confident to re-take the government with their dearest liege lord walking free. While insulting and labeling others had been part of their culture (they will always blame DAP that started  all the problems in Malaysia. Yet from our bias observation, their arrogance projected towards common people even started 3 to 5 years before the collapse of BN.) with Raja Petra Kamaruddin's article looking nice when putting side by side, a strong leash had to be put on the collars of his sycophants (which is more of a liability, as this bunch seems to be cowards before GE14 and being too kind towards the opposition while just brandishing their bravery on social media.) before they wrecked more damages. The hatred towards Non-Malays is going strong and one of their doctrine is - ...

"...Biar bodoh ataupun hodoh, asalkan Melayu...", which translates to "Never mind being stupid or ugly, as long as being a Malay...."

This is in response to the current "Non-Malay" appointments in GLC, the argument is not about merit but on racial term. Like we mention, Team UMNO and Team Najib is a mess, non-hierarchical and unorganized despite the resources they have. Due to the current inherited hierarchical mess, it is confusing which side converts to which side at the moment (many Najib supporter now are Tok Mat supporter) and it would be easier to label them as Team UMNO x Team Najib x Team Tok Mat.


...Excuse our language as we will change the tone of this article from down-right mature discussions to comedic in nature....


The crazy (crazy is the best word to apply in such context) part is the team responsible in cyber-espionage. With recent and constant UMNO's leader being hacked which they blame on their ultimate nemesis DAP again, new recruits were scouted and crazy handshaking deals (with Tok Mat Hassan actually) were made as fast as introducing a 40 days horny man abstained from sex  to hook up with a tall voluptuous sex goddess. The fast track deal was made base on one condition "For Islam, For Malays and For the Ummah". As crazy as it sounds, covert operation that was supposed to be secretive was made public in social media spaces (didn't these new recruits know that Facebook has a feature to share things within circle?), the intention to hack PH leaders was turned into public announcement with their crazy supporters jeering in happiness and the craziest of all is their motivation to train new recruits (not sure if autistic children and mentally disabled candidate could also qualify) to be an expert in hacking in 3 days time. 

...For G-d's sake, who is this genius master? What sort of genius are they recruiting? It boils down in the end, are they hiring a hacker or a bragger? And the soap opera hogwash continues from six weeks ago up to the time of this writing (if you are in BN top leadership and had no idea what are we referring to, your failure to comprehend is the spell for your future doom )...."

We had been in touch with professionals for advices on hacking and cyber-security (one had a Masters from University Science Malaysia capable of developing Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning. He holds the most important technology position in a GLC, the other one with good grades first degree from Multimedia University capable of reducing costs by doing four people's job in a foreign company which is the reason why he was hired despite the heavy discrimination.) and they advise 1) phishing - which the other end is expected to be an idiot and 2) signal interception and encryption. Despite having the knowledge in 1) and 2), platforms such as G-mail (we will be using this as an example as it would be easier for the audience to follow) and Facebook have their own security measures and algorithm to keep you out due to unmatched signatures, IMEI and etc. 

Their veiled  brandishing threats which at first was perplexing appear to be just down right silly due to their failure in creating impact. Here are some of their classical modus operandi. The first example is correlated with their cyber-espionage mess. The mess that made us successfully analyze their cyber-folly pattern. The other examples are mess created by overconfidence where individuals with good hunch could simply sniff out body language abnormalities from silly amateurs.




Their job deserves Donald Trump's classical line...


After the publication of the story on BARISAN HYDRA

1) we received an "anonymous e-mail threatening us for 2000 Euros with an enclosed pdf file acting as a phishing cache". Who is so thick to respond to such threats?

A few weeks later, our response to a particular criticism directed towards a dozen of Najib's inner circle was taken as a challenging remark. A second wave of attack was initiated, this time slightly more coordinated. 

