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Strategy Series 4 - Trump's Trillion Dollar Trump Card ( Suppressing 共產賊 )

*This article will reveal and make an attempt to beseech the cruel side of "divine evil".

**There is no intelligence without the manifestation of the three divine attributes - chochmah, binah and daat.

***For those uninterested in the manifestation of curses and the interweaving of events locally (Malaysia) and globally - with the attempts in connecting dots to a particular technology and the future of other "game-changing" technology to heavily alter the future military outlook (especially the US-China landscape), this article may not be your cup of tea.

****This article conveys our severe lack of respect and near absolute disgust towards the Malaysian and the current Communist Chinese administration. Once again, it may not be your cup of tea. WARNING!!!!!!!!! WE OWE NOBODY ANYTHING !!!!!!!!

...A man infected by COVID-19 is not immune to the virus, for he needs a vaccine. A curse (sumpah laknat) is ineffable to redeem justice IF the bearer himself never uphold justice when justice was once under his watch, for injustice demands injustice. The Sick Man Of Asia is not immune to the label, for he needs a salvation. Even his/her trillion dollars empire cannot salvage this....




The Abrahamic faith is split into three main branches - Judaism, Christianity and Islam. In the name of G_d, war had been waged, scriptures differ from one another had been written, thousands of  interpretation resulting in thousands of sects and schools, yet all three branches could agree on one....

...Of all the prophets, only Moses was blessed with the power to curse the pharaohs and the Egyptians. The curse is more than Biblical in nature as historians and archaeologists need to assess multiple theories on the demise of the pharaohs. Theoretically, the pharaohs suffer from continuous tribulations until it was exceptionally hard to distinguish if the curse itself persisted even after the period of the ten plagues....

What transpire after the ten plagues on the Egyptian could be easily comprehended by the two quotes from the link below.

"While some assume that the “power” of the speaker underpins the efficacy of the curse (Numbers 22:3), because of formalist assumptions in rabbinic thinking, even curses uttered unintentionally by ordinary people were believed to have the potential to be detrimental (Megillah 15a-b, 28a)."

"The skies above your head shall be copper, and the earth under you iron.” Deuteronomy 28:23"

The first quote refers to the efficacy of Moses' curse while the second quote refers to the scorching sun (copper) and the extremely barren hard earth (iron). This come to pass as the fate of the pharaohs after the Biblical chapter by Moses. Although this point of view is an aversion to many archaeologist, it was thoroughly agreed upon by many that decades of drought due to changes of the water distribution along the Nile brought the pharaohs to their extinction (this is in line with the traditional Jewish curse יִמַּח שְׁמוֹ - Yimakh Shemo which translates to "May his name be erased" ).  The only argument among them is the level of severity and whether the movements were driven by parts. However, there isn't much evidence to back up the latter.

(What is so special about Moses? Unlike many Christian preachers, Jewish rabbis and Muslim imams (cannot wrap my brains around the Malaysian religious landscape preferring to call their preachers ustad instead of imams. Not our call anyway.) nowadays eagerly demonstrating their piousness in social media, Moses never wanted to become a prophet. G_d forced him to be one. The most interesting prophet of all times as he was being blessed with "divine evil" to bring plague upon the Egyptian. In the name of G_d, an eye for an eye. The first born Egyptian (wonder if the atheist and human rights activists will start sounding G_d as being cruel for authorizing such level of atrocities, infanticide included. How can you preach Abrahamic faith and be a human activist at the same time? Topic diversion.) must die.

Why did G_d instruct Moses to take the staff? Why not instruct him to pick up a sword? Perhaps it was the symbolism for granting him the leadership baton (staff of leadership). The first Biblical one in nature.)



Part 0) Stolen Intellectual Properties

...If the United States of America continues to face a never ending obstacle to put an end to intellectual properties heist of the highest order, how would the world expect a person/organization/country to stand up against a well organized syndicate of thieves specialized in high level espionage?...

