Inteligence Series 13 - Soekarno & The Sea Goddess
19 November 2020
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
Intelligence Series 18 - A TV Series & Drone Inspired Free Fall Case
The Financial Debunker
Strategy Series 13 - A Paralel Paranoid Ambition (Zheng He's Voyage & Xi Xi P Soft Expansion)
*Part 1 will reveal the true nature of Zheng He's (aka Cheng Ho) voyage. One should study from Zheng He on his effective diplomacy. The art of concealing his true intention during all of his naval voyages approved by the Emperor Yong Le. With regards to Malaysian politics, let's observe if the accused usurper has the tenacity and ambition to match one as Yong Le.
**Part 2 will be a brief commentary on the (recent Sabah airspace) incursion by Chinese military aircrafts.
***Part 3 will highlight in contrast the Zheng He naval voyages which successfully fool all the vassal states (and history itself) into recording that the voyages were about trade and relationship against Xi Xi P (CCP) approach which fails miserably in their propaganda to portray or conceal their true intention flawlessly.
It is widely established that political relationship can sometimes be rather complex and intricate in nature. In most cases, they are extremely straightforward (locally in Malaysia). When your subordinates start speaking on your behalf in the capacity of protecting your interest and reputation while highlighting your ambition, aspiration and motivation - it speaks volume of circles and associates. Those who follow Malaysian politics will observe a pattern and the obvious ones would be an easy one to be ruled out.
Wan Saiful Wan Jan (Information Chief representing BERSATU. His job had been constantly attacking Najib in social media as Najib and his team had been labelling the administration as a FAILED ADMINISTRATION. It is obvious that Muhyiddin wasn't directly involved but Wan Saiful's statements speak volume of Muhyiddin's unspoken lines. To some extent.)
Lokman Adam (the loyalist to Najib Razak going to the extreme length of literally wrestling students in University to intimidating witness that is detrimental to Najib's court case. Though Najib might not agree verbally to such actions yet it speaks volume as well on the circle he prefers. Before he could ultimately create impact to challenge Muhyiddin, he had lost the war to Covid at the moment with Ismail Sabri's team making attempt to save him in the end.)
Khairuddin Abu Bakar (the loyalist to Mahathir who will unabashedly fire strong salvo on many of Mahathir's contender. In his strong defense of Mahathir, he rebutted claims that it wasn't Mahathir who favored Mukhriz as Prime Minister but it was the wishes of his new political party PEJUANG.)
Johari Abdul (an Anwar loyalist. His statement that Zahid's wishes to be the Prime Minister as being psychological is none other than a warning shot to Zahid and UMNO that it is Anwar who should call the shots and elected as the Prime Minister.)
Liew Chin Tong (serving from the days of his youth for Lim Kit Siang until the day he wrote a book dedicated to Lim Kit Siang, it is definitely speaks more than volume. His mind, heart and soul is dedicated to Lim Kit Siang.)
All these five characters (and many more from those less vocal or part of a conjoined circle responsible for higher agendas such as Wan Fayhsal, Haniff Khatri, Wafa Salvador, Syed Saddiq and many more) share one thing in common = they speak and act on the behalf of their bosses.
Coming back to the question, who is Zheng He? We can attribute two answers to this question
1) Refer Wikipedia and one will grasp his life story
2) In the political context
...Zheng He is the manifestation of the will of Ming Emperor Yong Le. In other words, all of Zheng He's actions, words and thoughts are dedicated for Yong Le until the time of his death.
With that being said, it is rather novel for many South East Asian historians as well as their references especially Sejarah Melayu to focus solely on Zheng He (aka Cheng Ho) without looking from the perspective of Yong Le....
It is Yong Le that they should focus. The paranoid warlord who massacred his nephew Jian Wen and his allies by defying his father's word to leave the throne alone. A decision made by his father as he was not born the eldest son. The throne was left to the eldest son from the eldest son. Only his prowess in warfare mark his true nature. Fueled by great ambition and the fear to be subjugated when his young risen nephew requested from him to give up his armies, it was the final turning point for him to serve an emperor unworthy of him. A turning point of his filial piety by turning against his father's will. Finally launching an attack at his own nephew.
...Yet, it was not over for Yong Le. He wasn't convinced that his nephew was charred and burned to death. The facial feature wasn't recognizable. There were rumors of his nephew and his circles disguising as monks leaving the Imperial Palace of Nanjing. Jian Wen's haunting facade might be back to claim his throne, accused him as a usurper and reclaim the throne with help of the Mongols or other vassal lords. With the will of Heaven and blessings from the people, things could turn around and nothing is impossible especially for a well calculative ambitious warlord turned emperor like Yong Le....