2) The hacking job was done with a combination of "facts and information collected on a particular individual/group (us)". With their infinite resources, it is just a piece of cake. They observe what we do, where we go, what we like, our income and expenditures, our modus operandi including overall pattern and etc. They will then hire all sorts of personnel to engage discussions in order to lure us out and reveal more of ourselves. Being always few steps ahead, they are an open book and...

" our shocking knowledge, they made a contact with an entity also hacker called "The Collector". This is not The Collector from the Marvel Cinematic Universe...."

"The Collector's (which can be an entity of 1 person, 1 group or a system. T
heir unity and archiving is what makes them strong.)" job is pretty simple.


Step 1) "The Collector" will go through the internet, site by site all the time searching for individuals who publishes both their a) email addresses and/or b) their mobile number.  

Step 2) Once they got these two pieces of information, c) they would send phishing cache to that particular e-mail address. If the person opens the phishing cache, "The Collector" will get to control the "secondary victim's" email. 
Step 3) If they fail, they will pretentiously call the victim for personal information through impersonation as they know certain personal information through traditional spying such as the banks they go and school they attend. Knowing some facts, they will make the effort to answer security questions through the "Lost Password" section. Off course, that is before platforms such as G-mail and Facebook had their security in a very lax state. Now they have improved counter mechanisms with matching IMEI, IP and other pattern signatures including request for the creation of complicated passwords.
Step 4) To penetrate Step 3),  hackers need to impersonate the IMEI and IP sections which could be obtained if "you pretentiously make friends request with someone and start communicating through Facebook or Whatsapp". The IP could be dynamic sometimes and this poses more challenges.

"...Certain intelligence community (
base on anecdotal and circumstantial evidences) have access to moles in Telco companies and they would be at a better advantage in this game. Depending on the advances of current technology, we are unsure if the IMEI and IP could be cloned for a certain period of time and whether current Telco had technologies to detect signals going to two different devices but same IMEI...."
Step 5) All the steps from Step 1 to Step 4) are necessary when dealing with someone who would not simply open an e-mail and respond. The main target is the designated "primary victim" which we would assume of not simply opening anything suspicious. The "secondary victim" main function is to act as a trusted entity to disguise and communicate with the "primary victim" using the element of trust.  Let's assume that the "primary victim" is the press secretary to the Prime Minister Kadir Jasin (with reference to the Malaysian Political Landscape and current audience), to penetrate Kadir Jassin, a detail observation on his surrounding networks and associates are identified and monitored. He will have a long list  but all that is required is just one "secondary victim" to send a phishing cache to the the "primary victim" and once he trusted the source and opens the file - Voilla!!! you are in. The "secondary victim" is usually chosen as someone not too close and not in contact for about a year or two as there is WhatsApp nowadays which people can communicate directly. It is also preferred to be his not so close clients rather than direct associates.

Step 6) This is not over yet. Many hacked G-mail accounts had been retrieved back by G-mail. That is where the "The Collector" comes in - assume that the "secondary victim" is hacked on 1am January 1 2019, all the information from contact list and all email correspondences will be collected by the "The Collector" even before G-mail realized of their mistake and retrieve the account back at 1.10 am January 1 2019.  For simplicity, lets assume that the "secondary victim" is "Rais Hussin" (a strategist to Kadir Jasin). The sent email will match the G-mail signature as "Rais Hussin" being the name of the sender can be changed accordingly when the email was sent. The difference is - instead of G-mail sending the email, it is now XYMail (mostly from Russia) that send the email as the hacker and "The Collector" had lost control over the original account. The email sent out will be based on content discussed years ago.

Step 7) These are the many steps that is required to be successfully accomplished before hacking into websites. Oppps. To hack and hijack websites will be much more complicated and is illegal in nature. It involves cloning "random number generator" and certain "programs"

The collector.jpg

"..."The Collector" is a 24 hours job as they need to archive and record everything on the internet. So when they have hacked any account, they will keep everything from their contact list to all the emails including The Trash Folder dated as old as 2005 - until the time when the real owner or G-mail retrieved the accounts back. They will then had a server to do sifting on all the emails using a basic program. Example: search Jho Low (designated primary victim but in the case of Sarawak Report, they don't really have to hack and hijack Jho Low, as all they needed was collecting evidences) and Jasmine Loo's (secondary victim, hacking her would be quite enough) email appears because she had been communicating with Jho Low. This is probably the many ways how Sarawak Report manage to get some e-mails regarding 1MDB...."


