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 IS 15.0 - Wrecking Ball 1.0 - Najib-Zahid's Devious Relations With She-Tanggang

SAJAK She-Tanggang - For Malay Readers (UMNO General Assembly 2021)



*ALERT TO ALL INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES & POLITICAL CAMPS. THIS IS NOT A DEFAMATION BUT REVELATION. All claims are backed by direct evidence or circumstantial evidence. Most evidences collected are from the written memoirs and records of the writer herself together with official court documents.


...In the event that the trio (Sharon, Zahid and Najib) want an injunction, they would do the necessary research and weigh accordingly the damage that will expunge their current reputation and popularity if this ever goes VIRAL. For us, we would launch a strike that is always beneficial to us....


**Unlike the current government's social media managers that prefer to shift Najib's contribution to Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and spin back the numbers churned by Team Najib, we prefer to think otherwise. Firstly, if Abdullah was so contributing to the nation, it was Muhyiddin who requested him to step down. Hence shooting your own foot in the process. Team Najib is backed by individuals who are good with numbers. Examples = Eric See Toh, Sharon Tan and others. Even probably Najib himself. Our Intel gave us that one of the members may be another Chinese guy named Jason (Image - 1). A conversation (as an icebreaker, not that we even care) with the descendant of Yeop Mahidin once hinted that there are three people as Lim Sian See. 


We reckon the current JKOM (obviously we needed them as a launching platform for our wrecking balls, but we are more concerned of their ammunition.) will be as inconsequential as JASA. Failed political by-products campaigners destined to fail fueled by heavy resources but lack of prescribing or understanding the long term agendas, goals and outlooks. It is a fact that the current administration dares not convene parliament or severe ties with UMNO. The propaganda churned by the team is more of a passive aggressive approach ranging from "UMNO is ego", "UMNO needs to sacrifice", "it is for the Malays", "we hope some in UMNO will reconsider" and irrelevant statements that clearly couldn't hide their intention that they adamantly wanted the leadership baton, else they would have let UMNO lead. Isn't it? 


Honestly most in Team Najib will be more efficient in countering propagandas by JKOM. 


***Ignore the Malay poem if you are not verse in the Malay language. This article and strategy was first offered to an inner circle of Mahathir (Marinah) and DAP (Marina) for FREE. Obviously we never told them the content unless they fulfilled some of our conditions. We have promised some useless minions in Najib's camp that we will launch a strike near PAU 2021. As we didn't get any reply from both camps (DAP & Mahathir) with some were more busy wanting to take credits for FREE, we decided to strike ourselves. Though given for FREE, it is a sad case of PH infighting and incoherent leadership with too many little Napoleons in charge failing to utilize many potential strategies even when offered to them FREE. 


****We have given Sharon a chance to explain herself in the past. She didn't want to meet us halfway. In politics, you must not play the price you cannot pay. 





Name : Sharon Tan Yen Wei (Image 1)

Alma mater : University of Malaya, Faculty of Mathematics

Degree : Statistics

Origin : Teluk Intan

Current Location : Seri Kembangan

Political Leaning : MCA


Political Facebook Nickname : Lilian Lee (Image 3) (Pro Najib Razak team. Political circles knew the existence of this nickname  but her real identity was quite anonymous. Only a handful of VIPs knew her real identity. The account was closed few months ago probably realising her animosity with us or the team's realization that this account would be a liability in the future. Sorry to inform your side (Sharon) that all necessary informations have been collected.)


Circumstantial Evidence linking Sharon Tan to Lilian Lee. (On the 4th of March 2020, Sharon Tan published two posts at 20.07 and 23.47 respectively. Lilian Lee republished many of Najib's posts on the same date at 20.05 x 3, 20.07, 20.08, 20.09 x 2, 20.12, 23.22, 23.54, 23.55, 23.58.


Pay attention at the time. When Sharon made the post at 20.07, Lilian will post from 20.05 to 20.09. After a three hours interval and discussions with her team. She entered again as Lilian at 23.22, went back as Sharon at 23.47 and back again to Lilian at 23.54 to 23.58 onwards. She then called it a day, stopped posting and probably got back to her other chores. Please download the folder for further analysis.)


Assuming that others will not notice, she intentionally putted up an image of herself inside an elevator with UMNO enblem embedded on the mirror in PWTC. The image taken by herself confirms her political leaning and direction. (Image 2)


Why did she purposely showing it off? No idea. It simply demonstrates that she is willing to be found and probably wanting her identity to be revealed, later verified.


