Inteligence Series 13 - Soekarno & The Sea Goddess
19 November 2020
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
The Financial Debunker
Strategy Series 21 - Xi's Consolidating Psyche & "Deceptive" Hypersonic Missile To Counter "Glide Breaker"
*We respect China's decision to ignore our innovation for consideration and the request for co-operation. We consider the 14 days time frame had lapsed. The rejection provided us strong grounds and justifications to incline towards the Anglosphere until a new dynamic occurs. Our writings which may promote Sino-phobia and elements that will turn against the Chinese or China in the future must be questioned no more (initially being drilled with Sino-solidarity propaganda to the point of uncomfortable exchanges. Image X) as an "olive branch" had been offered but turned down. Therefore, Sino-solidarity is overlooked and our decision to publish writings/innovations/strategies/tactics that will be detrimental/provides no advantages/counter productive to China had been thoroughly examined and further justified.
This article is a two part follow up to the previous article The Warning !!! since a deal with the Chinese side had failed. Link to the other one.
**Attention : US Embassy KL, Pentagon, CIA, MI6, PMO Malaysia, Ministry of Defence - Malaysia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Malaysia
Northrop Grumman (since we are betting base on our analysis that your side will fail to engineer an effective "Glide Breaker" to assist the United States administration to counter Chinese Hypersonic & "Deceptive" Hypersonic Program), Raytheon Technologies, Lockheed Martin, Boeing & General Electric
Muslim Leaders around the world (for part of the documents will encourage China to have a more proactive role in the Middle East to counter the United States presence along the Straits of Taiwan by leveraging on the existence of the state Israel.)
***We constantly review and revise all of our relationships. A UK degree and a PhD doesn't make us prone of supporting the Anglosphere. Similarly our ancestral lineage will not deter us from crucifying the Sino-sphere. We are writing not to defend China but putting down additional constructive arguments from a strategical point of view as a strategist in support of our document. When the time comes to support coalitions of countries led by the United States to test China in a real battle, we are there to assist as long as the aforementioned alliance is aligned with our aspiration.
The following technological innovations are offered to Chinese representative and rejected. Please refer to the Innovation section for specifications. All slotted under Innovation 3)
1) Deceptive Submarine Class 1 (subclass 1 and 0)
2) Deceptive Submarine Class 2 (subclass 1 and 0)
3) Deceptive Submarine Class 3 (with land base docking system)
4) Submarine Launched Drones
The following links (in blue) highlight Xi's paranoid and consolidating psyche to prepare China for a war with the United States (probably by starting with Taiwan invasion) in another 5 to 15 years time. (Bracketed red on our short commentary.)
(Extremely good strategical move. Give the United States a double whammy?)
(Extremely good strategical move. Why the fear? Us? The Warning !!! was released on 11 November 2021. Xi doubling down on the 19th.)
(Extremely good strategical move. Thank you by the way. With more spies in South East Asia and Chinese sympathizers enhanced by solidarity, this will weaken the presence of American corporations in 10 to 20 years time.)
(The perfect example of Chinese Patriotism manifesting into Canada and slowly spreading into South East Asia with possibility of overshadowing American corporations such as Nike in 20 years time. Perfect reference to the link above for courting South East Asian Chinese diaspora.)
(Extremely good strategical move. Fast delivery and highly destructive nuclear warheads are the best to kill your adversary. A touch on "Deceptive" Hypersonic Missile will be made on the next section. With this, China targeting the United States will be an easy job.)
(Extremely good strategical move. ASEAN however should remain ambiguous because ASEAN might have no idea who is the next person after Xi and the CCP's policy in the future time. The question is as simple as this. Can AUKUS be reliable as ASEAN's bodyguard? In other words, a new dynamic can be achieved.)
(The possibility of warfare requires a country to ensure that the supply of food is sufficient to keep the nation going. Good strategical move. ASEAN countries however should consider on Food Security.)
(I am sorry Mr Defence Minister. ASEAN had been thriving well when there is only one superpower (with Russia mainly being not too interested in our sphere.) which is the United States back then in the good old days when China is still in her slumber. The projection of a prominent new superpower that will overshadow the other one is worth noticing by first discarding the strong Sino-solidarity.)
(Paranoia on a tech giant data leakage? Data can been used to build an idea on what is going on. Good strategical move.)