In 2016/2017, a proposal was sent to the Malaysian administration of 2016. A proposal to impose "Artificial Intelligence in Tax Evasion" on the Malaysian Financial System. This isn't Goods & Service Taxes, this is an alien concept in 2016. To cut short, there isn't much luck or the right cables to pull it through. In other words, the proposal was at the losing sides even if the proposal was submitted. 

...Not many had the talent to make connections, else scientists will be billionaires and billionaires will become mediocre (For billionaires with their circle of politicians worldwide with a few having an extension as family members in both camps, the world is an illusion of a mortal sinful paradise.)....

Prior to the aforementioned event was a myriad of systematic injustice on every machinery of the administration (when the PH administration of 2018 took over, they were high in ecstasy and so the fantasy of a "better deal for all" was merely sweet words proclaimed during a political euphoria. The only person who got the best deal from the establishment of the PH government was solely the Cambridge graduate who successfully transform herself from a victim of racial discrimination (in her attempt to get a scholarship from Petronas and then being turned down on the grounds of preferences for the Malay majority (according to her) ) into a full time politician, then minister and finally daughter in law to a billion dollar empire. No one could match such a strategical move and match. Sadly, not much is heard from her anymore regarding scholarships for the Chinese or an introduction to a systematic solutions by her (well, for a start, there wasn't one to begin with, just ranting.) nowadays. Life is now splendid since spreading the words weren't enough, spreading definitely comes more sophisticated in other forms. Gwyneth Paltrow in Iron Man 1 gave us a whole new definition on doing a "spread". That was absolutely epic. Skip this section if you find this too puzzling for your level of intellect.) that had many defense related proposals shredded into pieces.

Obviously, the "Artificial Intelligence in Tax Evasion" wasn't being taken seriously either as it was not aligned to the interest of many from both the administration and the opposition. Yet, we were eager to observe the events that may unfold (and shockingly many in both political camps had the propensity of giving speeches about selective justice and equality for the people while equating doctorates as dodgy and worshiping liars with fake degrees as ministers. Thank G_d, their whole world crumbles. Now, some heads will need to hang by the gallows. Perhaps, the band of thieves (bit harsh, yet sometimes the mixed feeling when writing will make oneself completely lost from any civility and courtesy. ) from both sides could reach a deal. Nobody knows for sure.) as the idea was a manifestation of a "cursed intention". Technically, the idea was essentially utilitarian if the administration of the period had good intention for the people.

Yet, somehow this idea was used by the administration to inflict damages to those politically non-aligned to the administration. The inclination to act in such a manner was partially due to the hissing of the serpent encouraging (literally) greed and power. So it happened, together with many property developers of the periods having their accounts dug up by the Inland Revenue Board.

The pitfall of men is the struggle for wealth and power as well as their hesitance to share. This accelerated the resentment further to an all out political withstand between PH and the BN administration. The BN coalition collapsed after a 60 years history. Within two years, PH imploded and the next logical question to follow is a simple one - how long will the bastardization of BN and PH named PN administration sustain? (Another suicidal Vote of Non Confidence is on the way with Mahathir spearheading the motion. If it succeeds, a new election may be on the way and this will severely kill off PH. Yet, Mahathir's plan is to re-convince the Agong to have him back as the Prime Minister. It is interesting to see how Mahathir will settle his scores with Najib, Muhyiddin and Anwar. Is it making a deal with Zahid? Seriously, this is getting BORING as it fits the vicious realignment theory in The Blue Wedding. Or maybe this is all a plain show to demonstrate his political relevance especially with Mukhriz position as the Chief Minister is on the firing line.)