Reports to : Rashid Rahman (one of the key people in Team Najib. Are the Rahmans linked? Hasnah Abdul Rahman as the founder of BeNaR (Be Najib Razak Club). Dato Tajuddin Abdul Rahman as the CEO of Prasarana with his brash remarks of telling the Prime Minister that "UMNO wants more and will not think twice to cut off BERSATU". In 2018, he even told Muhyiddin to go to hell during one of the Parliamentary session. )



...Seriously, the Rahmans do bear some semblance to Sharon Tan's way of conduct and attitude....



*It does not really matter as they would be inconsequential once the groundbreaking strategies are initiated in sequence provided Muhyiddin is aligned to our cause for developing the defence technology.


(Image 3 and 4)


Let's move on to her other capabilities






Si Tanggang or Malin Kundang in Malay folklore is a human cursed by his own mother into a stone as he denounced her as his mother when he was well established after his marriage to a princess. In the modern day Malaysia, we witnessed Azrene Ahmad who was jeered and condemned by scores of hateful netizens when she reminded and rejoiced during the fall of Rosmah.


...Suffice to say that Si Tanggang and Azrene Ahmad are not of Sharon Tan's level. One will never find any mature person on earth with a sane mind that curses their mother "Pariah" on a continuous basis in Facebook from 2016. The level of insolence is heavenly unbearable. Many may naturally quarrel or disagree with their parents but for such level of insolence to manifest is exceptionally and culturally unacceptable....



Hence, addressing her as She-Tanggang would be very fitting.


How about Ms Adler? 


Though she possesses the intelligence of an operator (Please continue reading), her unrefined mannerism amplified by her gish gallop technique defence mechanism fortified by her "Cina Bukit" broken English with limited vocabulary - attributing her qualities to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's lovable character of Ms Irene Adler would be an abomination to the intelligence community.


Therefore, the idea to address her as Malaysia's Ms Adler was dropped. She-Tanggang suited her better and would evoke Malay sentiment more effectively. 






After thoroughly examining her mother's sins/misdemeanors and negligence which amounts to none - she accused her mother of the following :-


1) disapproving her relationship with a man (married and not ready to leave his wife for her).

2) spending her time and resources. (Every sane adult had the responsibility to care for their parents, so it is mind-boggling that she had it mentioned.)

3) abuse her during her adolescence years and childhood. (She claimed she was abused but her other siblings seem to disagree with her collection. Abused child could ended up with a degree. Not bad.)


Obviously, there would be the benefit of the doubt if her feud is only with her mother. However, the constant play as a victim is really beyond any imagination. Here are the list of individuals or groups accused for offending her.




VICTIM's MENTALITY,contrary%20evidence%20of%20such%20circumstances



While she accused others for being dramatic, the author herself failed to find a safe perspective that she herself was deeply immersed into a very troubling cyclic episodes of madness and fits that would have any modern psychological thriller be plain by comparison. 



...Like it has been highlighted (if one ever bothers to read all the writings in this very website and take the effort to read between the lines) in the past, a very interesting specimen to be observed indeed. Anyone remember Article Zero....



All information are provided by the author herself. Below is the compilation.


0) her own mother (Image 5. This is not the first time she address her as Pariah. Sometimes even idiot, crazy. All one had to do is continue scrolling her Facebook.)

1) her own sister (accused her of stealing her luck, time and resources. Accused her that she contributed so much towards her success in becoming a dentist. Image 6)

2) her own brother (accused him of treating her badly and disapproving of her relationship. Accused him as being the lovable son of her mother. More like siblings rivalry. Image 7)

3) IOI group (seems to have hard feelings with the IOI group family and DAP. There is a longer version to this and one needs to scroll down up until 2016 to get some idea from Facebook. She holds no grudge with MCA just that she was hoping to find a resolution from MCA. Image 8 & 9) 

4) DKSH ( the company she accused of having a sexual harassment environment. Image 10)

5) JefLoy (the company she lost her case in Industrial court. Refer PDF file in subsequent section.)

6) Xiamen University (the institution she lost her case in Industrial court. Refer PDF file in subsequent section.)

7) Taylors group (Image 11)

8) her ex boyfriend (the man who promised to marry her but ended up being jilted or incompatible depending on the interpretation. Image 12)

9) her ex boyfriend's wife (accused of threatening her security. Image 13)

10) colleagues from her past (Image 14)

11) Zeva Condominium Security and Management (accused of security negligence. Image 15)

12) Security in Giant Super market (pissed off for not allowing her to enter the premise for not wearing a mask. Image 16 & 17. Under the current law, she is liable to be compounded. Her bragging of disobeying social norms could have her jailed for promoting social disobedience.)