One who studies Chinese History especially those who claim to associate themselves with strong Chineseness should pay closer attention to the significance of the Ming dynasty. The Ming dynasty does not just serve as the last Chinese dynasty (ya, the Han Chinese.), it's establishment was significant as it was the beginning of the Chinese to establish their mark in history once again after they were subjugated by the Mongol led Yuan dynasty (under Kublai Khan and his descendants) for a period of time.
A way to look at this analogously is how the Chinese Communist Party manage to snatch the leadership baton during the chaos by foreign forces unleashed upon the Manchurian led Qing forces in China which had been dominating China for three centuries. (Mainland Chinese including Manchurians nowadays will assert that such statement is the prelude to ethnicity discrimination. Owing the fact that the Han-Chinese had been integrating and assimilating with Manchurians these last three centuries, there is a strong sentiment to blur the line between the Han Chinese and Manchurians lumping them together as Chinese. In some ways, the Manchurians during their peak of civilization under Qing had been trying hard to merge these two cultures into one. Therefore, their intention had been quite consistent all along.)
Yong Le was viewed as a traitor among the scholars. A betrayal of heavenly mandate. A tyrant thirsty of blood and an ingrate who defied his father's wishes to ascend the throne. All the guilt tripping amplified by the strong judgmental eyes of the public, Yong Le submitted to his mad ambition to prove the world (and Heaven) that he fits to be the ruler of the Chinese.
So began the rule of Yong Le. An administration strongly shadowed by the presence of strong authority grandeur and the yearning to surpass any Chinese dynasties ever recorded in history by building his great legacy. Yet, Yong Le was still paranoid that his nephew Jian Wen may come back to haunt him in order to relinquish the throne back from him. With this ulterior motive, Jian Wen's death and presence must be thoroughly verified. Therefore, just 3 years into his reign, his obsession to make the verification was made immediately by sending his most trusted strategist and eunuch Zheng He to lead the largest naval fleet in history
1) to search for other Chinese communities outside of China as well as planting spies in order to track down and verify the location of Jian Wen
...One would never fail to observe that Zheng He's obsession in search of Jian Wen was well concealed. Yet, as he is a Muslim, it is rather peculiar of him in paying visits to most of the existing Chinese temples and monasteries outside China.
He even erected one in Sumatera and Malacca. Were all the temples built to lure Jian Wen into his fold?...
2) to demand the loyalty of other vassal states to boost his legitimacy to the world. The interesting question is
...What did Zheng He told all the other vassal lords? (Including the Sultan of Mallaca. Just an example.). Did Zheng He told the Sultan that Yong Le is in the search of Jian Wen? What will happen if Zheng He announced that Yong Le had usurped the throne from Jian Wen? How will the Sultan of Malacca responded in the event that Jian Wen was being discovered in Malacca? Will he denounced Zheng He and Yong Le? Or will he accepted them? Suppose the Sultan of Malacca had found Jian Wen, will he help Yong Le to capture Jian Wen and return him back to Beijing to be executed? Or will he helped Jian Wen to rally the other vassal states to claim the throne back from Yong Le?
Hence, Zheng He's voyage was imperative and could not be delayed. His voyage even preceded the completion of other Yong Le's legacies. Off course, everything that were recorded in history are purely records written by the victors. Stories of him usurping are mostly covered up.
Jian Wen was nowhere to be found. All just shadows of Jian Wen haunting Yong Le until the day he passed to the other realm.
Yong Le was cruel. The Beijing Imperial palace and the magnificent porcelain tower of Nanjing were part of his legacies. The imperial palace was built to appease the Heavens. The porcelain tower was built to appease his parents. Did the Heavens punish him? The main palace that he built directly under one of the stars (that particular star was the location of the Gods according to Chinese Astrology) was struck by lightning. He was let off to live. The main palace was reconstructed under one of his descendants. So it is up to readers' discretion to interpret the will of Heaven. Some said the palace was struck because he stole the throne. Some said because he was cruel to the people. Well, the Heavens never struck him. So it seems it is more of a warning sign. (That is our interpretation)
*So those who make assertions that usurper will suffer defeat in Malaysian politics ought to take a deeper understanding and more diverse analytical approach on divine will, human mandate as well as other factors that may lead to a string of different outcomes. Yet, most importantly is the mechanism and translations of these forces into actual human votes (leadership baton).