The sixth Prime Minister had knowledge (can go for ten rounds of Sumpah Laknat to deny of this knowledge if he plans to.) of this, even Mahathir was well aware of the "cursed intention" embodiment as it was brought to the attention of Mahathir's faction through Wan Ahmad Fayhsal (accused as a turncoat by many due to his shift in allegiance from Mahathir to Muhyiddin. Awarded a senatorship and later promoted as a Deputy Minister. He had more elegance and was more educated than many. In our humble opinion, he was underrated and clearly Muhyiddin's promotion of him was a wise choice and politically very assuring. Not to mention that he is more intelligent than the many to understand complex issues and his effort in executing them. Contrary to many who preferred bashing him, he is one of the few best people in the cabinet. Political jealousy is so stench and if this country ever goes down the drain, it wouldn't be a surprise.). REFER IMAGE 1

...The intention to explain this particular chapter was only served as a warning to the nearly imploded administration of 2018 and as a bargaining chip for the Malaysian administration to attain a "game-changing" technology at a lower rate with their fundings on an iron-clad conditional agreement if they agree to implement within a certain time frame....

Surely, when the intention (on the Artificial Intelligence but not on the game-changing technology) was brought forth to the attention of the CEO of MAGIC (with the Chairman being the head of Inland Revenue Board) in 2017 that the Artificial Intelligence could be utilized as a political tool, it was a double edged sword designed to accelerate the widening rift if it was unwisely utilized or decelerate the rift in the event the administration of 2017 agreed to our proposal by nominating us unanimously as the linchpin (to salvage the political situation in 2018).

...The administration just simply picked the wrong choice. It is simply "Humanity Free Will" with different paths creating different outcomes. A consequential nature of Butterfly Effect. Not too "Butterfly" nonetheless as the factors could be slightly adjusted....

Have anyone ever noticed the repetitive mentioning of "Artificial Intelligence in Tax Evasion" in many of the articles written? Did the author never anticipated a superpower will take full advantage of it by continuously promoting the idea (whether some stupid Malaysian politicians try to boast or lick their cash rich Chinese counterpart)? Did the author never anticipated the number of scientists/mathematicians/data analysts/agents and resources capable to implement the technology?

...Quantum Mechanics dictates that the trajectory from point A to point B is the average summation of all the trajectories. Can you recall the connections to the above paragraph? If you do understand. BINGO. Else, go back and study Politics For Dummies and Quantum Mechanics for Super Idiots....

To answer the list of questions is to understand the following 5000 years old creation mystery.

...Do you ever wonder why G_d put the serpent in Eden to tempt Eve? Did G_d not know that the serpent is capable of luring Eve? Why do you think G_d (a funny creator indeed, very counter-intuitive. Normally parents chased serpent away. G_d will end up in jail by modern standards on parenting.) never throw the serpent out of Eden before it met Eve? If He did not know, that puts a blasphemous remark on His Omnipotence and Omnipresence. The answer to this is G_d intentionally put the serpent in Eden to test the fortitude of men. This answer all the questions and explains the duality nature of G_d....

1) Stealing A Curse (Sino-solidarity & The Lack of 陰德)

Let's have a short discourse on Chinese philosophy.

Sino-solidarity? The establishment of The United Chinese States aka China by Qin Shi Huang 4000 years ago was unified through a series of war. Politics and warfare had consume the Chinese landscape for thousand of years. There is no unity among the Chinese (explains why Hong Kong and Taiwan will never ever return to China or find a common ground.), it is akin to finding a needle in a haystack.

The word yinde (陰德) means secret virtue. The basic idea is that kindness must be bestowed in secret. Why? To suppress the egoistic nature of men. Such concept is slightly alien to the modern world as every charitable move must be announced in Social Media.

Should the height and pinnacle of the glorious Chinese civilization of the past still survives - naturally a person/organization/entity who had benefited from the idea directly or indirectly would be courteous to offer a sincerity fee or a civil gesture to ask for permission (unless it was granted for FREE.).

If a modern civilization which proclaim great military and economic might to the world is lacking in such thousand years old mannerism, the answer is clear that the mandate of Heaven will not last long. 