13) The Malaysian Police Force (accusing the police for hiding criminal elements. Image 18. Hypocrite. Why not blame your bosses Zahid and Najib? Zahid was the Home Affairs Minister in 2016. Why have no guts to spills their beans on them?)

14) The Malay people (hold a strong opinion against the Malays for being lazy. Image 19.)







Paying close attention to Sharon's Facebook account, one will never fail to notice her repetitive attempt to keep highlighting the injustice, predicament or whatever experience she had constructed from her point of view. 


One may wonder if this is a sad case? Or perhaps what leads her to descend into such a depraving psychological state? 


Nevertheless, one may wonder for such an intelligent woman with the ability to hide her role as a pivotal player in assisting Najib Razak's social media team as well as keeping her other Facebook account unconnected seems to demonstrate that she is in fact a worthy opponent. (She reeks from day one. She is an open book. Her eyes are filled with hatred as we gazed upon her face. A dissatisfaction that she was sent there. Though the dissatisfaction dissipates, her cold intention could be clearly felt. Not all had to be explored. It is more satisfying to watch her slipped which she did. No need spies. In the hierarchy of natural predators/Animals, there will always be an Alpha Predator.)


What if all in Facebook is only an act to distinguish the contrast of personality between Sharon Tan and Lilian Lee? One a lady who cannot keep her opinion and mouth shut spewing the worst profanities and demonstrate a psychotic side of her personality while the other being more silent and keep reposting Najib's post in social media. Off course, the dissent towards her mother is real and one could argue that she is shooting two birds with one stone. On one side, she painted a narrative that she was the ultimate victim which gave her the authority to continuously lashed out and abused those she had problems with. On the other side, she could simply convinced the public that the two personalities are separate. 


The current Sharon Tan does not resemble an alma mater or graduate from the University of Malaya. Shame for the University to have such an individual in their list of alumni. With her gish gallop defence technique comprising of repetitive information/profanities, unverified truth all concocted within the confines of her perception and arguments presented solely by herself into a solid narrative, it worked extremely well to fool the many.







While she could fool the general public in Facebook, the court of justice could never be fooled by her such unprofessional maneuver. She attempted her technique in Malaysian Industrial Court. Below are the judgements presented by the Industrial Court regarding both cases submitted by the claimant herself. Please download the attachments for further viewing. 






Both the decisions are as follow


"On the other hand, the majority of the documents produced by the Claimant in CLB-1, CLB-2 and CLB-3 is wholly unrelated to the case and entities at hand and to compound matters the Claimant was not even in Court to explain the relevancy of the said documents."


"Namun, pada tarikh sebutan ketiga kes iaitu pada 09.10.2020, Pihak Yang Menuntut gagal untuk hadir ke Mahkamah. Peguamcara Responden memohon untuk membatalkan tuntutan Pihak Yang Menuntut ke atas Responden atas alasan Pihak Yang Menuntut tidak hadir di Mahkamah dan Pihak Yang Menuntut juga gagal untuk memfailkan Penyata Kes seperti yang diarahkan oleh Mahkamah sebelum ini."


The first provides direct evidence of her gish gallop technique which she submitted documents unrelated to the case as well as the relevancy of the documents. 


The second was another attempt by her to just waste the company's time by making a claim but not proceeding it further.


Why is she behaving in such a manner? It seems she had gotten information that she wanted and is just a matter of intentionally blowing the other side's mind.


A sweet but psycho operator on a mission. (So Am I)






Well, we would not want to verify anything about Rosmah's interest. She would take it up with those who accused her of playing witchcraft.



As Sharon is part of the same camp as Najib, it is worth to take a note on her other interest. A post of her which she deleted regarding the usage of preserved human babies aka Kumanthong (anak kerak in Malaysia). She was probably merely highlighting how such creepy relics could be used to enhance one's potential to success. We wish her success in getting a boyfriend.


Refer Image 20.






Let it be clear that there will be no analogy drawn between Sharon Tan and Nika Gee in terms of their sexual nature, private relationships and other secret arrangements. It would be up to the readers discretion to decide if they believe the articles written by Raja Petra Kamaruddin regarding Nika Gee's involvement with the current Prime Minister before Raja Petra turning himself against Najib and continue supporting Muhyiddin Yassin lately. (More theory at the last section.)


In 2018, Nika Gee was caught accessing computers illegally. Link below.


The article was published weeks before the run up to GE14. Why do you think Nika Gee is interested in accessing computers illegally? Isn't it obvious?