Below are the list of articles mostly about China's incursion, territorial disputes, social instability within it's own region (Hong Kong), claim towards Chinese Sovereignty (Taiwan) and geopolitical discomfort with her neighboring regions from India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Japan and Australia with hostile forces such as the United Kingdom, France and the Unites States waiting for the real deal with China any moment. Chinese presence in the Middle East and Africa had been undoubtedly taken notice by the United States and NATO.
While expansion and rights to territorial claims can be vague and subjected to bias sometimes, it is nevertheless an occurring theme this century. One country which had such an issue is China. A rising hegemonic superpower to bypass the United States. A rising fear attributed to it's fast rising amplified by it's incompatible doctrines to Western fundamentals. With language barrier and their leading approach in technological advancement supported by espionage sparks a serious concern which translated into real threat especially when their real intention with friendly claims of thriving together aren't anywhere to be sincere.
Image 1 to 3 highlights a detail commentary on the Sabah Incursion by the PLAAF. The incursion is none other than to observe and test Malaysian jet fighter's and pilots' capabilities in combat. While such move is not thoroughly wrong in warfare, yet such incursion undermines the spirit of Malaysia China geopolitical relations (except The Financial Debunker which had been more hostile towards China and their non-benefitting rising) and harmony that was held in high regards by many (especially Malaysian Chinese) for years. Such incident was even highlighted in one of the articles (Game Of Drones) a year ago regarding the Chinese military weaknesses in aerial combat.
However, such actions are futile. This will be a lengthy argument which will be technically complicated to be presented. Not to mention that China had more options to deter such measures. So why conduct such a paranoid un-neighborly frustrating futile act?
...To understand Zheng He's action is to understand Yong Le. To understand PLAAF and the Chinese Incursion in Sabah is to understand Xi Jin Ping (Xi Xi P or CCP). Both are paranoid warlords....
However, in terms of handling foreign international relationship and policies - Zheng He on behalf of Yong Le had performed a much tremendous job of keeping their intentions a secret. The Publicity Relationship team (with one of them led by Mr Hu XiJin of Global Times.) as well as the many incursions by the PLAAF fail to play the right game in tackling foreign perception on China.
...Rather than successfully portraying China as a victim of Western concern over China's achievement and advancement, it chose to be paranoid for the wrong reasons and create statements perpetrating arrogance towards other states that is less advanced than China. An example is Mr Hu Xijin, the Editor in Chief of Global Times comment on Australia as a bubblegum on a gentleman's shoe. Such misplaced arrogance is the turning point for the decline of the Qing dynasty. Rather than focusing to implore on Western civilization (Great Britain under King George III), Qian Long was preoccupied by his ego to feel offended by creating an uncomfortable settings for Lord McCartney and his envoy. Finally writing back a very offensive letter to King George III. The Japanese took a different mindset. They were more eager to adapt Western mindset by modernizing themselves in technology and warfare. They were more pragmatic and they successfully puts China to her knees despite their lack of natural resources. What stands out is their leadership....
While Xi Jin Ping shared the same paranoia ambition as Yong Le, Yong Le's concern was more justified and handled much better. The civilization at that period view the Ming dynasty as the pinnacle of human civilization. For China under Xi however was much different owing to his failure in comprehending the global atmosphere and settings (that have been dominated by Western culture and dogmas with English language dominating publications for a very long time.). The journey for Xi to comprehend the fluidity and dynamics of today's geopolitics is the key to Chinese success. However, what that had been in place for China are more likely systemic problems in the long run due to it's 1) misplaced paranoia and 2) misplaced arrogance. The other one that will accelerate their decline is 3) their indecisiveness for the correct indoctrination - whether to hold on to their old values and make the necessary changes or completely substituting their system with one that represents Western philosophy, cultures and value. 4) Yet what makes them far from reaching the leadership baton is their curiosity mindset relatively to Western civilization. Their pursue and ambition in science seems to be fueled by the crave to win than a natural side to it. Even if they did, there is no guarantee they will last much longer. On the long run, 5) the country is all about Xi Xi P (not CCP) as Xi is looking for a third term. While the country will be unlikely to collapse soon and to be surpassed under Xi, it is still a long way ahead. However, one can also clearly observes that the fall of any dynasty does not happen in one day or one night but over a long period of time. What can be observes are the fundamentals are wrong.