( On another chapter, the inconsiderate use and holding of water along the streams that connects the Mekong river is unethical. Even if one had the capability to hold the upper stream advantage, such ploy seems to be a pre-declaration to a war. Though strategically, China is projecting the correct moves considering Vietnam's position that could be pivotal to China's downfall (Let's leave this topic for future discussion.), China's selfish nature had caused noticeable drought in neighboring Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand this past few years. For Malaysia, this is a serious concern as Malaysia is located downstream from the Mekong river. The implication may not be at the present but in the future.

If Thailand or Vietnam pursues more dam projects or waterways alteration projects to salvage their situation, there might be undesirable consequences to Malaysia (Malaysian Chinese can continue to be blinded by their Sino-solidarity until their allegiance started to affect their investment portfolio and livelihood REFER LAST IMAGE 7 for those affected by the decision of the mainland Chinese.)) and Singapore. )

As a human (molded from earth and back again), being uncompensated is not the main issue, what is downright very disturbing is the contempt and lack of yinde (陰德) in the decision making process.

If the decision making process by the largest economy in the world had complete disregard towards their own neighbors, citizens and oversea citizens, one thing that should be agreed upon is that such superpower must be globally restrained. REFER IMAGE 2

Connect the dots to the "cursed intention" and then the COVID-19, the story line will be perfectly clear. 


Disney's Frozen is not very appealing at all to most boys. In spite of it's depiction with a story line intentionally tweaked for young female audiences, the song itself has an annoying repetitive chorus that will have the brains attached to a particular melody for quite some time until one is at the brink of cutting the head open to discard parts of the brain away (a very gross interpretation of the song.).

Undeniably, "Let it Go" is the best way to lead a better life. Though at some point in life, curses (or any ill intention/malicious will ) must be evoked on those who had trespassed against you (Granting all this, Malaysian Christians are proud of their copycat textbook preaches on forgiveness and the story of Jesus. Turning in flocks with the shepherd, they normally had the undeniable hatred and skewed sense of justice with strict judgement towards the kleptocracy while keeping a blind eye on the tunneling financial misdeeds by Christian politicians.).

...There is no need for amulets, bloods or dead babies (anak kerak in Malay) to lay a powerful curse. The manifestation of curse is solely the right of the divine. If justice was upheld and the divine permits, the curse will manifest. If the divine interferes and the curse is not justified, it will backfire terribly. The more you "Let It Go", the more potent is the curse as divine intervention shares a strong bond with your faith....

For us, "Let it Go" had been the crux of our modus operandi as dealings with the gentries/ elites can be very deceiving in it's nature (Observe the Malaysian political mess to grasp the degrading nature of the Malaysian upper class in general.).

The COVID-19 pandemic began to show it's grasping signs with the first 41 patients in Wuhan on the 31st of December 2019. That is precisely 5 days after the Chinese unabashedly show off NOT THEIRS  "Artificial Intelligence in Tax Evasion" technology to the world. Whether it was a coincident or a manifestation of the "stolen curse", one thing for sure is for those "who had hoped for this chain of events to unfold" are clearly having the moment of their lifetime. ( A human can test G_d's limit to execute His justice.)

Nobody had anticipated the fall of the BN administration of 2018, some anticipated the implosion of PH in 2020. In life, the rise and fall of men are unprecedented, this set of rules seems to apply to all superpowers as well.

...The COVID-19 pandemic provides a golden opportunity such as the one highlighted in one of our articles (on Kublai Khan's decisive tactical victory by taking advantage of the weaknesses in the Song wall defenses with a modified catapult to shatter the walls of the Song dynasty - that was laced by fatuous leadership, infighting and bad finances that hit their coffers. Kublai's attack was just the final nail in the coffin.). From a warfare strategy and technology point of view, this is one of the two loopholes required to engineer a systematic fall, beginning with the economic projection while manifesting towards it's core. Finally security. Will the the current Chinese administration be able to hold on to their authority/mandate more than a century? Surely, for Western strategist, this is a very interesting topic to discuss/analyze as well as strategize the systematic fall of the Chinese. A short comparison to other Chinese dynasties will be highlighted in other sections.