While Sharon Tan has not been caught red-handed in stealing documents or accessing computers illegally, she probably had better ways. She chose to work for the company, find lots of trouble and quit. Give a hell to the management and drag the company to Industrial court. What if all or part of her conduct is just an act to procure essential information in the company and report to someone in Team Najib? And people would just let her off thinking that she is just some crazy pretty troubled lady.


...Given her track record as part of Team Najib together with contents written in both the awards by the Industrial Court, it is hardly nuclear science to deduce that her trouble making behaviour or insubordination despite being paid around RM 5000 monthly signifies a clear indicator that she was there to procure information or executing other espionage activities....


As she had worked under Team Najib since at least 2016, it is no doubt that she might existed as part of Najib's secret espionage team

which have known to exist under Hasanah Abdul Hamid's MEIO (a separate entity from the Special Branch and other Malaysian Intelligence Agencies.).


Well, there is serious reservations on Special Branch (past, present and future) competencies. For a start, they told Najib that BN will win the election. Conclusion is either they are lack in accurate judgement, compromised or having the agenda of their own.


*Finally, it doesn't matter if Sharon Tan was part of MEIO or other intelligence entity aligned to Najib Razak. The fact that when the best of the best can be easily gamed by a natural untrained calm amateur seems only to suggest that Nature have always the upper hand against Nurture.


Do you think only the Najibs, the Rahmans, the Mahidins and gang are the best ones running around?  








For the readers, why not judge it yourself? (When the UMNO President himself who is known to be less verse in his command of the English language began spewing flowery poems in the language itself weeks after Sharon Tan published one herself, it is fairly a good indicator to say a YES.)



Refer Image X and Image Y.







Najib is far from having a victim mentality. He had a clear perspective and sense of judgment in making key decision. However, his current legal circumstances forces him to play as one. While he displays great intelligence and financial prowess in Facebook, the judgement passed by Nazlan Ghazali towards him pointed to the fact that he was guilty. The only plausible alternative for being not guilty is only the willingness to play the role of a victim. The main narrative pursued by his legal team. Now the US government seems to be conspiring against Najib as well.


However, with Sharon being part of his team brings forth the important question...


...How far did Sharon influenced Najib Razak's team in putting up a social media facade successfully re-branding Najib Razak as a victim of Jho Low and his associates? And lately the United States of America Department of Justice?...


Drawing their Facebooks side by side, though the fine lines are subtle, there is a strong presence of playing victims in both accounts (which translates to their personalities though one may be natural and the other artificial.).


...Najib  is a victim of Jho Low and Goldman Sachs. Sharon Tan is a victim of her mother and boyfriend. The first is a Prime Minister incapable of bringing Jho Low to justice. The latter had relationship issues and is her mother's and family's fault. Superb narratives....






Sharon Tan seems to have restricted her Lilian Lee account to the most basic profile. Lately, she even publishes videos by Lim Guan Eng's speech on integrity and promoting Robert Kuok while denouncing Rosmah. (Image 21 & 22)


It is really hard to discern her true intentions at the moment. Yet it would be quite unlikely she had shifted camps as doing so would let out more cans of worms from Zahid-Najib's side.


She was very hateful towards Guan Eng and DAP in the past. She kept mentioning "Bagan" paria culture in her Facebook. She is not from Penang. She is from Teluk Intan living in Seri Kembangan. The boyfriend who ditched her is from Teluk Intan living in Selangor.


Answer is simple. She is programmed to hate someone in Bagan. With Bagan's MP being Lim Guan Eng (One of the main antagonist in Najib-verse Facebook) plus her hatred towards DAP, it seems the animosity is crystal clear.


Has she quited Team Najib like RJ and RPK?


Let's start with this. Days before RJ was siding Mahathir, the descendant of Yeop Mahidin (let's call him Xxxx Mahidin) kept iterating personally as well as putting up in Whatsappp groups denouncing that RJ was a black operator under Mahathir.


Let's just say this particular maneuver could be a false flag operation. For a start, there are a few discrepancies and facts not adding up.


Discrepancy 1) The Ex First Lady's aide Alisa slipped when RJ was brought up during an icebreaker session. In an uncomfortable tone, she spoke "I think he is working under Xxxx Mahidin now". (Message to Alisa. We always suspect from day one.)


Discrepancy 2) The conversation with RJ gave startling facts. Slightly mind boggling to the human mind. The Ex First Lady was paranoid over RJ's ambition that could possibly overthrow Najib as Prime Minister. (Revealing this story is not so unethical after all as RJ had been mentioning them in his blog. A fact that he wanted his readers to know.)


Fact 1) Yeop Mahidin once recruited Abdul Razak as a mole to be slipped into the Japanese administration. It is hardly nuclear physics to discern that Xxxx Mahidin maybe playing the same game prescribed in his father's playbook.