(Tech giants must strictly be controlled. What deters the United States to a higher peak is due to the many vested interests. Some will bring more danger than good to National Security. Good strategical move.)
(Why so paranoid on blocking shipping data? Data can been used to build an idea on what is going on. Good strategical move.)
(This is a philosophical question. Is foreign influenced textbook irrelevant and local Chinese textbook cater much better to the general public in future time? If this is a matter of general citizen unable to discern what is best for national development, this is a serious concern. Probably a good strategical move.)
(Why the paranoia? To prevent foreign spies to inspect further on the Covid-19 origin or the transparency on the Covid-19 handling? And to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Questionable strategical move.)
(The feud will escalate with Philippines. The best strategeical underwater spot for AUKUS to launch an ambush on China. God strategical move.)
(It is best to have such policy on ambiguous terms than saying a YES or NO. YES sparks tension. NO provides ground for first-use on American soil by adversaries.)
(If your adversary can have bases. Why can't you have them? Good strategical move.)
(Obese Americans vs Fit Chinese. Good strategical move.) read the other writing to have better clarity. Carefully crafted statement, yet the Chinese are not permitted to set up a base in the UAE.)
Base on Xi Jin Ping's way of conduct, the latest news on China and Chinese engineers mindset after reading facets of our intelligence, this is what China will be looking for in their first strike attempt to destroy the United States (& the Western Hemisphere.) if they plan to utilize one.
"Deceptive" Hypersonic are just empty missiles. The point is to test the adversary's capability Missile Defense System. As it was confirmed by China that the test is conducted on a used spacecraft. With due respect, change the "used spacecraft" to a "Hypersonic Missile with no Warhead", mass produce them and shoot on the American soil. "Glide Breaker" or "Glide Broken" can then be tested. The real deal comes after the pattern is identified. Though the specifications aren't clear, it is doom to fail as
1) Submarine Launch Drones discussed under Innovation 3) will render "Glide Breaker" to be dysfunctional or "Broken" by targeting on it's functional integrity.
The only way to cross such hurdle is to create an Anti-Drones System = ADS. (Which by the time "Glide Breaker" is updated with ADS, there will be drones that are able to bypass the technology.)
2) Assuming that China doesn't plan to go with Submarine Launch Drones (out of it's spite or "losing face" to us) to counter "Glide Breaker". "Deceptive" Hypersonic Missile will do the job. There would not be any sketches or specifications on "Deceptive" Hypersonic Missile as it is base on the same concept as Deceptive Submarine Classes except that they would be massed produced in order to the fulfill the demand of a Missile Russian Roulette..
The job is pretty easy. "Glide Breaker" seems to target one missile from all direction. Assuming it was one. How will "Glide Breaker" solves the problems if China sends a few "Deceptive" Hypersonic Missiles at first in order to test "Glide Breaker" pattern (and capability). Finally sending out the real deal after the pattern had been analyzed or when the system has ran out of missiles?
...As the United States is slowly becoming obsolete, "Glide Breaker" is another American Product of a Post-China rising destined to lose out to a rising superpower. An American Pie dream with stale fillings inside. A dream of American yesteryears when they can shoot others and others cannot shoot them down. Now an American Nightmare it seems as their Nuclear Arsenal may be targeted despite hiding most of them under the sea. Yet, they know that the Nuclear warheads need to be maintained every few years. Submarine Launched Drones could do a better ambush than hypersonic missiles. There is a beauty in every instrument crafted for warfare....
This is the exact rat race by the United States and China at the moment. Going for a stronger, heavier and faster delivery system boosted with effective robust defense. As both sides are competing, both are losing their souls as potential war strategists chasing through one point of view down a very narrow line.
Did our writings and innovations spark the Communist Regime to be paranoid in protecting their data and technology? (It is solely the reader's discretion to imply our insinuation subjectively.)
China is catching up but as long as The Financial Debunker is present, the game is not yet over. The Chinese had a saying "use poison to counter poison" 以毒攻毒. Perhaps Western Intelligence and Defense agencies worldwide especially the CIA may want to consider this modified phrase to counter China...
...Use a Chinese = flower (TFD) to counter a Chinese = flower (China) - 以华攻华....
*Innovations To Be Offered
1) David's Slingshot
2) Pandora Box (Possible of Nullifying China's Hypersonic Program)
3) Ultimate Pulsa De Nura
4) The Blind Spot Detector
**Strategies To Be Offered
1) Network of Birds