Let's observe how the "stolen curse" (an ill intention manifestation) will manifest and materialize in 2021 and 2022?...


The post of the American President is the most awaited post in the world's geopolitics as the one in helm will decide the future of the human race to certain extent. The current President is a wild card and not much of his actions, conducts, demeanors or speeches correlate much with the many United States President. Trump is like McDonald's - either you like him or you don't, yet his presence is everywhere and the Americans will engage with him all day. To some extent, the world engages with him, so there is much ground to compare him to McDonald's.

What so special about Trump is his ability to transform himself from a billionaire to a celebrity and then shocked the nation with his nomination and election as the President of the United States. 

The first American President elected without a military or government background, his styles and tactics were clearly not from the regular textbook politics that had been dictating the American policy and governance for over decades. Yet, it ain't matter, the point is being pragmatic and the interest of the United States remains the main priority.

The Financial Debunker prefers to take a different analysis than most analysts on Donald Trump. Many put him in a view that he is just interested in business and not war. The backbone of their argument is due to the fact that he keeps pushing for trade war with China while pulling forces from the Middle East.


For a start, the Middle East isn't a big problem for the United States. An Inter Continental Ballistic Missile will cause significant damage to the Arabian Peninsula. The only country against the devastation of the Arabian Peninsula is Israel as they wouldn't want a radiation nightmare and human refugees running at their backyards. So, Trump's priority to pull out from the Middle East was strategically quite correct.


What is the United States fighting in the Middle East?


Deserts and Straw Man. The reason to pull out from the Middle East was also a strong indicator to pull American resources out and focus on a bigger picture.


What is Trump's bigger picture?

China and North Korea. If it was solely business alone, Trump would throw Kim Jong Un out of the equation but he did not. This implies that Trump thoroughly understand the significance of the China-North Korea dynamics and their relationship that can alter the global military outlook. Without giving an inch of warning, his moves was unprecedented "Qassem Soleimani, there you go". His goal is to make alliance with Russia which he must if he wants to completely contain China.

In defiance of the traditional textbook strategist and intelligence, Trump stood up the odds several times. In spite of his brash and audacious personality which doesn't go down well with the traditional elites, yet his unforeseen moves are those that will help him to game The American ambition.


...In contempt of Intellectual Properties to the highest order with their total disregard towards the intellectual value by equating thievery/piracy as an intelligent work of arts, the current Mainland Chinese code of conduct is an abomination to the human civilization and Chinese civilization. With that in mind, they are an open book as they slowly succumb into turning themselves into zombies lacking in both personality as well as originality.

Their new Great Wall is the "South China Sea" and the wealth they project is their G_d. Their ideology is an abomination to the Lord, our G_d.

When will the new Great Wall collapse?...

How is this wild card a threat to the Chinese economy?


Trump's trade war on the Chinese was controversial but it did put stresses and strains on the Chinese economy (despite what the Chinese are claiming with their retaliations.). The law to success dictates that opportunities arises in the times of chaos. Thus, by projecting uncertainties over the Chinese, more opportunities will be driven. As a matter of fact that is one of Trump's method to restrain the Chinese. Though it seems like a fiendish friendly approach, it was psychologically challenging for the Chinese. The psychological projection is to a certain extent a form of taunting on the Chinese that the United States still decides the bargaining chip on the casino.

Nevertheless, what seems more nefarious than the trade war is Donald Trump himself. Trump's projection as an intelligent fool is downright unpredictable in nature. One of our articles explicitly describes in details on the stumbling "wall mentality" of the Chinese. With this regard, Trump is psychologically attacking the "wall mentality" of the Chinese. As the world is laughing on Trump's decision and brash style of politics, he definitely lacks finesse and such an illusion will drive devastating consequences.