"...Even after the relevant side had successfully infiltrate devices and emails, what is the real purpose? The best players are not those who simply divulge crucial information on written records.


Please try to fathom our other articles?...."



During an event in PWTC organized by Najib's inner circle, we were thrilled to witness his head of security in an office lady outfit performing rounds to make the necessary checks. Obviously, we had high expectations of her capability. To our horror and disbelief, during the middle of the speeches,...


"...she was at our backs with her eyes glaring at the content of our WhatsApp...."


It wasn't shocking, just disappointed and hilarious to be honest. We were expecting a sincere, warm and friendly interaction as we risked to provide the ultimate solution that could turn tides around. Coupled by overcrowding and directionless non-hierarchical strong rivalry among the inner factions - leaving the event was the only option we had in mind.


The title has explained this classical move. The interesting question is, what is wrong in their heads? Laughing at the background while checking out on Tian Chua and his ex-girlfriend in Bangsar Village under the instruction of the Ex-First Lady. They were eavesdropping too. Similar story in different timeline Barisan Hydra.




4) TEAM NAJIB GENERATION 2.0 (Read Part 1)


In Part 1), we have discussed the inner nature of Team Najib. The best spies are those that you trust, share the same teachings or of the same blood. Team Najib Generation 2.0 are their descendants stationed as common people operating in gyms, restaurants or any other specific spots that the original Team Najib and Najib had a particular interest on an individual after observing their behavior, pattern and daily routine. Let us demonstrate one interesting example

1) image No 1 shows the son of Najib's Lawyer 2 weeks before Najib's first SRC trial.
2) image No 2 shows his son working in a gym 2 weeks before Najib's first SRC trial. His participation is to observe a particular individual, interact and most importantly earn his trust (hopefully will be kind enough to spill important things free of charge - so that they could keep all the wealth and power by themselves. Exploiting people has always been part of politics.) so that Team Najib will be at a leading advantage. His other function is to observe which other spies from the other camps is trying to make contact with the individual. He will hide himself most of the time in the office observing through the CCTVs.
3) Image No 3 shows his son on Najib's first SRC trial on 3rd of April 2019. Please note that all Images 1 to 3 indicate that he is still wearing his square black plastic frame glasses.

4) Image No 4 shows his son changing from the square black plastic frame to classic circular gold frame. This occur exactly a day after Najib's SRC trial which happens on the 4th April 2019 as images of him starts appearing in many media outlets wearing his signature square black plastic frame glasses on the climax of Malaysia's political spectacle on the 3rd April 2019. We had a hunch he would change his glasses, we were "SPOT ON"

*We apologize for the blurry images as we are not spies, yet any side from the Special Branch, The Patriots (not the one under Mr Bashee) under Major Arshad, Royalties Spies Corporation (not Kor Risik Diraja) and The Chinese Underground (Are they registered with the Home Affairs to conduct their ground work?) can verify this fact easily including his working place.
**Report came to us that his infancy arrival and particular demeanor seems odd in nature, we pass on but his actions of 99%kindness + 1%unkindness slighted us. His facial revelation is just part of a politically related collateral damage.
***He had also been observed pretentiously working as a hotel staff in a PKR event during Anwar's book launching entitled Anwar Returns: The Final Twist, penned by Austra­lian lawyer Mark Trowell QC on the 26th of August which was attended by Dr Wan Azizah, Anwar Ibrahim and Dr Fahmi (Attention - PKR).
He is in contact with a few Pro Najib Police Officer (which we will not name them as they never slighted us) and an individual with links to Tax Department or LHDN (last name Thoraiapah, and they are connected to the Patmanathans (s denotes more than one, this is the more intelligent bunch) - spelling might be slightly off. Our GIFT to Dr Ong Kian Ming for his quest in witch hunting remnants of BN supporters in current government machinery. This helps us of getting rid those who had slighted us in the past and helping Dr Ong. Shooting two birds with one stone.)
*****Sounds like a James Bond movie but that is the truth.