Despite the paranoid nature of both Yong Le and Xi are different, they are bound to be heading the same destiny. A peak in decline. Perhaps the valid question is "Must all peaks come to an end or decline?". TFD agrees with Jack Ma that China is not too big to be eaten either.
*On another note with no connections at all to the aforementioned title, why must the Chinese be confined to the term of Han Chinese (of the Liu family)? When other Chinese dynasties had been in charge some longer and even more glorious than the Han dynasty from the Zhou to the Song and to the Ming. Should I refer myself as a Zhou Chinese as my surname is a spin off from the lower house of the branch imperial family surname (Ji)?
Why must I associate myself (or even other Chinese) to Han Chinese when I am personally disgusted by Liu Bei's hypocrisy and his overprotection for the continuation of the Han dynasty? (No big deal anyway. Most great surnames like Ji, Sima, Zhuge are mostly gone or transform anyway. Some famous surnames are not direct descendant from the actual surnames but changed, borrowed, bestowed or even stolen. Those lower houses surnames like the Lai or even Xi had not much copycats as they were lower vassal states from 2500 to 3000 years ago.)
His preaching of upright moral justice is so appalling especially when he started his exaggeration by putting the word great (Ta) on the Han as Great Han each time he wails. (Ta Han, as a Malaysian verse in Malay, seriously I cannot "tahan" every time he cried for Ta Han.) His praises upon his subordinate who literally serve his wife as food during famine really puts a big question on his moral standing. While the event took the note of Cao Cao, who rewarded the man ounces of gold for his respect towards his loyalty to Liu Bei, clearly Cao Cao is a less hypocritical ruler who seldom speaks of moral justice but a character being more candid in his political mileage.
The worst in Liu Bei is his futile half cook effort in re-establishing the Han dynasty by giving the throne to his ingrate male bloodline who yielded to Cao Cao's descendent in exchange for comfort. While Zhuge Liang may share the kind features of his lord Liu Bei and fall for his grace, yet Zhuge Liang was far off Sima Yi in looking beyond the scope of the bigger picture.
To say Sima Yi was treacherous does not do much historical justice. While he is opportunistic, conniving, calculative and manipulative - he rarely hides his true nature. In fact he kept his loyalty to Cao Cao and Cao Pi right till the end despite Cao Cao was wary and suspicious of him since day one - even to the point of directly questioning if he would betray his first born. Only to be met with a deafening silence. One should note that the one executed by Sima Yi was an adopted descendant of Cao Cao's son, not a direct descendant of Cao Cao. It is more of factional rivalry than a direct betrayal. The fact that Sima Yi could garner enough support for the coup d'etat to succeed without strong resistance from the elitist circle speaks volume of the respect, reverence and fear he was viewed upon by many.
++Classified Articles (Global)
CA 1) List of CIA operators Worldwide
CA 2) List of Chinese Spies Worldwide
CA 3) China's Secret Bases Worldwide
CA 4) The "TRUE" origin of COVID-19
CA 5) Pulsa De Nura Ultimate Version. The more advanced version that will ensure the target (and circles) to cross the earthly realm within a 14 days period without any physical contact made (despite all the Secret Services, Intelligence Services, Surveillance Unit and military forces are deployed to constantly monitor and assess the individual for risk.). Reserve specifically for the first and second most influential person (and maybe some extremely high net worth individuals) in the world. Ranging from A,00,000,000 to AB,000,000,000 USD.
...While most Pulsa De Nura are myth and hardly exist, The Financial Debunker guarantees the efficacy of our version. Initial deposit required. Full payment to be made after the operation is successful....
CA 1) 2) 3) and 4) requires the purchaser to sign a 15 years confidential technological contract with our side.
***Classified Articles (Malaysia)
CAM 1) Strategy to win Northern Peninsula (Kedah, Kelantan & Terengganu.) in GE 15
CAM, 2) Strategy to win Urban States (Johor, Penang and Selangor) in GE 15
CAM 3) The Ultimate Guide to Chinese Voters in GE15
Prices of articles (plus those unlisted) subject to availability and negotiations. Full payment to be made after GE 15. Initial deposit required. Let's simplify a little bit. If PH purchases CAM 1), they had significantly much higher chances to win Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu which they would have a tough fight on most elections. If BN or PN purchases CAM 2), it would be the vice versa. CAM 3) is a strategy to do a mirror effect. Assume Gerakan or MCA taking most of DAP and PH seats with strong Chinese presence.