...The art of obliterating a strong wall is an unprecedented attack and that has been the crux of the argument in many of our articles. When the Mongols and Manchurians successfully crushed the Chinese Great Wall, they were less sophisticated and definitely lack finesse relatively to the Chinese. History may repeat once again....

Definitely Trump doesn't read history. Excessive amount of knowledge sometimes hinders the mind from the best imagination. Trump falls on this exact category and that is why he keeps distributing wrong information to the public as it doesn't matter to him whether they were right or wrong as long as it delivers the narrative that he wants. In other words, he is a genius manipulator. Though technically there are adverse side effects to his misinformation from the disinfectants and hydrochloroquine, the point is as simple as providing the public with a sense of confidence.

Is Trump's trade war a challenge to Chinese dominance in the South China Sea?

On a simple glance, it seems they weren't correlated but from a strategy point of view - it does. First of all, the trade war simply implies that Americans are calling the shots. Not the Chinese.

What does that implies?

Trump is slowly projecting a statement to the world that "Hey, the Chinese aren't so tough after all.".

What does that further translates?

Rising Anti-China and Sino-phobia sentiment.

What happen after the COVID-19 episode in Wuhan?

It perpetuates the Anti-China and Sino-phobia sentiment to a higher phase. (Even we don't support China.)



So, is the Chinese wall crumbling? Yes.

Will it slowly hit their coffers?



It is getting there. Trump should make the Chinese pay and that is exactly what he has been echoing. Therefore, the lawsuit against China is imperative to proceed with options to forfeit the Chinese trillion dollar debt.

Why did we say Trump isn't reading history but had good imagination?

Because he didn't, yet history had shown over and over again that once the Chinese economy stumbles, they will have a weaken military projection. Many Chinese dynasties suffer the similar fate that once the rot started hitting their financial coffers, their military projection capabilities decreases and a multiple unprecedented simultaneous attacks can be launched to cripple the entire nation. This had happened three times during the course of the (Han) Chinese history


1) Fall of the Song Dynasty (Han Chinese) - Han Chinese strategist working for Kublai Khan due to Song-Jin rivalry, fatous leadership with a toddler as an emperor, over reliance and obsession on the wall for defenses. When the wall was obliterated by Kublai Khan's special catapult designed by Persian engineers, the Chinese was devastated as their soldiers had low morale due to continuous infighting (reliance on the wall) and corruption that hit their financial coffers. Within years, the dynasty  collapsed.

2) Fall of the Ming Dynasty (Han Chinese) - rebel by Li Zicheng due to economic problems caused by dissatisfied peasants and soldiers. The crux to the fall was Ming's failure in their over-reliance on silver for trading purposes. The nail in the coffin was once again their over-reliance and obsession on the wall for defences and their rigidity reliance on silver. The Chinese NEVER LEARNED.

3) Fall of the Qing Dynasty (Manchurians heavily relying on Han Chinese warfare interpretations) - leadership issue due to Emperor Guang Xu's hesitance to westernize the Chinese naval fleets. Turmoil in China as a result of mismanagement (financial coffers) leading to poverty and peasants uprising. This time there wasn't any problems with the physical wall but the "wall mentality" of Guang Xu himself and the inevitable decline due to overemphasis of a non meritocratic patriarchal Confucius base society. The Chinese wouldn't have fallen if Empress Dowager Ci Xi was in charge.


(It seems Confucianism not just seems to rhyme with Confusion-ism but do share the confusing essence. King Qin almost annihilated this sect when he tore down the 100 school of thoughts but fear of a retribution by their followers. Therefore, King Qin merely suppress the teachings and their followers. If he had been more assertive in his campaign to discard the Confusing Confucianism, the Chinese would have been less confused than they were today.)

4) Fall of the Communist Party? Let's observe if there are similarities that will accelerate the fall.