By definition

"...A sleeper agent is a spy who is placed not to undertake an immediate mission but to act as a potential asset if activated...."

"...In espionage terminology, 
honeypot and honey trap are terms for recruitment involving sexual seduction...."

cybertrooper is a person who is paid to disseminate political propaganda on the internet, particularly on social media platforms...."


"...Imagine a lady playing all this roles rolling into one. She used to be a protege of Najib's lawyer and is somehow involved with the person above. Well played, no physical contact or body languages between the two despite in the same gym observing their same prey for more than 8 months. As a BN cybertrooper, she hides her identity well, yet you will notice her presence sometimes...."

Hint : Lalalililalalieeeelaaaaleeeee (study the Malaysian Political Landscape and due diligence in intelligence, then it would be obvious.)



These are the few classical examples (obviously there is more) in this article. The article Reborn of "Mendeliar" (if you have the key to the article) will reveal the epitome of Team Najib's operation. Rest assured that any article released at the current or future time will still provide leeway of resuscitating Team UMNO if our expectations are betrayed or the situations are at odds with our interest. 





* As we have a soft spot for this lady, we will not reveal her identity to the public. The above image is roughly her physique downloaded from a You Tube celebrity channel
** We owe Team Najib and Najib nothing as these information are gathered by "our own sources". Hence, the revelation is not unethical  as their operation is very obnoxious, downright offensive and insulting. We are interested in sincerity not some half past six child's play.

*** Part 3 - Heavenly Secrets of Malaysia's Politicians - end of May 2019. 

**** UPDATE 3rd May 2019 - There are not many jargon in this article. It does not take a genius to understand basic newspaper dosage of what is IP, IMEI, cyber penetration, cyber signatures, hacking, phishing, cache as well as current account deficit when reading within the correct context. We are not writing in Shakespearean style either. The content is pretty straightforward. The only correction required is only the line "The Patriots (not the one under Mr Bashee) under Major Arshad to Patriotik Kebangsaan (not The Patriots under Mr Bashah) under Brigadier General Arshad". We apologize for the correction as we rely our flaw memory when writing this article, yet we assume most our readers would definitely able to distinguish between these two Patriot groups.

The Patriots founded by Mr Bashah is base on the following extremism doctrines 1) a bastardization of Bigotry Patriotism x Malay-Islamic Sunni Duality (Syiah is heavily reviled and LGBTQ is obviously discouraged. The Non-Malays especially Chinese are continuously linked to their history that dates back to 1950's Communism Atrocity with Japanese Atrocity being less frowned upon while Western Hegemony is widely worshiped. The Anti-Communist message is part of their daily scripture despite China and Malaysian Chinese had moved on into Capitalism these past two decades. The key members are Straight Males, Sunni Muslim, preferably from a 100% pure Malay bloodline and definitely inclined RIGHT WING. If you are a royalty, it is a bonus while being subtly racist will boost your hierarchy further. The rest of the members could be LGBTQ or Syiah practitioners as long as patriotism is true to their heart with the prerequisite that they know their places too (SEDAR DIRI in the Malay langguage).), 2) complete distrusts towards Non-Malay Patriotism  (this is the main difference with Patriotik Kebangsaan which you will observe more diversity. Unless you are Malay appeasing enough to the point of condemning your own race, Non-Malays will find hard to fit in The Patriots. Despite the Non-Malays are heavily sidelined in security forces due to heavy distrust towards them yet their patriotism to defend the country is demanded whenever hypothetical arguments take place. This is given the fact that they should also know their places since the narrative by The Patriots is heavily based on the unforgettable fact that the first generation of Chinese and Indians migrants are just miners and rubber tappers. Malaysia is the only country that Chinese migrants thrive to build their empire in their limited mindset - sarcastically. Obviously, they don't seem to condone to meritocracy, globalization, social and economical mobilization or tolerance. This is one of the reason for their uncurbed hatred towards DAP.)3) double standards with higher expectations towards the Non-Malays can be clearly observed where the new Malaysian government slightly dominated by more Non-Malay voices is constantly scrutinized for every bad decisions they make while easily letting go the previous administration's financially folly (either kleptocracy or negligence. The RTS land scandal will just add another tally at the hall of shame, lets observe what will unfold next.).  