The political equations could be as simple as below


RJ ---- Mahathir's camp

RPK ---- Muhyiddin's camp

Sharon Tan ---- DAP's camp (with DAP being naturally more suspicious and prefer not to believe that she had shifted her allegiance. In our humble opinion.)


As simple as ABC. Politics is a game of deception after all.






*Are we Black Operators? Well, our client could always hire a beautiful lady operator to monitor us and our device 24/7/365 (inclusive of bathing us and much more) as long as we are being promised what we agreed upon (the military contract). So there is no such thing as we are leading you to a Sting Operation.,a%20person%20committing%20a%20crime.


**4 years ago, a very sexy lady (Image 25) came ran next to us on the right followed by another girl who resembled very much like Sharon Tan (Image 24) despite the other thread mills were empty. It was a little too much to take for a man sandwiched between such lovely ladies. Obviously the testosterone level would be shooting up.


Look at the physique. Long face porcelain white skin with slender body shape with a proportionally long legged voluptuous buttocks and perky rack (whether it was enhanced with push up bra or whatever). Well, it was certainly mind blowing with great hopes of more to look forward. Nevertheless, it was a play too straightforward aimed over men. If Adam's Fall attributed to Eve, it would be best to leave it as it is. Not to mention, how many fallen for such a coy. 


Actually, the premise is under the purview of IOI properties management. So, if the IOI group (currently with Yeoh Bee Yin of DAP being part of the family) wishes to verify this bizarre story by corroborating with their tones of CCTV footages, they are welcome to do so.


The one that suggested such silly move are idiots probably watching too much Hollywood and Chinese spy dramas. While seduction technique works, it just becomes absolutely futile if you are unaware of the true nature of your target.


Let us teach you something about us.


1) We prefer women who submit themselves immediately to us. Women who left strong impression on us are those who would bow and tie our shoes out of sincerity (not on purpose but noticing the shoes were untied and tied them up for us). Obviously, such women (not amateurs picked out of nowhere.) should have credible reputations as well. Otherwise, we would prefer the opposite sex to just state their intention.


2) We are not men physically charming or with looks desirable according to the taste of Chinese ladies. Even during our college days, only through wits and humors that we may attract the opposite side. We usually got random kisses from Caucasian women when dancing or clubbing - which we had absolutely no idea why they selectively picked us up until now. Therefore, we can distinguish clearly when a Chinese woman is faking or her mind had other intentions. 


So who is the sexy lady that ran next to us on the right with another lady resembling Sharon Tan running on the left? We had no idea. For a start, she always try to disguise herself a little bit by wearing a cap and put up a ponytail. Continuous operation to paint herself as a tomboy. Base on her body language and unusual continuous use of a cap in a very cold gym warrants to look into further. A video on how FBI read body languages. This is much far off the grid.



...Is the sexy lady the same camp as the lady who resembled Sharon Tan or the opposite camp? We don't really care except for the physique to be lusted for....



A new gossip was whispered to us. They said Lim Sian See had emerged as Hilary Lim. We recorded them but never took it at face value. There are a few pictures (Image 23) of her that she posted with her hair straightened up and then photo shoped a little bit that bear some semblance to Image 25. However, we don't have solid evidence on Hilary Lim like we have for Sharon Tan on Lilian Lee. 


(We have other testing methodology that we will not share at the moment due to time constraints. We are also unsure if we could obtain any can of worms from Hilary Lim like from Lilian Lee. Why conduct pointless games if there is no use in shaking the landscape?)


So we will leave it as it is. Anyway, like we have said over and over again - they (all of Group Najib) will be inconsequential when the real game starts.


***Wrecking Ball 1.0 was obtained for free as Sharon Tan slipped in her defense giving us the pathway to link her victim mentality to Najib Razak. We have promised to one of Najib's minion under Aida Baharom that Najib will pay for his minion's insolence. We are men of our words. Zahid is just a collateral damage.


Rest assured that Wrecking Ball 1.0 is only the tip of the iceberg.


Wrecking Ball 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0 will be ultimately more devastating once an understanding can be struck with Muhyiddin's side (with Minister WAF whom we adore unable to make key decisions. Pending approval from his big boss we hope.). Else, it would be in the cold files. 


Wrecking Ball 5.0 and 6.0 will be specifically designed to annihilate people's support towards PKR and DAP (how to reduce their parliamentary seats from 80 to merely less than 30) if they  become a nuisance to our cause. No hard feelings, it is just politics.


Nevertheless, just like a swinging wrecking ball, it can always swing the other direction and crushing all. 

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