-a) over reliance on the South China Sea as wall defences. Does the United States had strategies and technology to shatter the Chinese defenses on the South China Sea from the inside? Akin to Li Zicheng or Kublai Khan's unprecedented moves and  technological attacks. Maybe.

a) turmoil in Hong Kong. Will this turmoil spread to whole of China? Maybe.

b) Will there be a long term strategy to weaken the Chinese economy and the significant downplaying of Xi's One Belt One Road? Yes


i) Trade War
ii) Covid-19 lawsuit - in the process
iii) Possible Forfeiture of The Trillion Dollar Debt

Their "wall mentality" as highlighted before might be their pitfall once again and time will prove if they will ever own this century or be humiliated once again. Analyzing the pattern of Chinese history and their pitfalls, Donald Trump is naturally a genius in his military strategy.  Therefore, when he says "I know more than anyone about anything.", he had a point. In spite of his image as a big bad bully, that is how the world revolves around, those with bigger sticks always make the call. Bullying is a form of action to demand submission over those weaker than them.

...Once the Chinese financial coffers takes a toll, things could go from a domino effect to a free fall....


Rule X : Sometimes, the most straightforward solution is the most elegant and efficient. (The trillion dollar may be the beginning of The End.)


Rule Y : Honour is not warranted when dealing with thieves. (Romance of the Three Kingdom clearly delivers a strong message by the state of Han (under the warlord Liu Bei) to vilify the warlord Cao Cao and the state of Wei as Cao Jei  曹賊 which translates to Cao The Thief. Drawing analogies between the Han - Wei rivalry to the current superpowers rivalry, the phrase Gong Chan Jei 共產賊 simply translates to The Communist Thief.)

It is mind boggling to witness individuals/organizations agitated by the idea of forfeiting the one trillion dollar. First of all, it is just one trillion dollar and it is just an idea liken to a stolen idea, it is just an idea. Second, the trillion dollar could not save Mainland Chinese women from the brothels, so it really bags the question on the "holier than thou attitude" projected by those with skewed solidarity.

...At the peak of the most horrific warfare, one trillion US dollars are just mere toilet papers if the Americans lost the war to the Chinese. Value is the sole right of the victor. That is the rule of war....

Without dwelling on the philosophical side of the decision, the forfeiture of Chinese debt can be ethically justified if the Chinese are found guilty for the COVID-19 pandemic. They must pay and one of the "cash cow" to look into is the immediate take over on the debt held by the Chinese on the United States.


The title above are the four required signatures to justify the action for the forfeiture of the Chinese Trillion Dollar debt owed by the United States government.

...A flawless narrative of an epic scale misappropriation/mishandling/misfire cover up for an initially intentionally malicious scheme upheld by international law with a chain of solid-rock evidences and a slew of high-ranking Chinese official bearing witnesses to the evidences presented in front of the United Nations....

If the United States can bring a strong case against the Chinese prescribed by the paragraph above, the decision will favor the United States. Clearly the claims for the COVID-19 pandemic is much larger than the trillion dollar at stake. The main question is...

"Does Trump's Washington had a strong case with solid rock evidences and a slew of Chinese official witnesses to nail Xi's Beijing for the largest lawsuit in international history?"

Winning this lawsuit will put Trump on par with Abraham Lincoln and George Washington as he had proven his worthiness in bringing back the good old days when the Americans were the greatest among all.



Spectrum of voices in all administration varies from radical, rightist, centrist, leftist, liberal, conservatives, nationalists, evangelists, socialists, capitalists and the latest addition are the environmentalists. The two silent voices in the United States administration are mainly the Communists and the Marxists except when they start talking to the Chinese and Russian lobbyist.

Translate the above voices into decision making process and it would be obvious that many will be lobbying a particular decision that fits their interests, agendas and narratives.

The Financial Debunker had absolute confidence that Trump (not his advisors) will consider to forfeit the Chinese debt owed by the United States administration. The only thing that keep Trump being mum at this moment regarding this forfeiture is the fact that he had not been having enough thoughts about it. We strongly believe and confident that when Trump had a solid case, he will pursue this matter to the end of the world.