This is a
VERY DANGEROUS  group not only for 1) their radical ambiguous confusing unspoken doctrines but also 2) their dissemination of unchecked heretic publications through The Patriots Asia Publication - the writings are not in line with historical facts. Their work should be banned and pulled from shelves, not to mention their significant inclination towards mystical and mythical elements weaved into the narrative is historically abominable and 3) key members with the likes of descendants to MARA progenitor (a misguided Tan Sri deluded by his sense of ultimate Malay supremacy. While Mahathir built MARA to encourage Malays to be competitive not pampered, this Tan Sri ruined MARA's integrity and reputation by continuously providing the government  with wrong counsel.) who prefers spoiling the Malays to the point of committing INTELLECTUAL INCEST (an allusion to the POLITICAL INCEST spreading like fire by BN sycophants when Mujahid Yusof Rawa visited Gobind Singh Deo in his office). The last one is
4) the dissemination of misinformation, spinning of politically motivated bias statements and the negative sentiments towards the current administration projected in their writing by their members or ex-members through Facebook, blogs as well as printed materials. The latest involves spinning Syed Saddiq's intention as blinking an eye on LGBTQ agenda. Our country surely does not need such writers that do not benefit all the Malaysians. This group needs a clear stern warning as they are A STRONG THREAT TO OUR FABRIC OF MODERATION.

"...It is imperative that the MCMC, Home Affairs & The Defense Agency take crucial measures against this senseless Patriotism (Patriot Atas Kertas) and shut their operations into complete silence...."

INTELLECTUAL INCEST in MARA is prevalent and is somehow encouraged. While Chinese Schools are accused of racism, rest assured that most Chinese Schools welcome Malays to be their future alumni as they welcome competition and their love in sharing while boasting their Sino-centric culture. The intellectual incest is all about protecting a facade of a distorted Malay identity which will be globally labelled as anti-competitive (the administration even fear the poorest Below 25 percentile local Indian groups.), anti-academic (lack of emphases in publications and citations, yet their key administrator's progeny would bow to Western Academic Hegemony and have their studies overseas.), anti-meritocracy (admittance is 100% race base. OMG) and anti-globalization (when you have all the first three criteria, the last one will follow. How can they compete globally when they graduate?). They would never be ambitious enough to drive MARA as prestigious as NTU and NUS. Genetically, incest normally leads to reduce intelligence and that is the case with INTELLECTUAL INCEST in MARA creating generations of Malays that fear to compete and heavily reliant on the government. Once the government provides a smaller aid, the fall was immediate and the ripple could be clearly felt with strong retaliation base on the sense of insecurity (all the anti-ICERD, anti-Rome Statute and other movements are just a manifestation of troubled psychological inferiority complex imbued over decades solidified by the practice of INTELLECTUAL INCEST.). That is was is happening in Malaysia today - a sad directionless Malay people  threatened by the inevitable storms of globalization. 

"...Product of INTELLECTUAL INCEST will find this article more challenging to comprehend (comprehend means understand but in this particular context especially writing, comprehend will be a better word to use than understand. The English language is a beautiful and a far superior language which emphasizes the distinction in wordings. This is not really jargon.)...."



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