A trillion dollars could save not just the United States economy but putting out a strong warning to the rest of the world that the United States of America still holds the world's leadership baton.

How are the Chinese going to respond?


Obviously, they will not be happy with such a response. Their immediate reaction would be launching a series of retaliatory propaganda to blame the Americans with their narrative and flimsy evidences. A response team is imperative to stop the ball from rolling to the other direction. Yet, assuming the United States did take the Chinese to the court and win, it would be interesting to put a few litmus test to Chinese retaliations and United States capabilities in international co-operation.


Among the questions are

Will China send less students to the United States?

Will China stop sending their top students to Harvard, MIT and the other Ivy Leagues?

Will Chinese elites sell off their mansions and penthouses in New York?

Will Chinese immigrants in the United States leave the United States for China? Will they spy for China?

Will Chinese investment to the United States slashed significantly?

Will China completely stops doing business with the United States?

How the United States plans to play the pivotal role in rallying her allies - the United Kingdom, Australia, Europe and the rest of Asia to paint the Chinese as the evil villain?

How the United States prepare the industry players for them to relocate their assets and manufacturing industry to Vietnam and other countries to contain China?

The bottom line for the United States is to set the precedence by demanding China to be responsible and make them pay for it while ensuring the mood and momentum against the Chinese remain strong.

Monkey see, Monkey do.
If the US wins the lawsuit, others will follow too.


Great minds think a like. The write up by Reuters convey the more intricate process and obstacles on the forfeiture. Yet, The Financial Debunker is not Reuters, our sole purpose of existence is to materialize our interest into reality. Thank You nonetheless.

No doubt as it has been discussed previously, voices comes in all forms including those from ill-advised textbook based government personnel or simply another unintelligent educated average Joe. Trump will fire/sideline his incompetent unambitious advisors which he already did. We believe the list will go on.


Among those who received contacts from us to consider the possibility on the forfeiture of the one trillion dollar debt owed by the Chinese to the United States before the opinion by Reuters : REFER IMAGE 3 & 4

1) key Chinese leaders in Malaysian Politics (contributed nothing much to the nation. They are just chaperons to deliver our message to the Chinese side.)
2) pro Right Wing Group in the United Kingdom (with strong United States presence)
3) potential defense contractor aligned to Western interest (hopefully)




Never allow your inconsequential emotional attachment (either positive or negative) to hinder your judgement. It is merely insignificant whether China started the COVID-19 or it was merely a False Flag Operation. The key to the enigma is our existence in playing the role of the linchpin that will tip the balance of the US-China geopolitical landscape that suits our favor (either United States or China). The Financial Debunker current inclination is noticeably conveyed.

For countries in South East Asia, your judgement must incline towards the one that will emerge victorious. In other words, the wind may change it's direction and course, so those who could interpret the pattern precisely will benefit from the outcome of the event.





*Future writings


Intelligence Series 11 - The Modern Ms Irene Adler. Date of release : To be decided after verification and identification of true intention. (IF YOU ARE READING THIS, we have not yet settle the scores between us. Your attempt in putting a dagger on my throat does not go down well with my repute. I am having various thoughts to close or leverage your file. My soft spot for you is the reason this file remains undisclosed.)

Intelligence Series 10 - PROJECT _ _ _ _OS. Date of Release : Early August 2020 (this will be of huge interest to the Intelligence community)

Intelligence Series 8 - ARAMCO : A Tale Of A Two Trillion USD Smokescreen. Date of Release : Early May 2020 (Delay due to sliding oil price.)

Intelligence Series 3 - The Telco Telegram Affair. Date of release : Undecided


Intelligence Series 4 - Honeypot Intelligentsia. Date of release : Undecided. 

Intelligence Series 5 - Bypassing WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal & Decryption Specialist. Date of release : Undecided

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